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【题目】高中生面临沉重的学习压力,因此,很多同学课间休息时间也坐在教室里学习,但效果并不理想。就此,班主任准备开一次班会课,以劝诫这些同学:适当的休息很有必要。现请你以“The Ten-minute Break Between Classes”为题,按以下要求写一篇英语短文,让这些同学从中受到启发。要点如下:

1. 请简要描述现象:很多同学在课间休息时间也坐在教室里学习,但效果并不理想;

2. 十分钟的课间休息很有必要;

3. 你是如何利用这十分钟休息时间的。


The Ten-minute Break Between Classes

Time seems to be so limited for us senior high school students.

【答案】The Ten-minute Break Between Classes

Time seems to be so limited for us senior high school students. Thus, with so much work to do, a great many students are always eager to seize every minute to study in and after class, including the ten-minute break. However, the outcome isn’t as satisfying as expected.

As far as I know, we need the short break, of which the significance can’t be overlooked. As a matter of fact, the ten-minute break helps us keep a balance between study and relaxation. Short as the break is, we can refresh ourselves and get well prepared for the next class. Thus, there is no need to push ourselves to study even during the short ten-minute break.

Now I’d like to share with you my ten-minute break activities. During the ten minutes, I will walk out of the classroom, breathe the fresh air, and then make the preparations for the next class. Only in this way can I do my work remarkably well.


【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如As far as I know, we need the short break, of which the significance can’t be overlooked.是非限制性定语从句,还有倒装句Only in this way can I do my work remarkably well. 等此外,文章还使用了大量短语eager toseize every minute toas a matter of fact keep a balance between A and B, get well prepared for, there is no need to等的使用使文章内容更具有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】At the age of 16, Clara Barton was advised to become a teacher since she was quite shy. She taught in Massachusetts for ten years, and was invited to Bordentown, New Jersey to teach in a school. She saw that these communities needed complimentary education for their citizens, and she took action by creating a free school, one of the first in her state. But later, officials named a male as the head teacher instead of her. Disappointed, she left her job and moved to Washington D.C., becoming the first woman employed by the US Patent Office.

Clara Barton was forever changed by her experience with the army in the Civil War. She saw doctors use leaves when dealing with injuries since they had nothing else. The medical supplies were well behind the army, who were moving faster than their medical supply lines. She brought in a truck of medical supplies that she collected personally some years ago. Miss Barton continued to work on the battlefields throughout the war.

She helped in the recognition of 13,000 dead Union soldiers. This non-stop work made her fully exhausted. Following the advice of her doctor, she traveled to Europe where she recovered energy and enriched herself.

While in Europe, and still in poor health, Miss Barton was moved by the hardship on people caused by the France-Prussia war. She helped in their relief effort, which encouraged her to create the Red Cross, which served the whole army and common people under a neutral flag.

Clara Barton returned to America and then began the establishment(建立)of the American Red Cross. The US government did not think there would ever be another war after the Civil War. But she made them believe that the Red Cross would be valuable to serve in times of natural disasters as well. This was her lasting legacy(遗产), an agency that still provides aid to all people today.

【1What does the underlined word “complimentary” mean in the first paragraph?

A. Public. B. Personal. C. Free. D. Modern

【2Why did Clara Barton bring her personal medical supplies?

A. There were no medical supplies for the army at all.

B. The army’s supplies couldn’t catch up with them.

C. The army’s supplies weren’t good enough to treat soldiers.

D. The enemies cut off the connection between the army and medical supplies.

【3Clara Barton set up the Red Cross because of ______.

A. her experiences in Europe

B. her poor health

C. the lack of supplies for the army

D. her work in the US Patent Office

【4】The US government agreed to establish the Red Cross because Clara Barton ______.

A. gave a lot of her legacy

B. said there might be wars in the future

C. explained it would help people in peacetime as well.

D. believed it could save people from the France-Prussia war.

【5】What does this passage mainly talk about?

A. The history of American Civil War.

B. A general introduction to Clara Barton.

C. Clara Barton’s contributions to the US.

D. The Establishment of the American Red Cross.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Occasions are quite rare _______ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

A. who B. that C. which D. when


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Rocky Lyons was five years old when his mother, Kelly, was driving along the country road with him. He was asleep on the front seat of their truck, with his feet resting on her lap. As his mom drove carefully down the winding country road, she turned onto a narrow bridge. The truck hit a rock and slid off the road. She tried to bring it back up onto the road by pressing hard on the gas pedal and turning the steering wheel to the left. But Rocky’s foot got caught between her leg and the steering wheel and she lost control of the truck.

The truck fell into a 20-foot ravine(峡谷). When it hit bottom, Rocky woke up. “What happened, Mama?” he asked. “Our wheels are pointing toward the sky. ”Kelly was seriously wounded and blinded by blood. “I’ll get you out, Mama,” announced Rocky, who had surprisingly escaped injury. He climbed out from under Kelly, slid through the open window and tried to yank(用力拉)his mother out. But she didn’t move.

“Just let me sleep,” begged Kelly, who was out of consciousness. Rocky insisted, “Mom, you can’t go to sleep.”

Rocky managed to push Kelly out of the truck and told her he’d climb up to the road and stop a car to get help. Fearing that no one would be able to see her little boy in the dark, Kelly refused to let him go alone. Instead they slowly moved up to the road. The pain was so great that Kelly wanted to give up, but Rocky wouldn’t let her.

Rocky kept repeating the inspirational phrase, “I know you can, I know you can.” When they finally reached the road, Rocky broke into tears seeing his mother’s torn face clearly for the first time. Waving his arms and shouting, “Please stop!” the boy stopped a truck. His mother was sent to hospital.

It took 8 hours to rebuild Kelly’s face. She looks quite different today---“I used to have a straight long nose, thin lips and high cheekbones; now I’ve got a flat cheeks and much bigger lips”--- but she has few scars and has recovered from her injuries.

Rocky’s heroics were big news. Everyone was surprised at this little boy’s power. “It’s not like I wanted it to happen,” The boy explained. I just did what anyone would have done. “If it weren’t for Rocky, I’d have died,” said his mother.

【1】According to the text, Rocky and Kelly _________ .

A. were lost on a country road

B. had limited time to find their way

C. were involved in a truck accident

D. knew little of what happened to them

【2】When he woke up, Rocky ___________ .

A. was frightened by his mother’s blood

B. found his mother had fallen asleep

C. was stuck against the door of the truck

D. found the car was turned over

【3】What happened to Kelly at last?

A. She passed away.

B. She survived and recovered from injuries.

C. She became a hero.

D. She had a different life.

【4】What is the best title for the text?

A. A Boy and His Mother

B. How to Behave Well?

C. I Think I Can

D. Nothing is Lost


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In the countries of South and Southeast Asia, the elephant has been an important part of the culture, economy and religion for centuries.And nowhere more so than in Thailand.Unlike its African cousin, the Asian elephant is easily domesticated(驯化).The rare so-called white elephants have actually lent the power of royalty to its rulers,and until the 1920s the national flag was a white elephant on a red background.To the early Western visitors, the country's romantic name was“ Land of the White Elephant".

Today, however, the story is very different.Out of work and out of land, the Thai elephant struggles for survival in a nation that no longer needs it.The elephant has found itself more or less deserted by previous owners who have moved on to a different economic world and a society in the western part.And while the elephant's problems began many years ago, now it has a very low national advantage.

How does the national symbol turn into ignored animals? It is a story of worse environment and the changing lives of the Thais themselves.According to Richard Lair, Thailand's expert on the Asian elephant and author of the report Gone Astray, at the turn of the last century, there may well have been as many as 100,000 national elephants in the country.

In the north of Thailand alone, it was estimated(估计)that more than 20,000 elephants were employed in transport, 1,000 of them alone on the road between the cities of Chiang Mai and Chiang Saen.

This was at a time when 90 percent of Thailand was still forest---a habitat that not only supported the animals but also made them necessary to carry goods and people.Nothing ploughs through thick forest better than lots of sure-footed elephants.

By 1950 the elephant population had dropped, but still to the number of 13, 397.However, today there are probably no more than 3,800, with another l,350 wandering free in the national parks.But now, Thailand's forest covers only 20 percent of the land.This deforestation(采伐森林)is the central point of the elephant's difficult situation, for it has effectively put the animals out of work.This century, as the road network grew, the elephant's role as a beast of burden decreased.

1What can we know about African elephants from the passage?

A. It is of little value to domesticate them.

B. It is hard to domesticate them.

C. They are living a better life than Asian elephants

D. Their fate is quite similar to that of Asian elephants.

2Thailand was once called "Land of the White Elephant" because ________.

A. white elephant was a national symbol until the 1920s

B. white elephant is rarely seen and thus very special

C. white elephant has helped kings to gain the ruling power

D. this name was so romantic that it was popular among visitors

3Why is the Thai elephant "out of work", according to the author?

A. Because there are too many elephants but too few jobs.

B. Because the elephants can't do labor work any longer.

C. Because the government pays little attention to the problem.

D. Because the elephants are no longer useful to their owners.

4The passage is most probably from ________.

A. a travel guide B. a history book

C. a popular science magazine D. an official announcement


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Being positive is very important. So I often my son to be positive. But one day I was caught not doing what I often tell him to do.

My son is 7 years old and he was a show to be put on at his school. He was playing the role of an angel. On the evening before the show, he asked me, “Mom, can we ___angels?” As usual, I seized(抓住)the _____to teach him to be positive and I said, “Yes, but only those who are perfect, and think and talk positively can.” He asked, “You must have seen them then?”

I was ____for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. I was touched by his ___that his mother was a perfect person. He looked into my eyes, __ a positive answer. I chose to be _______with him and told him, “No. I’ve not been a good person all the time.” I was almost____to admit this to him. I thought that his____of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces. But he ___it positively and said, “It’s all right. You know to try to be better from now on.” I smiled as I replied, That’s ____. Sometimes, we might make a _____, but when we do, we must always try to do better.”

My son’s _____struck me right in my heart and are always with me. I learned a good lesson that day “to always try to be better.” This will always___ me in all situations where I’ll need to be positive.

【1A. show B. refuse C. worry D. encourage

【2A. going through B. preparing for C. turning to D. looking for

【3A. describe B. draw C. invite D. see

【4A. feeling B. attitude C. chance D. method

【5A. pleased B. quite C. calm D. quiet

【6A. thought B. behavior C. dream D. story

【7A. making B. expecting C. trying D. choosing

【8A. patient B. angry C. strict D. honest

【9A. glad B. surprised C. relaxed D. embarrassed

【10A. description B. speech C. picture D. idea

【11A. finished B. took C. caught D. changed

【12A. right B. fine C. impossible D. unnecessary

【13A. change B. decision C. difference D. mistake

【14A. words B. performances C. idea D. progress

【15A. teach B. protect C. help D. Find


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A.GOLD These people who choose GOLD as their primary color like to fit in or belong.They are reliable people who enjoy serving others.Traditions and homes are very important to them. They need order and structure.They don't like change.

B.ORANGE People need a lot of variety and freedom.They take pride in being highly skilled.They enjoy "hand-on" work and often are good in a dangerous situations.They likes risks and challenges.

C.YELLOW People are curious about everything.They are confident and full of knowledge.They love sports very much and they work efficiently.

D.GREEN People are competent and want to control the realities of life.They enjoy solving problems and developing systems.They love intelligence and logic.They are often critical of themselves and others.

E.BLUE People enjoy close relationships.Peace and quietness are very important.These people are often very creative or they enjoy the creative work of others.

F.RED People who choose red as their primary color are energetic and they tend to be confident all the time.It seems like they are ready to do anything and they will be successful.And they are competitive.


【1】Creating a warm and a peaceful working environment and trying to avoid conflict; allowing them the freedom to express their feeling; encouraging them to be creative in the job.

【2】Using their reliable qualities; providing a stable work environment and avoiding sudden change; giving standard rules and regulations and setting a good examples.

【3】Assigning work which needs problem solving; encouraging them to think independently and enjoying their logic to the next step.

【4】Assigning work which allows freedom; providing opportunities to be skillful and adventurous; allowing them the freedom to the job in their own ways.

【5】Assigning work which needs full energy; providing opportunities for job competition; if he does well, let him know he is very likely to get promotion; praise them with their good jobs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My grandmother was a master gardener that could make anything bloom. Even me.

She spent most of her life living on a farm in the mountains of North Caroline, where she got married, raised four children, and watched the changing of the seasons. When I was 12 years old, my dad gave up working downtown and moved back to the farm to turn to gardening. I visited on weekends to keep them company.

Every time my farm chores were done, I was free to climb the mountain, singing songs and gathering flowers. Sometimes the plants scratched me. My grandmother would say: “Beauty has a price. I hope it was worth it.” I would say, “Yes, ma’am. It was.” Then I’d scratch some more. At dusk, we’d sort the flowers and make bouquets(花束): One for the living room, one for the kitchen, and three for the bedrooms.

Even then as a child, I knew that what I desired most from my grandmother was not her flowers but her time. She has been gone for decades, but sometimes when I reach down to pick a flower or pull a weed, I see her hand, not mine. I thought I’d grow up to be a gardener as well. I informed myself, someday, when my children had childrenI would be a gardening grandma. Then the grandbabies started showing up, and I discovered I would much rather chase after them than go digging.

The truth is, I’m no gardener. I’m a picker, not a planter. I don’t need to plant a garden. My children are my flowers. They delight me and complete me with a beauty that is worth any price.

My grandmother and I differ in lots of ways, but from her, I do learn what a grandmother means. I also learn that I need attend to my grandbabies with time and water them with love. I hope that, one day, when they hold their first grandchild, they might see my hand.

1Why did the author go to the farm on weekends?

(No more than 8 words) (2 marks)


2How did the author and her grandmother deal with the collected flowers?

(No more than 12 words) (3 marks)


3What did the author want most from her grandmother when she was a kid?

(No more than 4 words) (2 marks)


4What does the author learn from her grandmother?

(No more than 15 words) (3 marks)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Everyone has good days and bad days.

Sometimes, you feel as if you’re on top of the world and all the questions on your maths test might seem easy. But occasionally you feel horrible, and you lose things and cannot focus on our schoolwork.

For more than 20 years, scientists have suggested that high self-esteem(自尊) is the key to success.Now, new research shows that focusing just on building self-esteem may not be helpful. In some cases, having high self-esteem can make people less likeable or more upset when they fail in something.

“Forget about self-esteem,” says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, US. “It’s not the important thing.”

Feeling good

Crocker’s advice may sound a bit strange. After all, feeling good can be good for you.Studies show that people with high self-esteem are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-esteem.

However, after reviewing about 18,000 studies on self-esteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, has found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person.

He believes that violent people often have the highest self-esteem of all. He also said:“ There’s no evidence that kids with high self-esteem do better in school.”


All types of people have problems. People with high self-esteem can have big egos(自我) that can make them less likeable, said Kathleen Vohs, a psychology professor at Columbia University.People with high self-esteem tend to think more of themselves, VOhs says. People with low self-esteem are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.

What to do

Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people. Find positive ways to contribute to society. If you fail in something, try to learn from the experience. “The best therapy(药方) is to recognize your faults,” Vohs says. “It’s OK to say, ‘I’ m not so good at that,’ and then move on.”

【1 What does the underlined part “on top of the world” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Quite helpful. B. Extremely happy.

C. Very unlucky. D. Rather upset.

【2 The conclusion drawn from the new research shows that high self-esteem_____.

A. is not important at all

B. makes people more likeable

C. helps you do better at school

D. may not be the key to success

【3 Which of the following is TRUE according to Vohs?

A. Feeling good doesn’t mean you lead a happy life.

B. People with high self-esteem always seek others’ help.

C. People with high self-esteem tend to be selfish.

D. People with low self-esteem are often more popular.

【4】 We can infer from the text that the best therapy mentioned in the last paragraph is mainly for people_____.

A. with high self-esteem

B. with low self-esteem

C. who contribute significantly to society

D. who are in need of support

