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I think Mick will ___ a good monitor, so I’d like to vote for him.

A.turn              B.change                  C.be          D.make


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省09-10学年高一竞赛试题(英语) 题型:其他题



Tue, 15 Mar 2005

Dear Julia,

Thank you for the Chinese words, I have tried to say them    46  .We have had some snow in February but now the weather is getting warmer. Some festivals in England are Easter and Christmas.

Easter is next week. At Easter we give people chocolate eggs that represents birth.   47  The daffodils are yellow and they look like the sun. At Easter we celebrate the birth of lambs and baby chickens and other animals.   48  Children believe in the Easter bunny, which is a rabbit that goes from house to house delivering chocolate eggs.

49   At Christmas we give people presents and have decorations around the house. Christmas is celebrated because of the birth of Jesus. Children believe in Santa Claus, which is a man who goes from house to house delivering presents to all the children. I can't teach you any English because you are very good at the language already.   50   Hello: Hola; Goodbye: Adios; My name is Helen: Mi llamo Helen; My name is Julia: Mi llamo Julia; Thank you: Gracias.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!

Love from Helen

Also we get a lot of flowers in Spring, daffodils and lilies are the  

main flowers for Easter.

Easter is also a time to think about Jesus waking up from the dead. 

C.  So I can tell you a bit of Spanish.

D. Spanish is better than English.

E.  Christmas is in December.

F  but it is quite hard!



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 将其标号填入第二卷上方的相应位置。选项中有一项为多余选项。

                                                              Tue, 15 Mar 2005

Dear Julia,

Thank you for the Chinese words, I have tried to say them    46  .We have had some snow in February but now the weather is getting warmer. Some festivals in England are Easter and Christmas.

Easter is next week. At Easter we give people chocolate eggs that represents birth.   47  The daffodils are yellow and they look like the sun. At Easter we celebrate the birth of lambs and baby chickens and other animals.   48  Children believe in the Easter bunny, which is a rabbit that goes from house to house delivering chocolate eggs.

   49   At Christmas we give people presents and have decorations around the house. Christmas is celebrated because of the birth of Jesus. Children believe in Santa Claus, which is a man who goes from house to house delivering presents to all the children. I can't teach you any English because you are very good at the language already.   50   Hello: Hola; Goodbye: Adios; My name is Helen: Mi llamo Helen; My name is Julia: Mi llamo Julia; Thank you: Gracias.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!

                                                          Love from Helen

 Also we get a lot of flowers in Spring, daffodils and lilies are the  

        main flowers for Easter.

 Easter is also a time to think about Jesus waking up from the dead. 

C.  So I can tell you a bit of Spanish.

D. Spanish is better than English.

    E.  Christmas is in December.

    F  but it is quite hard!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    For several days I saw little of Mr.Rochester.In the morning he seemed much occupied with business,and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighborhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him.When his foot was well enough,he rode out a great deal.

     During this time,all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house,when he would sometimes pass me coldly,and sometimes bow and smile.His changes of manner did not offend me,because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.

     One evening,several days later,1 was invited to talk to Mr.Rochester after dinner.He was sitting in his armchair,and looked not quite so serious.There was a smile on his lips,and.his eyes were bright,probably with wine.As 1 was looking at him,he suddenly turned,and asked me,“do you think I’m handsome,Miss Eyre?’’

     The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it,“No,sir.”

   “Ah,you really are unusual!”

   “Sir,I’m sorry.I should have said that beauty doesn’t matter,or something like that.”

   “No.You have honesty and feeling.There ale not many girls like you.But perhaps I go too fast.But I mean you’re the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to,because you’re sympathetic and give them hope.”

It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me.He didn’t seem to like to finish the talk quickly.“Don’t be afraid of me,Miss Eyre.”He continued.“You don’t relax or laugh very much.But in time you will be more natural with me,and laugh,and speak freely.You’re like a bird in a cage.When you get out of the cage.You’11 fly very high.Good night.”


72.At first,the author probably felt Mr.Rochester____________.

     A.friendly                 B.polite

     C.troublesome          D.changeable

73.Mr.Rochester invited Miss Eyre to have a talk because____________.

    A.he thought her to be honest and sympathetic

     B.he just wanted to talk after drinking  

     C.he wanted to tell her all her troubles

     D.he had no friends but Miss Eyre

74.We Can infer from the text that Mr.Rochester_____________.

    A.thought himself very handsome

    B.wanted to make friends with Miss Eyre

    C.disagreed with the answer of the author

    D.wished Miss Eyre to change his character

75.Mr.Rochester meant_______________ by saying“You’re like a bird in a cage.When you get out of the cage,you’11 fly very high.”

    A.Miss Eyre would think highly of him,

    B.Mi.ss Eyre would have a higher position

    C.Miss Eyre would have a broaden view about the world

    D.Miss Eyre would get better paid because of her wondefu1 work


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As Iraq observed the fourth anniversary of the fall of Saddam Hussein, the president marked the anniversary by going to Arizona to address--about immigration. In his address, he didn't so much as mention Iraq. That pretty much ceded(退让) the field to Ali Allawi, the former minister of Iraq, who gave a speech in Washington as he released his new book, The Occupation of lraq: Winnning the War, Losing the peace.

Nor does he have much faith in Bush's "surge" plan to pacify Baghdad with Maliki's government, "I think if things continue, I don't think we could expect things to improve in the near term."

     So what's the solution? "The time has come for Americans to take the lead, actually, in doing a U-turn, and by a U-turn I mean a fundamental turnaround in thinking about what's import ant and what's not important in the Middle East. And you have to move from this military (军事) fixation to this new architecture."

     Stay the course? "The seeds of stability and insecurity will remain," he predicted.

     Withdraw U. S. forces? "That will lead to, in my mind, greater insecurity and instability, or it will lead to a free-for-MI."

     Whenever talk turned to a solution, however, Allawi became less confident. His solution an" international congress" authorized to "negotiate a security architecture for the Middle East"--is a nonstarter at the White House. And his preconditions for that architecture—for Sunnis(逊尼派) to accept their minority status and for Iran, Syria, Shiites and Kurds to" pull back in terms of their demands"--seem little more likely to occur anytime soon.

1. Allawi's proposal can be described as

    A. keeping to the course

    B. withdrawing the occupation troops

    C. returning the leadership to the United Nations

    D. establishing the new security architecture

2. It can be inferred from the passage that

    A. Allawi's solution will be adopted by the White House

    B. international congress has been authorized to negotiate

    C. Sunnis accepted their minority status in the negotiation

    D. some groups put forward their demands in the conflict

3. Which word best describes Allawi's feeling on the present situation of Iraq?

    A. confident          B. complicated       C. optimistic           D. pessimistic

4. Which of the following statements is true?

    A. Bush mentioned nothing about Iraq at the anniversary.

    B. Bush declared his new plan for Iraq in his address.

    C. Allawi made a speech in place of Bush.

    D. Allawi thought little of Bush's plan for Iraq.

5. Allawi felt less confident about his solution because

    A. the situation in Iraq is getting worse

    B. some groups in Iraq are against it

    C. the American government doesn't support it

    D. Maliki's government doesn’t support it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

                                          CLASSIFIED ADS


    I’m Black,a 25 young man living in Shanghai and looking for a jbb in a variety of

fields,web designer,teaching Spanish or English or working as a waiter or bar tender.

I have a friendly personality and I'm hard-working.  If you have any job that you think I

could do,please do not’hesitate about contacting me:Backerl896@126.com


    EI. house is a well-known English learning center for primary and high school

students.  We are looking for native .English teachers who can teach the following

subjects to our students who are planning to study abroad.  The incumbent(在职人员)

should fulfill the following requirements:

    Experienced in exam preparations(TOEFI_,IELTS,SAT)

    Experienced in teaching either mathematics or arts

    Excellent command of English in both oral and written

    一一Native English teachers or Bilingual(双语)teachers with native command of English

    JGHTR@gmail. com


    I’m  Margaret,looking for a person with a positive outlook on life to share the

bedroom in a wonderfully-located luxury(豪华的)apartment.  That's near everything

and has everything,hard-wood floors,international TV,washer/dryer.  Other two

rooms already occupied by a French and a Kiwi women,both professional.

    Please contact me.  MLCT@sina. com


    Lovely apartment near West Nanjing Road

    Layout:3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms


    Monthly rental:RMB 12,000

    Facilities:gYm,tennis court,indoor swimming pool,children’s playground

    LYG2560@sohu. com

64.   If you look for a person to serve in your restaurant,you can contact____.

    A.  L,YG2560@sohu. com             B.  MI_CT@sina. com

    C.  Backer1896@126. com            D.  JGH"hR@gmail. com

65.   Which of the following is NOT the requirement of EI. house`?

    A.  Experienced in exam preparations.

    B.  With experience in teaching maths.

    C.  Excellent at both oral and written English.

    D.  13illingpal teachers who can speak both )~:nglish and Chinese.

66.  What is Margaret looking for?

    A.  :'1n apartment.  B.  A roommate.   C.  A boy friend.   D. A job.

67.   If you want to rent the apartment near West Nanjing Road,__.

    A,  you're supposed to pay¥12,000 each month

    B.  you must have children

    C.  you can play tennis indoors

    D.  you can go shopping in the neighborhood

