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76. 这个女孩梦想像她妈妈一样当个老师。

    The girl __________  _________ becoming a teacher like her mother.

77. 我正要出去找他,他碰巧进来了。

    As I was about to go out and search for him, he __________  __________ come in.

78. 依我看,他是故意上课迟到的。

    In my opinion, he was late for class __________  ___________.

79. 这首歌源于一首古老的民歌。

    This song is __________  ____________  an old folk song.

80. 他们宁愿去游泳而不愿呆在家里。

They ___________  ____________ go swimming rather than stay at home.

 76. dreams/dreamed of   77. happened to   78. on purpose   79. based on      80. prefer to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


71. Knowing ______ reduces the risks of failure and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability. (do) 知道你正在干什么,能降低失败的风险,这就像给自己的能力买了份保险。

72. Not ______ my parents, I failed to go to a drama school, where my interest lay.

(persuade) 由于没有说服我父母,我没能上戏剧学校,而那才是我的兴趣所在。

73. The chief engineer together with his colleagues _____ new scientific methods of farming since five years ago. (look) 五年以来,总工程师和他的同事们一起一直在寻找新的科学农耕方法。

74. When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always _____ to a tree on the riverbank. (keep)


75. As time is pressing, I think ___ is the best way to get from here to the conference centre. (take)


76. So fast ______ that we can hardly imagine its speed. (travel)


77. Through the course of my schooling, I met many teachers, two ______ me greatly. (influence)


78. I don’t often lose things, so I was quite surprised ______ my wallet and found it wasn’t there. (reach) 我不常丢东西,所以当我拿钱包却发现钱包不在时,大吃一惊。

79. It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines ______ in Wuhan. (build)


80. Most believe he _______ for England last week, but for a serious injury which put him out of football. (play)  多数人认为,要不是受了重伤而告别足球,上周他本会为英格兰踢球的。



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省武汉市2010届高三五月供题训练(三)英语 题型:其他题






71.The head master responded to the parents, saying their kids were_____________(太小而不能)attend school.(too)

72._____________(听他的口音), he must be a native rather than a tourist. (judge)

73.Do you feel like dining out for a change our would you rather we two_____________(吃晚饭)at home?(have)

74.This is the only one of the regions _____________(遭受袭击)by earthquakes last year.(hit)

75.When_____________(问到他的秘诀)of his success, he said he owed much of his success to his family.(ask)

76.So_____________(这本书非常有趣)that I can hardly tear myself away from it.(interesting)

77.We rushed to the stadium, _____________(结果被告知)the performance had come to an end.(ten)

78.We Chinese do take pride in_____________(我们取得的成就)in the last 10 years.(achieve)

79._____________(我们生来具备的)is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language specific part of the brain.(born)

80.The house_____________(他付了)a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much.(pay)



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:其他题

第六部分:完成句子或句型转换 ( 共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

71. 学生应该把他们在学校学到的知识和实际相结合。

Students________ ________ what they have learned at school ______ real practice.

72. 一场可怕的疾病发生在这村庄了。

A terrible disease _________ _________ in this village

73. 这或许能解释他的懒惰。

This might ___________ ________ his laziness.

74. 地上很湿;昨夜一定下雨了。

The ground is wet, so it                            last night.

75. 在我们办公室不允许吸烟。

We don’t ___________ ___________in the office.

76. 当你回答学生问题是别失去耐心。

Don’t         when you answer the students’ questions.

77. 你认识那个衣衫褴褛的人吗?

Do you know the person who          ?

78. 我们看到远处有灯光。

We saw a light            .

79. His discovery has not been proved yet.

          he         has not been proved yet.

80. We must do something to prevent people from polluting the river.

Something must           to prevent the river from                .

81. Tom’s sister is a successful doctor, and she is good at dealing with patients.

Tom’s sister has                 working with sick persons.

82. We live in such a warm climate and the trees here are very tall.

It is           wet here         the trees are extremely tall.

83. He lay on the ground and at the same time stared at the sky.

He lay on the ground                    the sky.

84. The prisoner tried to escape from the jail and he succeeded at last.

The prisoner           escape from the jail.

85. We are not certain whether there is life on the Mars.

It is             life          on the Mars.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考冲刺预测卷-湖北卷(英语) 题型:其他题





71.__________(尽管雨下得很大), they didn't cancel the football match. (as)

72. In London the huge clock____________(被称为)" Big Ben" is a major tourist attraction.    (refer)

73.___________(在国外长大) ,he couldn't speak Chinese well. (bring)

74. Jenny sat motionless ,listening to the teacher with_______(心不在焉). (wander)

75. He was upset about the constant noise,___________(不能将注意力集中在工作上).    (unable, centre)

76. Jack_________(和他的父亲就这件事发生意见分歧),which made both of them very    unhappy. (differ)

77.___________(除了熟悉中国的历史),Ben knows a lot about Chinese geography. (apart)

78. He__________(连续三次进行了尝试), and eventually succeeded at the third attempt.     (attempt)

79. ____________(患心脏病) for many years, he takes his medicine wherever he goes. (suffer)

80. By last Friday his money __________(由于失业而用完了) unemployment. (run, consequence)


