精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

You may picture firefighters holding a hose (水管) outside of a burning building, but the Golden Eagles Hotshots don’t fight fires quite that way. When they go into action, you may not even see a fire truck.
The Hotshots are firefighters who battle fires in wildness areas. But don’t think you’ll only find them in their home state California. Wherever there is a national wildfire emergency, the Golden Eagles Hotshots could be there.
But these firefighters don’t work the same way as firefighters in a big city. They work in areas where there are a large number of trees, bushes, and grass. They climb up and down steep hills to clear brush and burnable debris(残骸). They sometimes use water, but they often fight fire with fire!
They do that by lighting what are called “backfires,” which are small, controlled fires that burn up fuel in the path of large wildfires. That way, when the wildfire gets there, it has nothing to burn and nowhere to go, because all the burnable fuel has already gone up in smoke.
The Hotshots also clear away fuel using old-fashioned hard work. For example, they use a saw to cut away trees and heavy brush that could catch fire.
Of course there are times when the Golden Eagles Hotshots do have trucks to supply water to the fires. But the water is limited, and these guys have to rely on hard work more than anything. Physical fitness is very important. They have to be in great physical shape to handle steep hills and difficult terrain(地形) while carrying a 60-pound pack.
The Golden Eagles Hotshots definitely work hard for their pay. But thanks to their efforts, many lives have been saved, many houses have not burned, and countless trees are still standing.
【小题1】67. The firefighters mentioned in the passenger. 

A.do much of their work in California
B.avoid climbing steep hills in their work
C.do their work equipped with advanced tools.
D.carry out their work mostly in forests and mountains.
【小题2】68. According to the passage, why do the firefighters light “backfires”?
A.To signal for help.B.To remove obstacles.
C.To protect trees and bushes.D.To prevent the fire from spreading.
【小题3】69. What can we learn about the Golden Eagles Hotshots?
A.They are firefighters working in big cities.
B.Their work requires physical strength.
C.They are voluntary firefighters working for free.
D.They usually hold a hose to put out the fires.
【小题4】70. What is the author’s attitude towards the Golden Eagles Hotshots?


题干:文中提到的消防员____答案依据:The Hotshots are firefighters who battle fires in wildness areas.(第二段句首,同义转换)
选D 答案依据:which are small, controlled fires that burn up fuel in the path of large wildfires.(第四段)
选A(赞扬的,欣赏的)答案依据:thanks to their efforts, many lives have been saved, many houses have not burned, and countless trees are still standing,据此可判断作者的态度
作答此类题型,应注意用归类法进行处理。态度褒贬划分可有:褒扬的(Appreciative,positive等) 中性的(neutral,objective,worried等) 贬义的(critical,doubtful等)平时应注意多归类整理。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We use the Internet for many things: business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding information and so on. In recent years, a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There’s no real word for it yet, so we’ll call it e-talk. People don’t like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters (called acronyms). Acronyms are often used in chat rooms(聊天室). Some of them are:

BTW(by the way);  BRB(be right back);  LOL(laughing out loud);  IMO(in my opinion)

People also use many abbreviations. They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations are:

info(information);   puter(computer);    pic(picture);     sec(second)

We ususally don’t see people when we communicate on the Internet, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keyboards to draw “feelings”, such as:

:-) (happy);     ;-)(joking);        :-((sad);       :-O(surprised)

These days, many forums(论坛)have picture feelings. For example:


(happy)              (sad)               (angry)               (cool)

There are even whole new words, like ”newbie’s” (someone who is new on a chat board or forum). When you write something bad about someone else, it’s called “flaming” the person.

It takes time for people to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbie’s sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.

Why do people type acronyms?

A. To show their feelings.      B. To make jokes.

C. To save time.                D. In this way newbie’s won’t understand them.

What does “BTW, my computer is not working well, :-( ”mean?

A.The person is happy about getting a new computer.

B. The person has to go away from his/her computer.

C. The person is angry at somebody.

D. The person is sad that his computer is having problems.

If someone is angry, what may he type?

A.      B. BRB          C. LOL        D.

E-talk will probably_______.

A. keep changing                       B. stay the same

C. be used by people on the telephone       D. be easy for newbie’s to understand.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈九中2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

You can deposit money in a building society and obtain yearly interest at a certain rate.You can also borrow money from a building society.What, then, is difference between a bank and a building society? In fact, a building society does not seem to be very different from a savings bank.Many people regularly save money by depositing small amounts monthly in a building society, just as other people regularly save money by depositing small amounts monthly in a savings bank.Some people deposit large amounts in a building society as an investment.They receive higher interest than they would receive from a savings bank; their money can be invested either in building society shares or in loans to the society.
These societies are controlled by law, but they are not government organizations.They were originally started to enable people to buy houses.One of their main purposes is to provide loans for buying or building houses.Many people prefer buying a house to paying rent, but some of them cannot afford to buy a house.To cover the cost they borrow the money from a building society.The loan plus the interest is paid back in monthly amounts over an agreed number of years.Probably the payments made in this way are no more than the rent of a rented house.But at the end of the stated period, when the debt is paid, the borrower becomes the owner of the house.To protect the building society from “bad debts” he must sign a statement to say that the house belongs to the society until the debt is paid.
A building society invests the savings of its shareholders in houses and property.Unlike a bank, it does not serve as a general clearing house (清算所) for every kind of exchange or business operation.Its activities are limited compared with those of a bank.
68.A building society is different from a bank in that ____.
A.the former is limited in its activities
B.the latter is limited in function compared with the former
C.a bank doesn’t serve as a general clearing house
D.a building society can protect itself from “bad debt”
69.Some people put large amounts of money in the building society because _______.
A.they can get more profit than they do in a bank.
B.they may choose between the form of building society shares and that of loans for their investment
C.they may enjoy shares and loans at the same time
D.they like the society
70.If you borrow money from the society to buy a house, ____.
A.you have to return the money to the building society the moment it is needed.
B.you have to sign an agreement to repay the loan after a number of years
C.what you pay back monthly for the loan would be less than the rent
D.the house doesn’t belong to you unless you have repaid all the debt


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省双鸭山一中高三8月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Sports Tickets

Mon., Nov. 1st, 2011 1:00 P.M.
New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles
Mon., Nov. 1st, 2011 1:00 P.M.
Miami Dolphins vs. New York Jets
Mon., Nov. 8th, 2011 4:15 P.M.
Sam Diego Chargers vs. New York Giants
Mon., Nov. 15th, 2011 1:00 P.M.
Jacksonville Kaguars vs. New York Jets
Mon., Nov. 22nd, 2011 1:00 P.M.
Atlanta Falcons vs. New York Giants
Mon., Nov. 29th, 2011 1:00 P.M.
Carolina Panthers vs. New York Jets
Mon., Dec. 3rd, 2011 8:20 P.M.
New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills
Volunteers Wanted!
We conduct studies to evaluate new medications for sleep disorder.Both healthy adults and patients suffering from insomnia are sought to participate in these studies.
You may be qualified to take part as a healthy adult volunteer if you are aged 18 or over and are willing to have your sleep patterns recorded.Further, if you meet these standards and also suffer from a little sleep disorder you may be able to sign our register of patients.
☆ Always control your child when he is first learning to skateboard.To best assist a beginner, hold one of the child’s hands and guide him along a smooth and level surface.
☆ A safety helmet and elbow, wrist and knee pads must always be worn while your child is skateboarding.
☆ Sneakers must always be worn while your child is skateboarding.Don’t let your child skate in bare feet, sandals or any other open-toed shoes.
☆ Never let your child skateboard in the street.
☆ Never tow skateboarders with a bicycle or a car.
☆ Skateboard only in daylight.
Parents, there is a Tropical Paradise for kids too!
The Pacific Islands Club knows something others don’t.Kids are on holiday and they want to be pampered (纵容), too.Our kids’ Club of PIC Guam is free of charge and has both indoor and outdoor activities ensuring a really great time to children aged 4 to 12.Open daily from 09: 00 a.m..Clubmates will accompany children to all of the exciting play areas.They will also love to join the other children for the special meals we have prepared just for them.
【小题1】If you want to watch a play by New York Jets but pay the least money, you should go _____.
A.Mon., Nov.15th, 2011 1:00 P.M.
B.Mon., Nov.1st, 2011 1:00 P.M.
C.Mon., Nov.29th, 2011 1:00 P.M.
D.Fri., Dec.3rd, 2011 8:20 P.M.
【小题2】While your child is skateboarding, you should_____.
A.lead him by the hand all the time.
B.let him put on open-toed shoes
C.require him to skateboard at night
D.forbid him to skateboard at night.
【小题3】We know from the text that PIC Guam______.
A.charges children the least money.
B.offers meals especially to children.
C.only has indoor activities.
D.gets children alone to go to all the play areas.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.New York Giants participates in four matches in November, 2011.
B.You can be a volunteer if you suffer diet disorder.
C.Skateboarding without helmet and knee pads is unwise.
D.There are no meals provided in Pacific Islands Club.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江省高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Sports Tickets

Mon., Nov. 1st, 2011 1:00 P.M.

New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles


Mon., Nov. 1st, 2011 1:00 P.M.

Miami Dolphins vs. New York Jets


Mon., Nov. 8th, 2011 4:15 P.M.

Sam Diego Chargers vs. New York Giants


Mon., Nov. 15th, 2011 1:00 P.M.

Jacksonville Kaguars vs. New York Jets


Mon., Nov. 22nd, 2011 1:00 P.M.

Atlanta Falcons vs. New York Giants


Mon., Nov. 29th, 2011 1:00 P.M.

Carolina Panthers vs. New York Jets


Mon., Dec. 3rd, 2011 8:20 P.M.

New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills


Volunteers Wanted!

    We conduct studies to evaluate new medications for sleep disorder.Both healthy adults and patients suffering from insomnia are sought to participate in these studies.

    You may be qualified to take part as a healthy adult volunteer if you are aged 18 or over and are willing to have your sleep patterns recorded.Further, if you meet these standards and also suffer from a little sleep disorder you may be able to sign our register of patients.


    ☆ Always control your child when he is first learning to skateboard.To best assist a beginner, hold one of the child’s hands and guide him along a smooth and level surface.

    ☆ A safety helmet and elbow, wrist and knee pads must always be worn while your child is skateboarding.

    ☆ Sneakers must always be worn while your child is skateboarding.Don’t let your child skate in bare feet, sandals or any other open-toed shoes.

    ☆ Never let your child skateboard in the street.

    ☆ Never tow skateboarders with a bicycle or a car.

    ☆ Skateboard only in daylight.

Parents, there is a Tropical Paradise for kids too!

    The Pacific Islands Club knows something others don’t.Kids are on holiday and they want to be pampered (纵容), too.Our kids’ Club of PIC Guam is free of charge and has both indoor and outdoor activities ensuring a really great time to children aged 4 to 12.Open daily from 09: 00 a.m..Clubmates will accompany children to all of the exciting play areas.They will also love to join the other children for the special meals we have prepared just for them.

1.If you want to watch a play by New York Jets but pay the least money, you should go _____.

A.Mon., Nov.15th, 2011 1:00 P.M.       

B.Mon., Nov.1st, 2011 1:00 P.M.

C.Mon., Nov.29th, 2011 1:00 P.M.       

D.Fri., Dec.3rd, 2011 8:20 P.M.

2.While your child is skateboarding, you should_____.

A.lead him by the hand all the time. 

B.let him put on open-toed shoes

C.require him to skateboard at night  

D.forbid him to skateboard at night.

3.We know from the text that PIC Guam______.

A.charges children the least money.  

B.offers meals especially to children.

C.only has indoor activities.        

D.gets children alone to go to all the play areas.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.New York Giants participates in four matches in November, 2011.

B.You can be a volunteer if you suffer diet disorder.

C.Skateboarding without helmet and knee pads is unwise.

D.There are no meals provided in Pacific Islands Club.


