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Beijing was under an “orange” smog alert on Feb. 24, which marks the first time the second-highest warning level of a new system introduced last year________.

A. has been raised B. raised

C. has risen D. rose



【解析】考查时态和语态。该句句意:“北京在2月24号处于‘橙色’雾霾预警之中,这表明由去年所引入的新系统中的二级警报等级已经提高了。”这个警报系统是根据雾霾的水平来提高的,就像天气预报那样,如果有强台风来袭,气象部门就会提高警报级别,警报级别不会自动升高,故用及物动词raise的被动语态,又根据marks所体现的一般现在时,且句中“ introduced last year”为后置定语修饰system,可知“现在已经被提高了”,用现在完成时的被动语态,故正确答案为A.




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省六校高三上学期第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Sam has been appointed _______ manager of the engineering department to take ____ place of George.

A. /,/ B. the,/ C. the; the D./, the



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏连云港东海第二中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products displayed at the entrance? Or the soft background music?

But have you ever noticed the smell? Unless it is bad, the answer is likely to be no. But while a shop’s scent may not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds, it is certainly there. And it is proving to be an increasingly powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase.

A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines. A smell may be attractive but it may not just be used for freshening air. One sports goods company once reported that when it first introduced scent into stores, customers’ intention to purchase increased by 80 percent.

When it comes to the best shopping streets in Paris, scent is just as important to a brand’s success as the quality of its window displays and goods on sale. This is mainly because shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.

Some years ago, the focus for brand name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants’ disproving attitude and don’t-touch-what-you-can’t-afford displays. Now the rise of electronic commerce (e-commerce) has opened up famous brands to a wider audience. But while e-shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks-and-mortar shops (实体店) can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave. Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop, but rather a destination. And scent is just one way to achieve this.

Now, a famous store uses complex man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder floats through the kid department, and coconut scent in the swimsuit section. A department store has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store’s windows to smell books, pots and drawers, in search of their perfect scent.

1.According to the passage, what is an increasingly powerful tool in the success of some brand stores?

A. Friendly assistance.

B. Unique scent.

C. Soft background music .

D. Attractive window display.

2.E-shops are mentioned in the passage to ________.

A. show the advantages of brick-and-mortar stores

B. urge shop assistants to change their attitude

C. push stores to use sights and sounds

D. introduce the rise of e-commerce

3.What does the underlined word “destination” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. A platform that exhibits goods.

B. A spot where travelers like to stay.

C. A place where customers love to go.

D. A target that a store expects to meet.

4.Which statement would the writer agree with?

A. Put different scents on the products on display.

B. Ask every shop assistant to wear light perfume.

C. Place fragrant flowers in the shop.

D. Expose some coffee bean to air inside a coffee shop.

5.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. compare and evaluate B. examine and assess

C. inform and explain D. argue and discuss



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏连云港东海第二中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Experiments of this kind ________ in both the U.S. and Europe long before the Second World War.

A. conducted B. was conducted

C. had been conducted D. had conducted



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省南京市高三9月学情调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Most teenagers in the United States spend their time trying to make time for school, family and friends. But some choose bigger goals and make a difference in the world.

At age 15, Winter Vinecki has already had more _________ than most people have in their lifetime. Doctors discovered Winter’s fathers had a rare and _______ form of prostate cancer when she was nine years old. He died 10 months later. “When he was first diagnosed I immediately knew I had to do something to help him. That’s ______ I formed Team Winter for prostate cancer research and ______.” Winter Vinecki has raised almost 500,000 dollars. She has _______ prostate cancer education worldwide from Kenya to Mongolia_________ foot races called marathons, on seven continents. In the United States she travels _______ to talk about prostate cancer and _______ others to act. Winter Vinecki spoke recently at a conference in Los Angeles. “Prostate cancer is much more common, ________ the men don’t want to talk about it. So that’s why a nine-year-old girl had to go out there and start talking it for _______.”

Jack Andraka invented an inexpensive sensor that _______ cancers of the pancreas, ovaries and lungs. Jack is now 17and seeking patents for his latest inventions. He has developed low-cost water quality _______. They help identify and remove heavy metals and poisonous chemical from_____. “I hope to see them _______ in the developing nations.”

Sixteen-year-old Mary-Pat Hector saw a problem in her own community. She says too many young people were ________in gun violence. It kind of made her feel like she had to do something about it. So she started a _________ to educate young people about gun violence. “I just want the world to be a better place,” she said.

Mary-Pat hector, Jack Andraka, and Winter Vinecki say a ________ of supportive parents, the Internet and social media has helped them succeed; but Winter and Jack also created their inner ________. “Ithink the biggest thing for kids and adults is to never let age and gender be a _________ and to not just dream but dream big,” said Vinecki. “ Never let anyone else tell you ______.” Said Andraka. “Always keep going for your dream, so anything is possible.”

1.A. opportunities B. troubles C. successes D. risks

2.A. passive B. sensitive C. aggressive D. negative

3.A. when B. because C. where D. How

4.A. development B. threat C. panic D. awareness

5.A. taken B. received C. searched D. tested

6.A. through B. off C. over D. beyond

7.A. officially B. continually C. peacefully D. temporarily

8.A. promise B. pay C. urge D. prefer

9.A. for B. before C. unless D. but

10.A. her B. teenagers C. them D. fathers

11.A. cures B. improves C. prevents D. identifies

12.A. experiments B. devices C. trials D. data

13.A. body B. water C. land D. food

14.A. carried B. exposed C. employed D. handled

15.A. failing B. fleeing C. declining D. dying

16.A. revolutionB. discussion C. business D. campaign

17.A. combinationB. convenience C. competence D. consideration

18.A. harmony B. satisfaction C. selves D. impressions

19.A. barrier B. favor C. benefit D. difference

20.A. all B. no C. nothing D. none



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省南京市高三9月学情调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Body mass index, or BMI, is a measure of a person’s weight_________ height. A person with a BMI of twenty-five to twenty-nine is considered overweight.

A. in view of B. in relation to

C. in terms of D. in response to



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏泰州姜堰高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Frederick M. Hess is the director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, which is a nonprofit organization that conducts research on many public issues. He says that a long summer vacation doesn’t make sense in today’s world.

Can American students afford to take a summer vacation? In a summer vacation, millions of kids spend valuable time sending messages, watching TV, playing video games and doing shopping in the mall. They will also be putting their academic futures at risk.

Summer vacation once made sense in the past when you didn’t need an education to get a good job. But now things have changed. For today’s students, academic skills are important to students’ future success, but such skills are affected in the summertime. Many nations don’t give kids an American-style summer vacation. They offer no more than seven consecutive(连续的) weeks of vacation. Most American school districts offer up to thirteen weeks. To compete in the global marketplace, Americans must be prepared to go up against international competitors.

Summer vacation also causes challenges for today’s families. In the 1960s, more than 60% of families had a stay-at-home Mom. Now two-thirds of American children live in households where every adult works. For these families, summer vacation can be more burden than break. Someone must watch the kids.

But the biggest problem may be how summer vacation hurts academic achievement. Researchers have found that disadvantaged students lose significant ground in the summertime.

A longer school year does not have to be an invitation to hard boring work. Rather, it should allow time-pressed teachers to conduct richer and more imaginative lessons. Schools would have more time to devote to athletics, languages, music and the arts. Summer vacation can be a grand thing. But in the 21st century, it may also be outdated.

Title: Summer Vacation


A long summer vacation isn’t 1. in today’s world.



2. length

13 weeks in most American schools

Students’ 3.

·Sending messages and watching TV

·Playing video games

·Doing shopping


·4. student’s academic skills and putting academic futures at risk.

·Being a 5. to families for they have to watch kids.

·Hurting students’ academic achievement and resulting in 76

significant ground.


A longer school year does not have to 6. to hard boring work. Richer and more imaginative lessons should be 7. , such as athletics, languages, music and the arts.


Though being a ground thing, summer vacation might be out of

9. in the 21st century.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏泰州姜堰高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Time is pressing; it’s impossible for me to get there in an hour, ______ the possible delays.

A. accounting for B. answering for

C. allowing for D. heading for



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏梅村高级中学高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The last story ________ our teacher told us the other day was ________ of an Italian explorer.

A. that; which B. which; which

C. that; that D. which; that


