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the website of China Daily, and you will learn more about it.

A. Having searched B. Search

C. Searching D. To search



试题分析:特殊句式:祈使句+连词+陈述句=If引导的条件句+主句。这个句型进一步转换成:名词短语+连词+陈述句。如果原句中的连词是and,那么可以转换成一个肯定的条件句;如果原句中的连词是or,可以转换成一个否定的祈使句。句意:搜一下中国日报的网站,你会学到更多的东西。本句相当于If you search the website of China Daily, you will learn more about it.故B正确。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东广州英豪学校高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

It was one of the hardest days of my young life. My 110-pound body had been knocked to the ground more times than I could . It had become as the practice went on that there was no way I was ever going to be able to compete against the taller and stronger boys. My of being a football star had been crashed to the ground along with my bruised (擦伤的) body.

I made it home, .

My mom me at the door. From my expression, she could see that I was and had me sit at the kitchen table. I thought she had known what had happened that day. She me up with a bowl of soup. While I had the soup, I felt her hand rubbing my aching back. We said no word, but by the time the soup was done I was feeling again. I knew I was loved and that was all that .

I have kept that in my heart all of these years. Even today, no matter what life throws at me, a bowl of soup always lifts my spirits. Sometimes I can even feel Mom’s gentle hand rubbing my back from Heaven and see her beautiful face smiling at me with .

In this world, all of us have had our dreams crashed to the ground at one time. Sometimes it takes a lot of dreams until we find our true purpose in life, too. are always there, though, to comfort us and to remind us that we are loved.

1.A. write B. count C. report D. explain

2.A. clear B. easy C. natural D. possible

3.A. order B. habit C. dream D. request

4.A. fearful B. stupid C. hungry D. sad

5.A. helped B. invited C. met D. taught

6.A. troubled B. shocked C. warned D. praised

7.A. brought B. warmed C. kept D. caught

8.A. gently B. tightly C. sharply D. properly

9.A. hotter B. better C. greater D. smarter

10.A. happened B. passed C. appeared D. mattered

11.A. information B. lesson C. memory D. record

12.A. schedules B. secrets C. results D. difficulties

13.A. respect B. purpose C. love D. patience

14.A. broken B. colored C. pleasant D. strange

15.A. Relatives B. Teachers C. Parents D. Friends


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁剑桥国际学校高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In many cities of China, if an ambulance is_______ in a traffic jam, police will respond to the emergency.

A. held up B. held back

C. held down D. held out


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省名校高三11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In China, if you are not married by the time you are 30, you are in for trouble: social blame and pressure from family and friends can get you down. And if you are a woman, it’s even worse.

Many young people get married simply to get other people off their backs (免受别人的指责) . This is a serious compromise. One ends up not marrying the ideal partner.

There are, however, a few young people who refuse to compromise: if they can’t find a good marriage partner, they say, they would rather not marry at all.

34-year-old Kate is a university lecturer in English. She said she would not describe herself as celibatarian (独身主义者) but simply a woman who hasn’t come across the right man yet. She has sharp comments for the way in which the old generation looks at marriage.
“Many people think marriage is a duty---to your parents, family and society. Nobody cares if your marriage is happy or not, she said, I think this is very wrong and I intend to live and act according to my own will.”

Happily for her, her parents are open-minded and not lay stress on her. But the same does not apply to her friends. They are constantly trying to get her together with some young man or another. She always refuses politely.

1.The main idea of this passage is that _________.

A. marriage is a duty to society

B. people should get married before 30 years old

C. late marriage should be respected

D. women should get married earlier than men

2.Miss Kate refuses to get together with some young man or another because __________.

A. she doesn’t think he is the right man she wants

B. he is either too old or too young

C. he is either important or little learned

D. he doesn’t have good manners

3. In the first paragraph the underlined words “in for” refer to _________.

A. interested in B. satisfied with

C. worried about D. likely to suffer

4.Which is NOT TRUE according to this passage?

A. In China, one may face social blame and family pressure if one hasn’t got married by 30.

B. Miss Kate’s parents are always worried about her marriage.

C. Miss Kate won’t compromise if she can’t have her ideal marriage.

D. Miss Kate wants to marry a worthy young man.

5.If marriage is regarded as a duty to society, __________.

A. everybody will be happy and satisfied

B. nobody will pay attention to whether you are happy or not in your family life

C. you can easily find an ideal partner

D. young people will have nothing to worry about in marriage


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省名校高三11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

No sooner ______ the room than we realized we to take our books.

A.had we left ; forget B.we had left ; forget

C. we had left ; forgot D. had we left;forgot


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省名校高三11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It has been proved ____ several new kinds of medicine____ a positive effect on the cure of H7N9.

A. which,has B. if, has

C. that, have D. what, have


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建闽清高级中学等四校高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe, born 200 years ago, was a poor housewife with six children, who suffered from various illnesses. And yet, driven by a passionate hatred of slavery, she found time to write “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” which became the most influential novel in American history and aroused radical change both at home and abroad.

Today, however, the book has a different reputation, owing to the popular image of its character, Uncle Tom-whose name has become a saying for a cowardly black man who betrays his race.

But this view is wrong: The original Uncle Tom was physically and morally strong, an inspiration for blacks and other oppressed people worldwide.

Indeed, that’s why in the mid-19th century Southerners attacked “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” as a dangerously destructive book, while Northern reformers-especially blacks-often praised it.

The book was influential overseas, too.In Russia it inspired Vladimir Lenin, who recalled it as his favorite book in childhood. It was the first American novel to be translated and published in China, and it fueled antislavery causes in Cuba and Brazil.

The book’s progressive appeal was the character of Uncle Tom himself: a strong man who is notable because he does not betray his race; one reason he gave up escaping from his plantation is that he doesn’t want to put his fellow slaves in danger. And he is finally killed because he refuses to tell his master where two runaway slaves are hiding.

Unfortunately, these themes were lost in many of the stage versions of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”.

The play, seen by more people than those who read the book, remained popular up to the`1950s and still appears occasionally. But in the play Stowe’s revolutionary themes were drowned.

But it doesn’t have to be that way; indeed, during the civil rights era it was those who most closely resembled Uncle Tom-Stowe’s Tom, not the sheepish one of popular myth-who proved most effective in promoting progress. Both Stowe and Tom deserve our reconsideration and our respect.

1.Harriet Beecher Stowe managed to write “Uncle Tom’s Cabin because __________.

A.she wanted to earn money to support her family

B.she hated slavery from the bottom of her heart

C.she tried to set an example to her six children

D.she had the similar life experiences with Tom

2. As for the influence of the book, __________.

A.it was the first American novel to be translated into Russian

B.it was the most influential book for Vladimir Lenin in his life

C.it also gave rise to the causes of anti-slavery in the distant Africa

D.its character Tom inspired the blacks and other oppressed people in the world

3.What is true of the character Uncle Tom in the book?

A.He is a black man who betrays his race.

B.He manages to escape from the plantation.

C.He doesn’t put his fellow slaves in danger.

D.He kills himself instead of giving away the slaves.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.The theme on revolution and progress in the book were lost in the play.

B.The book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” has more readers than the stage versions.

C.The play was very popular and nowadays it is still put on now and then.

D.It is the Uncle Tom in the book that promotes the progress of mankind.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建闽清高级中学等四校高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He won the FIFA World Player of the Year award,though _____ of the fans seemed to agree.

A.each B.every

C.not all D.no one


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Fish have ears. Really. They’re quite small and have no opening to the outside world carrying sound through the body. For the past seven years, Simon Thorrold, a university professor, has been examining fish ears, small round ear bones called otoliths.

As fish grow, so do their otoliths. Each day, their otoliths gain a ring of calcium carbonate (碳酸钙). By looking through a microscope (显微镜) and counting these rings, Thorrold can determine the exact age of a young fish. As a fish gets older, its otoliths no longer get daily rings. Instead, they get yearly rings, which can also be counted, giving information about the fish’s age, just like the growth rings of a tree.

Ring counting is nothing new to fish scientists. But Thorold has turned to a new direction. They’re examining the chemical elements (元素) of each otolith ring.

The daily ring gives us the time, but chemistry tells us about the environment in which the fish swam on any given day. These elements tell us about the chemistry of the water that the fish was in. It also says something about water temperature, which determines how much of these elements will gather within each otolith ring.

Thorrold can tell, for example, if a fish spent time in the open ocean before entering the less salty water of coastal areas. He can basically tell where fish are spending their time at any given stage of history.

In the case of the Atlantic croaker, a popular saltwater food fish, Thorrold and his assistant have successfully followed the traveling of young fish from mid-ocean to the coast, a journey of many hundreds of miles.

This is important to managers in the fish industry, who know nearly nothing about the whereabouts of the young fish for most food fish in the ocean. Eager to learn about his technology, fish scientists are now lending Thorrold their ears.

1.What can we learn about fish ears from the text?

A. They are small soft rings.

B. They are not seen from the outside.

C. They are openings only on food fish.

D. They are not used to receive sound.

2.Why does the writer compare the fish to trees?

A. Trees gain a growth ring each day.

B. Trees also have otoliths.

C. Their growth rings are very small.

D. They both have growth rings.

3.Why is it important to study the chemistry of otolith rings?

A. The elements of the otoliths can tell the history of the sea.

B. Chemical contents of otoliths can tell how fast fish can swim.

C. We can know more about fish and their living environment.

D. Scientists can know exactly how old a fish is.

4.How would you understand “fish scientists are now lending their ears”?

A. They are very interested in Thorrold’s research findings.

B. They want to know where they can find fish.

C. They lend their fish for chemical studies.

D. They wonder if Thorrold can find growth rings from their ears.

