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I never dreamed of there      such a quiet place in the noisy city.

A. was        B. had been       C. being       D. to be



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科目:高中英语 来源:2010届上海市高三八校联考英语试题 题型:完型填空

For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Until I took Dr. Offutt’s class, I was an underachieving student. But I left that class
50 _never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by examples as words, that it was my  _51   obligation to do so and to serve others.
Neither of us could know how our relationship would   52   over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, the department chair. My discussions with him as he mentored me were like graduate seminars in adolescent (青少年)  53    , classroom management and school leadership.
After several years, I was   54     department chair, and our relationship shifted again. I thought that it might be  55   to chair the department, since all of my former English teachers were  56  there, but Dr. Offutt supported me  57    . He knew when to give me advice about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me  58   my own course.
In 1997, I needed his  59 about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school.  60     he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have.   61    , he encouraged me to seize the new opportunity.
Five years ago, I became the principal of DeMatha.   62     , Dr. Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could   63    him as I tried to fill such big shoes. I’ve learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible wealth of lessons to teach. Even if his students don’t know it yet, I know how   64   they are: I’m still one of them.
50. A. anxious             B. eager                  C. determined         D. worried
51. A. family              B. legal          C. academic           D. moral
52. A. evolve              B. stay          C. remain              D. worsen
53. A. process            B. procedure     C. development        D. movement
54. A. called               B. appointed      C. entitled           D. offered
55. A. awkward           B. uneasy         C. unnatural          D. insensitive
56. A. once               B. already        C. still               D. never
57. A. through            B. throughout     C. at the beginning      D. in the end
58. A. chart             B. head           C. describe           D. manage
59. A. opinion            B. request         C. permission         D. promise
60. A. Even if             B. Although        C. If                  D. When
61. A. Naturally           B. Instead        C. Consequently        D. Peacefully
62. A. Once again         B. Now and then  C. Hopefully                       D. Surprisingly
63. A. count on           B. account for      C. call on              D. appeal to
64. A. earnest           B. worried         C. fortunate           D. desperate


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省云峰中学09-10学年度高一下学期3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

One evening in November, Berlin received a telephone call from Mrs. Green. “Please, Dr Berlin, come to my house. I had 50,000 dollars on my desk and now it is gone.”
Dr Berlin arrived at Mrs. Green’s house at eight o’clock. First he asked Mrs. Green, “When did you see the money last?”
“At seven o’clock. I put it on my desk in my living room. Then I went to wash my hair. I came back at seven thirty and the money was gone.”
“I see.” Dr Berlin said. “Were you alone in the house?”
“No. My sister’s son Jack is here, too.” Then Dr Berlin and Mrs. Green went to Jack’s room.”
“Please, sit down,” Jack said. Dr Berlin sat on the only chair in the room, and the chair was cold. He also saw some books on the ground near his feet.
“What have you been doing this evening?” Dr Berlin asked.
“I came home at six-thirty, and went right to my room. I’ve been sitting in that chair and reading all the evening. I never got up and I never left the room. Maybe somebody came into the house and took my aunt’s money.”
After hearing that, Dr Berlin was clear about who had taken the money.
59. When did Dr Berlin answer the phone from Mrs. Green?
A. At 6:30      B. At 7:00      C. After 7:30  D. At 8:00
60. Where did Mrs. Green put her money?
A. In her living room.   B. In her washing room.
C. In Jack’s room.                  D. In her office.
61. When did the thief take Mrs. Green’s money?
A. Before Mrs. Green came back home.
B. When Jack was reading.
C. After Mrs. Green went to wash her hair.
D. When Dr Berlin was answering the phone.
62. Which of the following is WRONG?
A. Mrs. Green didn’t live alone.     
B. Jack had given a careless reply (回答).
C. Dr Berlin found out who had taken the money.
D. Jack had been really reading books all that evening.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省雅安中学高一上学期入学模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

此句缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(  ),在该句右边的横线上写出该加的词。
【小题1】Everyone of us is working hard in the factory.           
【小题2】I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it.    
【小题3】This is the steel plant where we visited last week.             
【小题4】Following the road and you will find the store.           
【小题5】This is all what Dr. Smith said at the meeting.                
【小题6】He promised to come and see us after the supper.       
【小题7】John came here to see you, but he had left five minutes ago.     
【小题8】My mother is busy preparing for supper.                    
【小题9】I’ve heard him but I never know him.                     
【小题10】We got on the school bus and which took us straight to the People’s Park. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省绍兴市高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“Mom, I have cancer.” These four words catapulted my son and me on a journey that lasted two years. On that day I felt a wave of paralyzing fear.

Scott was the oldest of my four children. He was 33 years old and a successful assistant principal at SamRayburn Hifht School in Pasadena, Texas. He and his wife Carolyn were busy raising four active children. Scott was 6’2’’, weighed 200 pounds and had never been sick a day in his life.

A few month earlier a mole(痣)on his neck had changed color. “Dr.Warner called,” Scott said that spring morning. “It’s melanoma.(黑素瘤)” I tried to comfort him, naming all the people I knew who had survived skin cancer. Yet, I felt small tentacles of fear begin to wrap around my chest.

Our next stop was MDAnderson, the famous cancer hospital in Houston. Scott had surgery at the end of May and was scheduled for radiation treatments over the summer recess. “There is an 80 percent chance it won’t reoccur,” the doctors said. At the end of summer, all his tests came back negative and Scott was back at school in the fall. However, in December, Scott discovered a lump on his neck. It was examined and the result came back “malignant.(恶性的)” We now realized that Scott fell into the 20 percent category. I could feel the tentacles tightening around my chest. He entered the hospital for an aggressive treatment, a combination of interferon and interleukin.

After five months of treatment, he had radical surgery on his neck. The test results were encouraging, only three of the 33 lymph nodes(淋巴结) removed were malignant. We were very hopeful.

For the next six months, Scott’s follow-up visits went well. Then in October, X-ray revealed a spot on his lung. The spot was removed during surgery and the doctors tried to be optimistic. It was a daily battle to control the fear and panic each setback brought.

In January, he was diagnosed as having had a “disease explosion.” The cancer had spread to his lungs, spine and liver and he was given three to six months to live. There were times during this period when I felt like I was having a heart attack. The bands constricting my chest made breathing difficult.

When you watch your child battle cancer, you experience a roller coaster of emotions. There are moments of hope and optimism but a bad test result or even an unusual pain can bring on dread and panic.

Scott was readmitted to the hospital for one last try with chemotherapy. He died, quite suddenly, just six weeks after his last diagnosis. I was completely destroyed. I had counted on those last few months.

The next morning I was busy notifying people and making funeral arrangements. I remember having this nagging feeling that something was physically wrong with me. It took a moment to realize that the crushing sensation in my chest was gone. The thing every parent fears the most had happened. My son was gone. Of course, the fear had been replaced by unbearable sorrow.

After you lose a child, it is so difficult to go on. The most minimal tasks, combing your hair or taking a shower, becoming monumental. For months I just sat and stared into space. That spring, the trees began to bloom; flowers began to pop up in my garden. Friendswood was coming back to life but I was dead inside.

During those last weeks, Scott and I often spoke about life and death. Fragments of those conversations kept playing over and over in my mind.

“Don’t let this ruin your life, Mom.”

“Make sure Dad re models his workshop.”

“Please, take care of my family.”

I remember wishing I could have just one more conversation with him. I knew what I would say, but what would Scott say? “I know how much you love me, Mom. So just sit on the couch and cry.” No, I knew him better than that. Scott loved life and knew how precious it is. I could almost hear his voice saying, “Get up Mom, Get on with your life. It’s too valuable to waste.”

That was the day I began to move forward. I signed up for a cake decorating class. Soon I was making cakes for holidays and birthdays. My daughter-in-law told me about a writing class in Houston. I hadn’t written in years, but since I was retired I decided it be time to start again. The local college advertised a Life Story Writing class that I joined. There I met women who had also lost their children. The Poet Laureate of Texas was scheduled to speak at our local Barnes and Noble. I attended and joined our local poetry society. I never dreamed that writing essays and poems about Scott could be so therapeutic. Several of those poems have ever been published. In addition, each group brought more and more people into my life..

I don’t believe you ever recover from the loss of a child. Scott is in my heart and mind every day. However, I do believe you can survive.

Scott fought so bravery to live and he never gave up. He taught me that life is a gift that should be cherished, not wasted. It has taken years to become the person I am today. The journey has been a difficult, painful process but certainly worth the effort and I know that my son would be proud.

1.How old was Scott probably when he died?

A.33               B.35                 C.37           D.40

2.What does the underlined sentence “ The bands constricting my chest made breathing difficult” probably imply?

A.It implies that Scott’s mother was likely to have a heart attack.

B.It implies that there was something wrong with Scott’s mother’s chest.

C.It implies that Scott’s mother was very upset and panic because of Scott’s severe illness.

D.It implies that the cancer had spread to her chest just like her son.

3.Which of the following statements best shows the author’s feeling about Scott’s death?

A.It was a daily battle to control the fear and panic each setback brought.

B.She felt a wave of fear.

C.She felt a feeling of fear begin to wrap around her chest.

D.The fear had been replaced by unbearable sorrow.

4.From Scott and his mother’s conversation, we can know that Scott is ________.

A.considerable      B.humorous         C.determined      D.sensitive

5.The author intends to tell us that___________.

A.it takes a long time to make a person recover from the shock of losing a child

B.Scott is proud of his mother

C.life is full of happiness and sorrow.

D.We’d better make our life count instead of counting your days.

6.What might be the best title of the passage ?

A.Life is valuable                         B.Grieving and Recovery

C.Love and sorrow                        D.Alive or dead



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届上海市高三八校联考英语试题 题型:完型填空

For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Until I took Dr. Offutt’s class, I was an underachieving student. But I left that class

50 _never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by examples as words, that it was my  _51   obligation to do so and to serve others.

Neither of us could know how our relationship would   52   over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, the department chair. My discussions with him as he mentored me were like graduate seminars in adolescent (青少年)  53    , classroom management and school leadership.

After several years, I was   54     department chair, and our relationship shifted again. I thought that it might be  55   to chair the department, since all of my former English teachers were  56  there, but Dr. Offutt supported me  57    . He knew when to give me advice about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me  58   my own course.

In 1997, I needed his  59 about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school.  60     he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have.   61    , he encouraged me to seize the new opportunity.

Five years ago, I became the principal of DeMatha.   62     , Dr. Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could   63    him as I tried to fill such big shoes. I’ve learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible wealth of lessons to teach. Even if his students don’t know it yet, I know how   64   they are: I’m still one of them.

50. A. anxious             B. eager                  C. determined         D. worried

51. A. family              B. legal          C. academic           D. moral

52. A. evolve              B. stay          C. remain              D. worsen

53. A. process            B. procedure     C. development        D. movement

54. A. called               B. appointed      C. entitled           D. offered

55. A. awkward           B. uneasy         C. unnatural          D. insensitive

56. A. once               B. already        C. still               D. never

57. A. through            B. throughout     C. at the beginning      D. in the end

58. A. chart             B. head           C. describe           D. manage

59. A. opinion            B. request         C. permission         D. promise

60. A. Even if             B. Although        C. If                  D. When

61. A. Naturally           B. Instead        C. Consequently        D. Peacefully

62. A. Once again         B. Now and then  C. Hopefully                       D. Surprisingly

63. A. count on           B. account for      C. call on              D. appeal to

64. A. earnest           B. worried         C. fortunate           D. desperate


