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【题目】Have you ever wondered how to work out who your true friends really are? Here are a few tips for you to exactly who your true friends are.

First, it’s very difficult, especially you’re in a large group of friends where you have a very different range of . Some of them may be goof-offs or clowns, some of them may be very and intense, and some of them may just be the run of the mill(普通的) friends. However, in your life, when you’re looking for a friend, you want the friend that’s really going to be there for you when you need him or her and some positive information and positive attention.

So, I guess a good rule of thumb(单凭经验的方法) when you’re looking for a true friend, or who your true friends are, is to find the ones that really you when the going gets rough. That is, when you’re in a pot, they’re really there for you, being supportive, listening and trying to help you for yourself what you might want to do. A true friend will also you for who you are and not try to make you into something else that’s different. For , if you have a bat habit, they are going to accept you with that bad habit, the rest of the habits, instead of just ridiculing you about it, at you about it, or putting you down. We all have our shortcomings, and a true friend is one who span> accepting of you, no matter what your are.

It is very hard to the true friends, especially from a large group of friends, as the personalities began to mesh(匹配) over time. So, its you to be very aware, watch your friends, and look back at who’s really been there for you in your difficult situations.

【1A. argue B. determine C. connect D. describe

【2A. unless B. since C. if D. after

【3A. attitudes B. advantages C. personalities D. feelings

【4A. friendly B. casual C. decent D. serious

【5A. average B. natural C. obvious D. steady

【6A. close B. common C. normal D. true

【7A. resist B. inquire C. deliver D. adore

【8A. noticing B. judging C. promising D. expressing

【9A. stand for B. stay away from C. stick with D. look down upon

【10A. rigid B. modest C. tight D. humble

【11A. worry about B. make up C. pick up D. sort out

【12A. direct B. serve C. accept D. restrict

【13A. instance B. occasion C. chance D. case

【14A. along with B. regardless of C. except for D. next to

【15A. staring B. yelling C. glaring D. astonishing

【16A. denies B. appreciates C. remains D. enjoys

【17A. traits B. careers C. figures D. looks

【18A. accompany B. rescue C. disturb D. tell

【19A. provides B. requires C. turns D. leaves

【20A. call B. warn C. remind D. realize
























【1】B考查动词。A. argue 讨论、争论;B. determine 决定、确定;C. connect 连接、联系;D. describe 描述。根据上文的work out可知,此处选择相似意义的词,故选择B,句意为:对于如何确定谁是你真正的朋友,这里有几个要领。

【2】C考查连词。A. unless 除非;B. since 自从;C. if 如果;D. after 在…之后。根据句意选择C最为恰当,句意为:特别是如果你有许多不同性格的朋友。

【3】C考查名词。A. attitudes 观点、态度;B. advantages 优点;C. personalities 性格特点;D. feelings 感觉。根据下文可知,说的是拥有不同性格特点的朋友,故选择C。

【4】D考查形容词。A. friendly 友好的;B. casual 随意的;C. decent 正派的、得体的;D. serious 严肃的、认真的。根据下文的intense(紧张)可知此处需要的词和它意义相近,故选择D,意为严肃的。句意为:他们中有的人也许比较严肃和紧张。

【5】A考查形容词。A. average 平均的、普通的;B. natural 自然的;C. obvious 明显的;D. steady 稳定的。根据下文的run of the mill(普通的) friends.可知选择A,句意为:他们中有些人也许只是普通的朋友。

【6】D考查形容词。A. close 近的、紧密的;B. common 平常的;C. normal 正常的;D. true 真的、正确的。本题为原词重现,根据第一段的how to work out who your true friends really are可知选择D,意为:当你想要寻找一个真正的朋友时。

【7】C考查动词。A. resist 抵制、抵抗;B. inquire 询问、打听;C. deliver 递送、分娩、发表;D. adore 热爱、爱慕。根据下文的some positive information and positive attention可知,选择C最为恰当,句意为:传递一些积极的信息和关注。

【8】B考查动词。A. noticing 注意;B. judging 判断;C. promising 承诺;D. expressing 表达。本题和36题相似,意为找到一个真正的朋友,故选择B最为恰当,句意为:或者判断谁是你真正的朋友。

【9】C考查动词短语。A. stand for 代表;B. stay away from 远离;C. stick with 跟着;D. look down upon 瞧不起。根据下文的when the going gets rough(当你有麻烦时),可知选择C,句意为:真正的朋友就是那些在你有麻烦时不离不弃的人。

【10】C考查形容词。A. rigid 死板的、严格的;B. modest 谦逊的;C. tight 紧的、处境困难的;D. humble 谦虚的、简陋的。根据上文的when the going gets rough可知,是指在你面临困境时,故选择C,构成短语tight spot,意为困境。

【11】D考查动词短语。A. worry about 担忧;B. make up 编造、弥补、化妆;C. pick up 捡起、收听、学会等;D. sort out 理清。根据下文what you might want to do可知,选择D最为恰当,句意为:试图帮助你理清你可能想要做什么。

【12】C考查动词。A. direct 指导;B. serve 服务;C. accept 接受;D. restrict 限制。根据下文的not try to make you into something else that’s different.可知,好朋友不会试图改变你,也就是说真正的朋友会接纳你真正的样子,故选择C。

【13】A考查名词。A. instance 例子;B. occasion 场合;C. chance 机会;D. case 案例、情况。本题考查固定搭配:for instance,意为:例如。故选择A,句意为:例如,如果你有个坏习惯,他们会接受这个坏习惯。

【14】A考查介词短语。A. along with 伴随;B. regardless of 不顾不管;C. except for 除…之外;D. next to 在…旁、仅次于。根据上文可知,真正的朋友会接受你原本的样子,也就是说真正的朋友会接受你所有的习惯,故选择A。

【15】B考查动词。A. staring 凝视;B. yelling 吼叫;C. glaring 怒目而视;D. astonishing 使…吃惊。根据上文的ridiculing you about it(奚落你)可知此处指真正的朋友不会做的事情,故选择B,意为向你大喊或让你感到自惭形秽。

【16】C考查动词。A. denies 否认;B. appreciates 感激、欣赏;C. remains 仍然;D. enjoys 享受。根据上文可知,真正的朋友就是会接受你原本样子的朋友,故选择C,意为一个真正的朋友会仍然接受你,不管你的特质如何。

【17】A考查名词。A. traits 特质;B. careers 职业;C. figures 数字、身材等;D. looks 外表、外貌。根据句意,选择A。

【18】D考查动词。A. accompany 陪伴;B. rescue 救援;C. disturb 打扰;D. tell 讲述、分辨。本题仍然围绕着文章的主题,即找出你真正的朋友,故选择D,句意为:真正的朋友很难分辨。

【19】B考查动词。A. provides 提供;B. requires 需要;C. turns 转变;D. leaves 离开。根据上文可知,分辨朋友需要时间,故这就需要你特别注意,观察你的朋友。故选择B。

【20】D考查动词。A. call 叫、打电话;B. warn 警告;C. remind 提醒;D. realize 明白、意识。根据上文可知,要观察朋友,故此处选择D,意为意识到当你处在困境中时谁在那儿陪着你。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is known to us all that the People's Republic of China __________ on October 11949.

A. was founded B. was found

C. is founded D. is found


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 --Jack fell off the ladder yesterday, but he is all right now.

--What a lucky dog! He ______ himself badly.

A. should injure B. could have injured

C. should have injured D. might injure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It takes a long time to prepare the dish but it is so delicious that it's worth the __________.

A. courage B. effort

C. adventure D. result


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Let us suppose that you are in __________ position of __________ parent.

Would you allow your child to do such a thing?

A. /a B. a; /

C. the; a D. the; /


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Little children ask endless questions because they are ______ about everything.

A. skeptical B. aware

C. capable D. curious


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【原创】Mrs. Smith _____ the story when her husband forgot the next detail.

A. took on B. took up

C. made up D. turned out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【原创】 Was it in the village ________ he was born ________ the naughty boy met the retired professor?

A. that, where B. where, which

C. which, where D. where, that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【原创】Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited 【1】 a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes 2 (pass), but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided to walk on 3 (foot). But no sooner had I left 4 the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I chose to take 5 next bus, I would have to wait for 6 30 minutes. Only then 7 (do) I realize my problem. Being impatient will 8 (possible) waste all the effort in 9 we have put . Now whenever I am close to 【10 (lose) my patience, I’ll think of this experience.

