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2.[1]Everyone has periods in his life when everything seems very.hard.When there's nobody to talk to,the mood is just getting worse and worse.There are some things that may help you lift up your mood.
[2]The first thing you should try is socializing(交往).It is very hard,because usually when we feel bad we always lock ourselves at home.But if you try to chat with a friend,the chances of changing your mood into a better one are very good.Just try to avoid thinking the bad side.Instead,try to think      of your life.Don't forget:We are what we think we are.
[3]You should also try doing something only for yourself.This could be something you wanted for a long time:maybe a short trip,a coat,a ring or anything that could lift up your mood.This doesn't have to be expensive.The point of all these is being good to yourself.
[4]Giving presents to yourself can lift up your mood.What's more,buying things to others may be a perfect way to feel happy.Think of your friends,choose one person and give him a gift that doesn't have to be something expensive.It may be just a little toy to your poor neighbor's child.Making another person feel happy will make you feel good in your heart.
[5]Meeting a positive person should be very useful.Just try to keep your problems off the conversation.The idea here is to get out of your shell and have some communication.Get involved with someone else and your mind will take a turn.
76.What's the main idea of the passage?(no more than 7 words)
How to lift up your mood.
77.What do we usually do when we feel bad?(no more than 6 words)
We always lock ourselves at home.
78.List two of the four main ways that can lift up your mood mentioned above.(no more than 9 words)
①Having a cup of coffee with a friend ②Having a short trip
79.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
Instead,try to thinkthe good sideof your life.
80.What does the word"It"(Line 3,Paragraph 4)probably refer to?(no more than 2 words)A gift.

分析 本文为应用文,本文介绍了一些帮助我们提高情绪的办法.

解答 76.How to lift up your mood.
77.We always lock ourselves at home.
78.①Having a cup of coffee with a friend  ②Having a short trip  ③Buying gifts for others
79.the good side
80.A gift
76.答案How to lift up your mood.主旨大意题.根据第一段There are some things that may help you lift up your mood可知,本文要介绍一些帮助我们提高情绪的办法.故填How to lift up your mood.
77.答案We always lock ourselves at home.细节理解题.根据第二段It is very hard,because usually when we feel bad we always lock ourselves at home可知,当我们难过的时候,我们经常会把自己锁在家里.故填We always lock ourselves at home.
78.答案.①Having a cup of coffee with a friend ②Having a short trip ③Buying gifts for others.细节理解题.根据全文可知,提高情绪的办法有socializing(交往),doing something only for yourself,Giving presents to yourself can lift up your mood,Meeting a positive person.故可细化为①Having a cup of coffee with a friend ②Having a short trip ③Buying gifts for others.
79.答案the good side.推理判断题.根据前文Just try to avoid thinking the bad side.Instead,try to think____of your life可知,要试着避免想坏的方面,相反,试着想想你生活的好的方面.故填the good side.
80.答案A gift.词义猜测题.根据前文Think of your friends,choose one person and give him a gift that doesn't have to be something expensive.It may be just a little toy to your poor neighbor's child可知,你可以送一份礼物给你的朋友,它也许只是邻居小孩子的一个玩具.此处的it指代前文提到的a gift.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.With the development of science and technology,the research of robots is becoming more and more popular and useful.Researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) have made important progress in work that should lead toward robots that can not only walk and run very well,but use little energy at the same time.
Studies are moving closer to designing robots that could do dangerous work,create prosthetic limbs(假肢)for humans that work much better than in the past,or even help some people who use wheelchairs to get"walking"abilities.
"Researchers have been working toward robot movement for a long time,"said Jonathan Hurst,a professor at OSU."What we've done is to study what behavior is really possible for a robot."
The movement of humans and other animals is difficult to copy.Using little energy,they can move easily over hard areas,and enjoy balance from muscles.They have different ways to deal with forces,such as holding something hard in place rigidly(牢牢地,坚硬地,不弯曲地),like the act of holding a cup of coffee level during a car ride.In their recent studies,the OSU researchers proved that these two abilities are mutually exclusive(相互排斥的,独有的,独占的).Humans deal with this problem by using pairs of muscles.For a robot,the more it's able to do one of these tasks,the less able it is to do the other.
Presently,robots that can walk and run must be as rigid as possible while walking.But this way uses a lot of energy.The OSU researchers are working toward something that has similar or better performance,but uses far less energy,and is closer to the abilities of animals.
"So there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to build robots with good movement ability,"Hurst said."Clearly this might be useful in highly dangerous situations.But I could also see great improvements possible with prosthetic limbs that work much better than present technology."
61.What does"two abilities"( in Para.4 )meanB.
A.jogging and flying           
B.moving and balancing
C.holding and using little energy      
D.walking and holding
62.Which item have researchers been researching for a long time?B
A.The robots'appearance.
B.The robots'movement.
C.The robots'height.
D.The robots'weight
63.The robots at Oregon State UniversityA.
A.more advanced than before        
B.don't use energy at all.
C.are not successful at all now     
D.can fly
64.In the opinion of Jonathan Hurst,robots with good movement abilityA.
A.can be used in medical science
B.are only used in highly dangerous situations
C.will not be created in the future
D.will have a bad influence on man
65.Which part is this article probably taken from a newspaper?C
A.Sports section.
B.Health section   
C.Science section.
D.Traffic section.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.For anyone who is determined to be a fashion designer,it is not enough to have succeeded in college.The real test is whether they can survive,and become established during their early 20s,making a name for themselves in the real world where business skills can be as important as creativity.
Fashion is a hard business.There is a continuous amount of stress because work is at a constant and extremely fast speed to prepare for the next season's collections.It is extremely competitive and there is the constant need to make attractive advertisements of the latest fashion in newspapers and magazines.It also requires continual freshness because the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy."We try to warn people before they come to us about how tough it is."says Lydia Kemeny,the Head of Fashion at St.Martin's School of Art in London."And we point out that drive and determination are absolutely necessary."
This may seem far removed from the popular opinions of fashionable young people spending their time designing pretty dresses.That may well be what they do in their first year of study but a good college won't be slow in introducing students to commercial realities."We don't walk our foot on the blossoming flower of creativity but in the second year we start introducing the restrictions of price,producing ability,marketing and so on."
Almost all fashion design is done to a brief.It is not a form of self-expression as such,although there is certainly room for imagination and creativity.Most young designers are going to end up as employees of a producer or a fashion house and they still need to be able to work within the employers'characteristic style.Even those who are most modern in their own taste of clothes may need to produce designs which are right for the mainstream of market.They also have to be able to work at both the expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensively may well be demanding.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12WORDS.)
81.What are equally important if a fashion designer wants to be successful?Business skills and creativity
82.Why does a fashion designer have to be creative?Because consumers'needs keep changing./the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy
83.Besides learning to design beautiful dresses,students are also taughtcommercial realities/there strictions of price,producing ability,marketing.
84.According to the last paragraph,the employers'characteristic style and the mainstream of market. are the two things fashion designers have to consider when working as employees.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.[1]If you lose 12times in a row,will you just give up?Dale Carnegie,a pioneer in public speaking and self-development,kept trying.And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.
[2]Carnegie was born in 1888to a poor family in the central United States.The boy didn't see a train until he was 12years old.In his teens,he had to get up at 3a.m.every day to milk the cows in his family.
[3]When Carnegie first entered college,he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary looks.His mother encouraged him,"Why not try to be better in other things instead of dress and good looks?
[4]Carnegie tried to be more active in college.He joined the debate team.But one after another,he lost 12meets.The young man      .
[5]But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside.His hard work paid off at last.In 1906,Carnegie won a famous speech contest and became well-known.
[6]The young man made his own words come true."Believe that you will succeed,and you will."
[7]In order to share his success,Carnegie opened schools and wrote books.His best-sellers include How to Win Friends and Influence People and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.More than 50million copies of his books have been put into 38languages.They are still helping people on the way to success.

86.Why did Carnegie feel hopeless when he first entered college?( no more than 8words)Because of his clothes and ordinary looks.
87.What did he try to do after his mother encouraged him?(no more than 10words)He tried to be more active in college.
88.What's the main idea of Paragraph 2?(no more than 10words)His poor family and miserable childhood.
89.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4with proper words.(no more than 5words)was/felt very disappointed himself.
90.Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5.He succeeded at last because of his hardwork/His hardwork led to his success at last..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.【1】People study their family history for different reasons.For some,genealogy(家谱学) is important to their religion(宗教信仰).Other people who get involved in genealogy may want to confirm (证实)stories they heard about a family member.Some people say their interest in genealogy came from an eight-part series on television called Roots.Roots was first broadcast in 1977 and was based on a book which describes how the author's ancestor,long ago in Africa,as slave was brought to America.After watching Roots,many Americans wanted to study ________________.
【2】Finding family roots is not always easy.So how exactly does someone start a genealogical research?
【3】Experts say you should start with yourself.Write down your own history.One idea is to ask your parents what they can remember about their parents or grandparents.You can often find a lot of information in family pictures,letters and other documents.
【4】Resources on local history may also provide useful information.Large libraries may have hundreds of helpful books.In the United States,several groups have large collections of genealogical materials.These collections are open to the public.
【5】Governments often have many helpful records of genealogies.Governments usually keep official copies of birth,marriage and death records.Local governments may have copies of wills.These statements of final wishes often contain details about a person's life and wealth.
【6】Today,many people use the Internet.There are thousands of websites related to genealogy.They can guide people to historical records and provide information about how to write down their family's history.
76.What is the passage mainly about?( no more than 10 words)
Why and how to start a genealogical research.
77.How many ways are mentioned in how to start a genealogical research?( no more than 2 words)
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words.( no more than 6 words)
Their own roots./The history of their families.
79.Why should people ask governments for help in the study of genealogy?( no more than 8 words)
Because governments have many helpful records of genealogies.
80.What does the underlined word"They"(Paragraph 6 ) probably refer to?(no more than 5 words)
Thousands of websites.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.A.Shaolin Kungfu
Shaolin Kungfu is one of the most influential genres of Chinese martial arts,and it's named after where it originated-the Shaolin Temple,founded on the Songshan Mountain in Dengfeng County,Henan Province in Central China.The monks in the Shaolin Temple began to study martial arts during the Northern and Southern dynasties and this tradition prevailed during the Sui and Tang dynasties.
B.Kunqu Opera
Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest forms of opera still existing in China,with its origins dating
back to the end of the Yuan dynasty.It has distinguished itself by the virtuosity of its rhythmic patterns and has exerted a dominant influence on all the more recent forms of opera in China,including the Sichuan and Beijing operas.In 2001,UNESCO proclaimed Kunqu Opera as a masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
C.Puppet Shows
Chinese puppetry has a long history.It is noted for its many types of puppets and superb manipulative skills.It's a truly unique art combining opera,music,fine art and craftsmanship.It creates magic with a beam of light.Puppet shows from various places have their own unique characteristics with strong local color in terms of figure modeling.
D.T'ai Chi Ch'uan
T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a major division of Chinese martial arts.Literally,T'ai Chi Ch'uan means"supreme ultimate fist"; T'ai means"supreme",Chi means"ultimate",and Ch'uan means"fist".T'ai Chi Ch'uan has its philosophical roots in Taoism and is considered an internal martial art,utilizing internal energy,or Qi,and following the simple principle of"subduing the vigorous by the soft."
E.Traditional Chinese Medicine
In Chinese medicine,doctors use various diagnostic methods to get full and detailed information about the patients and to guide their treatment.The methods include observation,auscultation and olfaction,interrogation,and checking the pulse and heart rate.They are also known as the four major methods,each having a distinctive function.
F.Xianzi Dance
The Xianzi dance,also called Xie or Ye,is danced to the accompaniment of a Tibetan-style
two-string instrument.The most typical kind of Xianzi Dance is Batang Xianzi in Ganzi,Sichuan Province.Batang is a Tibetan inhabited area.The dancers dance in a circle or randomly,sometimes resembling a winding dragon.They sing to each other to express their feelings.

46.Janet,who likes Chinese traditional art very much,is a dancing teacher in California University.She wants to know more about a truly unique art combining opera,music,fine art and craftsmanship.
47.Cathy is a medical college student in UK.Now she is preparing her thesis about other countries'medicine,so she wants to find some information online.
48.Kate is a college student in America.She wants to get more information about Chinese traditional art,especially Chinese traditional music.
49.Jason,who has been living in America for about 30years,wants to learn some Chinese Kungfu which is represented by the famous symbol of Yin and Yang.
50.Freda,a 23-year-old girl,is fond of playing Tibetan-style instrument.This time she decides to visit Sichuan and plans to know more about its typical dance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.[1]As is known,it is important to help your children gain key information from textbooks or understand what they read,especially as they get older.Here are the ways to improve their reading comprehension.
[2]Have them read aloud.This forces them to go slower,which gives them more time to process what they read.Besides,they are not only seeing the words,they are hearing them,too.
[3]Provide the right kinds of books. Make sure your children get lots of practice reading book that aren't too difficult.They should recognize at least 90 percent of the words without any help.Stopping any more often than that to figure out a word makes it tough for them to focus on the overall meaning of the story.
[4]Reread to build fluency.To gain meaning from text,your children need to read quickly and smoothly-a skill known as fluency.Rereading familiar,simple books gives your children practice at decoding(解译) words quickly,so they'll become more fluent.
[5]Talk to the teacher.If your children are struggling with comprehension,they may need more help with their reading-for example,they can turn to the teacher to build their vocabulary or practice phonics skills.
[6]Supplement(补充) class reading. If the class is studying a particular theme(主题),look for easy-to-read books or magazines on the topic.Some prior knowledge will make their way through tougher classroom texts.
[7]Talk about what they are reading. This"verbal processing"helps them remember and think through the themes of the book.Ask questions before,________,for example:
Before:"What interests you in this book?What doesn't?"
During:"What's going on in the book?Is it turning out the way you thought it would?"
After:"Can you summarize the book?What did you like about it?"
76.What is the best title of the passage?(no more than 7 words)
How to improve your children's reading comprehension
77.To gain meaning from the text,what skill do your children need?(no more than 5 words)Reading quickly and smoothly
78.Please fill in the blank in the seventh paragraph with proper words.(no more than 6 words)during and after reading the book
79.How many ways are mentioned in this passage?(no more than 2 words)six
80.What does the word"them"(line 2,paragraph 2)probably refer to?(no more than 2 words)the words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Meeting the/that leader means that our country is determined to establish a new cooptation with that country.(meet)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The scientist knew nothing about the matter,because he was always _________ himself in his study.(  )

