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The bridal suite was prepared for the reception of the honeymooners.




科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南通市通州区2012届高三重点热点专项检测英语试题 题型:050


  Did you ever hear of “marriage by capture”? Marriage by capture, also called bride kidnapping(绑架), has been practiced throughout history and around the world and goes back to primitive culture when tribal groups were hostile(敌视的)to each other.While trying to conquer a hostile tribe, the groom kidnapped the woman he wished to marry.The groom usually brought along a fellow-warrior as his “best man” to help kidnap the bride-to-be.

  The bridesmaid, or the maid of honor, and the honeymoon are also relics(遗产)of bride kidnapping.In the old days, the bridesmaids were the women who helped the bride to get captured by the groom she wanted.Today a bridesmaid is one of the women who attend to the bride at a wedding and is usually a sister or close friend of the bride.The practice of having a honeymoon goes back to the time when the groom had to go into hiding with his kidnapped bride to avoid being discovered by her relatives.Today many newlyweds still keep their honeymoon plans a secret from their relatives.

  The custom of marriage by capture may have gradually led to marriage by purchase.In order to avoid tribal warfare, the groom offered to pay a bride price to the bride's parents as compensation for their loss.The bride price is not the same as the dowry, which is the property a bride brings to her husband upon the marriage to help establish the new household.Giving a bride price is still practiced in many Asian countries.

  The practice of “giving the bride away” in the modern wedding ceremony originated from the time when the bride's parents arranged her marriage and gave or sold her to the groom.Today at some wedding ceremonies, the minister may ask, “Who gives this woman to this man in marriage? ” To show his approval, the father will reply, “I do” and then give his daughter away to the groom by putting her hand into the groom's hand.

  In the modern world, marriage by capture is widely considered a sex crime, though it is still practiced in some cultures, and marriage by purchase has almost died away.The modern version of marriage is marriage by mutual love.In most countries today, marriage is governed by civil law.Although most couples celebrate their wedding in the presence of a priest, rabbi, or minister, depending on their religious beliefs, they must have the official marriage license to make their marriage valid.

  The modern marriage makes good use of many old traditions as symbols, making it colorful and romantic.In the United States and many other countries, the new bonds between a married couple are frequently represented by some old practices, such as the white wedding grown, the bride being carried across the threshold(门槛)of the new home, the flower girls, the exchange of wedding rings, the joining of hands, the throwing of rice, grain, or nuts, the wedding cake, and the bridal kiss.


The function of the second paragraph is to explain ________.

[  ]


a possible solution to a problem raised in the article


the origins of the maids of honor and the honeymoon


who should be bridesmaids and how long a honeymoon should last


why the maids of honor and the honeymoon are critical for newlyweds


We can infer from the article that ________.

[  ]


a bride brings her husband a bride price to help establish the new household


today the old practice of “giving the bride away” still exists but runs differently


all of the old wedding practices are replaced by new ones


the practice of “giving the bride away” is considered illegal in most countries


All of the following are old wedding traditions EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


giving the bride away


throwing rice, grain, or nuts


carrying the bride across the threshold


holding an official marriage license


This article is mainly about ________.

[  ]


traditions of marriage


illegal bride kidnapping


modern wedding cultures across the world


how many marriage traditions have died away


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省宜昌市2010届高三下学期第二次调研考试 题型:阅读理解

My sister was sick for a long time before they found out what was the matter with her. She had so many tests , and no answers came, till one day we heard the words we were dreading " Your sister has a rare blood vessel cancer, hopefully we can remove it, but we have only seen 5 cases ,and don't even know if she will survive"
My wedding day was in November, and the family spent most of their time going to the hospital ,so I was on my own with all the arrangements. Not that I minded, we were just waiting to find out what was going to become of my sister.
Finally the surgeons decided amputation was the answer after extensive radiation therapy to shrink the tumour. She was tired and lethargic, and tried hard to put on a brave face, but the fear showed in her eyes.
Fortunately, when the surgery came, the doctors found they could remove the tumour without amputation, but at a great cost. The whole leg muscle was removed , and became infected, and it took many months for my sister to become well enough to leave the hospital, but was unable to stand, let alone walk.
The day of our wedding came around, and still my sister remained unwell, and was not coming to the wedding. I felt sad inside at the thought of it, but she had survived the ordeal ,and that was enough for now.
It was the only dark spot on the happiest day of my life.
As the wedding car pulled up, I saw the family moving around the church ,and felt a slight pang....Jayne was not going to be here to share all this... I stepped out of the wedding car, and rearranged my gown and dress... the church started the bridal march... ...and as in a dream, there was my sister, standing up, supported by two crutches, smiling. I think I am the only bride who stopped in the middle of the bridal march to walk over and kiss my sister on the cheek. It cost my sister so much pain to be there ,to stand and even walk a little. She could not manage it for long, but she did it for me, even when her own future looked uncertain. In my bridal book, there is a page for gifts... and next to my sister’s name is the entry..."Jaynes gift...my sister walked on my wedding day"
And her gift is the one we remember most...
51. From the second paragraph, we can learn that ______.
A. The family didn't care much about my wedding
B. I was worried about the arrangement of my wedding
C. I was angry that I had to arrange my wedding by myself
D. I think I should care more about my sister's illness
52. What does the underlined word "amputation" mean?
A. chemical treatment                                 B. removing the tumour
C. cutting off the leg                                      D. removing the whole leg muscle
53. What's only the dark spot on my happiest day
A. my sister's leg was infected.                    B. My sister could not attend my wedding.
C. My sister was unable to walk.                D. My sister failed to survive the cancer.
54. What's the best title of this passage?
A. My sister's gift.      B. My sister's illness.  C. My brave sister.    D. My happiest day.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省宜昌市2010届高三下学期第二次调研考试 题型:阅读理解




My sister was sick for a long time before they found out what was the matter with her. She had so many tests , and no answers came, till one day we heard the words we were dreading " Your sister has a rare blood vessel cancer, hopefully we can remove it, but we have only seen 5 cases ,and don't even know if she will survive"

My wedding day was in November, and the family spent most of their time going to the hospital ,so I was on my own with all the arrangements. Not that I minded, we were just waiting to find out what was going to become of my sister.

Finally the surgeons decided amputation was the answer after extensive radiation therapy to shrink the tumour. She was tired and lethargic, and tried hard to put on a brave face, but the fear showed in her eyes.

Fortunately, when the surgery came, the doctors found they could remove the tumour without amputation, but at a great cost. The whole leg muscle was removed , and became infected, and it took many months for my sister to become well enough to leave the hospital, but was unable to stand, let alone walk.

The day of our wedding came around, and still my sister remained unwell, and was not coming to the wedding. I felt sad inside at the thought of it, but she had survived the ordeal ,and that was enough for now.

It was the only dark spot on the happiest day of my life.

As the wedding car pulled up, I saw the family moving around the church ,and felt a slight pang....Jayne was not going to be here to share all this... I stepped out of the wedding car, and rearranged my gown and dress... the church started the bridal march... ...and as in a dream, there was my sister, standing up, supported by two crutches, smiling. I think I am the only bride who stopped in the middle of the bridal march to walk over and kiss my sister on the cheek. It cost my sister so much pain to be there ,to stand and even walk a little. She could not manage it for long, but she did it for me, even when her own future looked uncertain. In my bridal book, there is a page for gifts... and next to my sister’s name is the entry..."Jaynes gift...my sister walked on my wedding day"

And her gift is the one we remember most...

51. From the second paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A. The family didn't care much about my wedding

B. I was worried about the arrangement of my wedding

C. I was angry that I had to arrange my wedding by myself

D. I think I should care more about my sister's illness

52. What does the underlined word "amputation" mean?

A. chemical treatment                                 B. removing the tumour

C. cutting off the leg                                      D. removing the whole leg muscle

53. What's only the dark spot on my happiest day

A. my sister's leg was infected.                    B. My sister could not attend my wedding.

C. My sister was unable to walk.                D. My sister failed to survive the cancer.

54. What's the best title of this passage?

A. My sister's gift.      B. My sister's illness.  C. My brave sister.    D. My happiest day.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




My sister was sick for a long time before they found out what was the matter with her. She had so many tests , and no answers came, till one day we heard the words we were dreading " Your sister has a rare blood vessel cancer, hopefully we can remove it, but we have only seen 5 cases ,and don't even know if she will survive"

My wedding day was in November, and the family spent most of their time going to the hospital ,so I was on my own with all the arrangements. Not that I minded, we were just waiting to find out what was going to become of my sister.

Finally the surgeons decided amputation was the answer after extensive radiation therapy to shrink the tumour. She was tired and lethargic, and tried hard to put on a brave face, but the fear showed in her eyes.

Fortunately, when the surgery came, the doctors found they could remove the tumour without amputation, but at a great cost. The whole leg muscle was removed , and became infected, and it took many months for my sister to become well enough to leave the hospital, but was unable to stand, let alone walk.

The day of our wedding came around, and still my sister remained unwell, and was not coming to the wedding. I felt sad inside at the thought of it, but she had survived the ordeal ,and that was enough for now.

It was the only dark spot on the happiest day of my life.

As the wedding car pulled up, I saw the family moving around the church ,and felt a slight pang....Jayne was not going to be here to share all this... I stepped out of the wedding car, and rearranged my gown and dress... the church started the bridal march... ...and as in a dream, there was my sister, standing up, supported by two crutches, smiling. I think I am the only bride who stopped in the middle of the bridal march to walk over and kiss my sister on the cheek. It cost my sister so much pain to be there ,to stand and even walk a little. She could not manage it for long, but she did it for me, even when her own future looked uncertain. In my bridal book, there is a page for gifts... and next to my sister’s name is the entry..."Jaynes gift...my sister walked on my wedding day"

And her gift is the one we remember most...

51. From the second paragraph, we can learn that ______.

    A. The family didn't care much about my wedding

    B. I was worried about the arrangement of my wedding

    C. I was angry that I had to arrange my wedding by myself

    D. I think I should care more about my sister's illness

52. What does the underlined word "amputation" mean?

    A. chemical treatment                                 B. removing the tumour

    C. cutting off the leg                                      D. removing the whole leg muscle

53. What's only the dark spot on my happiest day

    A. my sister's leg was infected.                    B. My sister could not attend my wedding.

    C. My sister was unable to walk.                D. My sister failed to survive the cancer.

54. What's the best title of this passage?

A. My sister's gift.      B. My sister's illness.  C. My brave sister.    D. My happiest day.

