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(1)Many Americans fail to lose weight probably_____________
A.they lack confidence
B.they do exercise alone
C.they are under great pressure
D.they don't get enough exercise
(2)From the text, we can learn that if you join the gym, ___________
A.you will lose weight safely but slowly
B.you will struggle with workout routines
C.you will be advised to pay attention to nutrition
D.you will be advised to have nothing in between workouts
(3)How much do a couple have to pay if they join the gym today?
A.$ 800
C.$ 900
(4)This text is most probably taken from a ___________

(1)细节理解。根据文章第二段Many Americans are overweight for lack of physical activity.可知许多美国人超重是因为缺乏锻炼。故选D。
(2)推理判断。根据文章倒数第二段Nutrition is a big part of getting fit; don't overlook it!可知营养是健身的一个重要组成部分,千万别忽视!以及文章倒数第三段Our program is designed for the“average Joe or Jane”to be able to lose weight and keep it off, with a combination of nutrition, motivation, and fitness.也表明我们的减肥训练计划结合了营养、动力和健康。故选C。
(3)推理判断。根据文章最后一段We charge $500 for each membership, but people who join our gym today can get a 20 percent discount.可知每人收费500美元,如果今天加入有20%的折扣,即一个人今天加入收费400美元,所以题目问 a couple即两个人今天加入收费多少。故选A。
(4)推理判断。A. Newspaper报纸;B. Magazine杂志;C. Website网站 D. Textbook教科书。文章最后一句For more information, please click here.要想知道更多的信息,请点击这里,从而得知是点击网站上的网页。故选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1). 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2). 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Yang Li, a five-year-old girl whom lives next door to me, is very clever. Because she is not old enough to go to the school, she often asks me teach her to read, write and draw. She studies hardly and soon she learns a lot. One evening last month I was doing my English homework when he came to my house. She asks me why I learned English. “You will find English a bridge to so many knowledge,” I said. She then wanted to learn English, either. She has learned a lot of English word so far and her parents are very grateful for me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是学生会主席李华,为促进语言学习与文化交流,你校计划与英国丁克洛斯中学(Dean Close Senior School)进行图书交换活动。请给校园英文报拟一封倡议书,建议大家踊跃捐赠图书。









Dear students,

I am writing to announce a plan of our school.





Thank you for your cooperation!

Students’ Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:中国结:Chinese knot

Dear Jack,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Polar bears are suffering in a much (warm) world.
Polar bears live in environments too cold for most animals. During much of the year, they live and hunt on the frozen Arctic sea ice. Nature has (prepare)them for the cold conditions. But nothing has prepared the bears for the danger threatens the only home they know.
The polar bears' world is melting. Studies show that the amount of the polar ice (have)decreased by 9.8% every 10 years since 1978. Now about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears rely the sea ice for their survival. “The sea ice is more just this platform that the bears walk over,” says Andrew Derocher, scientist who studies North American polar bear populations. “ it, they can't exist.”
Some melting and refreezing of the polar ice is natural. But in a warmer world, these cycles speed up, and bears have less time (hunt). Normally, they have three months in the spring when they gain more weight. The extra fat is used later, when the bears are not (active) hunting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Everyone in our village likes my father, so he has a sense of humor. In the other words, he can make people laugh easy and they feel happy to be around him. Admired his good personality is the main reason for me to dream that one day I can be as humor as him. I even asked him how have a good sense of humor, but what he replied disappointed me. “Not everyone can make other laugh, because those that are of humor are usually born to be so,” he said. However, later, he adds, “But you can if you know a lot of joke.” That's why now I'm reading books about them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When difficult people express themselves orally, they generally want at least two things: they're been heard and they're been understood. As a good communicator should be a good listener, five steps are advocated towards good listening.
The first step is cooperating. In fact, it's through the way you look and should while he is talking. You do this by nodding your head in agreement, making certain sounds of understanding.
When the person begins to repeat what's been said, it's signal of step two: turning back. It means that you repeat back some words he is using, sending a clear signal that you're listening carefully and that you think what he is saying is important.
At this point, you start to gather information about what is being communicated. Ask some open-ended questions, which will allow you to figure out what intention he is hoping to satisfy.
The fourth step is to summarize what you've heard. This allows you to make sure that both you and the difficult person are on the same page. When you do this, two things happen. First, if you've shown that you're making an effort to understand completely. Having listened carefully, you've now arrived at the point of confirming with the person that he feels that his thoughts have been fully voiced.
When enough sincere listening, questioning, and remembering are brought together, understanding is usually achieved and a difficult person becomes less difficult and more cooperative.
A. You may help him to fully express his thoughts and feelings.
B. Why does this happen?
C. Ask if he feels understood.
D. This increases possibility of gaining cooperation from him.
E. Talk with him about what he thinks of his expression.
F. Having heard what he has to say, the next step is clarifying.
G. How does a difficult person know that you're listening and understanding?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It was very cold on last Monday morning. I was walking on my way to school when I notice two street cleaners cleaning the street in the cold wind. Saw them working so hard on such a cold morning, I was deeply touching and made up my mind to do something for them.
After arriving at school, our classmates gathered together to discuss when we could do help the street cleaners. Some classmate suggested helping with the cleaning. Some suggested bringing any warm clothes to them while others advised getting some hot food to keep us warm. Finally we both agreed on helping with the cleaning and bringing some hot food to them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A “lost tribe” that reached America from Australia may have been the first Native Americans, according to a new theory.
If proved by DNA evidence, the theory will break long established beliefs about the southerly migration of people who entered America across the Bering Strait, found it empty and occupied it.
On this theory rests the belief of Native Americans to have been the first true Americans. They would be classified to the ranks of escapee, beaten to the New World by Aboriginals (土著人) in boats.
To a European, this may seem like an academic argument, but to Americans it is a philosophical question about identity, Silvia Gonzales, of Liverpool University said.
Her claims are based on skeletons found in the California Peninsula of Mexico that have skulls quite unlike the broad Mongolian features of Native Americans. These narrow-skulled people have more in common with southern Asians, Aboriginal Australians and people of the South Pacific Region.
The bones, stored at the National Museum of Anthropology (人类学) in Mexico City, have been carbon-dated and one is 12,700 years old, which places it several thousand years before the arrival of people from the North. “We think there were several migration waves into the Americas at different times by different human groups,” Dr. Gonzales said. “The timing, route and point of origin of the first colonization of the Americas remains a most contentious topic in human evolution.”
But comparisons based on skull shape are not considered conclusive by anthropologists, so a team of Mexican and British scientists, backed by the Natural Environment Research Council, has also attempted to take out DNA from the bones. Dr. Gonzales declined yesterday to say exactly what the results were, as they need to be checked, but indicated that they were consistent (一致) with an Australian origin.
(1)It is generally considered that the first Native Americans came from ________.
A.North Asia
C.South Pacific
D.South Asia
(2)The skeletons found in the California Peninsula of Mexico have ________.
A.the narrow skull shape
B.different features of Aboriginal Australians
C.the broad skull shape
D.the same features of Native Americans
(3)The underlined word ^contentious81 is similar in meaning to “________”.
A.likely to cause great interest
B.difficult to solve
C.well-known to all
D.likely to cause argument
(4)Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A.Research on skulls can draw an exact conclusion.
B.DNA tests have proved the fact that the first Native Americans came from Australian.
C.Scientists are still not sure about the origin of the Native Americans.
D.People began to enter America across the Bering Strait about 12,700 years ago.

