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Join in the holiday fun at the powerhouse this month linked to our new exhibition , Evolution & Revolution : Chinese dress 1700s to now . DON’T FORGET out other special event , the Club Med Circus School which is part of the Circus ! 150 years of circus in Australia exhibition experience !

◆ Chinese Folk Dancing : Colorful Chinese dance and musical performances by The Chinese Folk Dancing School of Sydney . Dances include : the Golden stick dance and the Chinese drum dance . A feature will be the Qin dynasty Emperor’s court dance . Also included is a show of face painting for Beijing opera performances .

Sunday 29 June and Wednesday 2 July in the Turbine Hall , at 11:30 am & 1:30 pm.

◆ Australian Chinese Children’s Arts Theatre : Well-known children’s play experts from Shanghai lead this dynamic youth group . Performances include Chinese fairy tales and plays .

Thursday 3 to Sunday 6 July in the Turbine Hall , at 11:30 am & 1:30 pm .

◆ Chinese Youth League : A traditional performing arts group featuring performance highlights such as the Red scarf and Spring flower dances , and a musician playing Er Hu .

Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall , 11:30 am to 1:30 pm .

◆ Kids Activity : Make a Paper Horse : Young children make a paper horse cut-out . ( The horse is a frequent theme in Chinese painting , indicating a kind of advancement . ) Suitable for ages 8-12 years .

Sunday 28 June to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall , 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm .

◆ Club Med Circus School : Learn circus skills , including the trapeze , trampolining and magic . Note only for children over 5 : There are 40 places available in each 1 hour session and these must be booked at the front desk , level 4 , on the day .

Tuesday 1 to Saturday 5 July at 11:30 am & 1:00 pm .

Enjoy unlimited free visits and many other benefits by becoming a family member of the Powerhouse . Our family memberships cover two adults and all children under the age of 16 years at the one address .

Members receive Powerline , our monthly magazine , discounts in the shops and the restaurants , as well as free admission to the Museum . All this for as little as $50.00 a year ! Call (02)9217 0600 for more details .

1.When can you watch the Chinese drum dance ?

A. On July 2 . B. On July 3 . C. On July 6 . D. On July 8 .

2.To learn the magic tricks , you can go to __________ .

A. Kids Activity .

B. Chinese Youth League .

C. Club Med Circus School .

D. Children’s Arts Theatre .

3.What is required if you want to enjoy free visits to the Museum ?

A. Calling (02)92170600 .

B. Gaining family membership .

C. Coming for the holiday fun .

D. Paying powerline $50.00 a year .

4. What is the main purpose of the text ?

A. To attract visitors .

B. To present schedules .

C. To report the performances .

D. To teach kids Chinese arts .


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届贵州遵义航天高中高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Bridges House Hotel

Bridges House Hotel is a hotel in the centre of Delft and has shops and museums next door. There are many restaurants in the area where you can eat a lovely dinner in the evening. The market square is within easy walking distance. The comfortable rooms are all uniquely decorated and have a splendid bathroom. Air conditioning and free Wi-Fi are available. There are extra long beds for your convenience.

Breakfast is served in the hotel lounge. In the evenings, guests can have a drink here as well.

Hotel Juliana

Just a 5-minute walk from the centre of Delft, this friendly family hotel is close to everything and offers comfortable rooms at an affordable price. The main priority(优先权) is to provide you with quality service through personal attention and by creating a pleasant atmosphere.

This hotel is also conveniently located near the Technical University of Delft. Other cultural spots and a series of bars and restaurants are just a stroll away.

Shanghai Hotel

This unique hotel features Chinese-style decoration and an elegant bar. Shanghai Hotel is located next to the A13 highway, only a 10-minute drive from Delft city centre. It offers free on-site parking.

Each of the rooms at Shanghai Hotel includes flat-screen cable TV, a desk and tea/coffee making facilities plus a refrigerator. The comfortable modern bathrooms have a shower, a hairdryer and free makeup.

Hotel de Koophandel

Located on the central Beesten Market, Hotel de Koophandel is surrounded by cafes and restaurants in the heart of Delft. In the breakfast room, you can enjoy various breads, toasts, cereals, eggs and fruits in the morning.

The comfortable and uniquely decorated rooms are equipped with a private bathroom and free Wi-Fi. Coffee and tea facilities are available. Because of the perfect location, you can easily walk around the city centre and visit the main places of interest.

For more detailed information, please click here www. booking, com/hotel/nl

1.Which hotel is the best choice if someone is extremely tall?

A. Bridges House Hotel.B. Hotel Juliana.

C. Shanghai Hotel.D. Hotel de Koophandel.

2.If someone chooses Shanghai Hotel, he ________.

A. can enjoy various breads and eggs

B. can go to the Technical University of Delft

C. may be interested in Chinese-style decoration

D. may visit some parks for free

3.What do all the hotels in the passage have in common?

A. They offer free Wi-Fi.

B. They are at Delft city centre.

C. They offer free on-site parking.

D. They offer comfortable rooms.

4.Where can you probably see the passage?

A. In a magazine. B. In a newspaper.

C. On the Internet. D. In a TV program.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届贵州铜仁一中高三上期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Last year, my friend and I went to a nearby town to attend a wedding. After thereception(招待会), we were ______ for a bus to go back home. It was nine o'clock at night, and although many buses ______, none stopped.

We waited for one hour and were getting ______. We couldn’t stay there for all the _____ because it was a weekday, and we both needed to _____ the next day. It was almost 10 p. m. when a family who had _____ the same wedding passed by in their car. Probably _____ that we were waiting for some ______ of transport, they stopped and gave us a lift.

I was ______ by their kindness, and I expressed my feeling of being ______ to them.

When we reached our town, the family _____ us at the nearest place where we could catch a shared taxi to get back to the place where we had _____ our bike. On the _____, a man stopped the taxi. The _______ saw his clothes and asked him whether he had money to pay the ______. The man ______ his head and said, "No." When hearing this, the driver _____ to take him. I remembered my own experience a few minutes earlier, and I told the driver to _____ him to sit with us and I would pay his fare.

What a(n) ______ chance to pass on the family's act of kindness! That night, I felt a lightness in my heart, and I went to sleep ______, filled with joy about what I had done. I hope this kindness can continue all over the world with your help!

1.A. waitingB. expectingC. visitingD. guessing

2.A. emptiedB. gatheredC. promisedD. passed

3.A. embarrassedB. hopelessC. asleepD. dangerous

4.A. noonB. morningC. afternoonD. night

5.A. appearB. stayC. workD. rest

6.A. joinedB. heldC. attendedD. observed

7.A. hopingB. realizingC. rememberingD. insisting

8.A. meansB. changesC. ideasD. choices

9.A. surprisedB. terrifiedC. beatenD. moved

10.A. stressfulB. kindC. luckyD. thankful

11.A. stoppedB. helpedC. threwD. dropped

12.A. parkedB. repairedC. boughtD. changed

13.A. averageB. increaseC. runD. way

14.A. passengerB. ownerC. driverD. policeman

15.A. priceB. fareC. dinnerD. visit

16.A. noddedB. shookC. raisedD. hid

17.A. offeredB. refusedC. orderedD. planned

18.A. adviseB. forbidC. encourageD. allow

19.A. immediateB. terribleC. luckyD. funny

20.A. sadlyB. nervouslyC. happilyD. curiously


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届山东师大附中高三上期第一次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Dr.Barone has helped many kids smile who were born with defects(缺陷),including me.She did my first operations when I was a baby,which were the most important and 1. (effect).

I don’t remember the first two operations very well.but I do recall 2. third.Dr.Barone was kind and eased me into the process.She let me choose my sleep medicine, 3. (make)sure that I was okay.I recently saw a picture of me before my operation,and I know 4. a big job she did.

Dr.Barone 5. (operate)on people with all types of birth defects.She also goes to other countries where people cannot afford this treatment and helps them 6. free.

Many people benefit from her new ways 7. (invent)to fix birth defects of the head and face.She has won many awards.A few of the most recent 8. (be)Best Doctors in America 2013-2014,America’s Top Plastic Surgery,and many others.

Dr.Barone was my doctor when I was a kid,and even though I was 9. (probable) just another patient to her,to me she was 10. (much)than just my doctor.She was and is my hero,and she gave me back my smile.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆八中高三上期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假设你是李华,在一所国际中学就读,你决定参加校学生会(the Students’ Union)主席的竞选。现请你用英语准备一份竞选演讲稿,内容包括:

1. 自我介绍(性格和爱好等);

2. 当选之后的举措(至少列举两点)。




Good afternoon ,everyone ! Thank you for giving me this opportunity . Now let me introduce myself .________________________________________________________________________






Thanks for your attention !


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆育才中学高三上期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








Victor was traveling in a train for his parents. All the time he is glancing with joy at his new shoes what his father had bought for him. After some time, he removed his shoes to take him a nap. After waking up, he found one of his shoes missing. He started crying unhappy. His parents tried to comfort him. His father told him it was no use crying but promised that after reaching home, he would buy him a new pair of shoes.

Victor got very excited on hearing his father's words that he threw other shoe out of the train. Reached the destination, he suddenly found his losing shoe in a basket.

How he regretted it!


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆育才中学高三上期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My 17-year-old daughter went off to college and having her away from home brought back memories of watching Peter Pan when she was little. In the classic TV production, one scene in particular impressed me: when Mrs. Darling puts her children into bed. As she turns off the last of the night light, she takes one last look at the bedroom and says, “Dear night lights, protect my sleeping children.” As a mother, I know how much she loves her children.

It has been several weeks since we took our daughter to college and she seems to be adjusting well after a short period of homesickness. For us, though, it’s another story. Like most parents, I love checking in on my children at night. But now she’s gone, and I find night times the hardest. I miss her most at night.

In my neighborhood, most of the parents whose kids are off to college are dealing with similar melancholy. My husband is filled with anxiety. One friend talked about getting this sick feeling in her stomach as she prepared for the college drop-off. We complained that many of us were too busy to truly enjoy being with our children while we had them.

For us moms, seeing Toy Story 3 only made the sadness worse as we watched the character Andy, who is the same age as our kids, say goodbye to his childhood as he prepares to leave for college. And it’s not just “first-time” parents like me. Two moms who have kids already well into college said the separation didn’t get any easier. “You feel like something has been taken away from inside you” said one of them.

I imagine things will get easier with time, especially as I see my daughter adjust to college life. Meanwhile, as I keep my cell phone close to me in bed and text my daughter goodnight and sweet dreams every night, I like to think that messages serve as a night light that keeps her safe.

1.The writer was deeply impressed by the scene in Peter Pan because ________.

A. the scene showed a mother’s deep love for her children

B. the scene was very exciting and interesting

C. the scene taught her and her daughter a good lesson

D. she watched the scene with her daughter

2.After her daughter went to college, the writer ________.

A. realized she hadn’t done enough for her daughter

B. often cried as she missed her daughter so much

C. didn’t get used to the change for a long time

D. failed to have a good sleep every night

3.What is the underlined word “melancholy” in Paragraph 3 similar in meaning to?

A. Happiness. B. Anger.

C. Excitement. D. Sadness.

4.According to the last paragraph, why did the writer keep her cell phone close to her in bed?

A. To call her daughter any time.

B. To wait for her daughter’s calls.

C. To wait for her daughter’s messages.

D. To say good night to her daughter.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届安徽蚌埠市高三年级教学质量检查考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




With the rapid development of the mobile, and more people are using Weixin in our daily life.

Seen her friends have circles of friends and chat anywhere or anytime , my mother bought a new cell phone. But she has no idea how do that .Noticing that, I showed the operating methods, even each the still got confusing .So I drew several picture about the operating methods, even each the step for her. Day by day, she could operate it very smooth.

When she chatted on Weixin or showed it for her neighbors , I felt satisfied because I could finally do something for my mother.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北衡水中学高三上期小二调考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

iPad vs textbooks

What if you could have your whole backpack at the touch of your fingertips? In the first month of the Apple iPads release, 25million were sold! People all over the world use iPads for all sorts of different things, but one of their finest qualities is the ability to be a textbook. __1.____

To begin with, iPad are less expensive. Textbooks become outdated and schools have to buy new books, but with an iPad schools can update them for free. _2.___ Schools don’t have to spend $500 every year for iPads because they last a while and can be updated.

___3.__ Students usually have multiple classes, which results in multiple textbooks. Heavy backpacks filled with books can cause back problem. A solution to that is an iPad, which only weighs 1.33 pounds and can hold all of a student’s textbooks.

Thirdly, schools should get rid of their textbooks and get iPads because they have more capabilities. Some might think all of the apps are distracting, but the apps actually make iPads more efficient. 4. _ Textbooks cannot do those tasks, but iPads can easily do them with just a tap of the fingertip.

Lastly, iPads are a better choice for schools instead of textbooks because these devices allow students to access their learning anywhere at any time. _5.__ With iPads, they find it easier to get their homework done.

In conclusion, schools should get rid of their clumsy textbooks and switch to iPads. iPads have allowed this generation to have their entire backpack in the palm of their hands.

A. These tablets are perfect for busy students.

B. Secondly, iPads cost less and are more popular.

C. Therefore, they can use the saved money for other programs.

D. iPads have already replaced textbooks in over 600 American counties.

E. Moreover, in high school, textbooks have an average of 4.8 pounds each.

F. Schools have every reason to do away with their school books and switch to iPads.

G. iPads absorb the need to buy calculators, dictionaries, and other items that are found within the device.

