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               A ★★★☆☆

    “Everyone finds a partner,” I say to the kids. We are about to start 8th grade weight training. I say the words to make the kids feel welcome when they come in. When the 8th graders walk in the door,I see the nervousness in their eyes. When I see them,I remember rnyseif years ago when I was doing the same thing.

    I remember coming to Granger High School for 8th grade lifting. I felt nervous coming in thinking I would get lost. I also felt nervous to meet the coach. I did not feel welcome because everyone was bigger tiian me. I did not want to mess up (搞糟) and get laughed at by other people.

    The second time I went there was a lot better than the first time. I was not afraid to walk into the room and see all the big people. I thought to myself, “If other kids can do it,then I can do it." I went to my partner and felt a little bit more confident. I was still nervous but I felt better. As hard as I tried not to mess up,it happened. Then a voice said, “Good job,you are getting better." I started to feel better hearing people saying “good job”, instead of “get out”.

    When I come back to reality,I realize that the kid in front of me is just like me then. When he has finished his warm-up,I tell him “Good job,man,you are getting better." Once I start encouraging him,he starts to feel better. I also feel good about myself for being able to help him feel more confident. I can hear the students praising one another.

1. Why does the author ask everyone to find a partner?

   A. To make them feel at home.

   B. To remind them of their past, 

    C. To let them train with each other.

   D. To give them a chance to make friends.

2. When the author came for 8th grade lifting,he felt nervous because .

   A. someone misled him

   B. others laughed at him

    C. the coach was very strict   

    D. he was at a disadvantage

3. What happened to the author during his second visit to Granger High School?

   A. He succeeded at last.

   B. He got encouragement.

    C. He got over his nervousness.

   D. He was praised by his coach.

4. Why did the author praise the 8th grader?

   A. The student did his best.

   B. The student was confident.

    C. He just wanted the student to feel happy.

   D. He knew encouragement could help the student.



1.A. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的isaythe words to make the kids feel welcome when they come in可知,作者说这句话的目的是 不拘束。

2.D. 细理解题。根据第二段中的because everyone was bigger than me可知,作者紧张是因 为他处于劣势有别人长得高。

3.B. 细理解题。根据第二段中的Then a voice said, “Good job,you are getting better” 可知,作 者在第二次训练得到了鼓励。

4.D. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的once start encouraging him,he starts to feel better. I also feel good about myself for being able to help him feel more confident可知,作者表扬这位学生 是因为作者从自己的经历中知道鼓励对他有帮助。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程 > 第34期 2015-2016学年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Last week our class voted what to do for our class outing:visit the Singapore Zoo or go to the Night Safari (夜间动物园) .Our girls wanted to go to the zoo. And since we were in the minority,we lose to the boys,who all wanted to go to the safari. We got the admission rate for students,which was greatly since I still had enough money to buy a brochure about the park as well as anything at the souvenir shops. The safari was scary but a really fun. As we took the ride through the park's dark jungle,we could see the eye of many creatures looked out at us. Most of the animals there sleep when there is sunlight and waked up at night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                 C ★★★★☆

    Jeremy Bloom is a three-time world skiing champion. When he was 17 years old,he left the US for the first time. As a member of the US Ski Team,he :traveled to Japan. He was excited to experience another culture. But his most lasting memory of the trip was a bus ride. Bloom watched an elderly woman board the crowded bus. To his surprise,other passengers got up from their seats. They cleared a path for the woman and made sure she was comfortable. Then everyone bowed to her. aI thought how amazing it would be if our culture gave elderly people the same consideration ,” said Bloom.

    So in 2008,Bloom started Wish of a Lifetime (WOL) . This organization helps èlderly people achieve the very thing that they have dreamed about all their life.

    At first,Bloom wasn’t sure if his organization would make a big difference. But soon he saw the power of (WOL). He met a woman named Nancy Tarpin. She couldn’t afford to visit her daughter,Lucille. Lucille had cancer and was dying. Nancy just wanted to be able to say good-bye. So Bloom traveled with her to Arizona. There,Nancy and Lucille spent three unforgettable days together.

    Since then,WOL has made .hundreds of wishes come true. Bloom has made it possible for people to publish their poetry,visit the Grand Canyon,and ride in a hot air balloon. Other wishes are much smaller. “Sometimes the simplest things in the world mean the most,” said Bloom. One 86-year-old man made the simplest request of all. He asked for a small carpet,so that his floor wouldn’ t hurt his feet. Bloom handed it to him personally. “This fíve-dollar carpet meant the world to him,” said Bloom. “But it wasn’t just the carpet. It also meant somebody cared."

9. According to Paragraph 1 ,the other passengers.

   A. felt very uncomfortable on the bus

   B. treated the elderly woman with respect

    C. were very friendly to Jeremy Bloom

   D. often saw the elderly woman on the bus

10. WOL was set up to help old people .

   A. fight for their legal right

   B. experience the sport of skiing 

    C. understand different cultures   

    D. see their wishes come true

11. How would Nancy Tarpin probably feel about Bloom?

   A. Deeply grateful. 

    B. Very concerned,

    C. Quite doubtfiil. 

    D. Really angry.

12. Why did Bloom say the carpet meant the world to the bid man?

   A. He had few things in his house.

   B. He felt a great caring love from it. 

    C. He had a special interest in carpets.

   D. He avoided many injuries thanks to it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                 A ★★★

    I’m sitting down in the second period when the principal comes in bringing a new student with him. He says that the new student called Marco has come from Mexico and doesn’t know English. Suddenly I think of my first day of school when I moved from Mexico to Utah. It was hard to move to a place that had a different language and different ways of doing things. I was a little frightened because I was about to start school but I had trouble understanding the teacher.

    When school started I sat in the back so I Wouldn’t draw any attention. Ms Bolling,my new second-grade teacher,made all of US introduce ourselves to everybody. I went up to a kid named Ivan and told him my name and started talking to him in Spanish. Ivan knew Spanish so he was the only one I could talk to. Ivan helped the teacher translate what she was saying to me.

    During lunch break,I didn't v^ant to go outside but the rule was that I couldn^t stay inside during break. After lunch,one of the teachers took me outside and then I got a soccer ball from the equipment room and started playing by myself. I was kicking the ball at the wall and dribbling (运球) it. I was pretty good at soccer and I could do some tricks (把戏) with the soccer ball,which attracted Ivan. He came over to me and asked me if I wanted to play soccer with him and his friends. I told him ?eah and when the game was over,he introduced me to his friends,after which we all became good friends.

    Suddenly I realize that Marco is sitting next to me. I introduce myself and start helping him with the worksheet (作业单) we have to do. After that,the bell rings and he asks me if he can eat lunch with me and I say yeah.

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that

   A. Marco is from Utah

   B. Marco has caused problems

    C. the author understands Marco well

   D. the author adapted to his new school quickly

2. How did the author communicate with his teacher at the beginning?

   A. By ?peaking English.

   B. With the help of Marco,

    C. By using body language.

   D. Through Ivan's translations.

3. One teacher took the author outside after lunch because .

   A. he wanted to play soccer

   B. he had done something wrong

    C. he had to follow the school's rule   

    D. the teacher wanted to teach him soccer

4. What helped the author make friends with Ivan’s friends?

   A. His courage.

   B. His soccer ball skills,

    C. His teacher’s respect.

   D. His familiarity with Utah.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


       B   ★★★★☆

    American restaurants have been talking about abolishing tipping for years. Now a major New York City restaurant group has announced a no-tip policy. The debate is starting to boil.

    When Danny Meyer,the boss of the restaurant group,talks,people listen. He's been right before. When he (禁止) smoking at Union Square Cafe,he was told he’d go out of business. However,his business improved. Ten years later,smoking in restaurants was against the law. Starting in November 2015,tipping began to be abolished at his 13 restaurants,the first major restaurant group to do this. It's been all over the news and everyone has an opinion. “Why not earlier?” some say. “Americans will not,” others insist.It’s clear that tipping is just the tip of the iceberg (冰山) .Beneath the surface are questions of pay fairness,labor law and rising costs. Tipping was borrowed from Europe more than a century ago and has been abolished there. But here,it's a deep-rooted American cultural practice.

    Usually,servers know there’s a higher chance that they’11 get a bigger tip on a bigger check,so they may push for more expensive items on the menu. Or they may rush customers out quickly to make room for new diners (and more tips!) . Basically,they may adjust accordingly to serve only the people they think will be the best tippers. Therefore,it is bad for customers.

    Besides,many servers puKtips together,so your reward is shared. Tips provide  large part of their income. But that money can't be shared legally with the un-tipped,low-paid kitchen workers. No wonder there's a growing labor shortage in restaurant kitchens. Meyer tried to abolish tipping 20 years ago,but the waiters disagreed. Is the time right now? The dining world will listen and watch.

5. We can learn from Danny Meyer’s story that

   A. people suggested he run more restaurants

   B. his ban on smoking succeeded beyond expectations

    C. his business failed because of his ban on smoking   

    D. he was threaten to shut his business

6. According to Paragraph 3 ,tipping .

   A. is quite popular in Europe

   B. is against labor law in America 

    C. spreads from Europe to America

   D. is disliked by most people in America

7. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. How customers tip.

   B. What servers do to get tips,

    C. How tipping came about.

   D. What customers think of tips.

8. Why are kitchen workers in short supply?

   A. They can't get tips.

.   B. Their income isn’t fixed,

    C.They can't see customers.

   D. Their work is very boring.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出修改后的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    One day our English teacher asked US to list other classmate1’s names on a piece of paper.Then we are told to write down the nicest thing we could think of about each name. It took US 40 minutes finish fhe task. Before we had left the classroom,we handed out the papers. Then the teacher listed how everyone else had said about a same person. Two days after,she gave each student his or her list. After read the lists,the entire class became excited. UI didn't know others liked me so much”. I said to me when I read my list.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Lucy Li s playful giggle (傻笑) might make people think she’s just a silly schoolgirl. 21, those who ve seen her play 22 she’s all business on the golf course. But how did this 14-year-old talented girl become one of the most-talked-about 23 players in golf today?

In 2002.Lucy was bom to a Chinese immigrant (移民) family in California. Lucy's mother tried to interest her in other 24. like ballet. But Lucy 25 to be like her elder brother,who played 26 . One day while waiting for him to finish agolf match,7-year-old Lucy 27 a club(高尔夫球棒) ,hit the ball and sent it flying straight down the course. Her mother said,We28 something special that day. 

    The family 29 famous golf coach Jmi McLean and asked him to teach Lucy. That was the  30 of her golf career. According to McLean, “Lucy has a 31 for golf. She can play better than any other kid r ve ever seen.”

    Lucy was the youngest 32 ever to qualify for the US Women's Open golf tournament in 2014. At the US Women's Open,Lucy was 33 against the world's best players in North Carolina. She was also playing on one of the world's most 34 courses in 90-degree heat. 35 the first round ended,she had a (n) —36 score of 78. But her score of.78 again the next day wasn,t enough for her to advance.

    Lucy is still a 37 girl,and often (单脚跳) and skips as she 38 along the golf course. When asked what she 39. Lucy answered ,“I want to have fun and 40 . I want to learn a lot from these great players."

21. A. Therefore   B. Howevbr  C. Otherwise   D. Besides

22. A. doubt   B. deny dope   C.hope  D. know

23. A. lazy   B. silly C. disabled   D. young

24. A. activities   B. stories  C. topics   D. memories

25. A. feared   B. refused  C. expected   D. regretted

26. A. tennis   B. golf C. baseball   D. football

27. A. kissed   B. lost C. broke   D. grasped

28. A. realized   B. ignored  C. forgot   D. created

29. A. forgave . B. helped  C. contacted   D. comforted

30. A. aim   B. start  C. success   D. end

31. A. chance   B. prize  C. gift   D. performance

32. A. reporter   B. player c. coach   D. audience

33. A. debating   B. protecting  C. guarding   D. competing

34. A. difficult   B. relaxing  C. romantic   D. funny

35. A. If   B. Though  C. After   D. Because

36. A. poor   B. good   C. wrong   D. old

37. A. shy   B. foolish  C. beautiful   D. little

38. A. moves   B. dances C. paints   D. drives

39. A. wants   B. guesses  C. sings   D. understands

40. A. travel   B. dream   C. learn   D. smile


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  “Is there going to be a flood?” asked Daniel. He looked nervously at his dad and mom. They both looked worried. Dad was completely wet and dirty. He and some other men in town had spent the morning piling bags of sand on top of the /ewe (防洪堤) along the river. For years the levee had kept the Mississippi from flooding its banks. After three straight days of rain,though,the water grew higher and higher. If the levee broke,Dani?r‘s neighborhood would be flooded for sure.

  “We’11 be fine,” Dad placed a reassuring hand on Danier’s shoulder. Outside,lightning flashed,followed by distant thunder. “Just in case,” said Dad. I think we should start moving some things to Uncle Mike's house." Uncle Mike lived farther away from the river on higher ground. “And we’ 11 take everything we need to cook and eat upstairs,” he said, “like camping out in our own house."

I  By nightfall,everything the family needed had been moved upstairs. Dad had taken their new couch and TV to Uncle Mike's. Daniel helped his dad tie a fishing boat to the front (门廊) .“Just in case,”said Dad.

   Lying in bed that night,Daniel tossed and turned. He could hear the heavy rain beating on the roof. “Everything will be all right,” he said to himself just before falling asleep.

   Several hours later,the sound of"幻:皮似(警报器) woke Daniel from a sound sleep. He sat straight up in bed,his heart pounding. Ink rushed Mom ,“Get dressed,Daniel!The levee just broke!WeJ re leaving. We have no other choice."

   A few minutes later they all got . into the fishing boat,leaving behind just about everything they owned. Daniel asked,re going to -lose everything,aren't we?w

  “No,not everything”’ said Mom,pulling him close. We'11 always have each other."

  “That's right,” said Dad. “We may lose the house,but we can always rebuild it. We can't ever lose our home,though,because home is us."

1. What caused the levee to break?

   A. Bad construction.

   B. High water levels.

    C. Lack of sandbags.

   D. People's  carelessness.

2. The underlined word “reassuring” in Paragraph 2 probably means.

   A. shaking   B. disturbing

    C. disappointing   D. comforting

3. How did Daniel's family manage to escape the danger?

   A. By taking a fishing boat.

   B. By being saved by the police,

    C. With the help of Uncle Mike.

   D. By camping out on higher ground.

4. From what Daniel's parents said we can learn that.

   A. life isn’t a bed of roses

   B. east or west,home is best 

    C. home is where the family is   

    D. a man's house is his castle


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Emma (hurt) her back when she fell off her horse.

