精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Are you carrying too much on your back at school? Lots of kids at the same age as you are. Not only are students in China ___36___ from this problem, but kids in the United States are ___37___ fed up with(饱受…之苦) heavy school bags.

Experts are starting to___38___ that more and more young students are having back and neck problems as a result of school bags ___39___ too heavy for them. “It’s hard for me to get up the___40___ with my bag because it’s so heavy,” said Rich Hammond, ___41___ 11-year-old student in the US. Rick is among the students who have ___42___ backpacks with two straps (带子) to carry them, ___43___ a number of other students choose rolling backpacks. However, even with rolling backpacks, ___44___ up stairs and buses with them is ___45___ a problem for kids. Many of them have hurt their knees, backs or necks because of heavy school bags.
But how much is too ___46___? Experts say students should carry ___47___ more than 10 to 15 per cent of their own body weight. Scott Bautch, a Wisconsin ___48___ doctor, said kids under 4th grade should ___49___ with 10 per cent. But it’s also important that older kids don’t go ___50___ 15 percent, because their bones are still growing. Bautch explained that there are other injuries caused by backpacks. “Kids are ___51___ their balance and falling down with these backpacks,” he said.

Parents and teachers are starting to tell the kids to only take ___52___ library books they will be reading that night. Some teachers are using worksheets (作业纸) or ___53___ workbooks for students to take home. One of the best answers is, as some ___54___ themselves suggested, to have no homework ___55___!

36.A.meeting          B.facing             C.experiencing           D.suffering
37.A.already           B.always            C.yet                        D.also
38.A.explain           B.say                 C.worry                    D.announce
39.A.being                     B.be                  C.are                        D.is
40.A.schools           B.stairs              C.houses                   D.homes
41.A.this                       B.that                       C.a                           D.an
42.A.special            B.unusual           C.ordinary                 D.regular
43.A.when                     B.but                        C.then                       D.and
44.A. getting                    B.climbing         C.going                     D.turning
45.A.only                   B.still              C.even                  D.just
46.A.more            B.very             C.much                     D.many
47.A.no                  B.not                 C.any                               D.much
48.A.children          B.student            C.bag                        D.back
49.A.carry              B.stay                C.take                       D.bring
50.A.about              B.under              C.beyond                  D.before
51.A.keeping          B.missing           C.losing                    D.making
52.A.home              B.class               C.school                    D.city
53.A.valuable          B.thin                       C.important               D.interesting
54.A.reports            B.teachers          C.parents                   D.kids
55.A.at all                     B.after all           C.in all                     D.for all

36—40 DDCAB  41—45 DDBAB  46—50 CADBC  51—55 CABDA


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省符离中学09-10学年度高一下学期期中考试英语 题型:阅读理解

A: Hello, Judy. How are you getting along with your word processing(文字处理) class?
B: Well, so far progress has been rather slow. I haven’t learned the keyboard yet, and I have problems remembering all the orders of editing. I get really impatient because I want to master the means to operate the computer as soon as possible.
A: Just remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Word processing (文字处理)can’t be such an easy matter.
B: You’re right. Our teacher keeps telling us that it takes time to learn all the techniques (技巧) of word processing and that we can’t master everything in one day.
A: That’ s entirely true. But you’ll catch on. Just be patient and practise whenever you can.
39. This dialogue suggests that Judy and the partner ______.
A. may be friends                     B. are studying in the same class
C. are both learning word processing      D. are both tired of study
40. What’s the main idea of the dialogue?
A. Word processing isn’t an easy thing at all.   B.Only step by step can we master something.
C. True friendship will benefit our progress.     D. Truth comes from practice. 
41. “Rome wasn’t built in a day” means that we should be ________.
A. patient    B. hardworking    C. friendly    D. impatient
42. Judy has difficulty in doing the following things except(除了)____________.
A. word processing         B. making progress   
C. learning the keyboard     D. remembering all the orders of editing


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省重点中学盟校2010届高三下学期第二次联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

A. You and Me, Baby

Reading level: Baby-Grade 1
Hardcover: 40 pages
Language: English
List Price: $15.95
Price: $12.44 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. You Save: $3.51 (22%)
Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available.
Only 4 left in stock--order soon (more on the way). Want it delivered Thursday, September 27.
B. Ruff! Ruff! Where's Scruff?
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
Hardcover: 16 pages
Language: English
Price: $11.16 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
Availability: In Stock. Sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available.
Want it delivered Thursday, September 2.
Book Description: It’s bath time for Scruff. But does anyone know where he’s hiding? Have the cows seen him? Moo-no! How about the pigs? Oink-no! Looking for that dog is just too tough! But not for toddlers. If they look carefully, they’ll find Scruff hiding on every pop-up page!
C. The Giving Tree
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 64 pages
Language: English
Price: $11.55
Availability: Sold all year round and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout.
Book Description: Once there was a tree...and she loved a little boy. Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down her trunk...and the tree was happy.
D. Where the Wild Things Are
Reading level: Ages 6-10
Hardcover Comic: 62 pages
Language: English
List Price: $16.95
Price: $11.53 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
You Save: $5.42 (32%)
Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available. Want it delivered Thursday, September 12. Order it at once, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout.
64. Little Tom who likes to read picture books with a hide-and-seek adventure will be likely to buy _____.
A. Ruff! Ruff! Where’s Scruff?           B. You and Me, Baby    
C. The Giving Tree                     D. Where the Wild Things Are
65. How much will you pay if you order three books named Where the Wild Things Are?
A. $16.26                        B$ 75                        C. $ 50.58              D. $34.59
66. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. The language of four kinds of books is English.
B. Four kinds of books are available at present.
C. The cover of four kinds of books is hardcover.
D. The reading level of four kinds of books are the same.
67. Where would this advertisement probably appear?
A. In a children’s story-book           B. On the front page of a newspaper.
C. On the Internet.                     D. In a popular magazine..  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Are you ready to do your bit to stop global warming? Do you want to let the world know that you believe it is not doing nearly enough to fight climate change?

On Saturday, March 29, you will have a chance to communicate your concerns—to tell Ottawa and the entire world that you are devoted to doing your part.

You can do it by turning off your lights during Earth Hour, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Started last year by the World Wildlife Fund in Sydney, Australia, Earth Hour this year is going international, with 17 cities signed up so far, including Toronto. Others include Chicago, Manila, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Melbourne, and Christchurch, New Zealand.

The challenge for us Torontonians will be to show we are as devoted to fighting global warming as Sydneysiders were last year, when more than 2.2 million of them participated and slashed the city's power use by 10 per cent for the planned hour.

Of course, one hour of darkness isn’t going to stop global warming. But the thinking behind Earth Hour is that it gets people personally involved. Besides giving people a chance to register their concerns over climate change, the goal is to get them to start changing their wasteful habits. And we all have them, including some we aren't even aware of.

Did you know, for example, that you are still drawing power if you leave your cellphone charger plugged in after charging your phone? The same is true for other electronic devices that you think you've turned off.

If you want to make a difference, sign up today at http://www.wwf.ca/EarthHour and make a pledge (宣誓) to turn off your lights when Earth Hour arrives on March 29. Persuade your friends, co-workers and your employer or employees to do their part.

But don't wait for this symbolic gesture to raise awareness that we all have to be part of the solution. Start today to think about changes that can be made in your home and your workplace that will cut down on waste and greenhouse gas emissions (排放).

63. The passage mainly calls on people of _____ to join in the March 29th activity.

    A. Sydney         B. Toronto          C. the world         D. the 17 cities 

64. The Earth Hour movement mainly aims to get people to _______ to save our earth.

    A. sense the danger       B. make a pledge     

C. perform their duties D. show their value   

65. Which is implied in the passage that should not happen in our daily life?



66. The best title for the passage is _____.

    A. A Chance to Help Save the Earth       B. A Chance to Help Prevent Pollution

    C. An Hour to Fight Against Bad Habits D. An Hour to Keep Climate Unchanged


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Are you ready to do your bit to stop global warming? Do you want to let the world know that you believe it is not doing nearly enough to fight climate change?

On Saturday, March 29, you will have a chance to communicate your concerns—to tell Ottawa and the entire world that you are devoted to doing your part.

You can do it by turning off your lights during Earth Hour, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Started last year by the World Wildlife Fund in Sydney, Australia, Earth Hour this year is going international, with 17 cities signed up so far, including Toronto. Others include Chicago, Manila, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Melbourne, and Christchurch, New Zealand.

The challenge for us Torontonians will be to show we are as devoted to fighting global warming as Sydneysiders were last year, when more than 2.2 million of them participated and slashed the city's power use by 10 per cent for the planned hour.

Of course, one hour of darkness isn’t going to stop global warming. But the thinking behind Earth Hour is that it gets people personally involved. Besides giving people a chance to register their concerns over climate change, the goal is to get them to start changing their wasteful habits. And we all have them, including some we aren't even aware of.

Did you know, for example, that you are still drawing power if you leave your cellphone charger plugged in after charging your phone? The same is true for other electronic devices that you think you've turned off.

If you want to make a difference, sign up today at http://www.wwf.ca/EarthHour and make a pledge (宣誓) to turn off your lights when Earth Hour arrives on March 29. Persuade your friends, co-workers and your employer or employees to do their part.

But don't wait for this symbolic gesture to raise awareness that we all have to be part of the solution. Start today to think about changes that can be made in your home and your workplace that will cut down on waste and greenhouse gas emissions (排放).

63. The passage mainly calls on people of _____ to join in the March 29th activity.

    A. Sydney B. Toronto C. the world D. the 17 cities 

64. The Earth Hour movement mainly aims to get people to _______ to save our earth.

    A. sense the danger B. make a pledge

C. perform their duties D. show their value   

65. Which is implied in the passage that should not happen in our daily life?



66. The best title for the passage is _____.

    A. A Chance to Help Save the Earth B. A Chance to Help Prevent Pollution

    C. An Hour to Fight Against Bad Habits D. An Hour to Keep Climate Unchanged


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Are you ready to do your bit to stop global warming? Do you want to let the world know that you believe it is not doing nearly enough to fight climate change?

On Saturday, March 29, you will have a chance to communicate your concerns—to tell Ottawa and the entire world that you are devoted to doing your part.

You can do it by turning off your lights during Earth Hour, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Started last year by the World Wildlife Fund in Sydney, Australia, Earth Hour this year is going international, with 17 cities signed up so far, including Toronto. Others include Chicago, Manila, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Melbourne, and Christchurch, New Zealand.

The challenge for us Torontonians will be to show we are as devoted to fighting global warming as Sydneysiders were last year, when more than 2.2 million of them participated and slashed the city's power use by 10 per cent for the planned hour.

Of course, one hour of darkness isn’t going to stop global warming. But the thinking behind Earth Hour is that it gets people personally involved. Besides giving people a chance to register their concerns over climate change, the goal is to get them to start changing their wasteful habits. And we all have them, including some we aren't even aware of.

Did you know, for example, that you are still drawing power if you leave your cellphone charger plugged in after charging your phone? The same is true for other electronic devices that you think you've turned off.

If you want to make a difference, sign up today at http://www.wwf.ca/EarthHour and make a pledge (宣誓) to turn off your lights when Earth Hour arrives on March 29. Persuade your friends, co-workers and your employer or employees to do their part.

But don't wait for this symbolic gesture to raise awareness that we all have to be part of the

  solution. Start today to think about changes that can be made in your home and your workplace that will cut down on waste and greenhouse gas emissions (排放).

63. The passage mainly calls on people of _____ to join in the March 29th activity.

    A. Sydney B. Toronto C. the world D. the 17 cities 

64. The Earth Hour movement mainly aims to get people to _______ to save our earth.

    A. sense the danger B. make a pledge

C. perform their duties  D. show their value   

65. Which is implied in the passage that should not happen in our daily life?



66. The best title for the passage is _____.

    A. A Chance to Help Save the Earth B. A Chance to Help Prevent Pollution

    C. An Hour to Fight Against Bad Habits D. An Hour to Keep Climate Unchanged

