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1.An excellent t       can finish typing the long article in such a short time.
2.The government offered ten thousand RMB as the r       for his contribution in the field.
3.On the b       of these theories,Mr.Green worked out his picture of the state of the future.
4.I have to go now.I’ve got an a       with Joe outside the cinema at 7:00.
5.If you h      ?too long,you will miss the opportunity.
6.The village and its      (附近的)scenery are very pretty,so it attracts many visitors every year.
7.My mother is fairly      (灵活的)about what time I need to be home. b       of these theories,
Mr.Green worked out his picture of the state of the future.
8.My grandfather is a learned man.He has acquired much      (智慧)during his long life.
9.There was a       (羽毛)on the rock showing that a bird had been there.
10.Many students      (妒忌;羡慕)his various talents.
1.typist   2.reward   3.basis   4.appointment   5.hesitate  6.surrounding  7.flexible  
8.wisdom   9.feather   10.envy  

科目:高中英语 来源:2012年人教版高中英语选修八Unit1练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.It is just a __________(提示) to him that he is very important to me. 

2.Charles Dickens was one of the greatest 19th century n____________. 

3.I can't afford a new car just now. I'm no___________(百万富翁), you know. 

4.Health is the most important w_________.

5.Mum and Dad didn't seem to approve much of my new c____________(同伴).

6.She never agreed to the public e__________ of her sculptures while she was still alive.

7.In some parts of the city, teachers have to deal with _________(暴行)in the classroom.

8.She won a __________(文学的) prize for her popular novel.

9.She tore open the_________ and anxiously read the letter.

10.He erected a __________(纪念碑) on the spot where his daughter was killed.



科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. A general (将军) is a man who ________ (命令, 指挥) a large number of soldiers.
2. This sentence doesn't make any _________ (意义)
3. Will you go to the party _________ (代替) me?
4. Did you see the government leaders ________ (出席)?
5. The workers ________ (要求) a rise in the salary.
6. It's not a word in common ________ (使用).


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省期中题 题型:填空题

1. A friend in need is a friend                  (确实).
2. I went to the American embassy to                 (寻找)help.
3. Your theory is                  (难以执行的).
4. Smoking is                  (有害的)to your health.
5. They multiplied and                  (存在)on the earth for more than 140 million years.
6. Several                  (加拿大人)visited our school last week.
7. my                  (重量)will be less than on the earth.
8. Two pieces of                  (行李)are in the car.
9. The boy lied that a hen was lying under the tree                  (产卵)eggs.
10. I cheered up immediately and                  (漂浮) weightlessly around in our spaceship.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省同步题 题型:填空题

1.A lot of houses collapsed in the earthquake because of  u        constructions.
2.Floods are not ?u        these days;they happen more and more often.
3.Volcanic  e        and earthquakes have always been a threat in certain parts of the world.
4.Armed c        could start at any time.The world is not peaceful at all.
5.Most of the students are in the 17-20 age  r      
6.Our team was knocked out in the         (半决赛)of the competition. 
7.A          (灾难性的)fire in the city caused loss of life and money. 
8.Motorists should be aware of cyclists and         (体贴的)towards them.
9.Water         (短缺)is a problem to the city.
10.They were among the first companies to exploit the          (潜能)of the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源:0110 期中题 题型:填空题

1. A new railway is being c_______ in my hometown.
2. WTO is one of the international o _______ well-known in the world.
3. Thanks to all your b________ suggestions, I have made great progress in my studies.
4. I would a________ it if you tell me when we will have the meeting.
5. Her ability helped her s________ in carrying out the plan.
6. She was ________ (考上/录取) to Beijing University last year, which made us very proud.
7. Tom had ________ (发誓) that he would never let out the secret, but he disappointed me.
8. What he did was not ________ (一致) with what he said.
9. The poem ________ (幽默) describes local characters and traditions.
10. She waited in ________ (忧虑) for her mother's letter.

