精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
18.A.Get adequate iron
B.Keep yourself hydrated.
C.Get enough calories
D.A little exercise goes a long way.
E.Eat a balanced,varied diet
F.Spread your calories throughout the day.

The Energy Diet
How can I lose weight when every time I go on a diet,I'm so exhausted that I can barely make it through the day?So goes the complaint of many men and women who are concerned about being overweight.What many people don't realize is that a healthful weight-loss plan can actually boost your energy.The key is to eat smart.And then combine this healthful diet with some physical activity.Here are six pointers to get you started.
Consume too few calories and you'll have less energy,and decrease the amount of calories burned."That's because one of the ways the body protects itself from starvation is to slow down its metabolism,"explains Dr.Donald Hensrud,a nutrition professor at the Mayo Clinic,in Rochester,Minn.So how many calories do you need to feel energized while also slimming down?A healthful weight-loss rate is roughly one-and-a-half pounds per week,and the calorie intake to achieve this depends on your age,weight,and activity level.
The key to keeping your energy level up when you diet is to eat balanced meals that supply all the nutrients you need."Vitamins and minerals act like spark plugs,"explains Kristine Clark,director of sports nutrition at Pennsylvania State University."They help release the energy in nutrient-rich food."Try to follow USDA guidelines.They call for 6 to 11 servings per day from the bread,cereal,rice,and pasta group; three to five servings of vegetables; two to four of fruits; two or three of milk or cheese; two or three of meat,fish,or eggs.Avoid fried and creamy dishes,and keep consumption of sweets and desserts to a minimum.
When you go for five to six hours without food,the amount of fuel in your system starts to run low,and you begin to feel tired.Therefore,says Kristine Clark,it's important to eat at regular intervals to keep your energy up.If you exercise,it's important to make sure you have"fuel in the tank"before you head for the gym.Avoid eating a large number of calories at one time,since it's harder to control your total calorie intake,making weight gain more likely.
About 10% of women of childbearing age in the United States are iron deficient.Iron is essential for energy and endurance because it is a vital component of red blood cells,which carry oxygen to working muscles."Fatigue and listlessness can be directly associated with too little iron,"says Frances Berg,a licensed nutritionist in Hettinger,N.D.The best sources of iron are meat,poultry,and some fish.Other sources:fortified cereals,dried beans,dried fruits,and peas.
"I don't have the energy to exercise!"say many dieters.Indeed,a 1998 survey,developed in part by the Center for Sports Medicine at Penn State,found that over 70% of respondents cited"too tired"or"lack of energy"as key reasons to skip exercising.Yet exercise is exactly what these people need.And,lastly,don't try to do too much too soon.Consider breaking your exercise into small units.Instead of trying to do 30 minutes in one chunk,accumulate exercise in short bouts (一场,一回)every day by mowing the lawn,walking to work,or climbing stairs instead of taking an elevator.It won't be long before you reap (收获)the rewards.Imagine carrying a 15-pound sack of groceries around all day.Then think about how much more energy you'd have if you put that sack down.

分析 本文叙述了减肥的几点建议.一是必须有足够的热量.二是要有健康的且营养丰富的饮食.三是锻炼时热量要能够供应你一整天的需要.四是要保持体内足够的铁.五是锻炼要循序渐进,不要急于求成.

解答 61.C.根据第二段Consume too few calories and you'll have less energy 可知,必须有足够的热量,故选C.
62.E.根据第三段The key to keeping your energy level up when you diet is to eat balanced meals that supply all the nutrients you need.当你节食时,要有一个健康的且营养丰富的饮食,故选E.
63.F.根据第四段it's important to eat at regular intervals to keep your energy up.体内的热量要能够供应你一整天的需要,故选F.
64.A.根据第五段About 10% of women of childbearing age in the United States are iron deficient.要保持体内足够的铁,故选A.
65.D.根据第六段It won't be long before you reap (收获)the rewards.小成绩大成就,不要太着急,慢慢地循序渐进地锻炼,故选D.

点评 主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握.该题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握.这一考查题型对阅读理解提出了更高层次的要求,即不仅要有阅读速度,要对所读文章的主旨要义、具体信息要有所了解,尤其重要的是要掌握作者的写作意图、观点,区分出论点和论据,并且能够把握文章的写作结构和脉络层次.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.These teenagers don't know much of the world yet; that's why they are so easily ______.(  )
A.taken inB.taken upC.taken offD.taken out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.In 1988,a company in Ohio invented an alcohol-based hand cleaner,which was meant to be used by health-care worker; when soap and water were unavailable.Joe Kanfer,the company's C.E.O.,told me recently,"there were a couple of other alcohol products out there,but they were really ugly.Either they were greasy (油腻的) or they burned your hands white."Kanfer took a year and a half to develop this product which is visually appealing and does almost no harm to one's skin.Still.Kanfer lost money on it for mare than a decade because people couldn't get what it was for.
The product was called Purell.Today,you see it everywhere.My doctor uses it several times during every office visit.You can aer it in almost every office in the U.s..and school picnics would be impossible without it.The former president Grorge W.Bush was called a racist for using hand cleaner after first shaking hands with Barack Obama,but Bush also gave some of it to Obama and recommended it as a cold preventative (预防药).What was once barely even a product is now a growing product category,worth hundreds of millions per year.
The rise of Purell makes some health professionals uneasy,Some claimed that promoting hand cleaner may worsen"our culture's irrational (非理性的) fear about bacteria."Still,the clear agreement among experts is that unclean hands pose a serious health risk,and are one of the main reasons in the spread of infectious in hospitals.A 2007study estimated that,in America in 2002,such infections resulted in more than a million and a half patient illnesses and caused or contributed to nearly a hundred thousand patient deaths-about double the number of U.S.deaths currently caused each year by AIDS and guns combined.
However,I asked a food microbiologist whether clean hands might have a medical drawback.He said."We might have a much healthier population if we adopted the kinds of condition that we see in many Third World countries,with poor-quality food and poor-quality water and lots of bacteria.If we did that,we would have adults who were very healthy and have very strong immune systems.Unfortunately,the price that we would pay would be extremely high child death rate."

28.Why did Joe Kanfer lose money on his product according to Paragraph 1?A
A.Because people didn't think it useful.
B.Because people thought it was ugly.
C.Because it was harmful to the skin.
D.Because it burned the hands white.
29.What does Paragraph 2mainly talk about?B
A.Purell brings in lots of money for Kanfer.
B.Purell has been widely used in the US.
C.Purell is a cold preventative.
D.Purell meets different needs.
30.What mainly caused patient deaths according to the figures in Paragraph 3?C
A.People's fear about bacteria.
B.Hand cleaner.
C.Bacteria on the dirty hands.
D.AIDS and guns.
31.What can we learn about the people in Third World countries?D
A.They adopt healthy living habits.
B.They have poor immune systems.
C.They eat food with fewer hacteria.
D.Their child death rate remains high.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Everybody got __________ when they heard the __________ story.(  )
A.shocking; frightenedB.shocked; frightening
C.shocking; frighteningD.shocked; frightened


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.Being on the road at 3:15a.m.to drive 450kms wasn't in my plans for the weekend.I had been looking forward to a couple of (11)D days to prepare myself for the following busy (12)C.
My son,Simon,and his good friends were heading for the (13)A.Due to the last-minute issue with transportation,I (14)C my car to ensure that everyone could get to the (15)B point so that they could get together and enjoy their week's (16)D by snowboarding and skiing.
The only thing that (17)D to me on my journey was that no sooner had I (18)C and said goodbye than I would make the trip (19)A,in total,a round trip of 900kms in just 10hours.Such a long drive in one day was frightening,(20)C as I was looking forward to relaxation
Simon and I(21)B,on our way,a little about his break and a whole lot of his school subjects.It was great to have this time with him as we (22)D spent five continuous hours together,other than when we played Saturday cricket (板球).
On my return trip,I (23)Aa strange sense of loneliness in some heavy morning (24)C.Within an hour it (25)B.I spent the next four hours listening to some CDs and enjoying the scenery.Surprisingly,after my long trip home I was (26)Drefreshed and energized even though I was physically exhausted.And I knew that I would have a(n) (27)C sleep that evening.
A change (28)C your environment,no matter how great,can provide you with the opportunity to (29)Bsomething from different angles,as well as to be refreshed and energized
Now I'm looking forward to my next (30)Cevent and many more opportunities to spend quality time with those who are important to me and make my life more rewarding.

23.A developedB.showedC.lostD.kept
25.A turnedB.clearedC.frozeD.shone
29.A.give upB.look atC.find outD.carry on
30.A plannedB.discussedC.unexpectedD.prepared


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Britain's national tourism agency issued guidelines on the etiquette(礼仪)of dealing with the hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors who will he coming to London for the 2012 Summer Olympics.Seeking to help the country's citizens offer a warmer welcome,Its VisitBritain has updated its advice for anyone likely to work with travelers arriving from overseas-from hotel staff to taxi drivers.
"Giving our foreign visitors a friendly welcome is absolutely vital to our economy,"said Sandie Dawe,chief executive officer of the agency.About 30 million people visit Briain each year,spending about 16.6 billion pounds (26billion).The 2012 Olympics is likely to bring in an additional 2.1 billion pounds( 3.3 billion) in tourism revenue(收入),according to a government estimate.
The etiquette tips were written by agency staff about their own native countries.Polish toursts are likely to be hurt by stereotypes(老套想法)that imply they drink excessively,while the French are picky in restaurants,the guidelines claim.Belgians take offense at people snapping their fingers while Japanese people consider long time eye contact impolite and smile to express a range of emotions-not simply to show happiness.Guests from China and Hong Kong may find winking or pointing with an index finger rud,the advice claims.Workers are advised against discussing poverty,immigration,earthquakes or the Mexican-American war with visitors from Mexico.Canadian tourists are likely to be quite annoyed about being mistaken for Americans,And Americans?They can appear"informal to the point of being very direct or even rude"and won't ever hesitates about complaining,he guide says.
45.It's estimated that due to the 2012 London Olympics,tourism revenue will be increased byBbillion dollars.
    A.2.1            B.3.3            C.16.6           D.26
46.VisitBritain is most likely to be a/anC.
    A.book intended for overseas tourists
    B.magazine on traveling to Britain
    C.website managed by Britain's national tourism agency
    D.organization attached to the 2012 London Olympics
47.As can be inferred from the passage,A.
    A.there must be Chinese people working in Britain's national tourism agency
    B.a Canadian won't care about his/her nationality
    C.the 2012 London Olympics focuses on developing its tourism
    D.a war once broke out between Mexico and America
48.The third paragraph shows the etiquette tips areD.
    A.polite         B.imaginary      C.mysterious     D.frank.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10."All right then-Just one more piece…"Words every girl has said when faced with That ail-too delicious cheesecake.Of course,many of us know we may eat the whole thing in the end.
     It isn't just girls.Most of us find it hard to hold back.However,scientists now say that willpower (意志力) is the key to success and a happy life.
     Scientists in different countries have been studying the effects of willpower on people's lives for a long time.The results are alike,according to an article on February 7 in the Guardian.
     In one experiment,scientists told young children that.they could either have a marsh-mallow (圆形软糖)now,or two marshmallows in 15 minutes.Waiting obviously needed more willpower.Scientists then tracked the children as they grew up.They wanted to see if certain children always had stronger willpower.They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower affected their lives.
     Years later,scientists found that the children who had waited for two marshmallows were all healthier,happier and richer adults.In contrast,the children who had shown weaker willpower at that young age were more likely to be in low-paid jobs,to be overweight,to have drug or alcohol problems,to divorce or to commit crimes.
     But there is hope,Roy F Baumeister,an American social psychology professor told the Guardian.Baumeister says we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles.Even a little practice can strengthen our overall self-control as long as we do it regularly and frequently.
     You could start by making yourself stand up straight,speaking in complete sentences,or using a computer mouse with the other hand.Scientists have found that people who manage to change little habits often perform much.better in lab willpower tests.
     Like muscles,willpower can"get tired".You should avoid trying to do too many things at the same time,or when you don't have enough energy for example when you are ill.If you already feel tired,you can try to recharge (恢复) your willpower with a good night's sleep and by eating well.
57•Thee example of a girl eating cheesecake is used toA.
     A•introduce the issue of willpower     
     B.show how easily people give in to their desires
     C.prove most girls lack willpower.
     D•indicate the connection between willpower an success
58.What can we infer from the experiment?B
     A•The scientists did not expect the results to turn out as they did.
     B•The children who chose to wait were likely to succeed in their future careers and lives.
     C•It indicated that willpower is the most important factor for success.
     D•The children who only accepted one marshmallow at that start had stronger willpower.
 59.Why can we say that willpower is like our muscles?D
     a.You shouldn't overuse it..
     b.Rest and good food are good for it.
     c•Setting goals is good for it.
     d•It needs regular exercise.
     A.abc            B.acd               C.bcd             D.abd         
60.What is the article mainly about?C
     A•What the effect of willpower is.
     B•How willpower and muscles are similar.
     C•The significance of willpower and how we can strengthen it.
     D•How willpower is linked to success.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.-Late again!Where _____?
-Sony,I         in the heavy traffic,or I would have been here earlier.(  )
A.were you; have got stuckB.have you been; have got stuck
C.were you; got stuckD.have you been; got stuck


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Tom admitted ______ in the examination and he was not admitted _____ the school at last.(  )
A.to cheat; toB.cheating; toC.to cheat; asD.cheating; as

