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  Laughing gulls (鸥) are seen along the coasts of the United States during the summer months. They are those black-hooded birds that dip and wheel at the beach. For years, scientists believed that laughing gulls, like all other birds, used their bodies to communicate, or exchange messages, with each other. But recent studies seem to show that these birds have at least three levels of vocal (有声的) communication.

  The first level is a simple note, like the sound of a spoken vowel (元音) or consonant (辅音). The second level puts two or more notes together, like combining vowels and consonants to form a word. The third level consists of several notes, like combining a few words to make a phrase.

  In human speech, inflection, or voice pitch, can change the meaning of the message. In writing, inflection can be shown by changing the punctuation (标点), for example, “No?” and “No!”. Gulls use different inflections, too. They also change the order of their notes. Like a human's word order, a gull's note order can change meaning, for example,“You are my mother.” and“Are you my mother?”. There can be any-where from 2 to 15 notes in a call. Studies show that it is the first quick notes that appear to identify the bird. For example, a chick will recognize and answer only the call of its own parents.

1.The word that means “voice pitch” is ________.

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2.The second level of vocal communication is like ________.

[  ]

A.putting words together to form a sentence

B.putting vowels and consonants together to form a word

C.the sound of a single vowel or consonant

D.combining a few words to make a phrase

3.Studies seem to show that the call of the laughing gull is ________.

[  ]

A.a simple arrangement of bird calls

B.a complicated arrangement of notes

C.a simple arrangement of words and letters

D.only a call for food

4.According to the story, which of the following statements is probably true?

[  ]

A.Calls are different for each bird.

B.Birds recognize each other by sight.

C.All birds answer the same call.

D.A chick can only understand its sister's call.

5.Which of the following shows a change in inflection?

[  ]

A.I'm tired. I'm not tired.

B.You are late! Are you late!

C.Are you my mother? Are you my mother?

D.He is tall! Is he tall?


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2006-2007学年度高三年级阶段测试、英语 题型:050


  TAIWAN pop star Elva Hsiao(萧亚轩),27, released her new single “Elva is Back” on October 19.The song will only be released online for paid downloads, with no recorded copies.Her new album will arrive in stores in December.

  Hsiao continued her contract(合约)with Warner Music after a two-year absence from the pop scene.The singer has recorded 30 songs in the last two years, but none of them were released.

  HONG Kong actor Andy Lau(刘德华)will star in the film “Three Kingdoms:Resurrection of the Dragon”(《三国之见龙卸甲》).The movie will be a war story describing the life and achievements of general Zhao Zilong in the Three Kingdoms period.

  The film will shoot in China from March 2007.

  BRAZILIAN international striker Kaka, 24, scored a goal and helped AC Milan club beat Anderlecht 1-0 in the Champions League last week.Kaka hoped the win would prove to be a turning point for the Italian side in the season.“This will help us in the Champions League and the Italian championship” he said.

  Before the Anderlecht match, AC Milan had drawn their previous four matches –three of them in Serie A-and had only scored one goal.

  CHINA won their first women’s team title at the world gymnastics championships(体操世锦赛)last Wednesday in Denmark.The US came second and Russia won the bronze medal.

  “I’m very satisfied with the performance and I think the Chinese team is number one.This is the Chinese gymnasts’ best performance,” said He Ning.

  China’s men’s team also took gold last Tuesday.


In which section of a newspaper will the above appear?

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Science Life


Campus Trends


Culture &Leisure


Worlds News


From the above information, we can draw a conclusion that ________.

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Elva Hsiao will drop out of the pop scene in two years


Andy Lau’s new film will be released in March next year


Kaka played an important role in AC Milan


China’s men’s team won first place at the tournament for the first time


If you want to get Elva Hsiao’s new single you can ________.

[  ]


go and buy a copy in a music shop


order and pay a deposit(存款)in advance


get it free online


pay to download it online


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


During Elva Hsiao’s two-year absence from the pop scene, she recorded 30 songs.


Andy Lau’s new film is set in the Three Kingdoms period.


AC Milan didn’t do well in its previous four matches.


Chinese gymnasts always do very well at gymnastic championships.


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古巴彦淖尔市中学巴市一中2011-2012学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题 题型:050


  One day he is a famous policeman.The next day he is a gangster from Temple street.His songs are heard on radios all over Hong Kong.This is Andy Lau Tak Wah, the superstar that everyone sees, hears and loves.He is one of the most famous actors and singers in Hong Kong.

  However, there is another side to Andy Lau.There is an important part of his life that only a few people know about.Andy Lau helps 15 children from poor countries all over the world.These boys and girls live in 11 different countries.Most of the children have not met him and none of them know that he is one of the biggest stars in Asia.

  Andy Lau's interest in children started when he did some work with World Vision.This is a charity that helps poor children to lead better lives.For $200 a month, a sponsor helps with the food and education of one child.

  The child does not receive the money in cash.Instead the money pays for the child's school fees, food, medical care and clothing.Each child knows the name of the sponsor who is giving the money.The sponsor receives a report each year on the child's progress.They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak Cantonese or English.

  When Andy Lau heard about these children, he wanted to help them."It was not anything special," he said."Until I had the chance to go to Indonesia and meet the little girl I am sponsoring, I didn't know anything about the type of life she had."

  He said the meeting with Nina in Indonesia was very emotional."When I met her, I felt very, very happy," he said."I saw that the money was used for a very good purpose.It brought me closer to the child in a way that simply giving money cannot."

  By sponsoring these children through a charitable organization, Andy Lau is giving them hope and at the same time caring for them."I want to do whatever I can.I will continue to help these children in need," he said.


Andy Lau is a ________.

[  ]


policeman and actor


gangster and singer


policeman and gangster


singer and actor


Andy Lau ________.

[  ]


has 15 children in Hong Kong


helps many poor children worldwide


lives with many different children


has met all the children he helps


World Vision is a charity that helps children to ________.

[  ]


lead better lives


become actors and singers


travel to other countries


earn more money


The children that Andy Lau helps do not ________.

[  ]


go to school


want to meet him


know he is famous


have any food


What does the word “sponsor” mean?

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