






Recently, our school has held the meaningful discussion on whether it is reasonable for middle school students to have classes on weekends. Some of our classmates believe we should have classes on weekends because we can make fully use of the free time to review the lessons we had learnt. Some others are against the opinion, saying we had better to have a good rest on weekends so that we can work effective during the weekdays. The rest agree with neither of the opinion. They have the view which keeping the balance between work and play are important for us. They suggest one day of the weekend should used to learn our lessons and during the other day we do something interested or have a rest.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄêºÚÁú½­¼Ñľ˹ÖصãÖÐѧ¸ßÈýÏÂѧÆÚµÚÒ»´ÎÄ£Ä⿼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ


The morning had been a disaster. My tooth was , and I¡¯d been in an argument with a friend. Her words still hurt: ¡°The trouble with you is that you won¡¯t yourself in my place. Can¡¯t you see things from my point of view?¡± I shook my head ¡ªand felt the ache in my tooth. I¡¯d thought I could out till my dentist came back from holiday, but the pain was really . I started calling the in the phone book, but no one could see me . Finally, at about lunchtime, I got lucky.

¡°If you come by right now,¡± the receptionist said, ¡°the dentist will you in.¡±

I took my purse and keys and to my car. But suddenly I began to doubt about the dentist. What kind of dentist would be so to treat someone at such short notice? Why wasn¡¯t he as busy as the others?

In the dentist¡¯s office, I sat down and looked . I saw nothing the bare walls and I became even more worried. The assistant my nervousness and placed her warm hand over my ice-cold one.

When I told her my , she laughed and said, ¡°Don¡¯t worry. The dentist is very good.¡±

¡°How long do I have to wait for him?¡± I asked .

¡°Come on, he is coming. Just lie down and . And enjoy the artwork,¡± the assistant said.

¡°The artwork?¡± I was .

The chair went back, suddenly I smiled. There was a beautiful picture, right where I could enjoy it: on the ceiling. How the dentist was! At that moment, I began to understand what my friend by her words.

What a !

1.A. shaking B. weak C. aching D. flexible

2.A. take B. put C. have D. play

3.A. violently B. merely C. stubbornly D. consequently

4.A. hold B. break C. cut D. put

5.A. absolute B. unbearable C. unreliable D. formal

6.A. receptionistsB. managers C. nurses D. dentists

7.A. entirely B. slightly C. absolutely D. immediately

8.A. fit B. take C. pull D. come

9.A. closed B. rushed C. pushed D. guided

10.A. eager B. cautious C. brave D. loyal

11.A. up B. over C. around D. down

12.A. therefore B. while C. but D. however

13.A. translated B. resisted C. admitted D. noticed

14.A. fears B. intention C. consideration D. arrangement

15.A. terribly B. impatientlyC. Extremely D. respectively

16.A. relax B. sleep C. observe D. refer

17.A. affected B. frustrated C. disappointed D. puzzled

18.A. foolish B. terrible C. considerate D. considerable

19.A. attached B. meant C. intended D. pretended

20.A. relief B. regret C. success D. loss


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014-2015ѧÄ꺣ÄÏÊ¡¸ßÈý5ÔÂÄ£ÄâÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â


Have you ever heard the saying ¡°All roads lead to Rome¡±? At one time, this was pretty much true. During the Roman Empire, lots of roads were built in order to move armies, send messages by courier (ÐÅʹ), and make trade easier.

The network of Roman roads was begun in 312 BC. It was demanded that the roads be built strong so that they would not fall down. Roman soldiers, supervised (¼à¶½) by engineers, laid down the roads in a special pattern of layers. There were all together 4 layers, which was made of different materials, such as sand, rocks, stones and so on.

Also, Roman roads were cambered(¹°ÐÎ). This means that they were built higher in the middle than on the edges, allowing rainwater to run off, which prevented flooding. We use the same technique in building roads today. The Romans also laid out roads over hills when necessary, setting them down in a zigzag (Ö®×ÖÐεÄ)pattern to make the road rise gradually.

All Roman roads had milestones (Àï³Ì±®), placed every thousand paces (a Roman mile). The milestones told when the road was built, who was emperor at the time, the road¡¯s destination, how far the traveler was from the destination, and how many miles had been traveled since the beginning of the road. This information was a great help to travelers.

Because of their excellence in construction, it really is no surprise that many parts of Roman road still exist today. These roadways are one of the most impressive achievements of the Roman Empire.

1.The following description about Roman roads is true EXCEPT _____.

A. Roman roads were built by the Roman soldiers directed by the engineers

B. Roman roads could prevent flooding using the technique we don¡¯t use today

C. Roman roads had milestones that were placed every Roman mile

D .Roman roads still exist today as an impressive achievement of Roman Empire

2.What information can you find on the milestones?

A. The builders of the road.

B. The materials used in building roads.

C. The distance from one city.

D. The time spent in building roads.

3.The passage mainly ______.

A. explains the saying ¡°All roads lead to Rome¡±

B. praises ancient Romans for their great achievements

C. shows how great the Roman Empire was

D. introduces the construction of the Roman roads


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ìÁÉÄþÉòÑô¶«±±Óý²ÅѧУ¸ßÈýÉÏѧÆÚÄ£Äâ3Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

A Dutch artist and designer has come up with a device which he hopes will get rid of pollutants from Beijing's smog skies, creating clean air for the city's mask-wearing people.

An electromagnetic field£¨µç´Å³¡£© will pull particles£¨Î¢Á££© in the smog to the ground where they can be easily cleaned.

¡°It's like when you have a balloon which has static£¨¾²µç£© and your hair goes toward it. Same with the smog,¡± says artist Daan Roosegaarde.

His studio has reached an agreement with the Beijing government to test the technology in one of tile capital's parks.

With its skies regularly covered by dirty gray smog, Beijing this week announced a series of emergency measures to handle the problem.

Roosegaarde says an indoor model device has already proven it works and is confident that the results ¡ª with the help of a team of scientists and engineers ¡ª can be replicated outside.

¡°Beijing is quite a good place because the smog in Beijing is quite low. It lies in a valley so there's not so much wind. It's a good environment to explore this kind of thing.¡±

¡°We'll be able to purify the air and the challenge is to get the top of the smog so you can see the sun again.¡±

Roosegaarde acknowledges that projects like this are a way of drawing attention to the problem, rather than a practical solution to Beijing's awful air pollution.

¡°This is not the real answer for smog. The real answer has to do with clean cars, different industry and different lifestyles.¡±

However, he hopes the project will make a ¡°fundamental statement¡± by allowing the city's people to realize the difference between breathing clean and smog-filled air.

1.The device works by _______.

A. helping keep the particles out with more masks

B. pulling pollutants to the ground with an electromagnetic field

C. absorbing hair with a balloon with static

D. creating clean air and let it out into the sky

2.According to the passage, ______ .

A. the Beijing government has agreed to use the technology in Beijing

B. they have proven the results of the device both indoors and outdoors

C. the results of the air-cleaning device can be expectable

D. the Beijing government has never done anything to handle the air pollution

3.What does Roosegaarde really mean by saying ¡°Beijing is quite a good place¡­... ¡±?

A. The air pollution in Beijing is not quite serious.

B. The weather in Beijing is good for foreigners to live in.

C. Beijing is quite fit for using the air-cleaning device.

D. It is easy to get the top of the smog in Beijing.

4.Roosegaarde appeals to people in Beijing to ________.

A. pay attention to air pollution and solve the problem finally

B. invent more devices to clean the smog in Beijing

C. drive modern cars and try different lifestyles

D. realize how serious the pollution they're facing is


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ìÕã½­ÉÜÐ˵ÚÒ»ÖÐѧ¸ßÈýÏÂѧÆÚ¿ªÑ§»ØÍ·¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

As we all know, children are our future, and it¡¯s up to us to arm them with the tools to succeed. Sadly, today¡¯s children are sometimes being armed with more dangerous tools like weapons, drugs and gangs in the USA. Once a relatively peaceful environment, many schoolyards of today are becoming unsafe for both students and teachers.

Home schools are available to give you choices. Home schooling provides top-quality education, flexibility and freedom to create your own schedule. At Sunny Home School we believe the choice should be yours.

Thanks to modern technology, home schooling information is becoming readily available across the nation. A recent study by the ITBS (Iowa Tests of Basic Skills) and TAP (Tests of Achievement and Proficiency) shows us that students of home schools do particularly well when compared with the nationwide average. In every subject at every grade level, students of home schooling scored obviously higher than those in public and private schools.

If you¡¯re new to home schooling, you may be asking yourself, ¡°Will home schools really work for my children?¡±

Fact: A nationwide study using a random selection of 1,516 families found students of home schooling to be scoring, on average, at or above the 80th percentile (°Ù·ÖλµÄµÚ80λ) in all areas, on standardized achievement test. (Note: The national average on standardized achievement test is the 50th percentile.)

Collectively, the staff at Sunny Home School brings 65 years of experience in home schooling curriculum. We¡¯ve placed students in the top 2% of the nation in math and many are successfully moving on to college.

One study found that of the home schooled students, 94% said home education prepared them to be independent persons.

For more home schooling information, call us today toll free at (1800)542-8668.

1.We can learn from the first paragraph that ___.

A. many schools armed their students with weapons

B. violence and crime exist in many schoolyards

C. students use weapons to defend their schoolyards

D. weapons are more dangerous than drugs

2.All of the following are true of home schools EXCEPT___.

A. students are free to choose their courses

B. students do well in their important courses

C. they help students find jobs

D. they help students to be independent

3.The purpose of the passage above is___.

A. to give information about different schools

B. to compare home schools with other schools

C. to suggest a new method of school education

D. to persuade people to choose home schools

4.The passage mainly targets___.

A. students B. parents C. teachers D. adults

5.In which section of the newspaper can we the passage?

A. Finance B. Science

C. Advertisement D. Sport


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ìÕã½­ÉÜÐ˵ÚÒ»ÖÐѧ¸ßÈýÏÂѧÆÚ¿ªÑ§»ØÍ·¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

¡ª Many drugs have been forbidden recently.

¡ª Actually. But the scientists say that before a new drug ___ on humans, plenty of studies___.

A. can be tested; are needed

B. can test; are needed

C. can be tested; need

D. can test; need


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2016½ìºþ±±É³ÖÐѧ¸ßÈýÏÂѧÆÚµÚÒ»´Î°ëÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÓï·¨Ìî¿Õ

Óï·¨Ìî¿Õ (ÿ¿Õ²»¶àÓÚ3¸öµ¥´Ê)¡£

What should you do if you are not able to sleep? The best thing is to try to avoid bad habits. 1. you always go to bed and get up at about the same time£¬this will set a 2. (health) rhythm in your life£®Don¡¯t drink caffeine drinks in the evening£®Smoking and alcohol can also keep you awake. You may have trouble 3. (sleep) if you have a heavy meal just before you go to bed£®

You may also find it difficult 4. (get) to sleep if you have a problem or something else on your mind£®This is 5. you need to relax£®As you lie in bed£¬tense the muscles in your feet and then relax 6. £®Continue up the body£¬tensing and relaxing the muscles until you reach the head. Start with the feet again if you are still tense£®If you 7. (think) about a problem or about something exciting that is going to happen the next day£¬get up and write about it£®That will help to take it off your mind£®You can also get up and read£¬but be sure to choose 8. book that is not too difficult£® 9. £¬you may get so interested that you won¡¯t want to go to sleep even when you feel sleepy£®

Sleep well and have sweet 10. (dream)!


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2015-2016ѧÄêËÄ´¨Ë«Á÷ÖÐѧ¸ß¶þ12ÔÂÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨½âÎö°æ£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÆßÑ¡Îå


Stop eating yourself stupid

We all know that poor nutrition can lead to bad health and even weight gain. 1. A recent study has found that what you eat could very likely play a role in how smart you are.

According to the study, rats fed a high-fat diet for 10 days showed signs of weakness and even had trouble finding treats that were waiting for them. 2. Actually high-fat diet could weaken our intelligence¡ªbut so can a calorie-restricted diet. The trick appears to lie in finding a nice balance.

Here are ways to achieve that happy balance and make you smarter through diet, exercise and improving your brain power.

3. Aim to get this amount of calories each day. If you need to drop a few pounds, take away the number you get by 400; consume that number of calories each day until you drop the weight.

Eat the right foods in addition to getting the right amount of calories. Aim for healthy foods that include good amounts of protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables, healthy whole grains, healthy fats and plenty of water. Well! Don¡¯t forget to exercise your mind while doing so. Read a book. Try a new recipe. Do some puzzles. _4._

5. Aim for at least three 30-minute sessions a week. I like simple exercises such as walking, but anything that raises the heart rate is good. You may be fond of music too. Combine them! Some people like to listen to classical music such as Bach or Mozart, but rock music lovers will be happy to learn that this genre can help make you smarter as well.

A. Exercise regularly with happy mind forever.

B. Your health depends on your exercise plan.

C. Remember: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

D. Now add ¡°lack of intelligence¡± to the list.

E. You may be puzzled whether it has something with us.

F. These are all good ways to help increase your smarts.

G. Figure out how many calories you need to maintain your weight.

