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4.--Where do you want to travel for summer,Canada or America?
--_____There are so many nice places at home,you know.(  )
A.So what?B.Why not?C.How come?D.Why bother?

分析 --你想去什么地方旅游呢,加拿大还是美国?

解答 答案D.考查语言交际.so what那又怎样;why not为什么不,表示提出建议或允许;how come为什么,怎么会(那样);why bother没有必要.根据句意,没有必要去加拿大或美国,家乡就很好,故选D.

点评 考查语言交际的题,根据句意进行选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Hybrid cars (混合动力车) are cars that run on petrol and electricity.They have a small standard petrol engine and a battery (电池) electric motor to provide electric power.
There are some differences between different models of hybrid cars,but the general principle is that the car runs on petrol,and the electric motor kicks in when additional power is required,for example,when going uphill or accelerating.In some hybrid cars the petrol engine turns itself off when not needed,for example when the car has stopped at traffic light,keeping only the electric engine running.
Conventional cars have large engines to deal with driving uphill and accelerating.Hybrid cars have much smaller petrol engines,improved by electric motors when needed,so they use less petrol.Another way that fuel consumption is cut is by a system of"regenerative (再生的) braking".The electric motor is used to slow down the car,rather than conventional brakes.The energy produced by slowing the car is changed into electrical power,which is automatically stored in the battery.In effect,the battery recharges when you brake.In conventional cars the energy produced when braking is wasted.
In 1928Ferdinand Porsche built an experimental hybrid car.The first mass-produced hybrid car,the Toyota Prius,came out in Japan at the end of 1997.However,hybrid cars became available in the USA only in 1999.As they use less fuel,hybrid cars are cheaper to run.There are also many voices in place to encourage people to buy them.In some countries,hybrid car owners pay a lower rate of tax,and don't have to pay on certain roads.In some cities,hybrid cars are allowed to park for free.

32.Hybrid cars consume less energy than conventional cars because hybrid carsC.
A.have large engines to deal with accelerating
B.have conventional brakes to slow down the car
C.have electric power to assist when needed
D.have no energy consumption when stopping
33.In regenerative braking,A.
A.energy wasted in conventional cars is stored in the battery
B.the conventional brakes are used to slow down the car
C.the battery charges itself when the car is accelerating
D.the petrol engine is usually turned off automatically
34.From the last paragraph we can learn that Hybrid carsB.
A.were first available in the USA           B.will gain more popularity
C.free their owners from tax                D.are free to park anywhere in the city
35.The main purpose of this text is toC.
A.show haw hybrid cars slow down         
B.encourage people to buy hybrid cars
C.inform people a kind of energy-saving cars 
D.explain why hybrid cars use less energy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Rain and cold weather this summer saw honey yields from hives(巢)fall by almost three-quarters,the British Beekeepers Association(BBKA)said today.The average crop per hive was down 72% compared to last year,with just 3.6kg (81b) of honey produced compared to an annual average,the annual honey survey by the BBKA revealed.
The survey of 2,712beekeepers in England,Northern Ireland and Wales found that 88% said this summer's bad weather caused the descent in honey yields.The bad weather made it difficult for bees to excrete(排泄),which led to disease easily,and the bad weather also increased the risk of keeping bees for heavy rain caused the places which bees regularly visited to meet natural disasters.The bad weather also influenced the plants flowering which increased the cost of keeping bees.The BBKA issued a midsummer warning to feed bees if necessary to avoid dying from hunger.But in London,which recorded the worst results with just 2.5kg (5.61b)of honey harvested on average,beekeeping experts said that in addition to the bad weather there was a lack of food for bees in the city.
Angela Woods,secretary of the London Beekeepers Association,said,"Rather than putting beehives on office roofs,we encourage companies in London that want to help to look at different ways of supporting bees and beekeepers.We need more food for the bees and better-educated beekeepers."
Elsewhere,the weather was the main problem.Peter Hutton,a beekeeper in Tunbridge Wells,Kent,said,"It has been the most difficult year I have known in my 53years of beekeeping.Bad weather in spring prevented bees in many areas from collecting nectar(花蜜)from early-flowering crops such as oilseed rape(油菜),and the rain continued in many places throughout June and July,preventing honeybees from searching for food on later crops."
The BBKA warned that as well as reducing the honey harvest,the bad weather is likely to have a longer-term influence as it will have affected the normal process of breeding for the queens,which mate(交配)on the wing on fine,still summer days.As a result they may have mated poorly and be unable to produce enough new babies to see groups through the winter.

66.According to the passage,last year the average crop per hive might beD.
A.5kg  B.7.2kg   C.10kg   D.13kg
67.The underlined word"descent"meansA.
A.fall           B.rise          C.disease        D.variety
68.What caused the lack of food?C
A.The bad weather in both autumn and winter.
B.The bad weather in both winter and spring.
C.The bad weather in both spring and summer.
D.The bad weather in both summer and autumn.
69.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?B
A.The bad weather just affects honey harvest.
B.The bad weather has effect on bees'breeding.
C.The bad weather only has a short-term impact on bees.
D.The bad weather has effect on bees'life in winter.
70.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A
A.The quality of the honeybees is influenced by the bad weather.
B.London companies are encouraged to take part in helping bees and beekeepers.
C.Both the cost and the risk of keeping bees are increased because of the bad weather.
D.Better-educated beekeepers are needed to improve the bad situations that the bad weather brought to bees.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The energy crisis (危机) has made people aware of how the careless use of the earth's energy has brought the whole world to the edge of disaster.The over-development of motor transport,with its increase of more cars,more traveling,has contributed to the near-destruction of our cities and the pollution not only of local air but also of the earth's atmosphere.
Our present situation is unlike natural disasters of the past.Worldwide energy use has brought us to a state where long-range planning is vital.What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state,which endangers the future of our country,our children,and our earth,but a movement forward in order to work rapidly and effectively on planetary problems.
This country has been falling back under the continuing exposures of loss of morality and the revelation (揭露) that lawbreaking has reached into the highest place in the land.There is a strong demand for morality to turn for the better and for some devotion that is vast enough and yet personal enough to enlist the devotion of all.In the past it has been only in a way in defense of their own country and their own benefits that people have been able to devote themselves wholeheartedly.
This is the first time that we have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in cooperation with all the other people of this planet,who share with us the same endangered air and the same endangered oceans.There is a common need to reassess our present course,to change that course and to employ new methods through which the world can survive.This is a priceless opportunity.
To grasp it,we need a widespread understanding of nature if the crisis we and the world are facing is no passing inconvenience,no byproduct of the ambitions of the oil-producing countries,no environmentalists'only fears,no byproduct of any present system of government.What we face is the result of the invention of the last four hundred years.What we need is transformed life style.This new life style can flow directly from science and technology,but its acceptance depends on a sincere devotion to finding a higher quality of life for the world's children and future generation.
67.Which of the following has nearly destroyed our cities?D
A.The loss of beliefs and ideas.
B.More of law-breaking.
C.Natural disasters in many areas.
D.The rapid growth of motors.
68.By comparing past problems with present ones,the author draws our attention to the.A
A.seriousness of this crisis  
B.ineffectiveness of laws
C.similarity of the past to the present   
D.hopelessness of the situation
69.Which of the following is used as an example to show the loss of morality?B
A.Disregard for law.
B.Lack of devotion.
C.Lack of understanding.
D.Destruction of cities.
70.The author wrote the passage in order to.C
A.make a recommendation for a transformed life style
B.limit ambitions of the people of the whole world
C.demand devotion to nature and future generation
D.encourage awareness of the decline of morality.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.He is probably the greatest artist of the 20th century.As CBS said,Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)"defined modern art".
In the past,artists had made paintings look like windows-they painted to make it look like there was depth.You could tell which objects were"close"to you and which objects were"far away",as if the picture were a window you were looking through.
But Picasso and his colleague Georges Braque (1882-1963)thought that a painting wasn't a window on the world; it was marks and lines on a flat surface.Why should an object be shown only from one perspective?
Their answer was to break up objects into pieces and show all the perspectives.
It was an analytical approach to art,which gave this style of painting its name:"analytic cubism(解析立体主义)".You can take a closer look at these paintings in Shanghai where nearly 100pieces of Picasso's work are on display until Jan 31,2016.
But why did they feel such a need to change things?Well,the world around them was changing.Albert Einstein's theory of relativity was proving what humans knew about time and space to be wrong.And it wasn't only science that was making waves.New political movements like socialism were on the rise.So artists needed to start seeing the world and painting it differently.
A famous and terrifying painting,Guernica (1937)is a picture of the horror caused to the town of Guernica by bombs during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).In the picture,the sky actually falls in.Picasso could not have painted it without the skills he had learned during his cubist period.They had prepared him for showing the town being destroyed.
"Instead of showing objects from one viewpoint,Picasso showed them from many different angles,"said The Huffington Post.
28.What is the article mainly about?C
A.Why Picasso's paintings have a lasting appeal.
B.What inspired Picasso to become a great artist.
C.Picasso's great,revolutionary achievements in art.
D.The background of the birth of Picasso's analytic cubism.
29.What do we know about the painting revolution started by Picasso and Georges Braque?D
A.They painted like there was depth in their paintings.
B.They painted objects that they had broken into pieces.
C.They tried to make their paintings look like windows.
D.They showed the different angles of an object in their paintings.
30.Picasso and Georges Braque started analytic cubism becauseA.
A.they believed art needed to change to follow the changing world
B.they wanted to apply Einstein's theory of relativity to painting
C.Picasso wanted to make waves just like Einstein did
D.new political movements had forced art to change
31.The painting Guernica is mentioned in the 7th paragraph to showD.
A.the main themes of Picasso's paintings
B.the philosophy behind Picasso's paintings
C.what Picasso had learned during the cubist period
D.that Picasso's analytical approach made it a masterpiece.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.This is my tomato.(改为复数形式)
Theseare ourtomatoes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.After three years,they got familiarwith each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13._________ from a headache for months,he finally decided to go to hospital for an examination.(  )
A.Having sufferedB.SufferingC.To sufferD.Suffered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.click with someone喜欢某人.

