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   I didn't go to Colorado to ski. I went because I was persuaded to attend a two-day class at the Bridgestone Winter Driving School there.

   Everyone in my family came along with me. The first morning,we sat in a small classroom and our instructor,Robert,told us what to expect. The course,he explained,was designed to make the cars slip and slide on ice and snow. “If you listen to us,” Robert assured the class, “you’11 be fine."

   On a snowy day when I was 4,I had a car accident. I wasn't seriously hurt that day,but over the years the shock transformed into anxiety. When it snowed,I often called another parent at the elementary school my daughter attends to ask if he or she wouldn't mind driving my daughter the half-mile to school in the morning.

   That first morning in Colorado,after we left the classroom and headed out to the track,my heart was racing. By the time Robert said, “Cristina,it's your turn." I was lightheaded. I carefUlly did what I was instructed to do but when I turned,I pulled the wheel too hard and hit a block of ice,my car turning almost 180 degrees. When the car came to a stop,I sat rigid,trying to catch my breath. Part of me wanted to get out and never drive again. But I was sitting there safely,wasn,t I? I had overcome one of my greatest fears — losing control of the car. I even felt a little excited.

   For the rest of the class,I continued practising,and I got better enough so that a week later,when I arrived home and there was snow on the ground,I didn't even think about calling another parent to drive my daughter to school. “I can do this,” I told myself. And I did.

24. In the classroom,Robert intended to help participants to .

   A. know each other

   B. build up confidence

   C. learn about the course

   D. put theory into practice

25. The accident made the author afraid to .

   A. have kids in her car   B. drive on snowy days

   C. drive long distances   D. be in a car by herself

26. What can best describe the author's feelings after the first practice?

   A. Mixed. B. Puzzled.

   C. Thankful. D. Regretful.

27. What do we know about the class?

   A. It's tiring. B. It's helpful.

   C. It's expensive. D. It's interesting.

24. C 25. B 26. A 27. B



24. C.细节理觯题。根据第二段中的our instructor,Robert,told us what to expect. The course,h% explained…可知,Robert帮助学员们了解课程。

25. B.推理判断题。根据第三段中的When it snowed,I often called another parent at the elementary school my daughter attends to ask if he or she wouldn’t mind driving my daughter the half-mile to school in the morning 可知,一到下 雪天作者就请别的家长帮忙送自己的女儿去学 校。由此可推测,儿时的车祸使得作者不敢在 下雪天开车。

26. A.推理判断题。根据第四段中的I sat rigid,trying to catch my breath. Part of me wanted to get out and never drive again ... 1 had overcome one of my greatest fears — losing control of the car. I even fet a little excited 不难看出,第一次练 习结束后,作者既害怕又因为自己克服了恐惧 而感到激动,心情很复杂。

27. B.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的there was snow on the ground,I didn11 even think about calling another parent to drive my daughter to school. “I can do this,” I told myself. And I did 可知,再次遇到下雪天的时候,作者自己开车送女 儿去学校,这说明作者克服了自己的恐惧,课程 很有用。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第57期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Life skills,unfortunately,is an abstract and broad term for the abilities one would need for full participation in everyday life. So recently,I did a casual survey among my friends. I asked how they would determine whether an individual has,say,good social skills.

   One said the language of such individuals would be grammatically correct and they would express their ideas clearly. Another said good eye contact was important. Yet another added to the list the ability to get along with people,not to take things personally and the ability to help others.

   If most adults have difficulty defining the positive behaviours that are necessary to life skills,how do we know if students have acquired them the way I can describe on a report card?

   Marlaine Paulsen Cover,founder of Parenting 2.0,has done just that.

   Cover created a communication tool called the Life Skills Report Card (LSRC) . Similar in format to academic report cards,the LSRC divides life skills into five primary categories: personal care,organisation,respect for self and others,communication,and social. Sub-categories on the LSRC include: sleep,exercise,spirit'safety,time utilization,finances,ownership in problems and conflicts,altruism (无私) , and environmental consciousness.

   She found that societies around the globe routinely supported children's active learning for music,sports,and academics. When it came to life skills,however,the popular perspective (观念) was simply “children learn what they live”.

   “Yet when children are poor in certain life skills,society is quick to pass a whole person judgment,” Cover says.

   Life skills are necessary,because — to quote Scottish poet and novelist Robert Louis Stevenson — uto be what we are,and to become what we are capable of becoming,that is the only end of life”.

32. Why does the author raise the questions in Paragraph 1 ?

   A. To present different ideas.

   B. To expect reasonable answers.

   C. To express his disappointment.

   D. To introduce points for discussion.

33. How did the author feel about the result of the survey?

   A. It was practical. B. It was worrying.

   C. It was convincing. D. It was predictable.

34. What do we know about Cover's LSRC?

   A. It has been widely used at schools.

   B. It strongly emphasizes personal care.

   C. It aims to change people's ideas about life skills.

   D. It has something in common with academic report cards.

35. Cover''s words show that people tend to.

   A. ignore the importance of life skills

   B. encourage children's active learning

   C. compare academic skills with life skills

   D. look down upon children with poor life skills


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


某英文网站开辟了一个专栏讨论如何应对信息爆炸(information explosion) 。请你为该专栏写一 篇英语短文,表达你的观点和建议。内容包括:

1. 信息爆炸的现状;

2. 如何应对。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Once there was a billionaire,who got a severe eye irritation(发炎). He got a famous doctor to 41 his eye. The doctor advised him to 42 bright light for one month so he could heal naturally. Immediately the rich man 43 all his windows,and replaced all the bright and colorful curtains with dull cloth. He also 44 all the bright chandeliers(枝形吊灯) .In one word,he made all his house 45 .

   One month later,the doctor paid a visit to the billionaire to ask about the 46 of his eyes. To the doctor s 47 ,everything in the house had been made dark and dull. Then the doctor said ,“Your common sense should have told you that you cafi buy a pair of 48 to protect your eye from bright light 49 spending so much money on all these things to make your house darker."

   The same phenomenon 50 all of us. We often see many 51 in others. We are;very 52 to change the attitude and behavior of others which doesn,t 53 our own.

   We have many likes and dislikes. 54 other people also have. But we are often interested in imposing (把……强加于) our opinion and thinking on others 55 we never made any error. Accordingly we want to 56 this world with our own rules and theory.

   However,we 57 that other people who share this world equally with us also think in a similar way and 58 us to behave according to their wishes. Then who 59 your thinking? In order to bring about certain change in the people around us,first it is “we” that have to change.

   60,any needed change can occur only when it starts with us.

41. A. treat   B. open   C. shade   D. test

42. A. enjoy   B. produce   C. provide   D. avoid

43. A. dressed   B. closed   C. cleaned   D. broke

44. A. bought   B. advertised   C. removed   D. decorated

45. A. pretty   B. dark   C. noble   D. tidy

46. A. growth   B. function   C. recovery   D. shape

47. A. delight   B. horror   C. surprise   D. excitement

48. A. shoes   B. trousers   C. gloves   D. sunglasses

49. A. instead of   B. in case of   C. in spite of   D. in terms of

50. A. responds to   B. applies to   C. turns to   D. sticks to

51. A. advantages   B. mistakes   C. differences   D. adventures

52. A. sure   B. proud   C. able   D. eager

53. A. suit   B. keep   C. feel   D. make

54. A. Luckily   B. Gradually   C. Similarly   D. Finally

55. A. so that   B. even if   C. as if   D. now that

56. A. view   B. lead   C. travel   D. change

57. A. regret   B. think   C. doubt   D. forget

58. A. expect   B. force   C. allow   D. advise

59. A. cares about   B. searches for   C. worries about   D. prepares for

60. A. However   B. Therefore   C. Otherwise   D. Besides


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Twenty-six years ago,Chris Timmins became disabled in a car crash and her husband left her. She lost her job as a school teacher and had to fight 61. (get) it back. She also spent the next two years 62. (battle) with the State of California to get them to pay for a handicap van Thirteen years later,Chris 63. (strike) with breast cancer.She not only rose to meet each of these crises,but overcame them.

   Last year her van failed to work because 64. age. The state program only provides one van per person in their lifetime. And a(n)65. (special) equipped van for disabled persons cost $115,000,far from 66. she could afford. This time she needed help from others.

   So,we sent out 50 emails to people we knew,and requested 67. (they) to send this email to ten people they knew. Thus the request was passed along many times. In this way we got enough 68. (contribute) .

   Our story is 69. (big) than just getting a new van for Chris. It shows that 70. is always something we can do to solve problems,no matter how big they are.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   You could be jetting off to foreign countries,staying in five-star hotels,eatihg in top-class restaurants,and it's all paid for by your employer. Who wouldn’t want a job that involves foreign travel?

   36 There is a big difference between travelling to Milan as a tourist and travelling there to spend a day in the type of hotel meeting room that can be found anywhere in Europe. Speak to seasoned international business travellers to get an idea of what you will face. Flights can be delayed,things can go wrong and it's easy to get exhausted. 37    Simply targeting any job that involves foreign travel is not the way to start. Making travel your first requirement is not the way to choose a career. 38 Instead,you should consider all the usual factors(因素) ,such as qualifications and experience,and only then choose a sector (行业) or company that offers opportunities for international travel.

   The travel and hotel trades are obvious areas,but the commercial sector also offers chances for travel. In the retail(零售) sector,buyers often travel,especially if they work in fresh produce. Employment in communications,banking and finance,and property management is also worth looking at. 39 The number of jobs involving travel,especially at middle-management level,is growing.

   So what will help you secure a role with an international flavour? 40 A second language is a good indication of how well someone will adapt. You need to show you are flexible and willing to learn. If your company has a sister company in the Czech Republic,for instance,learning some Czech will boost your chances.

   A. But not all employers are like this.

   B. But it's not always as exciting as it sounds.

   C. Many jobs mean travelling alone,so you can be lonely.

   D. They will limit the amount that people travel each year.

   E. Employers look for candidates with an international outlook.

   F. It is as illogical as saying you want a job that involves wearing smart clothes.

   G. Almost any career can mean international travel,if you choose the right company and role.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   “Is anyone coming?” Jade Blossom whispered.

   “How come you guys don't bunt(顶撞) ?”

   “It's only a rumor(传闻) ,” Abuji said as I cleared the table.

Dear Scope readers,

   Those are the first lines of three of my books. As you can see,I often use a line of dialogue to open a story. But here's an example of a first line that isn’t dialogue: Patrick and I became friends because of a vegetable.

   First lines are important. They draw the reader into the story and set the tone. My favorite first lines of books share a quality that I can sum up in one word: intriguing(引人入胜的) .

   Because first lines are so important,I often find them difficult to write. For one of my books,I tried out more than 30 first lines before I found the one that worked best!It was a lot of work,but it was worth it in the end.

   Scope has asked me to contribute a short story. I aid yes — but only if YOU write the first line for me!Send me your idea by November 15 ,2015. I'11 pick the one that I find most intriguing and write the rest of the story,which will appear in an issue this spring.

   I can't wait to see what you come up with!

                                           Good luck and have fun,

                                                 Linda Sue Park 

   WIN BIG!Send your idea for a great first line to Sdope s First-Line Contest. If Linda Sue Park picks YOUR entry to start her story,you will win $50. Plus,we'11 send your teacher a free subscription to Scope,and you and your classmates will each get a copy of Linda Sue Park's beautiful novel A Long Walk to Water.

33. The first three paragraphs .

   A. are examples of first lines

   B. were written by some students

   C. are the beginning of a short story

   D. were created by some great writers

34. Linda wants Scope readers to .

   A. read her new novel

   B. finish her short story

   C. help her with a short story

   D. learn to write short stories

35. What will the winner's teacher get?

   A. Fifty dollars.

   B. A free subscription to Scope.

   C. A copy of Linda's short story.

   D. The novel A Long Walk to Water.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

14. -Jim,you quiet!Don’t you know it's time for class now?


   A. being   B. will be   C. are   D. be


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   The first day we go to high school,our head teacher told us the news which we needed to take the military training. We were all shocking at the news,because of it was so hot outside. How terribly it was!The next day,we met our training instructor,who were young and handsome. He was strict,but humorous,telling him jokes when we rested. At night,he asked us sing military songs. We even competed with other teams. The days of the military trainings were beautiful,and we found the training was not that hard. We became stronger and made friends to our military instructor.

