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10.I have been passionate about sewing and fashion design since I was 12.Two years ago,I designed and made a set of outfits from recyclable materials for a charity fashion show.Through this highly meaningful and profound experience,I became aware of the importance of protecting and preserving our environment when designing and making fashion items,resulting in my founding an organization to promote eco-friendly,design and fashion.
My interest has led me to research areas of fashion that have environmental implications.For example,some popular clothing stores have announced marketing policies designed to improve the environment.For those of us who are eco-conscious,it is responsible for us to evaluate whether such policies are just a marketing promotion,or represent great efforts to protect our environment.
Three chain-stores,H&M,Urban Outfitters and Forever 21,have been promoting"green"items.After I examined their products,!have concluded that H&M and Urban Outfitters are truly helping the environment with their efforts,while Forever 21 seems to be using the"go green"trend as a way to sell more products,rather than genuinely help the environment.
Of these three stores,H&M has the most extensive eco-fashion plans.It is already well on its way to carrying out its plans by increasingly mixing organic cotton into their garments,as well as putting fully organic cotton items on the market.The store also belongs to the Organic Exchange Organization,which approves of growth of organic cotton.To reduce the harm from non-organic cotton production,H&M is involved with the Better Cotton Project.Mindful of the unfavorable effects of climate change,the store aims to minimize transportation and energy usage.H&M labels their eco-friendly products with an official symbol,the Flower,to represent a production system that is less harmful than most traditional processes.Because of these actions and policies,H&M is already well on its way to making a difference on the environment.
With its Urban Renewal brand,Urban Outfitter takes a different approach than H&M in promoting eco-friendly fashion.The brand features women's clothes made from strictly environmentally-friendly sources,such as vintage,dead stock,or surplus clothing.Urban Renewal produces fashionable garments,and embraces being eco-friendly through recycling.
Unlike the other two stores above,Forever 21's eco-fashion efforts fall short; some people would say their message is thoroughly misleading.It promotes the"green"image,and yet many of their supposed eco-friendly products do not help the environment.For example,it sells a"Think Green Tote"that,according to the site,is meant to"send an environmentally friendly message."However it is made of 100% non-organic cotton which is one of the most damaging fabrics to the environment,mostly because it requires greater chemical intervention compared to organic cotton.Also,the"I Love My Planet Tote"is supposed to"make a positive statement,"but is also made of 100% cotton that is not organic.The only tote that is environmentally-friendly is the"H81 Organic Cotton Tote"from Forever 21's Heritage brand,made from 100% organic cotton.Now that Forever 21 has portrayed itself as being"green,"it should start"walking the walk."

50.The author writes the texts simply toD.
A.analyze the concept of eco-friendly design and fashion
B.remind us of the damage to the environment of traditional processes
C.appeal to Forever 21 not to use commercial campaign illegally
D.state we should take action but not play tricks in ecological protection
51.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph meansC.
A.all the customers are trying not to walk into the Forever 21 to buy products
B.the Forever 21 has already been on its way to transform its negative image
C.the writer publicly urges the Forever 21 to put its campaign into practice
D.the environmental problem is so serious that we should pay more attention
52.Which of the following supports the author's opinion?C
A.The author's environmental awareness comes from his shopping experiences.
B.None of the three stores makes a difference on the ecological protection.
C.Sonmeone uses the"go green"trend just as a trick to make more profit.
D.It is still a very long way before we humans will use real green products.
53.The passage is developed byC.
A.showing cause and effect         B.giving concrete figures
C.making comparison and contrast   D.using time order
54.Which of the following statements can be the best title?D
A.Does the Trend of Eco-Friendly Help the Environment?
B.Green Products Are Common in Fashion Stores.
C.A Survey of Eco-Friendly Design on Fashion Markets.
D.Are Chain Stores in Fashion Really Going Green?

分析 作者从小就热衷于缝纫与时装设计,两年前,在他利用可回收材料为慈善时装秀设计并制作了一套服装后;作者开始意识到在设计和制作时尚物品的同时,保护我们的生态环境尤为重要;于是作者便成立了一个旨在将促进环保,设计和时尚相结合的组织;后来作者开始调查会对环境造成危害的时装界,并评估了他们所宣称的改善环境的政策是否只是一个营销策略,还是在努力保护我们的环境;作者通过具体调查三家受欢迎的时装连锁店对于他们自己宣称的关于改善环境的营销政策的具体实施情况,发现H&M(来自瑞典的时装公司)和Urban Outfitters (美国平价服饰品牌)两家时装连锁店做的比较好,但是Forever 21(美国的时尚品牌店)的生态时尚并未能达标;因此作者指出Forever 21不应该只将倡导"绿色"作为来赚取更多利润的手段,而是应该实践它所倡导的诺言.

解答 答案:
50.D   主旨大意题    通读全文可知,本文作者主要通过调查三家受欢迎的时装连锁店关于他们自己宣称的改善环境的营销政策的具体落实情况以及针对评估的结果,旨在说明我们应该在保护我们的生态环境方面采取一系列的行动,而不应该弄虚作假;故选D
51.C   句意解释题    通读最后一段可知,本段主要列举了Forever 21(美国的时尚品牌店) 所倡导的生态时尚并未能达标的具体实例;并结合上文可知,此处表达的应是作者对Forever 21的态度,即作者指出:既然Forever 21已将自己描绘成"绿色",它就应该开始实践诺言;故选C
52.C   观点态度题   通过归纳本文的主旨大意可知,作者极力倡导在时尚界也要注意保护我们的生态环境,并批判了Forever 21将倡导"绿色"作为赚取更多利润的手段的这一做法;故选C
53.C   写作手法题   阅读第三至最后一段可知,作者是通过对比三家受欢迎的时装连锁店关于改善环境的营销政策的具体落实情况,指出了Forever 21生态时尚未能达标的实际情况;故本文采用的是对比的手法,故选C
54.D  标题选择题   结合本文的主旨大意,可将本文的标题定为:时尚连锁店真的在走绿色环保的道路吗?故选D

点评 做本题时,首先应快速浏览全文,把握文章的主旨大意以及作者的态度;其次,可以通过对相关细节的理解,以及通过内容归纳,概括段落大意,从而选出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-Do you mind if I use your bike?
-Of course not._______________.
A.Sounds greatB.Never mindC.Forget itD.Be my guest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.The West Lake,for which Huizhou is famous,is so beautifulthat it attracts thousands of tourists every year.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Your impression of China in 2015
A mixture of happiness and sorrow,the year 2015has come to (61)an end and we invite you (62)to (share) their stories with our millions of readers all over the world.We will select some of the (63)best (good) to publish and reward the writers.
Who is invited?
Foreigners with something (64)to say (say) about their experiences in China during the past year.You may have visited for just a few days,(65)spent (spend) longer here or never come over and just are involved with Chinese in your own country.
What to write?
Anything about China or Chinese people that happened (66)to you can be your subject. There are no fixed topics; it can be Chinese foods,paintings,landscapes,traditions or anything you think worth (67)writing (write) about.
(68)Howto join?
Send your work (better with two or three pictures) to readers@chinadaily.com.cn
At least 200words and one photo (not less than 50k) about your story.More words and
photos (69)are encouraged (encourage).Please caption(加标题)your photos with information such as who,what,where (70)and when.
Contact us if you have questions:
Office number:010-84883548,010-84883574; Email:readers@chinadaily.com.cn.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.If you are a man living in China and smoke,you may want to stop.That (61)is(be)because one in three of all the young men in China will die from smoking cigarettes (62)or other tobacco(烟草)products.
Researchers reported their findings in The Lancet medical journal.
The report says,"About two-thirds of young Chinese men become cigarette (63)smokers (smoke),and most start before they are 20years old.Unless they (64)stop(stop),about half of them will be killed by (65)their (they) habit in the end."
The researchers conducted two large,countrywide studies on the health effects of smoking.The first study took place in (66)the 1990s and involved about 250,000men.The (67)second (two) study was carried out only recently and is continuing.This study involves about 500,000adults,both men and women.
Researchers say that in China,the number of deaths each year resulting from tobacco use (68)will rise (rise) from about one-million in 2010to two-million in 2030.They warn that the number will rise to three-million by 2050.
Researchers say (69)there is no good way to make these numbers go down,which means there is no easy answer to make the problem (70)go (go) away.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Seeing the happy _____ of children playing in the park,I'm full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.It is the traditional culture in China to eat dumplings on the Eve of the Spring Festival.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The consumers are always complaining that not only _________ high,but she didn't do a good repair job.(  )
A.did she chargeB.was she chargedC.she chargedD.she was charged


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-How do you find the concert in the Grand Theater last night?
-_____.But the conductor was perfect.(  )
A.I couldn't agree moreB.I was crazy about it
C.I don't think much of itD.I really like it

