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There are many idioms in English. An idiom is a phrase that we can't understand from the meaning of each word. The following are some of them.
As the crow flies
When a bird flies from place to place, it takes the most direct route. But when people drive, they have to follow roads and often go farther. When people give a distance "as the crow flies", they mean the shortest distance between the two points, not the distance you would have to travel by following roads.
As Dan and his mum drove along the river, they could see the beach on the opposite side. Dan asked "How far is it to the beach?"
"It's only about a quarter of a mile as the crow flies" his mother said.
Blow hot and cold
In one of Aesop's Fables, a man blows on his fingers to warm them up and then blows on his soup to cool it down. In both cases, the man is opening his mouth, but what comes out is different. If a person says one thing and later says the opposite, we say that the person is blowing hot and cold.
"Is Felicia going to try out for the soccer team this year?" Stacy asked.
"I don't know," Tricia replied." Last week she was saying yes, but this week she's saying no. She's really blowing hot and cold."
Break the ice
Nowadays people use the phrase to refer to ending an awkward silence by beginning a conversation.
It was the first day of summer camp. The four girls began to make their beds in silence. None of the girls knew each other, and no one knew what to say. Finally, one of them broke the ice by saying" Hey, where's everybody from?"
Bury the hatchet
In native American culture, when two nations agreed to end their war, they buried the hatchet. So to bury the hatchet is to make peace with someone else.
Colin could not excuse his sister for breaking his tennis racket. Finally, his sister said, "Colin, can't we bury the hatchet?"
(1)What does "as the crow flies" mean?
A.In the smoothest way.
B.In a straight line.
C.By plane.
D.At top speed.
(2)"Blow hot and cold " can be used to talk about someone's ______.
B.changing attitudes
C.communication skills
D.bad manner
(3)It can be inferred that Colin's sister hoped that Colin would ______.
A.buy a new tennis racket
B.stay away from her
C.forgive her mistake
D.make an apology to her
(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.What Felicia thought was different from what he said.
B.Dan and his mother need drive a quarter of a mile to the beach.
C.“Bury the hatchet” is an idiom from Aesop's Fables.
D.It's difficult to understand the meaning of an idiom by each word.


(1)B细节理解题。根据第二段When people give a distance "as the crow flies", they mean the shortest distance between the two points, 当人们谈到“像乌鸦飞”的距离时,他们的意思是两点之间最短的距离。故填B。

(2)B细节理解题。根据第四段 If a person says one thing and later says the opposite, we say that the person is blowing hot and cold.如果一个人说了一件事,后来说了相反的话,那就是朝三暮四。故选B。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Ken, ________, but the music you are enjoying is too loud.

—Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I’ll turn it down on the spot.

A. I am really tired of this B. I need your help

C. I’d like to talk with you D. I hate to say this


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3)参考词汇:低头族Smartphone Addicts


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Most people1get a text message from a wrong number either let the person know2just ignore it—but this wrongful text was one that the receiver felt he had to answer.

When Mark and Lindsey Lashley had their baby boy,Cason Knox,one of their3(relative) sent a group text message to let a few4(friend) know about the birth—but it turned out that one of the phone numbers no longer belonged to someone they knew.Dennis Williams,the new5(own) of the phone number,responded to the6 (excite) baby news,“7(congratulate),but I think someone got the wrong number.”

When everyone else in the group text message realized what was going on,they laughed and apologized to this kind stranger for getting him caught up in the baby birthing news,but Williams ended up8(surprise) everyone. “What's the room number...we have gifts,”Williams’s follow-up text read—and the best pan is that he9(actual) showed up at the hospital to welcome Cason.And they talked about turning10embarrassing situation into a sweet one!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Issac,

I remember you are interested in teaching in China.____________________________________________


Best regards,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Expressing gratitude regularly is a wonderful habit to your children. In fact, studies have shown that people who feel gratitude on a daily basis are happier in general. Today we'll discuss ideas to help your children express their gratitude.
Make a gratitude tree. Start with a large piece of craft paper and draw a tree trunk. Then ask the kids to paint or color it in brown. Each day ask your kids to think of something they're thankful for.And they'll have a gratitude tree full of leaves one day.
Express your thankfulness to the ones you love.Print the photos in a 5'×7'size and ask the kids to write a short note on the back explaining why they're grateful to that person. Family members, especially those who don't live nearby, will cherish the present.
Pick a regular time, maybe one Saturday a month, and do some voluntary jobs as a family.One child may want to spend a day helping to clean up their favorite park while another might want to read books to nursing home residents.
Go grocery shopping for a family in need. Many stores now offer pre-made bags to donate right at the checkout line. While this is convenient, the larger the role they play in the act of giving, the bigger the effect it will have on your kids.
Taking time as a family to practice gratitude doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming and the benefits your children will get are long-lasting.
A. It will make the experience much more powerful.
B. Let kids take pictures of themselves with their loved ones.
C. Keep gratitude journals.
D. Volunteer together.
E. If you can find a charity where you deliver the groceries , that's even better.
F. Write it on a green leaf and tape it to the tree trunk.
G. Let family members take turns to pick an activity that means something to them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Some people would have you believe that being fat is the worst thing you can be. They think that if a person is fat they have no life, no love, no reason to want to look good in their clothes. The sad thing is that many people who are fat do feel the same loathing toward themselves and others who are overweight or obese.
I know what I'm talking about because I have been there. I have been that fat girl who wore big T-shirts to cover my “sins”. Forget style. Forget fashion sense. I absolutely had none. I didn't even bother getting haircuts for years, just wore my hair long and straight, pulled back in a ponytail, I have to wonder if the reason the fashion industry has ignored plus sized women and children for so long is because plus sized people, feeling they couldn't possibly look great, didn't bother shopping for new clothes, and therefore no profit was to be found by producing those sizes.
For me, the change that improved my outer look actually started with my outlook on life. I started by being grateful for all I do have, like great health, a stable family, a steady income, freedom, a decent home, the ability to see the trees turn orange in the fall, to hear my grandson humming in the back seat, to remember the great times I've had in my life.
I started to focus on all the positive aspects of the life I already had. I actually started to feel the beauty of the Universe all around me and to realize that I am part of that perfection. The self loathing stopped. I noticed all the people in my life who loved me in spite of my size. I got off the pity pot and smiled at myself. I acknowledged my shame and embarrassment and moved through that too.
(1)We can learn from the first paragraph that ________.
A.a fat person is easy be taken away by others' viewpoint
B.fat people always have a low opinion of themselves
C.fat people usually envy others who are slim
D.fat people usually have pity on each other
(2)According to the author, the fashion industry ________.
A.makes a lot of money by making clothes for fat people
B.does not bother to make clothes for fat people
C.targets on fat people mainly for the purpose of making profit
D.looking down upon fat people too
(3)What does the author think is the most important to lead a happy life?
A.One's view on life.
B.The support and care from others.
C.Neglecting others' views.
D.Focusing on one's inner beauty.
(4)The author is probably ________.
A.an expert at weight loss
B.a girl who is troubled by her weight
C.an old woman who is much careful with her appearance
D.an old lady who is happy with almost everything


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Think of carnival,you think of crowds,costumes and(confuse).The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice.At the beginning,it lasted for just one day.People ate,drank and wore masks.As time passed,,the carnival period(extend)so that it began just after Christmas.For weeksend people walked around the streets wearing masks,doing what they wanted without(recognize).Ordinary people could pretend(be) rich and important,famous people could have romantic adventures(secret).Many crimes went(punish).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe grammar as the “rules” of a language; but in fact no language has rules. If we use the word “rules”, we suggest that somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved (逐渐发展成) into words, phrases and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time. What we call “grammar” is simply a reflection (反映) of a language at a particular time.
Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The short answer is “no”. Very many people in the world speak their own, native language without having studied its grammar. Children start to speak before they even know the word“grammar”. But if you are serious about learning a foreign language, the long answer is “yes, grammar can help you to learn a language more quickly and more efficiently.” It's important to think of grammar as something that can help you, like a friend. When you understand the grammar (or system) of a language, you can understand many things yourself, without having to ask a teacher or look in a book.
So think of grammar as something good, something positive, something that you can use to find your way---like a signpost(路标) or a map.
Except invented languages like Esperanto(世界语). And if Esperanto were widely spoken, its rules would soon be very different.
(1)Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Grammar is the system of a language.
B.Someone created the grammar first and then people learn the language according to it.
C.Language's developing and forming is a long-term process (过程).
D.There is no language staying the same all the time.
(2)What is the author's attitude towards grammar learning?
A.He is against grammar learning.
B.He is in favor of grammar learning.
C.His attitude is objective(客观的).
D.His attitude is unknown to us.
(3)Which of the following is CORRECT according to the last paragraph?
A.Esperanto is widely spoken.
B.Esperanto is different from other languages because its rules are fixed.
C.Esperanto is different from other languages because its rules came out before this language.
D.Esperanto is very easy to learn.

