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Finland is perhaps the most beautiful and mysterious(神秘的) country of Northern Europe. Two-thirds of its surface is covered with thick forests and among them lie lakes, connected with rivers and canals. The northern part of this country is inside the Arctic Circle, where almost no trees can grow because of its cold weather and the people use their deer for transport, clothing and food.

The Finnish history began in the Middle Ages. In about 1155, Finland was conquered(占领) by its western neighbour Sweden. After a period of rule by Denmark in the 14th century, the Swedes won back independence (独立) and power in 1523 under their brave king. During the Napoleonic Wars (1814-1818) Finland was passed finally from Sweden to Russia. The opportunity came in 1917, when the Russian Revolution brought foreign rule of Finland to an end. Shortly after Soviet Russia made peace with Germany, 1919 saw the founding of the Finnish Republic.

The years between the First and Second World Wars were years of progress and growing development. Finland has no coal or oil, and the nation’s wealth lies in the wood from its forest, which supplies material for paper and furniture making, and in the electric power from its water.

68. In the history, Finland was consequently (相继)ruled by ___.

A. Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Russia 

B. Sweden, Denmark, Sweden and Russia

C. Sweden, Denmark, Russia and Germany

D. Sweden, Russia, Denmark and Russia

69. Finland won its complete independence in ___.

A. 1532          B. 1917          C. 1818               D. 1919

70. Among natural resources, the Finland people benefit mainly from ___.

A. coal and oil                     B. forests and water

C. paper and furniture            D. wood and power industry



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We’ve reached a strange—some would say unusual—point. While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance according to a recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO), more people now die from being overweight, or say, from being extremely fat, than from being underweight. It’s the good life that’s more likely to kill us these days.

  Worse, nearly l8 million children under the age of five around the world are estimated to be overweight. What’s going on?

  We really don’t have many excuses for our weight problems. The dangers of the problem have been drilled into us by public-health campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through—up to a point.

  In the 1970s, Finland, for example, had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweight was its main cause. Not any more. A public-health campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 per cent over the past three decades.

  Maybe that explains why the percentage of people in Finland taking diet pills doubled between 2001 and 2005, and doctors even offer surgery of removing fat inside and change the shape of the body. That has become a sort of fashion. No wonder it ranks as the world’s most body-conscious country.

  We know what we should be doing to lose weight—but actually doing it is another matter. By far the most popular excuse is not taking enough exercise. More than half of us admit we lack willpower.

  Others blame good food. They say: it’s just too inviting and it makes them overeat. Still others lay the blame on the Americans, complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American-style fast food.

  Some also blame their parents—their genes. But unfortunately, the parents are wronged because they’re normal in shape, or rather slim.

  It’s a similar story around the world, although people are relatively unlikely to have tried to lose weight. Parents are eager to see their kids shape up. Do as I say—not as I do.

  59. What is the “strange” point mentioned in the first sentence?  A

  A. The good life is a greater risk than the bad life.

  B. Starvation is taking more people’s lives in the world.

  C. WHO report shows people’s unawareness of food safety.

  D. Overweight issue remains unresolved despite WHO’s efforts.

  60. Why does the author think that people have no excuse for being overweight?

  A. A lot of effective diet pills are available.

  B. Body image has nothing to do with good food.

  C. They have been made fully aware of its dangers. C

  D. There are too many overweight people in the world.

  61. The example of Finland is used to illustrate ______. C

  A. the cause of heart disease

  B. the fashion of body shaping

  C. the effectiveness of a campaign

  D. the history of a body-conscious country

  62. Which would be the best title for the passage? A

  A. Actions or Excuses?

  B. Overweight or Underweight?

  C. WHO in a Dilemma

  D. No Longer Dying of Hunger



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广西桂林中学高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.
Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare(车费) of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.
The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration(登记) card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.
The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate. From then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly.
With so many loopholes (漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”. But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.
【小题1】The underlined words in this passage means to “______”。

A.be ready to help others
B.make good use of one’s friends
C.be a little ahead of others
D.gain something at other’s loss
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.While taking a taxi in Finland, you can get off without first paying your fare.
B.In a big hotel in Finland, you can enjoy free meals if you’re living in the hotel.
C.The bosses in Finland pay the employees according to registration of t heir working hours.
D.The workers are always honest with their working hours.
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.the Finnish society is of very high moral (道德) level
B.there are many loopholes in everyday life in Finland
C.in Finland, most taxi drivers will not charge you anything
D.everyone in Finland is like a gentleman, for they have faith in themselves
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Life in Finland
B.A Society with “Foolish” People
C.What a Life
D.Honest accounts of the Finns


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省鹤壁高中2010届高三下学期第一次压轴卷 题型:阅读理解

If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.
Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare(车费) of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.
The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration(登记) card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.
The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate. From then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly.
With so many loopholes (漏洞)in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”. But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.
68. The underlined words in this passage means to “______”。
A. be ready to help others         B. make good use of one’s friends
C. be a little ahead of others     D. gain something at other’s loss
69. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. While taking a taxi in Finland, you can get off without first paying your fare.
B. In a big hotel in Finland, you can enjoy free meals if you’re living in the hotel.
C. The bosses in Finland pay the employees according to registration of their working hours.
D. The workers are always honest with their working hours.
70. We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. the Finnish society is of very high moral level
B. there are many loopholes in everyday life in Finland
C. in Finland, most taxi drivers will not charge you anything
D. everyone in Finland is like a gentleman, for they have faith in themselves
71. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Life in Finland     B. A Society with “Foolish” People
C.What a Life         D. Honest accounts of the Finns


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省沈阳二中等重点中学协作体高三领航高考预测(九)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

LONDON (AP) — England joins on Sunday the growing list of places that ban smoking in public buildings, taxis and other places including even Buckingham Palace with a tough law.
Pubs, clubs and restaurants will all be smoke-free. Taxi and delivery drivers have been warned that they too could be fined 50 pounds, or about $100, if caught lighting up inside work vehicles.
Experts say the bans have become an irreversible (不可逆转的) tread because of greatly rising health costs and public uneasiness over second-hand smoke. Some of the strictest smoking bans are in the United States, even though there is no federal anti-smoking policy. New York and Florida have strict bans, while California has certain outdoor smoking bans.
Spain, Italy, Iran, Norway, Sweden, Singapore, South Africa, Uruguay and new Zealand have passed legislation(立法) to restrict smoking. France banned smoking in many public places in February and plans to extend the ban to cafes and restaurants next year. Finland is introducing a ban in 2009.
Despite the spread of bans, the World Health Organization predicts a steady rise in tobacco sales. In its Tobacco Atlas, the WHO said that by 2030 there will be “at least another two billion smokers in the world” and an expected decrease in male smokers “will be offset by an increase in female smoking rates, especially in developing countries.”
In advance of the English ban, anti-smoking ads have coated bus stops and the British government has subsidized(资助) programs to help people quit. The rest of Britain—Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland —already have smoking bans in place.
【小题1】The first two paragraphs mainly tell us_______

A.Buckingham Palace bans smoking
B.smoking ban comes into force in England
C.there’s no smoking in Buckingham Palace
D.smoking is against the law in England
【小题2】Which of the following places may still be smoking areas in England?
A.Private housesB.Taxis.
C.Restaurants.D.London clubs
【小题3】The underlined word “offset” in paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
【小题4】What do we know from the passage?
A.Smoking has strictly been forbidden in cafes in France.
B.There is an extremely strict smoking ban everywhere in America.
C.Smoking situation is still serious across the world.
D.Related ads didn’t appear in England until the English ban was lifted.(解除)


科目:高中英语 来源:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(湖北卷解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We’ve reached a strange—some would say unusual—point. While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance according to a recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO), more people now die from being overweight, or say, from being extremely fat, than from being underweight. It’s the good life that’s more likely to kill us these days.

Worse, nearly l8 million children under the age of five around the world are estimated to be overweight. What’s going on?

We really don’t have many excuses for our weight problems. The dangers of the problem have been drilled into us by public-health campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through—up to a point.

In the 1970s, Finland, for example, had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweight was its main cause. Not any more. A public-health campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 per cent over the past three decades.

Maybe that explains why the percentage of people in Finland taking diet pills doubled between 2001 and 2005, and doctors even offer surgery of removing fat inside and change the shape of the body. That has become a sort of fashion. No wonder it ranks as the world’s most body-conscious country.

We know what we should be doing to lose weight—but actually doing it is another matter. By far the most popular excuse is not taking enough exercise. More than half of us admit we lack willpower.

Others blame good food. They say: it’s just too inviting and it makes them overeat. Still others lay the blame on the Americans, complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American-style fast food.

Some also blame their parents—their genes. But unfortunately, the parents are wronged because they’re normal in shape, or rather slim.

It’s a similar story around the world, although people are relatively unlikely to have tried to lose weight. Parents are eager to see their kids shape up. Do as I say—not as I do.

1.What is the “strange” point mentioned in the first sentence?

A.The good life is a greater risk than the bad life.

B.Starvation is taking more people’s lives in the world.

C.WHO report shows people’s unawareness of food safety.

D.Overweight issue remains unresolved despite WHO’s efforts.

2.Why does the author think that people have no excuse for being overweight?

A.A lot of effective diet pills are available.

B.Body image has nothing to do with good food.

C.They have been made fully aware of its dangers.

D.There are too many overweight people in the world.

3.The example of Finland is used to illustrate ______.

A.the cause of heart disease

B.the fashion of body shaping

C.the effectiveness of a campaign

D.the history of a body-conscious country

4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.Actions or Excuses?                     B.Overweight or Underweight?

C.WHO in a Dilemma                      D.No Longer Dying of Hunger


