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                                Taking good notes

   Have you ever stared at your heavy textbook,your piles of handouts and wished you knew just what questions your teacher planned to put on the next big test? Lacking a crystal ball,most students feel they have no choice but to look through all that material,drill it into their brains,and hope they can remember the right parts at test time.

   36 If you learn the best ways to take good notes,you'11 make the job of studying for tests a lot easier from now on.

   Keep up with your assigned textbook reading.Come to class with an intefest in the material and with questions to be answered. You can develop these by thinking about and expecting the lecture and by pre-reading the text. 37 

   Date each day's notes and leave wide margins (页边空白) . Dated notes guide you to the right material to study for a test. At test time,the extra margins give you room to add more information if you need it. 38 

   Write down main ideas and underline or highlight them. Main ideas give you the “big pictureof information,the reasons why events took place. Write out a main idea whenever you think you hear one. 39 This kind of notetaking helps you connect related information,making it easier for you to remember it for a test later on.

   Use abbreviations and symbols to make notetaking easier. Here are a few simple ones:

   + plus,and

   = equal,same as,similar,like eg for example w/o without 

   40 If you write down something that doesn't make sense,talk to someone right away to clear up the problem.

   A. Write out a main idea.

   B. That's the hard way to study.

   C. See your teacher or a classmate about confusing notes.

   D. This gives you an overall sense of what the text is about.

   E. Also,the extra space will make it easier for you to find the material.

   F. When you are prepared,your teacher's comments make more sense.

   G. Then use single words or short phrases to list related details that tie into the big idea.



36. 第一段所提到的办法 Clo6k through all that material,drill it into their brains,and hope they can remember the right parts at test time) 比较费 力,所以下文作者才会给读者介绍做笔记的方 法。B项符合此处语境,在文中起承上启下的 作用。

37.F。F 项的 prepared 与该空前的 with questions to be answered 和 pre-reading 相呼应。

38. E。E项的the extra space承接该空前的the extra margins 。

39. G。本段是关于总结大意的,故写下大意后,紧 接着应该列出支撑大意的细节信息。这与下文 提到的“这种方法帮你将零散的信息联系起来, 帮助你更好地记忆它们”相呼应。

40. C.此处考査该段的主旨句。C项中的 confiising 和 your teacher or a classmate 与该段的 doesn,t make sense 和 someone — 一对应。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第49期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   If you can identify your personal values,your personal goals will not go wrongly. You must write your goals down on a piece of paper. If so,they will only become dreams. After you know your personal values,find out that you really want to achieve in life. Life had many aspects and in order to lead happy life,you should set a goal in every aspect.Nothing which happens just by accidents. Take a look for all of the things that are kept you from accomplishing your goal and develop a plan to overcome them. You also need to find out the people or group you need to work with to reaching your goals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Colour plays a big part 61. everything we do. We use it both as- a marker of identity and a way of 62. (express) our individuality (个性) through decoration. And we use different colours 63. (send) out very different messages.


   People need a sense of group identity. From the colourful traditional dress of a schoolboy,other people in Peru know 64. he comes from the Quechua community. We wear uniforms at school and work,and we dress in our favourite sports team colours to say 65. same thing — we belong to this group.


   Face-painting is an important part of many 66. (celebrate) , and these days people are starting to experiment with brightly coloured synthetic paints as well as traditional colours. In fashion-conscious Europe,the “in” colour 67.(change) every season. This autumn,for example,women are wearing shades of purple and lilac. 


   Marketing experts understand the power of colour very well. Goods in eye-catching colours stand 68. on the supermarket shelf. And compa- nies always select the colour of their brand very 69. (careful) — a calm blue for a bank 70.you can trust,dark green says quality,or brown and green means eco-friendliness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In Africaj wild baboons(狒狒) like banding together to find food and protect each other. They may not be the smartest species,but like all animals,survival instincts are programmed into their DNA. They know that being together makes them safer.

   Now think about your school. Sure,no one is trying to eat you alive,but you too are a social animal. And youre one who has been thrown into a fierce environment. From day one,you sense that theres safety in numbers. And once you follow that animal instinct to form packs,you feel more secure. “When I first walked into -my new high school last year,I was so nervous,”says Mike,rarJjTBliS=f 15,a high school student in New York City.“Everyone sat and walked together,in twos or threes — sometimes as a ‘group of five or more people. I didn’ t understand how I would ever belong.

  Mike isnt alone. In a survey,63 percent of teens told us they feel pressure to fit in or be popular,and 91 percent said their schools are divided into groups.

   It is believed that to be popular is to be liked. But all popular people arent necessarily liked. They just make rules. Popular groups arent the only ones making rules. Zoe,a freshman from New York,says that even her close crew,which calls itself the “booknerds” (书呆子) ,” has unspoken guidelines. When Zoe wears makeup or a dress,her friends act like she's betrayed them: “They’ 11 say ,‘ Oh,she's painting her nails. She's a popular girl now., They’ re joking,but theyre not,if you know what I mean. It makes me upset."

   “Because of the way the teen brain works,differences are seen as threatening,” says researcher Alexandra Robbins. “But usually these differences are things that make a person successful in adulthood."

   Take,for example,Adam Levine of the band Maroon 5. In high school,he was a “nerdy,awkward kid crazy about music.w Now he's successful and famous. Then there,s Taylor Swift: Instead of trying to fit in with the cool kids who rejected her,she put her energy into songwriting.

25. When Mike first came to his high school,he.

   A. was excited to make new friends

   B. was proud of his new pretty school

   C. was pretty nervous about his coming exams

   D. was worried about finding new companions

26. Which of the following would the author most probably agree with?

   A. Most of us like popular people.

   B. Only popular groups make rules.

   C. Being popular is important to students.

   D. There are always some rules in a group.

27. Seeing Zoe wearing makeup or a dress,her friends.

   A. praise her   B. appear unhappy

   C. are proud of her   D. are envious of her

28. Which of the following is TRUE about Taylor Swift as a student?

   A. She was very popular.

   B. She had many friends.

   C. She was devoted to her hobby.

   D. She was one of the coolest kids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 描述画面;

2. 概述其含义;

3. 谈谈个人感想。


1. 开头己给出,不计入总词数; 

2. 可适,发挥,使内容充实、行文连贯。

In the picture,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                         Cambridge Botanic Garden 

Opening Times 

The Garden opens daily at 10 am 

April-September: 10 am-6 pm 

February,March & October: 10 am-5 pm 

January,November & December: 10 am-4 pm 


   Please note that the Garden is closed for the Christmas holidays from 4 pm on 23 December 2016 and will re-open at 10 am on 2 January 2017.

   The facilities and services: The Glasshouses and Cafe close 30 minutes before the Garden and the Botanic Garden Shop at Brookside closes 15 minutes before the Garden.

Plan Your Visits 

   Please note that only guide and assistance dogs are permitted in the Garden.

   Please take care to keep to the paths and lawns (草坪) and not walk on the beds,hany plants are easily damaged.

   This is a working garden,where machinery is in constant use,so to stay safe,please look about you carefully and keep children in your care at all times.

Group Visits (for 10 or more) .

   The Botanic Garden makes a wonderful destination for a leisure or special interest group visit at any time of year.

   Groups of 10 or more people must pre-book with at least one week's notice. Advance booking helps us to arrange the timing of group visits. This ensures an enjoyable visit for your group.

   For a guided tour of the Garden,its collections and seasonal highlights,please contact the Administration Office on 01223 748450 in the first instance to check availability. Guided tours must be booked at least four weeks in advance.

   To make your group booking,please download the Group Visit Booking Form from the link on this page and return it to us via the link as soon as possible. We will check availability and send booking confirmation by post. Group leaders will need to bring the booking confirmation with you.

21. What do we know about the Garden?

   A. It opens all year round.

   B. It opens earlier than its facilities.

   C. Its closing times vary with the month.

   D. Its facilities and services close at the same time.

22. What should visitors to the Garden avoid doing?

   A. Approaching the beds.

   B. Walking on the lawns.

   C. Bringing their young kids.

   D. Taking their pets along with them.

23. By at least how long should a guided tour of the Garden be pre-booked?

   A. One week. B. Two weeks.

   C. Three weeks. D. Four weeks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Jane: Nancy,how did travelling abroad change your impressions of other nations,cultures and peoples?

Nancy: At first,I often 61. (want) people to adapt to me,62. me to adapt to the people or places. I expected to have things 63. (translate) into English. Most people welcomed my poor attempts at 64. (try) to communicate,so I gradually tried to understand their culture.

Jane: How did it change your understanding of the United States?

Nancy: We are too self-centered. “The American way is 65. only way to live” 一 that's such a false statement.

Jane: Did travelling abroad influence your own life and decisions?

Nancy: Yes. I am going to teach overseas 66. two years this fall. I’m really 67. (excite) to get deep into one race,culture,place,language,etc.

Jane: Would you recommend 68. others travel,live or study abroad?

Nancy: Certainly!We never get to 69.(true) understand a global viewpoint without getting out and seeing other ways of 70. . You also leam more about your boundaries,strengths,and weaknesses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Most people don't notice I'm polite,which is the point. I am big and look less energetic. Still,every year or so,someone takes me aside and says,wYou actually are polite,aren’t you?” I'm always thrilled. They noticed. That's the thing. When we talk about politeness,we usually think of please; thank you; I like your hat; etc. AW we need to do is to hear,not to notice.

   When I was in high school,I read etiquette manuals (手册) . No one noticed my politeness except for one kid. He yelled at me about it. aIt's strange that you are always so polite,” he said. I took that as praise and made a note to hide my politeness further. Real politeness,I reasoned,was invisible(看不见的) . It adapted itself to the situation.

   Politeness leaves doors open. V ve met so many people whom,if I had trusted my first impressions,I would never have wanted to meet again. Yet many of them are now great friends. One of those people is my wife. On our first date,she told me at length that she had an operation to remove a cyst (瘤) from her body. This is a cyst with hair and teeth. Of course,it killed the chemistry. But when I walked her home,I told her I'd had a great time. We talked a little after that. I kept everything pleasant and brief. Much later,I learned that she’d been having a very bad day in a very bad year.

   People silently suffer from all kinds of terrible things. The good thing about politeness is you can regard these people exactly the same and wait to see what happens. You don't have to have an opinion. You don't need to make a judgment.

   Last week,my two-year-old son,Abraham met a foreign woman in the playground. Out of curiosity,I suppose,he asked, “What's your name?” The woman told him. Then he put out his little hand and said, “Nice to meet you!” Everyone laughed and he smiled. He shared with her his firmest handshake,like I taught him.

28. Many people don't think the author is polite at first because he doesn't .

   A. look polite

   B. say polite words

   C. listen to others politely

   D. behave politely towards strangers

29. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. The author's good manners.

   B. The author's strange behavior.

   C. The author always making notes.

   D. The author reading etiquette manuals.

30. The author writes Paragraph 3 to show that politeness can .

   A. keep everything pleasant

   B. help people make friends

   C. be good for people's health

   D. give people second chances

31. What's the author's attitude towards his son's behavior?

   A. Embarrassed. B. Surprised.

   C. Satisfied. D. Curious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   My best friend Angel and I was riding her brother's four-wheeler. She was driving down a road when all of sudden we hit a sand pile and lost control. Luckily she was okay and I wasn,t. I was knocking unconscious. At first she didn't know how to do but then she heard a truck coming down the road. So she waves down the driver and explained what happened. The man got out of his truck with a second -thought. He rushed over to her and called an ambulance. By that time I was starting to wake up. When I woke up,I saw the man stood over me. I thanked for him. That man was a hero.

