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11.We're faced with so many lifestyle choices throughout the day,but how do you know you're making the right ones?Here's what the experts say.
Should I have a bath or shower first thing in the morning?
  Although some people think hot water and soaps dry out the skin,there's no real information to support this unless you have a specific skin condition.Paul Banwell says:"In the morning,showers are more refreshing.Leave bathing for the evening when you need to relax before bed.The drop in body temperature following a warm bath tells your body it's time for sleep."Answer:Shower
Fruit juice or fruit?
"The fiber in fruit makes it far more satisfying and filling with fewer calories."says Kate."Fruit juices have the fiber removed and tend to be loaded with sugar,which sends blood sugar levels soaring-and then crashing."Answer:Fruit
Exercise in the morning or evening?
"Numerous studies show that people are more likely to exercise in the morning,"explains Janey Holliday,fitness instructor."You probably will have a healthier day-from the food choices you make to how you feel mentally.Finally,while exercise helps you sleep better,working out too late in the evening will actually make it harder for you to sleep."Answer:Morning
Yell,or walk away and calm down?
"Count to 10."advises Dr.Cary Cooper,Professor of Health and Psychiatry at Lancaster University."It's always better to calm down,reflect on why you're angry and think about how you can resolve the issue.If you justblow your top,you won't solve anything.But you must take action.Burying your anger is very bad for your health."Answer:Calm down
66.What might be the suitable title for the passage?How to make right lifestyle choices
67.Why are showers recommended first thing in the morning?Because in the morning,showers are more refreshing
68.What makes fruit a better choice than fruit juice?Fruit juices sends blood sugar levels soaring-and then crashing
69.What can we expect if we exercise in the morning?You probably will have a healthier day
70.What does the underlined phrase"blow your top"mean?are angry.

分析 本文主要讲述在生活中如何做出正确的选择.

解答 66 How to make right lifestyle choices
67 Because in the morning,showers are more refreshing
68 Fruit juices sends blood sugar levels soaring-and then crashing
69  You probably will have a healthier day
70  are angry
66 How to make right lifestyle choices主旨大意题.  通读全文可知本文主要讲述在生活中如何做出正确的选择.
67 Because in the morning,showers are more refreshing细节题. 根据文章第二 段:"In the morning,showers are more refreshing 可知早晨洗澡可以让你神清气爽.
68 Fruit juices sends blood sugar levels soaring-and then crashing细节题. 根据文章第三 段Fruit juices have the fiber removed and tend to be loaded with sugar,which sends blood sugar levels soaring-and then crashing."可知果汁里有很多的糖,会让血糖升高.
69 You probably will have a healthier day细节题. 根据文章第四 段You probably will have a healthier day-from the food choices you make to how you feel mentally. 可知早晨锻炼可以让你整天更健康.
70 are angry 猜测词义题.  根据文章第五 段If you justblow your top,you won't solve anything 可知如果你生气了你不会解决任何问题.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Everyone says our team will win,but I         it.(  )
A.am skeptical ofB.am sure of
C.am proud ofD.am concerned about


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Do you mind__________alone at home?(  )
A.Tom leavingB.Tom having left
C.Tom's being leftD.Tom to be left


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.It was because she got sick         she didn't come to the party yesterday.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

主旨尊敬父母是中华民族的传统美德(moral value)之一


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.[1]Freezing weather can mean frostbite(冻伤)and hypothermia(体温过低)unless a person is prepared.Today we talk about how to stay warm,dry and safe.
[2]Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long.It mainly happens on the hands,feet,nose and ears. If deeper tissue is affected,a person is likely to feel pain every time the area gets cold.Hypothermia is a condition that develops when the body cannot produce as much heat as it:releases.Signs of hypothermia include uncontrollable shakin9,very slow breathing and difficulty thinking dearly.
[3]To avoid cold-related injuries,here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to staying warm.Think of COLD-C.O.L.D.
[4]The C stands for cover.Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head,neck and ears.And wear mittens(连指手套)instead of gloves.
[5]The O stands for overexertion(用力过度).Avoid activities that will make you sweaty.Wet clothes and cold weather are a dangerous combination.
[6]L is for layers.Wearing loose,lightweight clothes,one layer on top of another,is better than wearing a single heavy layer of clothing.
[7]D is for dry.In other words,stay as dry as possible.Pay attention to the places where snow can enter clothing.These include the tops of boots,the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens or gloves.
[8]And here ale two other things to keep in mind-one for children andthe other for adults/one for adults(grown-ups).Eating snow might be fun but it lowers the body's temperature.And drinking alcohol might make a person feel warm.But what it really does is weaken the body's ability to hold heat.

76.For what purpose did the writer write this passage?(no more than l5words)To tell us how to keep warm in cold/freezing weather.To offer advice on how to avoid cold-related injuriesTo tell us the ways to keep/stay warm in cold/freezing weatherTo let us know how to…
77.List two signs of hypothermia.①Uncontrollable shaking ②very slow breathing ③difficulty in thinking clearly(写出三项中任意两项均可)
78.Should we drink alcohol to keep warm?Why or why not?No.Because it weakens the body's ability to hold heat.
79.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 8with proper words.(no more than 6words)the other for adults/one for adults(grown-ups)
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2into Chinese.一旦/如果深层组织受损,每当天气变冷时,人们就可能感觉到疼痛..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.In Britain and other countries,young people usually take a"gap year",a year off between high school and college.This idea never gained a big following in the United States.Recent news reports have suggested that interest may be growing,though there are no official numbers.
Charles Deacon,the dean of admissions estimates that in the current first-year class of one thousand six hundred students,only twenty-five percent decided to take a year off.He says this number has not changed much over the years.He says the most common reasons to have a chance to travel,but international students may take a gap year to meet requirements at home for military duty.
Some high school graduates see a year off as a chance to recover after twelve years of required education.But it can also give students a chance to explore their interest.
Many colleges and universities support gap-year projects by permitting students to delay their admission.Experts say students can grow emotionally and intellectually as they work at something they enjoy.The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called"Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation".It praises the idea of taking time off to step back,think and enjoy gaining life experience outside the pressure of studies.Of course,a gap year is not for everyone.Students might miss their friends who go on directly to college.And parents might worry that their children will decide not to go to college once they take time off.Another concern is money.A year off,away from home,can be costly.
Holly Bull is the president of the Center for Interim Programs.Her company specializes in helping students plan their gap year.She notes that several books have been written about this subject.And she points out that many gap-year programs cost far less than a year of college.
81.How do many colleges and universities support gap-year projects?(No more than 8 words)By permitting students to delay their admission.
82.According to Charles Deacon,how many students in the current first-year class of his school decided to take a gap year?(No more than 8 words)About 400/25 percent of students decided to take a gap year.
83.What is the purpose of some high school students taking a gap year?( No more than 6 words)To recover and explore their interest.
84.Why do parents worry about children's gap year?(No more than 15 words)Because it may cost much money and make children not go to college./
Because they are worried about high costs and children's decision not to go to college..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.It was a long time before the Americans completely _________ from the shadow of the September 11th attack launched by the terrorists.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.That boy is so poorly educated that he even doesn't know 6multiplied (乘) by 5equals 30.

