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I think everyone likes music, so do I. Someone once said that if there

       no music, there would be no life. Music brings you happiness and

76. ___________

      (美). After a whole day of hard work, when I go back home,I’m

77. ___________

       to sitting down and listening to a wonderful piece of music. It

78. ___________ 

always helps me get rid of my tiredness by building a       (轻松的)

79. ___________

atmosphere. If you are somewhat angry, music will also make you c      

80. ___________

down and your unhappiness will d      soon.

81. ___________

What’s more, music has an extraordinary power    can help people

82. ___________

develop their imagination and do things in more      (创造性的)ways.

83. ___________

I like music and I wish that musicians t      the world would keep

84. ___________

on producing       (有价值的) music works for us.

85. ___________

76. were     77. beauty       78.used/accustomed  79. relaxing      80. calm  

81. disappear  82. that / which  83.creative          84. throughout   85. valuable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解





Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.

Many of you said you like the ________(美国的) writer Ernest          1. __________

Hemingway, who is w_________ known for his short stories. I                   2.___________

suppose you have all f_______ my advice and finished reading                3.___________

his story. We’re going to study it _________(一起) in this lesson.            4. ___________

Now, first of all, I would like you to have a ___________(讨论).                   5. ___________

Please look at the three q________ on the blackboard. First,                   6. ___________

when did the story _______ place? Second, what kind of person                     7. ___________

does the writer show ________(自己) to be? Third, what’s the                8. ___________

main purpose of w__________ this story? I’d like you to                       9. ___________

work ________ pairs and present your answers in ten minutes.                 10.___________


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省三明市2010届高三下学期5月质量检查(英语) 题型:填空题

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Dear Mr. Smith,
How are you! I’m very happy to write this letter to you.       
I r     the admission notice to Beijing University last                     76.__________      
W     . As you know, my major is Foreign Language Literature.         77.__________      
      I have been dreaming about. Mr. Smith, I still remember            78.__________      
The first day when you began to teach us. When a     to introduce         79.__________      
Ourselves, we were quite nervous, b     we were poor at listening        80.__________     
And speaking. However, you patiently       (鼓励) us to practice 81.__________      
As much as possible. Your class was so       (生动)that all of        82.__________      
Us were interested. With your       I improved my English step         83.__________      
      step;otherwise, in NMET I wouldn’t have got a satisfactory             84.__________      
result. Mr. Smith, thank you very much indeed.      I miss you!         85.__________      
Hope to see you soon!


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省三明市2010届高三下学期5月质量检查(英语) 题型:短文改错


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Dear Mr. Smith,

How are you! I’m very happy to write this letter to you.       

I r     the admission notice to Beijing University last                     76.__________      

W     . As you know, my major is Foreign Language Literature.         77.__________      

      I have been dreaming about. Mr. Smith, I still remember            78.__________      

The first day when you began to teach us. When a     to introduce         79.__________      

Ourselves, we were quite nervous, b     we were poor at listening        80.__________     

And speaking. However, you patiently       (鼓励) us to practice 81.__________      

As much as possible. Your class was so       (生动)that all of        82.__________      

Us were interested. With your       I improved my English step         83.__________      

      step;otherwise, in NMET I wouldn’t have got a satisfactory             84.__________      

result. Mr. Smith, thank you very much indeed.      I miss you!         85.__________      

Hope to see you soon!



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年福建省高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:其他题







Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.

Many of you said you like the ________(美国的) writer Ernest          1. __________

Hemingway, who is w_________ known for his short stories. I                   2.___________

suppose you have all f_______ my advice and finished reading                3.___________

his story. We’re going to study it _________(一起) in this lesson.            4. ___________

Now, first of all, I would like you to have a ___________(讨论).                   5. ___________

Please look at the three q________ on the blackboard. First,                   6. ___________

when did the story _______ place? Second, what kind of person                     7. ___________

does the writer show ________(自己) to be? Third, what’s the                8. ___________

main purpose of w__________ this story? I’d like you to                       9. ___________

work ________ pairs and present your answers in ten minutes.                 10.___________



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Dear Mr. Smith,

How are you! I’m very happy to write this letter to you.       

I r      the admission notice to Beijing University last                      76.__________      

W      . As you know, my major is Foreign Language Literature.         77.__________      

       I have been dreaming about. Mr. Smith, I still remember            78.__________      

The first day when you began to teach us. When a     to introduce         79.__________      

Ourselves, we were quite nervous, b      we were poor at listening        80.__________     

And speaking. However, you patiently        (鼓励) us to practice 81.__________      

As much as possible. Your class was so        (生动)that all of        82.__________      

Us were interested. With your        I improved my English step         83.__________      

       step;otherwise, in NMET I wouldn’t have got a satisfactory             84.__________      

result. Mr. Smith, thank you very much indeed.       I miss you!         85.__________      

Hope to see you soon!

