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What will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question,you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in bio-technology(生物技术). With the help of new medicine,the human body will last a very long time. Death will come mainly from accidents,murder and war. Today's leading killers,such as heart disease,cancer,and aging itself,will become distant memories.
In discussion of technological changes,the Internet gets most of the attention these days. But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times. How long can humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells(细胞) are the basic units of all living things,and until recently,scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells,such as those of brain cells,would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine. Sometime between 2050 and 2100,medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so,people will be able to take medicine to repair their organs(器官). The medicine,made up of the basic building materials of life,will build new brain cells,heart cells,and so on-in much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.
It is exciting to imagine that the advance in technology may be changing the most basic condition of human existence,but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future.
(1)According to the passage,human death is now mainly caused by ________.
A.diseases and aging
B.accidents and war
C.accidents and aging
D.heart disease and war
(2)In the author's opinion,today's most important advance in technology lies in(在于) ________.
A.the Internet
C.brain cells
D.human organs
(3)Humans may live longer in the future because ________.
A.heart disease will be far away from us
B.human brains can decide the final death
C.the basic materials of cells will last forever
D.human organs can be repaired by new medicine
(4)How long can humans live in the future according to the passage?
A.Over 100 years.
B.More than 120 years.
C.About 150 years.
D.The passage doesn't tell us.

(1)A推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Today's leading killers,such as heart disease,cancer,and aging itself,will become distant memories.”可知目前导致人类死亡的主要原因是疾病和衰老。故选A。
(2)B细节理解题。根据第二段“But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times.”可以推断出答案选B。
(3)D细节理解题。根据第二段“But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine...medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so,people will be able to take medicine to repair their organs.”可知医药将能够修复人的器官,从而使人活得更长。故选D。
(4)B推理判断题。根据第二段第五、六句“...scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells,such as those of brain cells,would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine.”可知答案为B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

For teenagers, it's great fun to explore new places and it feels like an adventure, even when you know you're not the first to have been there. But to make sure not to get lost or waste time going round in circles, the following tips may be helpful.
◆Do the map reading if you're being driven somewhere. It'll be easier if you keep the map following the direction you are traveling in. Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or you'll have to move to the back seat.
◆Get a group of friends together and go exploring. You'll need a good map, a compass, a raincoat, a cell phone to call for help in case you get lost, and a bit of spare cash for emergencies. Tell someone where you're going before you set out and let them know what time you expect to be back. The purpose of the activity is in not getting lost, not in seeing how fast you can go, so always stick together, waiting for slower friends to catch up.
◆See if your school or a club organizes orienteering(越野识途比赛) activities, in which you need a map and a compass to find your way. This can be done as a sport, with teams trying to find the way from A to B(and B to C, etc. ) in the fastest time, or simply as a spare-time activity. It enables you to be familiar with the use of maps and compass and gain some special skills. In some way, it's not only good fun, but also a great way to keep fit.
(1)When you sit beside the driver, you'd better ________.
A.look ahead to see where there is a gas station
B.move to the back seat if feeling uncomfortable
C.keep looking at the map to find another place to go to
D.direct the driver when necessary
(2)In the exploration, why do you need wait for the slower friends?
A.To share the fun with him/her in exploration.
B.To tell him/her what's going on with group members.
C.To avoid yourself or your friends getting lost.
D.To show them how fast you can go.
(3)What does the whole passage talk about?
A.The fun of exploration.
B.What to bring for exploration.
C.How to prevent people getting lost in exploration.
D.The way to use a map in exploration.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I was tired and hungry after a long day of work.
When I walked into the living room, my 12 -year-old son 1 up at me and said, “I love you.” I didn't know what to say. For several 2 , all I could do was to 3 there and looked down at him. My first thought was that he must need 4 with his homework or he was trying to 5 me for some news. Finally I asked. “What was that all about?”
“Nothing.” He said, “My teacher said we should 6 our parents that we love them and see what they say. It's 7 .”
The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had 8 .
“Basically, most of the fathers had the 9 reaction as you did.” The teacher said, “When I first 10 we try this”, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble. “The 11 is,” the teacher explained. “feeling loved is an important part of 12 . It's something all human beings 13 . What I am trying to tell the children is that it's too 14 we all don't express those feelings. A boy should be 15 to tell his dad that he loves him.”
The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how 16 it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us.
When my son came to me that evening, I held on to him for 17 second. And just before he 18 away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you, too.”
I don't know if saying that made either of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time one of my children says, “I love you.”, it would not take me a whole 19 to think of the right 20 .
(1)A.watched B.observed C.looked D.noticed
(2)A.weeks B.days C.hours D.seconds
(3)A.stand B.sit C.see D.play
(4)A.rest B.time C.help D.paper
(5)A.report B.prepare C.answer D.excuse
(6)A.help B.ask C.tell D.make
(7)A.a matter B.an experiment C.a word D.a sentence
(8)A.said B.done C.reacted D.explained
(9)A.same B.different C.usual D.common
(10)A.suggested B.agreed C.allowed D.planned
(11)A.point B.idea C.way D.cause
(12)A.body B.health C.life D.study
(13)A.have B.know C.take D.require
(14)A.bad B.good C.late D.early
(15)A.fit B.ready C.worthy D.able
(16)A.easy B.much C.often D.difficult
(17)A.a more B.a full C.an exact D.an extra
(18)A.pulled B.ran C.walked D.escaped
(19)A.week B.day C.afternoon D.morning
(20)A.reason B.key C.answer D.experiment


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Japan is facing an ageing population, with the population ______ from the current 127 million to 90 million.

A. expecting to shrink B. expected to shrink

C. expecting to have shrunk D. expected to have shrunk


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The music you love could end up making you deaf. More 1 (special), the way you listen to the music you love could be making you deaf.

The problem is headphones. In the past, we 2 (play) music out into the air. Then earmuff-style(耳罩式)headphones were invented and we were able to music much 3 (close) to our ears. Now we have car buds(耳塞), which many doctors think are worse than older headphones because they play music directly into the ears. Also, ear buds are not as good as blocking outside noise, so people 4 use them may turn the volume(音量)5 to dangerous levels.

What's dangerous level? Well, it 6 (depend) on how long you are going to listen to the noise. This is the next problem. Very, very loud sounds can be dangerous to your hearing even if you only listen to them for a few minutes. But scary 7 (true) is that even “normal” seeming noise can be dangerous 8 you listen to it all the time.

Think for t minute about how long you spend 9 (listen) to loud noises with headphones every day. Then do some research. There ore resources online to tell you what volumes 10 (be) safe, and for how long. Don’t take your hearing for granted.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?
In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it (actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.
But the river wasn't changed in a few days even a few months. It took years of work (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water . Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is (clean) than ever.
Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don't know how to control your credit card( 信用卡) use. When you face such an impossible situation, don't you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?
While there are (amaze) stories of instant transformation(转变),for most of us the (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be (patience)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

in 1930, Yuan Longping graduated from Southeast Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice(be) his life goal. As a young man, he saw the great for increasing the rice output. At that time, hunger was a (disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside. Yuan Longping grows is called super hybrid rice, makingpossible to increase rice harvest without (expand) the area of the field. Yuan Longping has been considered the first agricultural pioneer in the world (grow) rice that has a high output. to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world hunger.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Felicity Miller, a 32-year-old British woman, 1 has a Chinese husband, still remembers the 2(excite) when she first learned to use the “red packet” function on WeChat in 2015. She sent and grabbed some red packets in her Chinese family’s group. The rule in her family was that the person who grabbed the 3(high) amount sent the next. Attracted by the unique way of communicating, many foreigners 4(join) in sending and grabbing red packets so far. Usually, the money in each packet is random. Thus the amount of money one can grab 5(large) depends on his or her luck, from 0.01 yuan to less than 200 yuan. Many foreigners get more familiar 6 Chinese culture through “red packets”. Two years ago, when Felicity Miller was sent 5.20 or 8.88 yuan red packets, she had no clue about the 7(hide) meanings. Now, she has known about them. However, the popularity of virtual red packets doesn’t stop people sending paper red packets 8(contain) real cash during the Spring Festival. It 9(call) lucky money. In Chinese tradition, people take lucky money for children as 10 blessing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【河南省洛阳市2017年高三第二次统考 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







When I was a kid, my father and mother were made me join a tennis club in the center of our city. Every day both my parent would take me to club after school. I played tennis ,ate snacks and did my homework here. It was basically my second family. A woman whose name was Li Li, my first private coach, was as a mother to us. She not only taught me everything that I know about what to play tennis, but treats me well. She was kind or always trained me with great patient. In my heart, she was the best coach in our city.

