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1.The Healthy Habits Survey (调查) shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits.Here are some findings and expert advice.
1.How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?
●Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.
●Step:Remove the 300types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush.Brush gently for 2minutes,at least twice a day.
2.How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?
●Finding:Seniors,on average,bathe fewer than 3days a week.And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4times a day----half of the number doctors recommend.
●Step:We touch our faces around 3,000times a day----often inviting germs (病菌) to enter our mouth,nose,and eyes.Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle.And,most important,wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20seconds.
3.How often do you think about fighting germs?
●Finding:Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.
●Step:Be aware of germs.Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge (海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else?To kill these germs,keep your sponge in the microwave for 10seconds.

21.What is found out about American seniors?C
A.Most of them have good habits.
B.Nearly 30% of then bathe three days a week.
C.About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.
D.All of them are fighting germs better than expected.
22.Doctors suggest that people should wash their handsB.
A.twice a day                                          
B.eight times a day
C.four times a day                                   
D.three times a day
23.Which of the following is true according to the text?A
A.A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.
B.There are less than 300types of bacteria in the mouth.
C.We should keep from touching our faces.
D.We should wash our hands before touching a door handle.
24.The text probably comes fromD.
A.a guide book                                         
B.an official document
C.a book review                                      
D.a popular magazine.

分析 本文是一份调查报告,是针对美国老年人的健康习惯所做的调查.最近一项调查显示,只有1/3的美国老年人生活习惯良好.在刷牙、洗手、灭菌的调查中,许多人并没有养成良好的生活习惯.

解答 21-24 CBAD
21.C细节理解题.由第一段的第一句"The Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits."可知:许多美国老年人的生活习惯并不算好,故A项不对.根据文中的"Seniors,on average,bathe fewer than 3days a week."可知:美国老年人每星期洗澡少于3天,故B项不对.根据文中的"Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should."可知:人们没有像应该的那样抗菌,故C项不对.根据文中"A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day."可知:大约有三分之一的美国老年人一天只刷一次牙.故选C.
22.B细节理解题.由"nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a day-half of the number doctors recommend."可知,每天洗4次手只达到了医生要求的一半,即每天应洗8次手.故选B.
23.A细节理解题.由"Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge (海绵) that can carry more germs than anything else?"可知厨房里的海绵可以携带比厕所更多的细菌.故选A.

点评 阅读这类文章时,也应该在整体把握文章结构的前提下,主要注意细节信息.细节题题干都是相应原文的变形(如同义改写、词性转换等),因此要找到答案一定要找到题干在原文中的出处,再把原文和选项相比较.做题时,根据所提问题用寻读、跳读的方法可达到事半功倍的效果.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.参考词汇:端午节-Dragon Boat Festival农历-Lunar Year

Dear Jack,
It's good to know you are interested in the traditional Dragon Boat Festival in China.                
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

on Wednesday
Babies from birth to 18months old and their parents/caregivers can enjoy great books,lively songs,and rhymes,and meet other babies in the neighborhood.This program is limited to 35participants.
Muhlenberg Library,Community RoomChildren,Infant (0-18months)
on Wednesday
Are you having trouble with your email?Don't know how to cut and paste?Never touched a computer?This is the time and place for you to get ahead with 21st century technology!Bring your technology questions and/or your wireless enabled device and get oneonone assistance,discover online tutorials,improve your skills,exceed the limits of your imagination!
St.George Library Center,TechConnect LabAdults
on Thursday
Learn to find consumer health information online,including doctors'credentials,hospital information,drug side effects,conventional and alternative medical treatments of diseases,diets,weight loss,nutrition and exercises,and how to evaluate these websites.
Kips Bay LibraryAdults
12noon on
No talking,no cell phone,and no noise are required in our quiet study room.This room is open thanks to our volunteers,and is subject to their availability.If you are interested in keeping the quiet study room open more hours,please see a staff member about becoming a volunteer!Quiet Study Hours:Mondays 12-5,Tuesdays 1-5,Wednesdays 1-5,Thursdays 12-5,Fridays 10-3,Saturdays 10-3.Subject to cancellation/change of hours without prior notice.67th Street Library50+,
Book Lovers,
21.Who will probably take part in the event"BABY AND ME"?C
A.Book lovers.
D.Adults 50+.
22.Where will you go if you want to learn about computer technology?B
A.Muhlenberg Library.
B.St.George Library Center.
C.Kips Bay Library.
D.67th Street Library.
23.In which event can you work as a volunteer?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.A Book Review-The Snake-Stone by Berlie Doherty
The setting:Urban England (the cities),but also rural England (the countryside) including remote English villages.
The theme:The main theme is a teenage search of self-discovery,in this case the search for a mother from whom the hero was separated at an early age.Its other concerns are love,getting on with others,being persistent and courageous and trying to deal with doubts,troubles and worries.As the book moves to a close,James'swimming coach says to him:"You are not like a kid obeying instructions any more.You are diving like a young man who knows where he is going."
The characters(人物):James is the hero of the story.He is a championship diver,and has a comfortable life with his foster parents (养父母).Yet he also has the qualities to take him on a long journey to find his birth mother.The other characters in The Snake-Stone,James'parents,his diving instructor,best friend,the villagers,people he meets on his journey,are pictured realistically.
The turning point:The turning point in the story comes while James'foster parents are away in London,and he wonders about the identity of his birth mother.The only clue he has is a fossil,"the snake stone"which she left behind along with a note on which she had written:"Take good care of Sammie.It was written on a torn envelope with parts of an address still there.
The journey:Instead of going to London,James decides to find his birth mother.With help from his geography teacher,James sets out for the remote country village where his mother might be found.James has painful,challenging,but also humorous and happy travels.The mother he finally meets,Anne,has a minor yet powerful voice in the novel.He comes to understand why she left him at a stranger's door fifteen years before.Although the meeting is not long,it leaves him with a feeling of completeness.As a journey of self-discovery The Snake-Stone also provides its readers with a happy ending.Its hero says,on returning to his foster parents,"I was home."
32.What do the coach's words in Paragraph 2suggest?D
A.James is a successful diver.
B.James is a hopeful swimmer.
C.James is an outgoing young man.
D.James is an independent young man.
33.The snake stone in the novel isB.
A.a stone with an address on it                
B.a clue left by the birth mother
C.a gift from the swimming coach             
D.a fossil left by the foster parents
34.Which of the following is true about the novel?C
A.The story has a sad ending.
B.The story takes place in the city of London.
C.The characters are vividly(生动地) described.
D.The turning point comes after the hero meets his birth mother.
35.It can be concluded that James'journey isA.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

5.目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊现象.某英文杂志社拟对此现象向中学生征文,标题是"My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations".请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿.内容要点如下:
3.词数:100左右.   参考词汇:作弊cheat(v.)
My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations
It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.                                              


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

These days,it can be difficult to find time for even the smallest of tasks.People aye constantly on the go,and that stressful lifestyle can lead to a11 sorts of problems,medical and otherwise.Instead of living each day in chaos,follow these steps to manage your time and feel your best.
Make the most ofit.
Try to kill two birds with one stone as often as possible.For example.if you have to take a day off from work to receive a delivery at home,schedule the appointment with the refrigerator repairman that you've been putting off.The more you can check off your to-do list at once,                     .
Just say no.
Don't try to please everyone by accepting every invitation for dinner or drinks.Politely decline requests for your time if they interfere with precious family time or a work project you must finish.It will feel even better to reward yourself after you've completed several tasks.
Eat early or late.
Instead of taking lunch at the usual noon hour,grab a bite an hour eadier or an hour later.Then,you'll be able to get work done when the office is least crowded.
Review your calendar.
At the end of every month.take a look at the calendar.Note when you fell behind schedule and what days went smoothly.Then decide how many activities,meetings,and appointments you are realistically able to manage.
Have self-awareness.
Determine when you are at your best and brightest each clay.Schedule your most difficult tasks for those times,to ensure you will be alert and awake for your toughest challenges.
76.What's the passage mainly about?(no more than 10 words)
How to manage your time better
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)
the better
78.Suppose one of your friends invites you to dinner.but you have to finish your work.What does the writer advise you to do?(no more than 5 words)
Just say no/Politely decline(refuse)his (her) request (invitation)
79.What's the meaning of the underlined phrase in paragraph 47(no more than 5 words)
have lunch/take lunch
80.How can you manage your most difficult tasks effectively according to the passage?( no more than 15 words)Schedule your most difficult tasks at your best and brightest each day..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

13.When your country relies heavily on tourism and you lose more than a third of your visitors due to political revolution,you've got to do something pretty dramatic to get them back.And if you are Egypt,you reopen a pyramid.
The Egyptian government recently announced that one of its great pyramids 一 the Pyramid of Chefren 一 and as many as six other ancient tombs at the Giza Necropolis (吉萨金字塔群) will be reopened after a long restoration project.The move was made in an attempt to revive (重振) a tourism industry that was badly affected by last year's unrest.
Egypt became a no-go area following the unrest in 2011.Scenes of violent protests,mainly in the Capital Cairo,were broadcast ACROSS the world and understandably took the country off the holiday trail.
Despite that questions are still being asked about the security of potential tourists visiting the region,Egypt's antiquities minister Muhammad Ibrahim insisted that it was a safe country.He said the region was far more stable one year on,adding that other archaeological (考古的) sites were due to be opened across Egypt in coming months.
The Pyramid of Chefren,also known as the Pyramid of Chafren,is the second largest pyramid at the Giza site.It was built as the tomb for the Pharaoh Chafren from ancient Egypt's fourth dynasty.The pyramid and the other around it,were discovered in 1927 by American archaeologist George Reinser,and have been closed for restoration on several other occasions in the past.
In 1990s a site management plan was carried out to try and preserve these historic treasures when the antiquities ministry discovered that the large volume of visitors over the years had raised levels of humidity inside the structures to levels of up to 80 percent.Research found that every visitor to the pyramids released an average of 20 grams of water vapor through sweat,which slowly caused damage to the walls inside.
The project,which cost around $4 million,included cleaning the walls of the tombs and strengthening them,as well AS removing graffiti left by previous visitors.Inscriptions (铭文)and paintings were also preserved.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN FIFTEEN WORDS.)
81.The Pyramid of Chefren will be reopened following restoration project in an attempt torevive Egypt's tourism industry
82.According to the passage,why were tourists unwilling to go to Egypt after the unrest in 2011?Because tourists were worried about their safety.
83.What else does the Egyptian government plan to do in the coming months to help the country's tourism industry?To reopen other archaeological sites across Egypt.
84.A site management plan was carried out in the 1990s becausethe large volume of visitors had caused damage to the walls inside pyramids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The Ukrainian official said that their soldiers_____a major town controlled by the armed rebels after a violent attack.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Keepitup(继续干下去 ),and you will make your dream come true in time.

