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1.At home i       clothes are suitable, while on important occasions you should dress formally.

2.Would you please do me a  f       to give my present to Tom?

3.The boy looked c        at the difficult maths problem and was sure to work it out.

4.I asked him if he was willing to have dinner with me , he  h      for a while and unwillingly agreed.

5.Believe it or not, I d        of  becoming a manager when I was young.

6.Training in        (人际关系的)skills. is essential in modern society.

7.The earth quake had been        (预报)several weeks before, but no one took notice of it.

8.As I        (提到)earlier, there have been a lot of changes recently.

9. The couple wanted to        (捐赠)a great sum of money to the Red Cross.

10. If you want to keep fit, diets are more effective when       (和…结合)with regular exercises.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1.    Good parents are always c________ about how their children are getting along with their education.

2.    Some people like (遛)_______ their dogs after supper.

3.    Putonghua is the o________ language of China.

4.    Our baby is just starting to talk; he has got a v________ of about ten words.

5.    Lady Gaga is said to have _________ (毕业) from New York University before 2006. But in fact, she didn’t.

6.    Peter’s ________ (态度) towards women really scares me.

7.    Wenchuan was badly d_________ in the earthquake in the year 2008.

8.    Don’t worry. Progress will be made ________ (渐渐地).

9.    As an adult, you have the right to _______ (投票).

10.   P________ Hu Jintao has won a better fame over Obama.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年浙江省金华一中高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

1.    Good parents are always c________ about how their children are getting along with their education.
2.    Some people like (遛)_______ their dogs after supper.
3.    Putonghua is the o________ language of China.
4.    Our baby is just starting to talk; he has got a v________ of about ten words.
5.    Lady Gaga is said to have _________ (毕业) from New York University before 2006. But in fact, she didn’t.
6.    Peter’s ________ (态度) towards women really scares me.
7.    Wenchuan was badly d_________ in the earthquake in the year 2008.
8.    Don’t worry. Progress will be made ________ (渐渐地).
9.    As an adult, you have the right to _______ (投票).
10.   P________ Hu Jintao has won a better fame over Obama.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江杭州西湖高级中学高二8月开学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The shot which was i________for the president killed one of his soldiers.

2.It is said that the governor is ill, but the news remains to be c_____.

3.Thirty years have passed but I still remember the s ________ we got lost on a rainy night.

4.The local people are now in charge of Hong Kong, which was once in the charge of The British for one and half a c______.

5.I was about to leave the office w___an unexpected visitor came.

6.With so much noises from the busy traffic in the street, I couldn’t s____down and do my work..

7.The customs that the local people have are different from what we read about on the I________.

8.They couldn’t agree with each other and finally a quarrel b____out between them .

9.No one is sure w______ global warming can be solved in one hundred years.

10.He was in d___ for a long time. How to support his family is a big problem.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年陕西省第四次适应性训练(英语) 题型:其他题



66. On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of ____ (英雄) who lived long ago.

67. Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were ____ (谋杀).

68. A ____ (图书管理员) is a person who is in charge of or helps to run a library.

69. My teacher is really very kind. I’ll never forget the ____ (恩惠) he has done to me.

70. The head teacher has made a few minor ____ (调整) to our seats.

71. She likes him, because he is ____ (体贴的) towards others.

72. When I said some people were so stupid, I wasn’t ____ (指) to you.

73. The weather of Xi’an in ____ (一月) is very cold, especially at night.

74. In the ____ (二十) century, country music became more and more popular in America.

75. A vast amount of the Amazonian rainforest is being ____ (破坏) every day.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年昆明第一中学高二下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写

  单词拼写  (共10分)

76.The police c_______ him of stealing a car and put him into prison .

77.At last , we can’t help showing m_____to the beggar .

78.A scientist should be a person who has c________about things.

79.The elderly need special care in winter , as they are s______to the sudden change of weather.

80.The examiner will test your a______to drive under normal road conditions.

81.The agency offers practical _______(  指导  ) to people staring their owwn business.

82.My camera can be _______(调节  )to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.       

83.He was ________ (沮丧  ) when he heard the bad news .

84.I felt very disappointed when my repeated request that I join the club was _______( 拒绝  ). 85.According to his _______( 先前的 ) experience in driving cars , he must be very careful when it is snowing.  


