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【题目】 Many science fiction stories tell about explorers arriving in a new world. The explorers then use some kind of high-tech device to test for breathable air or signs of life. But here on Earth, science fiction is becoming reality through a new sampling technology called environmental DNA, or e-DNA for short. Scientists can use it to identify rare species or estimate fish populations with just a little air or water.

Environmental DNA can be used in two ways. One is to identify the creatures that live in a certain place. The other is to confirm the presence or lack of a specific creature.

Caren Goldberg is one of the first biologists in the northwestern United States to take the technology from the testing stage to actually using it. She sees e-DNA as a way to get answers more efficiently, and with less destruction compared to traditional survey techniques. Until recently, scientists depended on diving deep, netting or using an electric current to temporarily catch fish.

This newer way to identify what lives in the environment is becoming popular around the world. Animal experts in Vietnam are using the e-DNA to find the last, wild Yangtze giant softshell turtles. One researcher on the Caribbean island of Trinidad is using the sampling technology to find endangered golden tree-frogs. And in Madagascar, it is being used to identify amphibian (两栖动物) diseases.

Ms. Goldberg has used e-DNA testing to confirm the local extinction of a leopard frog in the American state of Idaho. She has also been asked to document the spread of the New Zealand mud-snail in the state of Washington. The creature has been found in lakes and other waterways across the state.

Scientists working with the technology say they do not expect robots to replace field biologists anytime soon. But the old-fashioned field work could soon be more targeted.

1By using e-DNA, Caren Goldberg has ________.

A.succeeded in catching many fishes.

B.found the existence of golden treefrogs.

C.documented the spread of softshell turtles.

D.proved the disappearance of the leopard frog in Idaho.

2What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Robots will replace scientists soon.

B.Some scientists are against using e-DNA.

C.The old-fashioned field work may disappear.

D.Many biologists are unwilling to do the field work.

3The passage can be sorted as a(n) ________.

A.science fictionB.experiment report

C.science reportD.bio-diversity discovery






这是一篇说明文。文章主要向读者介绍了科学界一项新的采样技术,即环境DNA,这项技术可以利用一点空气或水识别罕见的外来入侵物种或研究生物的多样性。本文介绍了这项技术的三个方面:主要用途;生物学家Caren Goldberg对它的评价;它正在世界各地流行起来。

1细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Ms. Goldberg has used e-DNA testing to confirm the local extinction of a leopard frog in the American state of Idaho.可知,戈德伯格女士利用e-DNA检测证实了美国爱达荷州当地豹蛙的灭绝。故选D项。

2推理判断题。根据最后一段Scientists working with the technology say they do not expect robots to replace field biologists anytime soon. But the old-fashioned field work could soon be more targeted.可知,从事这项技术的科学家不希望机器人在短期内取代野外生物学家。但是很快,老式的实地调查可能会成为针对目标。由此可以推断出,老式的实地调查可能会消失。故选C项。

3推理判断题。由第一段But here on Earth, science fiction is becoming reality through a new sampling technology called environmental DNA, or e-DNA for short. Scientists can use it to identify rare species or estimate fish populations with just a little air or water.可知,在地球上,通过一种名为环境DNA的新采样技术,科幻小说正在变成现实。科学家可以用它来鉴定稀有物种,或者用少量的空气或水来估计鱼类的数量。由此可推断出,本文不是科幻小说,而是一篇科学报道。故选C项。

推断题定义:在理解原文字面意思的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节的暗示,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得到文章的深层意义及隐含意义的过程。出现特征:在考题中经常出现的词有inferimplyindicateconcludelearn fromprobablymost likelyprove /according to等。如第2小题问的是从最后一段可推断出什么,根据最后一段可知从事这项技术的科学家不希望机器人在短期内取代野外生物学家,因此A项不正确;B项、D项并未被提及;最后一句提到“但是很快,老式的实地调查可能会成为针对目标”,我们可以推断出老式的实地调查可能会消失。故选C项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Cambridge gave a positive answer ______ inquiries on whether it recognizes gaokao scores.

A.in favor ofB.in response to

C.in salute toD.in preparation for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I looked out at the smiling faces packed into the school hall. Flashes from cameras lit up in all directions. The applause filled my ears. I had done it. I had really done it.

Just a few months earlier, I would never have pictured myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people."Not for a million dollars," I would have said. But when the time came, I got up on stage and faced one of my greatest fears-and discovered I could do more than I ever gave myself credit for. I found a new person inside me, a much more daring, outgoing person who had been hidden all along, just waiting for the opportunity to appear.

If not for my teacher, Mrs Sather, I might never have found that opportunity.

In the first and second grade, I was extremely shy. I had friends, but it just wasn't in my personality to be very outgoing, even when I knew someone well. I was afraid I would do or say something wrong, so usually I just smiled and listened to other people's conversations. I did well in school and I loved to write. However, I would escape into my writing, where I could be myself and never had to worry about what other people thought of me. In my stories, I was never shy.

My teacher, Mrs Sather, always encouraged me to write more. She told our class to go after our dreams and dig in with both hands. I think she was one of the first people to see my inner strength. One day, she announced that our class was going to perform a play she had written." I'll begin to cast everyone tomorrow," she said." I need someone who is not afraid to be on stage in front of a lot of people to play the lead part of Dorothy. Anybody want to try?" A few excited hands shot up-mine, of course, was not one of them-and Mrs Sather smiled." We'll talk more about it tomorrow," she said. Then the bell rang and my classmates slowly left the classroom.

Paragraph 1:

When I was loading up my backpack, Mrs Sather asked me to go to her.


Paragraph 2:

Hearing Mrs Sather's words,I realized it was time to make a change.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to be a Good Listener

Being a good listener can help you see the world through the eyes of others. 1 Good listening skills can provide you with a deeper level of understanding about someone’s situation. If you want to know how to be a good listener, read on to get started.

1. Place yourself in other people’s shoes It’s easy to only consider the impact of the other person’s “telling” on you. But you must open out and look at the problems from the other person’s view. 2

2. Avoid comparing the person’s experiences to your own. You may think that the best thing you can do to really listen is to compare the person’s experiences to your own. But this type of thinking actually makes the person feel like you’re not really listening at all. 3 That means that you’re focusing more on yourself than on the person’s situation.

3. 4 Some people think that, when they’re listening, they should find a quick and easy solution to the person’s problem. According to the research, it is totally wrong to do so. Instead focus on absorbing everything the person is saying to you. Only after that can you really try to help.

4. Know what not to do. Knowing what to avoid when you’re trying to be a good listener can be almost as helpful as knowing what to do. If you want the speaker to take you seriously you’d better not interrupt in the middle of a point. 5 Make eye contact with the person so that he or she realizes that you are listening with interest.

A.Don’t try to help immediately.

B.Avoid saying “I” or “me” a lot.

C.Try to solve the person’s problem quickly.

D.Don’t try to change the subject even if it’s a little uncomfortable.

E.If so, you would see your way through the problems much faster.

F.Therefore you’d better listen to what the person is saying carefully.

G.It enriches your understanding and expands your capacity for empathy (同情).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In the digital times, everyone desires 1(have) a robot. You won’t be 2(alarm) if 3(accompany) by a robot unless you want to be left alone. It obeys your orders and sets down the numbers that ring you 4. What you may not know is that it can help deal with office affairs and scan piles of office papers so that you can set aside much time 5(stay) with your family. Some robots can even help furnish your room to make it look more elegant.

In my opinion, a robot like this is more a friend 6 a machine. To tell you the truth, I’m strongly 7favour of the research and development of robots and I can’t resist my 8(affect) for the robots. I suggest you possess such a robot. If so, you’ll 9(envy), which will of course give you a sense of 10(satisfy).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


One day a young man was walking along the road 1 he heard a cry. It seemed to be coming from underneath a bridge. As he approached, the sound got louder and then he saw a pitiful sight. There, 2 (lie) in the muddy riverbed, was a little dog about two months old, 3 front legs were tightly tied with ropes. It had wounds on its head and was covered with mud.

The young man wanted to help the dog, 4 as he approached, the dog started to bark. The young man did not give up. He sat down and started 5 (gentle) talking to the dog. It took a long time but eventually the dog 6 (stop) barking and the man was able to touch it. The young man carried the dog home, cared 7 its wounds, and gave it food and water. Even with all of these, the dog was still 8 (friendly) every time the young man approached. But the young man did not give up. Several 9 (week) went by and the man continued attending to the dog. Then one day, as the young man approached, the dog wagged its tail.

It was consistent love and kindness 10 won a lifelong friendship of loyalty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— We shouldn’t waste time on playing computers games or reading novels.

— ______. We’d better concentrate our attention to our study instead.

A.I’d love toB.I’m with you on that

C.It’s up to youD.It’s my pleasure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


One of the workers in Africa’s largest wildlife preserve said the last time an elephant in the Niassa Reserve 1 (record) killed by a poacher was on May 17, 2018.

“The drastic decline in poached elephants is owed to a new rapid-intervention police force,” said Joe Walston, 2 local official.

“ Any one of those things alone isn’t going to be 3 (success), which is why it has taken so long to be able to get 4 (we) to a point 5 we’ve been able to get poaching 6 control,” Walston told CNN.

7 (situate) in a remote region of northern Mozambique, the Niassa Reserve has seen thousands of animals killed in recent years. The rapid-intervention police force is 8 (well) armed than the reserved normal rangers and has 9 (right) to arrest suspected poachers. Walston said that the ability to make arrests is important to prevent poachers from 10 (come) to the reserve.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The University of Tokyo has several museums covering various fields such as medicine, agriculture and art. Here are brief introductions about their histories and exhibits.

The University Museum

Having collected over three million academic materials for its collection since the University of Tokyo was founded in 1877, the University Museum is the largest museums of its kind in Japan. From the time its reorganization into an independent entirely in May 1996, the University Museum has held planned exhibitions over 60 times.

The Museum of Health and Medicine

The Museum of Health and Medicine seeks to provide information about health and medicine to the general public and advance education for students studying medicine. The museum features both a permanent exhibition space and a temporary exhibition space, with the latter focusing on topics related to medical care and the study of medicine.

The Agricultural Museum

The Agricultural Museum displays materials from the collection of the University’s Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Notable items on display include the documents and pictures of scientists attached to the university, inner organs of Japan’s famous dog Hachiko, and drawings showing German agriculture and the varieties of Japanese cows.

The Farm Museum

The Farm Museum opened in 2007 within a dairy barn. The barn was built in 1934 as part of the moving of the University of Tokyo’s farm from Komaba to Tanashi, an area in western Tokyo. The museum features both permanent and temporary exhibitions. Permanent exhibitions include European farming tools used on the Komaba Farm, tools for agricultural experiments, agricultural machinery, American tractors and drawings showing German agriculture.

1What can we know about the University Museum?

A.It was founded in 1877.B.It has held over 60 exhibitions.

C.It has the most items collected.D.It is the largest museum in Japan.

2Which should you visit if you are interested in all kinds of Japanese cows?

A.The Farm Museum.B.The University Museum.

C.The Agricultural Museum.D.The Museum of Health and Medicine.

3What’s the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce museums.B.To give the university some advice.

C.To make the university famous.D.To attract visitors to museums.

