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When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”.

At the of Palo Duro Canyon (峡谷) State Park, I a job advertisement hiring park hosts. The position offered a , permanent campsite in the park, and , the hosts served as a link between the park’s guests and the rangers (护林人). It was the perfect solution: a rent-free place to reorganize our lives. We entered the park and I made an for the following day.

The park was , so it took us some time to find an available site. That evening, as we finished our dinner, my wife saw two large skunks (臭鼬) walking toward our table. We climbed onto the table and, for the next four hours, waited for them to our camp.

Having survived that night, we were that everything else would be all right. The next day we met with the people who ran the park. They explained our and gave us a beautiful campsite.

That evening, , we learned about the canyon . They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently, and we lay in the dark until the winds died away.

the weeks that followed, we learned to survive in our truck and the little money my wife by substitute teaching. Building a successful business and then losing it had left very little time for building a successful . For a time after our business I thought I might lose my family as well.

Living in the tiny with no television, we sat close together reading and talking. One evening, standing under a jeweled sky, I found myself for all the hardships. We had walked the trails and climbed the canyon walls. We had become a family!

1.A. back B. edge C. centre D. entrance

2.A. sponsored B. published C. noticed D. answered

3.A. safe B. free C. convenient D. beautiful

4.A. in return B. in time C. in short D. in turn

5.A. attempt B. agreement C. appeal D. appointment

6.A. crowded B. dangerous C. ideal D. quiet

7.A. repeatedly B. immediately C. eventually D. calmly

8.A. attack B. leave C. pass D. search

9.A. satisfied B. determined C. confident D. aware

10.A. responsibilities B. requirements C. circumstances D. conditions

11.A. moreover B. therefore C. meanwhile D. however

12.A. winds B. snows C. woods D. trails

13.A. shaking B. quarrelling C. mourning D. aching

14.A. After B. Between C. During D. Beyond

15.A. give away B. hand out C. live on D. put aside

16.A. borrowed B. earned C. posted D. raised

17.A. business B. career C. family D. image

18.A. started B. failed C. expanded D. declined

19.A. truck B. park C. house D. camp

20.A. desperate B. ready C. suitable D. thankful




























6.考察形容词辨析和上下文理解。A拥挤的;B危险的;C理想的;D安静的;根据下句it took us some time to find an available site我们花了一些时间才找到一个空闲的地方。这说明很多人都在这里宿营。故A项说明这个野生公园很拥挤是符合上下文语境的。



9.考察形容词辨析和语境理解。A满意的;B意志坚定的;C有信心的;D意识到的;知道的;根据后半句everything else would be all right可知我们有信心这件事情以后其他的事情都会很顺利的。故C项符合上下文串联。


11.考察副词词义辨析及上下文理解。A而且;B因此;C与此同时;D然而;根据42空后They were strong and cold可知峡谷里的风又大又冷。这和美丽的峡谷恰恰相反,是我们没有预料到的事情,所以使用however表示转折。故D正确。

12.考察上下文串联。A风;B雪;C森林;树林;D足迹;根据43空后的until the winds died away可知峡谷里的风很大很冷。本段叙述的是峡谷的风。故A正确。

13.考察动词辨析和上下文串联。A颤抖;摇摆;B争吵;C哀痛;服丧;咕哝;D疼痛;前面一句They were strong and cold风很大很冷,我们躺在黑暗里因为寒冷而浑身发抖。故A正确。

14.连词介词连词辨析及上下文串联。A在…之后;B在…之间;C在…期间;D超过;句意:在接下来的几个星期里,我们学会了在如何在货车里生活下来。根据文章第一行in a camping truck他们是乘坐着一辆货车来到德克萨斯州的。



17.考察名词词义辨析及上下文串联。A生意;B生涯,事业;C家庭;D形象;根据下一行 I thought I might lose my family as well.而卧认为也许我会失去我的家庭。可知作者经营餐厅失败让作者没有时间来经营自己的家庭。

18.考察上下文串联。根据文章第一段When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”可知我的经营餐厅的生意失败了。本句说明这次失败让我感觉到我们也许会失去自己的家庭。

19.考察上下文串联。A货车;B公园;C房子;D营地;根据文章第一句we headed north in a camping truck to Texas,和42空rocking our little camping truck violently可知我们被迫生活在一辆货车里。故A正确



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年外研版高中英语必修二模块5练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A recent survey shows the number of people who shop in stores________,while far more are shopping online.

A.decrease B.decreases C.is decreasing D.are decreasing



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十二单元练习卷2(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When we saw the road with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.

A. block B. to block C. blocking D. blocked



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十三单元练习卷4(解析版) 题型:单项填空

More public kindergartens ________ preschool kids can spend their fun?filled childhood will be built this year.

A.to which B.with whom C.in which D.from where



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十三单元练习卷2(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—That must have been a terrifying experience.

—Yeah. I ________ in the damaged car, unable to move.

A.was stuck B.have been stuck

C.am stuck D.had been stuck



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十三单元练习卷1(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If my brother is allowed to go out, ______.

A. so should I B. so am I C. so should I D. so I am



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十一单元练习卷4(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Do you love teaching, Miss He?

—I fell in love with teaching in 2000. I ________ for twelve years by this summer.

A.will teach B.would have taught

C.has been teaching D.will have been teaching



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃天水第一中学高三上第三次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Do you feel sad? Happy? Angry? You may think that the way you show these emotions is unique. Well, think again. Even the expression of the most personal feelings can be classified, according to Mind Reading, a DVD exhibiting every possible human emotion. 1.

In the mid 1800s, Darwin divided the emotions into six types—anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise and enjoyment.More complex expressions of emotion were probably learned and therefore more specific to each culture.But now it is believed that many more facial expressions are shared worldwide. 2. The Mind Reading DVD is a systematic visual record of these expressions.

The project was designed by a Cambridge professor.His research team first had to define an "emotion". 3. Using this definition, 412 emotion terms were identified and discussed, from "afraid" to "wanting".

Then each expression is acted out by six different actors."It was really clear when the actors had got it right," says Cathy Collis, who directed the DVD."Although they were given some direction, the actors were not told which facial muscles they should move. 4.

Someone who has tried to set such rules is the American, Professor Paul Ekman, who built database of how the face moves for every emotion.The face can make 43 distinct muscle movements.Ekman has also found that it may not be possible for people to reproduce them artificially.The most difficult expression to reproduce is the smile.It isn't only about stretching the lips, but tightening the tiny muscles around the eyes.5. If we learnt to recognize whether someone was using their eye muscle when they smiled, we would be able to distinguish true enjoyment from false.

A.It shows 412 distinct ways we feel.

B.These can be combined into more than 10,000 facial shapes.

C.These particular muscles are difficult to control, and few people can do it.

D.They decided that it was a mental state that could be introduced by "I feel" or "he looks "or "she sounds".

E.He said the expression of these feelings was universal and recognizable by anyone, from any culture.

F.It is as if they are programmed into the brains of "normal humans" wherever they are and whatever their races.

G.We thought of trying to describe each emotion, but it would have been almost impossible to make clear rules for this.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江永嘉楠江中学高一上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-- Do you know our town at all?

-- No, this is the first time that I _________ here.

A. come B. came

C. have come D. had come

