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15.A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television,the more likely they are to develop depression(情绪低落) as young adults.
The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent(青少年的)health to survey the relationship between media use and depression.They based their findings on more than 4,000adolescents who were not depressed when the survey began in the year 2000.
As part of the survey,the young people were asked how many hours of television or videos they watched daily.They were also asked how often they played computer games and listened to the radio.Media use totaled an average of five and one-half hours a day.More than two hours of that was spent watching TV.
Seven years later,in 2007,more than seven percent of the young people had signs of depression.The average age at that time was twenty-one.
The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with the use of other media such as movies,video games or radio,etc.But the study did find that every extra hour of television meant an eight percent increase in the chances of developing signs of depression.Young men were more likely than young women to develop depression given the same amount of media use.
The study didn't explore if watching TV causes depression.But one possibility is that it was taking time away from activities that could help prevent depression.
Last December,the journal Social Indicators Research published a study of activities that help lead to happy lives.Sociologists from the University of Maryland found that people who describe themselves as happy spend less time watching television than unhappy people.The study found that happy people are more likely to be socially active,to read,to attend religious services and to vote.

43.We can learn from the survey that of all the media useC.
A.computer games are teenagers'favourite
B.most teenagers prefer to listen to the radio
C.teenagers enjoy watching TV very much
D.newspaper is not included in the survey
44.According to the passage,what kind of activity may help prevent depression?B
A.Playing computer games.B.Taking part in sports.
C.Listening to the radio.D.Watching movies.
45.We can conclude that a teenager shouldB.
A.play more video games instead of watching TV
B.be active in taking part in outdoor activities
C.be more active in reading and studying
D.attend religious services and care for politics.

分析 文章讲述了青少年因为看太多电视和传媒而发生情绪低落的现象.调查发现青少年每天花在电视上的时间很多,这对他们的健康有不利的影响.为了防止这种不良情绪,年轻人应该多参加户外活动.

解答 答案:43.C 推理判断题.文章第三段说Media use totaled an average of five and one-half hours a day.More than two hours of that was spent watching TV平均每天花在电视上的时间有两个多小时.故选C.
44.B 细节判断题.文章最后说The study found that happy people are more likely to be socially active,to read,to attend religious services and to vote生活幸福的人更喜欢参加社会活动,多读书,多参加宗教活动和选举.故选B.
45.B 推理判断题.文章最后说The study found that happy people are more likely to be socially active,to read,to attend religious services and to vote生活幸福的人会更喜欢参加社会活动,当然包括户外的活动,不能老是呆在家里看电视.故选B.

点评 阅读理解是考查语篇理解能力.常考的题型有:推理判断题;主旨大意题;细节理解题;猜测词意题.近几年又出现了两种新的考查方式:写作态度判断题和文章结构题.解题时,在读懂文章的基础上,还有特别注意掌握题型的特征,尤其是细节题和推断题不可混淆:细节题是文章信息的再现;推断题是文章信息的提取.本题是广告类文章,考查主要是以细节题为主,细节题要注意常用的出题陷阱有:夸大,缩小,张冠李戴,偷梁换柱,无中生有等,做题时要看清看准.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Robert Ilijason,a 39-year-old IT specialist,once had to drive 20minutes with his screaming baby in the backseat to an open grocery store to buy food for his hungry son.It was the late-night experience that gave Robert Ilijason the idea to open Sweden's first unstaffed convenience store.
Now Robert Ilijason runs a 24-hour shop with no cashier.Customers use their cell phones to unlock the door and scan their purchases.All they need to do is to register for the service and download an app.They get charged for their purchases each month.
The shop has basics like milk,bread,sugar,canned food and other products that you expect to find in a small convenience store.But it doesn't have tobacco or medical drugs because of the risk of theft.Alcohol cannot be sold in convenience stores in Sweden.
The no-service store has more advantages.Raymond Arvidsson,a friend of Ilijason's,did his shopping in less than a minute."No queues,"he said,smiling."Quick in,quick out.I like."
"My ambition is to spread this idea to other villages and small towns,"said Ilijason."It is incredible that no one has thought of this before."He hopes the savings of having no staff will help bring back small stores to the countryside.
But a bigger challenge has been facing some of the elderly residents in Viken.Tuve Nilsson,75,said there were many more shops in the town when he moved here with his family in 1976.He welcomed Ilijason's new store,saying it could be convenient for elderly people living alone.But he didn't know how to get the hang of the technology involved.
Ilijason is considering other ways to unlock the door that wouldn't require using an app.He's ruled out face-recognition or fingerprint scanners,but is thinking of installing a credit card reader like some banks use.He's also considering having one person man the store for a few hours a day to help customers who aren't comfortable with modern technology.
21.Robert Ilijason's late-night experience is mentioned to tell usA.
A.why he opened the unstaffed food shop
B.how to open the unstaffed food shop
C.how to look after the hungry children
D.an open grocery store is very important
22.What can we know about Robert Ilijason's first unstaffed food shop?C
A.It charges customers for nothing.
B.Customers can purchase goods in cash
C.What customers need is a phone        
D.Customers can buy whatever they want.
23.From what Raymond Arvidsson said,we learn the shop is well known forD.
A.its wonderful food          
B.its kind service
C.its good safety              
D.its quick purchase
24.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.Ilijason's store has no disadvantages
B.all the customers are not comfortable with modern technology
C.Ilijason will not open another kind of this no-service store
D.face-recognition will be dismissed in Ilijason's new store.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Living in a big city has many _____,such as good schools,libraries and convenient traffic.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

3.There was once a family of three sons.The boys were not kind to one.another.In fact,they (11)B   constantly,each one trying'to outdo the others in'some  sort of sport. (12)A,if one boy were building a raft,(13)Dhad to build a canoe. Then the third had to build an even larger and finer boat. Because each of them worked(14)C,their work was difficult,and the results were not al-ways(15)D. Of their three boats,not one was seaworthy.,There was little(16)A  in their home.
Their father despaired. He(17)Bthey would never learn to cooperate. He decided to try to teach them a(18)B.He gathered up a cartful of thin reeds(芦苇)and tied'them together with strong vines(藤). At dinner,he announced a(an(19)C:"Look at this bundle of twigs(嫩枝),"he shouted."I(20)C you to break it in half,for whoever(21)Bthe secret will win a life of rich rewards."
The oldest son took the bundle in his (22)Ahands. He was strong,and he used all of his(23)Bto try to break the reeds,but they would not be broken. Finally he gave up,and his younger brother(24)Dthe challenge. He balanced the reeds across the tabletop and used all of his weight to try to break the  bundle,(25)Cit did not break.Finally,he gave up,and the youngest brother took the(26)Abound twigs in his hands.'He,too,struggled with all of his strength to snap the bundle into two pieces,but it would not break.
    Finally,the father took the bundle from them. He.untied the vine that(27)Cthe reeds together.He then divided the bundle into three (28)Bpiles of twigs.¨Now break your twigs into two,"he said. Each boy,one (29)A,did as his father asked. The task was easy. Each bundle broke with hardly any effort.¨When you divide your work,it is easy and you can(30)Dmuch,"the old man said. And with that,the young men understood that alone each of them was weak.But together,they had great strength.
11.A.struggledB. foughtC.laughedD. cried
12.A.For instanceB.  For sureC.In personD.'In fact
13.A.otherB. the otherC.othersD. another
14.A.togetherB. in personC.aloneD. in group
15.A.seaworthyB. trustworthyC. worthlessD. worthwhile
16.A.peaceB. loveC. warD. envy
17.A.believedB. fearedC. realizedD. noticed
18.A.trickB. lessonC. lectureD. skill
19.A.discussionB. argumentC. competitionD. game
20.A.dareB. encourageC. challengeD. urge
21.A.try outB. figure outC. carry outD. take out.
22.A.thickenedB. thinC. softD. skilled
23.A.energyB. strengthC. powerD. force
24.A.put onB. insisted onC. carried onD. took on
25.A.andB. orC. butD. so
26.A.tightlyB. roughlyC. looselyD.toughly
27.A.stuckB. struckC. heldD. tied
28.A.modestB. equalC. averageD. common
29.A.at a timeB. at one timeC. at the timeD. at times
30.A.defeatB. loseC. learnD. accomplish.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Don't make noise especially when these students_____for the coming speech contest.(  )
A.are trainingB.are being trained
C.will be trainedD.have been trained


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.On Monday mornings my father usually ____________ an hour driving me to school although the distance is only 20miles.(  )
A.spendsB.is spendingC.spentD.will spend


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The car ______ now belongs to my uncle.(  )
A.repairedB.to be repaired
C.being repairedD.having been repaired


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Mr.Wilson,
How time flies!I will graduate from the senior middle school soon.
Best Wishes.
Yours truly,
Li Hua.

