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“What’s her name?” “Sorry, I _____.”

A. forget          B. forgot          C. had forgotten      D. am forgetting





科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东省济宁市泗水一中高三上学期期末模拟英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

My First Job
Jay Leno is a very famous TV host in NBC.He started his talk show titled The Jay Lena Show in September 2009.It was a very popular TV programm in America.Here is the story of his first job.
I gained a very strong work concept from my parents, both of whom lived through a hard period of time-the Great Depression           (大萧条).They couldn't ___36___ people who didn't work regularly.I once told my mom that Sylvester Stallone was getting $12 million for ten weeks of work."What's he going to do the rest of the _37__?" she asked.
I took my first job at Wilmington Ford near my homerown of Andover, Massachusetts, when I was 16.I worked until five or six o'clock on school days and __38____ 12-hour days during the summer as a prepper(擦洗汽车的小工).This meant washing and polishing the new cars, and making sure the paper floor mats were in __39__.Another responsibility was taking off the hubcaps (车轮毂盖) at night, so they wouldn't get stolen, and    40   them the next day.This was    41    work because we had about seven acres of   42 One day, carrying an armful of hubcaps    43   a corner, I almost __44__ our new general manager.Scared, I dropped them all.He __45 me on the spot.
I was too ashamed to tell my parents.Every day for about two weeks, I stayed __46  until evening.Then I would go home and say I had a .__47___ day at work.
Trying to make a last    48   ,  I wrote a letter to Henry Ford II and told him what happened.I said that we were a reliable Ford family and that when I was old enough, I was going to buy a Mustang. __49__ the owner of the dealership(经营店) called."I don't know who you know in Detroit." he said."but if you want your job back, you've  50 it.”
Later, during college, I wanted to work at a Roils-Royce dealership, but the owner said there were no openings.So 1 started washing cars there anyway.When the ___51__ noticed me, I said I was working until he _52__ me.He did.And the second day, I started to work there as a sales clerk.
It   53   persistence (坚持) to succeed.Attitude    54_ matters.I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldn't be _ 55  .

A.see B.knowC.understandD.love
A.put inB.took upC.gave outD.stuck to
A.broke intoB.looked across C.crashed intoD.came across


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南灵宝第三高级中学高一上第三次质量检测英语试题(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

“This one’s for you,” Sergeant (警官) Barstow shouted and left quickly through the back door. I was a little puzzled. I looked out a window of the Ashfordly Police Station and saw an elderly woman come into the building.
“Good morning, Madam,” I said.
“Good morning,” she said pleasantly. “You’re new, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Madam.”
“It’s about that man who’s been annoying me,” she said. “I’ve been here about him before.”
“Could I have your name and address, please?”  
“Miss Fraser. Josephine Fraser. I live at 43 Prince Terrace. Now, can you please do something about Jackson?”
“What’s he done, Miss Fraser?”
“Done? He’s thrown garbage all over my stairs again. He must be stopped.”
“Where does he live?”
“Next door, Number 41,” she said.  
“I’ll go and see later and warn him off, Miss Fraser.”
“I would be most grateful.” With that she left.
Half an hour later, I reached Prince Terrace. NO. 41 was in a bad state of repair. I knocked. No reply. I entered. The place was deserted. I wondered if the Jackson was a tramp (流浪者). Anyway, it seemed he had left, possibly because of Miss Fraser’s threatening police action. I decided to visit her.
I knocked on her door and it was opened almost immediately. “Ah!” she said gladly. “You’re just in time for coffee.” I followed her inside. Miss Fraser told me more about her battle with Jackson. But when I asked specific questions, it clearly showed that she had never seen Jackson. Finally, I managed to leave.
Sergeant Barstow smiled kindly as I returned. “Nick, did you kick(踢出) Jackson out of that house?”
“Jackson!” I cried. “Who is he?”
“There is no Jackson,” he said. “Miss Fraser is lonely and she likes company. We always let the new young men deal with Miss Fraser. It gives her deep satisfaction. That’s what we are here for, isn’t it — to satisfy the public?”
【小题1】Why did Sergeant Barstow leave quickly when Miss Fraser came?

A.Because he wanted to let Nick deal with her alone.
B.Because he had to go and catch Jackson at once.
C.Because he was tired of the elderly woman.
D.Because he knew she would tell a lie.
【小题2】Miss Fraser told Nick that _____.
A.her neighbor had often caused her trouble
B.it was her first visit to the police station
C.she was looking for Sergeant Barstow
D.someone had broken into her house
【小题3】Miss Fraser made up the story of Jackson because _____.
A.she liked to play jokes on the policemen
B.she wanted to have someone to talk with
C.she loved to show others her nice coffee
D.she hated Jackson very much


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮增分增值集训:阅读理解英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

You know how wonderful you areand you know that others know how wonderful you arebut what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousyFor most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship.When this happens it can seem like there is nothing that you can dobut the good news is that there is.Don't let jealousy spoil your relationships.Tackle it head on and you might be back to normal much sooner than you think.

It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem isbut if you want to save your friendship you'll have to do just that.Don't approach them and ask why they are jealous of you (unless of course you want to appear totally conceited)just take some time alone with them and let them know that you've been feeling like there's been something coming between you.If they refuse to respondthen use the opportunity to explain how you have been feeling.Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.

When you figure out what is annoying your friendask him or her what (s)he thinks would make the situation better.Iffor example(s)he says that (s)he feels like (s)he doesn't get to spend any time with you because of your being off with your new friends from the swim team then maybe you could invite her along the next time or block off one day a week for just the two of you.Rememberthoughthat whatever solution you decide on should be a compromise.Don't limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy.Try instead to include him or her in your new life and see how that works out.

Even the best of friendships can be tinged by jealousy.This destructive emotion is rarely productive and can turn best friends into worst enemies.Before taking extreme actionchat with your jealous friend to see if the two of you can work out a compromise.If you can'tbe prepared to know exactly how far you will go to keep your friend and how far you won't.

1.According to the authorthe jealousy emotion is ________.

Anormal? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? Bproductive

Cdestructive? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? Dextreme

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to confront your friend when jealousy happens?

AWalking up to him/her and asking him/her why he/she is jealous of you.

BWalking up to him/her and asking him/her what the problem is.

CSpending some time with him/her and letting him/her know how you feel.

DSpending some time with him/her and letting him/her know you think there's something coming between you.

3.The purpose of the passage is ________.

Ato explain what causes jealousy

Bto offer some advice on making friends

Cto introduce the way to cope with a jealous friend

Dto explain how destructive the jealous emotion is

4.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

AThere's always a solution to solve the problem of jealousy.

BJealousy can turn best friends into worst enemies.

CYou may lose a friend to keep your own giftschances or self?development.

DYou should go a long way with your friend to work out a solution



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南灵宝第三高级中学高一上第三次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“This one’s for you,” Sergeant (警官) Barstow shouted and left quickly through the back door. I was a little puzzled. I looked out a window of the Ashfordly Police Station and saw an elderly woman come into the building.

“Good morning, Madam,” I said.

“Good morning,” she said pleasantly. “You’re new, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Madam.”

“It’s about that man who’s been annoying me,” she said. “I’ve been here about him before.”

“Could I have your name and address, please?”  

“Miss Fraser. Josephine Fraser. I live at 43 Prince Terrace. Now, can you please do something about Jackson?”

“What’s he done, Miss Fraser?”

“Done? He’s thrown garbage all over my stairs again. He must be stopped.”

“Where does he live?”

“Next door, Number 41,” she said.  

“I’ll go and see later and warn him off, Miss Fraser.”

“I would be most grateful.” With that she left.

Half an hour later, I reached Prince Terrace. NO. 41 was in a bad state of repair. I knocked. No reply. I entered. The place was deserted. I wondered if the Jackson was a tramp (流浪者). Anyway, it seemed he had left, possibly because of Miss Fraser’s threatening police action. I decided to visit her.

I knocked on her door and it was opened almost immediately. “Ah!” she said gladly. “You’re just in time for coffee.” I followed her inside. Miss Fraser told me more about her battle with Jackson. But when I asked specific questions, it clearly showed that she had never seen Jackson. Finally, I managed to leave.

Sergeant Barstow smiled kindly as I returned. “Nick, did you kick(踢出) Jackson out of that house?”

“Jackson!” I cried. “Who is he?”

“There is no Jackson,” he said. “Miss Fraser is lonely and she likes company. We always let the new young men deal with Miss Fraser. It gives her deep satisfaction. That’s what we are here for, isn’t it — to satisfy the public?”

1.Why did Sergeant Barstow leave quickly when Miss Fraser came?

A.Because he wanted to let Nick deal with her alone.

B.Because he had to go and catch Jackson at once.

C.Because he was tired of the elderly woman.

D.Because he knew she would tell a lie.

2.Miss Fraser told Nick that _____.

A.her neighbor had often caused her trouble

B.it was her first visit to the police station

C.she was looking for Sergeant Barstow

D.someone had broken into her house

3.Miss Fraser made up the story of Jackson because _____.

A.she liked to play jokes on the policemen

B.she wanted to have someone to talk with

C.she loved to show others her nice coffee

D.she hated Jackson very much



科目:高中英语 来源:2009年全国各省市高考命题动态信息卷(辽宁专用)英语(一) 题型:单项填空

---What's he size of the smaller one?

---It's _______.

A.half bigger

B.half as big

C.as half big

D.half the same


