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A communicative satellite ______ as much as 3.5 tons was sent up into space last week.

A. weighing            B. weighed          C. to be weighed        D. being weighed


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市耀华中学2006年高考模拟试题英语试卷 题型:050


  New technology marrying the Internet with mobile phones will be the next big wave in telecommunications and will have a great effect on the way of life-industry, experts in Singapore for an international conference side last week.

  Consumers(消费者) will soon be showing of tiny “communication devices” that join mobile telephone ,Internet terminals(终端机) ,music systems, cameras and other uses, Nokia executive(总裁) Bo Lisoe said.

  The devices will become smaller, and as common as watches ,Lisoe believed.“We have to liberate the internet from the desktop and we have to rethink what a mobile phone is , because it’s no longer a mobile phone ,”said Lisoe, a marketing director for Nokia.

  Tiny, wireless computers using satellites and video-on-demand services will soon have people “switching(转换) between your stock (股票)prices and television programs ”wherever they go ,said Sugra Venkat, a communications director at Oracle Corporation .Bothe executives were in Singapore for Communic Asia’ 99,Asia’s largest telecommunications conference. More than 27,000 industry insiders and 900 companies were connected with the Jane 22-25event, organizers said.

  Though small ,portable (手提的) Internet computers with built-in mobile phones are already on the market ,they have had limited success. Internet-telephone technology(IT) must be made easier to use ,and must be used no matter what kind of phone one has ,Lisoe said .This will be aided largely by a planned mobile phone operating system called Symbian ,he added.

  Increased access(路径) to communication satellites and mobile phone networks, along with faster and larger international cable systems, are likely to make wireless Internet access explode in the next few years, said some scientist who attended the conference .


Which of the following is true to the conference?

[  ]


The conference lasted four days, paying close attention to the use of IT.


Only executives and managers attended the conference held in Singapore.


Many latest internet-telephones were on show at the conference


Communic Asia’ 99 is the largest international conference in Asia.


The internet computer with built-in mobile phones do not sell well probably because they ________.

[  ]


are too big to carry when one is traveling


are difficult to use and have to be fixed to particular phones


are not as common as watches


can’t do the work of a common telephone


When Subra Venkat says “switching between your stock prices and television programs”, hereally means the new devices will________.

[  ]


soon appear on the market and become easy to use


be much easier to turn on or turn off


help the user to have more programs to choose


bring in much money as well as happiness


The new devices will depend most on________.

[  ]


mobile phones of a special kind


mobile phones networks


internet-telephone technology


batter international cable systems

