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Last Friday we have a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.

The majority of us considering it very necessary to go to college. They think it can be widen their knowledge and improve their qualities. Only in this way can they find better jobs before graduation. Very few students think it no use go to university. Moreover, it¡¯s rather hard for graduates look for satisfied jobs. Thirty percents of the students believe it doesn¡¯t make some difference whether they go to college or not.

In my opinion, we can better themselves through college education so that we can serve society better in the future.


¡¾1¡¿have¡ú had

¡¾2¡¿considering¡ú consider


¡¾4¡¿before¡ú after

¡¾5¡¿go¡ú going

¡¾6¡¿look forÇ°Ãæ¼Óto

¡¾7¡¿satisfied¡ú satisfactory/satisfying

¡¾8¡¿percents ¡ú percent

¡¾9¡¿some¡ú any

¡¾10¡¿themselves¡ú ourselves


¡¾1¡¿have¡ú had ¿¼²éʱ̬¡£¸ù¾Ýʱ¼ä×´Óïlast Friday¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÐðÊöµÄÊǹýÈ¥·¢ÉúµÄÊÂÇ飬ËùÒÔʹÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱhad¡£

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Actually, long-distance bicycle camping is one of the most pleasurable activities I have ever experienced.
I generally sleep poorly at night, but in the woods on a tour, I sleep like a baby, falling asleep with the music of insects. In the morning, I am awakened by the cheeps of birds. I eat a snack before getting up, and then I quickly pack my sleeping bag, air mattress (µæ), tent, and other things and get on with my road. I'm slower in the morning, having less speed but a greater desire to stop at pleasant spots and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Traveling by bike allows me to stop anywhere, such as grasslands, lakes, woods, and scenic spots. Near lunch, I find a small grocery and buy some bread, sandwiches and fruit. Then I will find a town park or other shady spots to wait out the high mid-day sun. In the afternoon, my speeds are higher, and I spend less time on stops. In the late afternoon, I start riding more slowly, and I start thinking about where I will stop. I finally find a place in the early evening, cook a simple meal and have a rest. As it starts to get dark, I put up my tent, crawl in and fall asleep.
There are exciting times and difficult times as well. Visiting strange or famous places and accomplishing goals are always exciting to me. I meet and talk with interesting people along the way, sometimes other traveling cyclists. Appreciating beautiful views, meeting wild animals, and traveling up and down hills also. On the other hand, I may run into a rainy or hot spell(Ò»¶Îʱ¼ä), have to repair my bike, or just find myself in a bad mood. The problems are infrequent and are easy to deal with. The pleasures remain in my mind for years.
£¨1£©We can learn from the passage that the author can have a good sleep ______.
A.in a hotel
B.at home
C.in the shade
D.in the woods
£¨2£©In the first paragraph, the author tells us that ________.
A.how he sleeps during his travel
B.the route of his bicycle travel
C.why he rides slowly all the time
D.one day's activities of his bicycle travel
£¨3£©It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the author ________.
A.enjoys a free and pleasant journey
B.likes riding in the woods
C.rides fast in the morning
D.cooks a simple lunch
£¨4£©According to the passage, a cycle tourist may prefer ________.
A.a beautiful view
B.a rainy day
C.a hot day
D.a strong wind


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Welcome to the home page of the Photography World website£®We offer a range of useful services for photographers and photography lovers£®

Camera Club

Join our club and enjoy a range of benefits£®You¡¯11 get invitations to our regular events£¬such as members¡¯film shows£¬exhibitions and talks by experts£®You can apply for Full membership£¬Asso-date membership or Junior membership£®Full membership includes free entry to all events and 10£¥discount when ordering equipment online£®Associate membership gives you half-price tickets to events£®Junior membership(proof of age required)allows youngsters to enjoy the benefits of Full membership£®Costs(per year)£ºFull membership 20£¬Associate 12£¬Junior 10£®Most new members joined as the result of recommendations from current members£®

Advice Center

Take advantage of our Advice Center£®Ask our panel of experts your questions about cameras and photography£®Whether you¡¯re looking for solutions to problems or fresh ideas for interesting photos£¬you¡¯11 get response here£®Simply email your questions to advice@cameraclub£®com or leave a recorded message On 0800¡ª565656£®We guarantee to send you a reply by email within five days£®Please note that since we can¡¯t provide information about repairs to cameras£¬you should contact the manufacturer about these£®


Our competition is held every year and is a great chance for new and experienced photographers to win one of our great prizes£¬which range from albums to keep your photos in to one-day courses or a set of state-of-the-art camera equipment£®Entries can only be accepted from members£®They can be sent in prints£¬on a CD or memory stick£¬or by email£®Please note that photos can¡¯t be returned£¬so make sure you have copies£®The topic¡ªfor example£¬wildlife£¬transport£¬people¡ªis announced each year here on the website when the competition opens£®

¡¾1¡¿Which of the following is a proper price list for an event organized by Camera Club?

A. B.

C. D.

¡¾2¡¿Which of the following CANNOT be obtained from the advice center?

A. Solutions to problems about photography£®

B. Fresh ideas for interesting photos£®

C. Response to club members¡¯questions£®

D. Information about repairs to cameras£®

¡¾3¡¿What¡¯s the requirement of the competition?

A. Competitors must be experienced£®

B. Competitors must have membership£®

C. Competitors¡¯works must be sent by email£®

D. Competitors must have spare copies of their photos£®


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Tina liked running. Although she would train hard, but she always came in second or third. The girl always came in first was Jane. Tina thinks that if she could just beat Jane, she would have a chance to win. Finally, Tina got the big chance. Like usual, Jane was in the lead. Suddenly, Jane caught his foot on a tree root and stumbled. Tina ran as fast as she could stay in the lead, but Jane caught up and passed her. To make matters bad, four more girl passed her. Tina realized that, "You can¡¯t rely on others¡¯ misfortune to get ahead in life." That is your own hard work that will take you to the first place.


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When Molly¡¯s father was about to work, his daughter Molly, aged 8, hand him a bag. The father was in hurry so he didn¡¯t know what was inside. While having lunch, he took out the contents: a plastic dinosaur, a tiny sea shell and three small stone. The busy father smiled, finished eating, and sweeping the desk clean into the dustbin include Molly¡¯s junk. This evening, Molly wanted her bag back because she had not made a note into it. I love you, Daddy. The father went to his office hurried, carrying the junk home. He asked Molly to tell her about the junk. It was turned out that everything in the bag had a story. To Molly they were not junk and treasures!


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3.Ìáʾ´Ê£ºÔıøʽmilitary parade

Last term, our school held a blackboard newspaper contest on

¡°Unforgettable 2015 in China¡±._____________________________________








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Welcome to Our Festival

March 7 2016

Story Show in Oheron


8:00 pm -10:00 pm

Join in us for an evening of true, personal stories about science. Come to the only show where you can hear people¡ª¡ªscientists, not-scientists, and half-scientists¡ª¡ªtell funny and touching stories about the role of science in their lives.

Cost: $10

Make Your Own iPhone Case through Toysinbox 3D Printing

Families & Teens & Adults

10:00 am ¨C 12:30 pm

In this workshop, you will learn to design and 3D print your own iPhone case. First, you will learn how to use a 3D printer. Next, you will design a 3D model for your iPhone case that will have a lovely pattern and your name. Once you create the model, you will print it out on our 3D printers. A 3D printing worker will guide you through this process step-by-step. Come and enjoy this fun and unique learning experience!

Cost: $35

DIY Underwater Vehicle Design in MIT Museum


2:00 pm ¨C 5:00 pm

Dive into the world of ocean engineering by designing and building an underwater vehicle! Test your vehicle in large tanks on the Museum¡¯s floor. Show off your engineering creations and share your design process with Museum visitors.

Cost: $15, Ages 12

Animal Kingdom for Young Ones in Museum of Science, Boston


9:30 am ¨C 2:00 pm

Join us for a day of hands-on science fun designed especially for pre-schoolers!

Activities include the Museum¡¯s popular ¡°Live Animal Story Time¡± shows and a talk about baby animals and book-signing by children¡¯s book authors. Drop in on special live animal visits and activities in the exhibition halls, as well as design challenges and lab activities¡ª¡ªall created with your young scientist in mind!

Cost: Free, Ages Pre-kindergarten¡ª¡ªAge 8

¡¾1¡¿What can people do in Story Show?

A. Do role-play games.

B. Put on science shows.

C. Hear touching stories.

D. Meet authors of the books.

¡¾2¡¿If you are interested in ocean engineering, you will probably attend_______________.

A. Story Show

B. DIY Underwater Vehicle Design

C. Make Your Own iPhone Case

D. Animal Kingdom for Young Ones

¡¾13¡¿Animal Kingdom for Young Ones is designed for ____________.

A. adults

B. children of all ages

C. kids under 8 years old

D. children aged twelve and older

¡¾1¡¿What is the subject of the festival?

A. Sports. B. Science.

C. Literature. D. Education.


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Last weekend we went mountain-climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning could not prevent us go. Setting off very early, we went along an extreme narrow road, all in high spirits. On every side of the road were green fields and some farm house. We could hear the sound of the rain and our footsteps mixed with laughter. At noon we reached top of the mountain. That surprised us most was the beauty of the scenes here. After having a short rest and sharing with the food we had brought, we started going down. It rained even harder. We are wet to the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily.


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Dear Michael,

How is it going? I¡¯m writing to invite you to participate a voluntary activity hold by our English club, which can surely improve ourselves. Since I will also join in it, why not going with me to enjoy this activity?

Here are some information as follows. An activity will be held at Xihu Park, which is closely to your home. And the time is about from 9:00 to 11:00 pm on Sunday. Aiming to develop the aware of protecting the environment, the volunteer will do something valuable to the environment, such as picking up the rubbish, watering trees and flowers. Besides, please remember which you need to mind the grass and be careful about yourself.

Please keep me informed it if you are willing to accept my invitation.

Best wishes.


Li Hua

