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If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.

By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive(刺激,诱因) to follow through on your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.

Your life can be enhanced(增强的), and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective(远景、希望). Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.

Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours". Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of life. You will find happiness when you adopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world.

64. What is the best title for the passage?                                 

A. Live every day                                                           B.Treat every day actively                        

C. Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours"       D. How to live      

65. ______ is the most likely to prevent your being successful?

A. Positive thinking                                B. Negative ideas      

C. Worry hours                                  D. Productive hours

66. What does the word “aspirations” mean in the passage?                      

A. ambition        B. expectation        C.wish        D. desire

67. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?                  

A.Change your opinion, and change your dream.  

B. Negative ideas will limit your life.

C.Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours".

D. Positive thinking will make you successful. 






科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高三3月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

完形填空 (共20 小题;每小题1分;满分20分)
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1---20各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项.
Seven loyal readers came to the Teens’ office two weeks ago. They had a wonderful day learning how to make a newspaper. But what   1   made them excited was that they had their say(发言权).
"What most   2  me was when I was saying something, I found all eyes were on me," said Tang Shining, one of the students. Her friend, Li Chunbei   3  , and felt very glad that when she was talking, the editors nodded and   4   took notes.
Students are happy to see the editors listen to their   5  . You may often   6  about being neglected(忽视) by teachers and parents.    7  before complaining please make sure that you have already spoken about your   8   .
Traditionally in China, teachers at school and parents were   9  the ones to tell teenagers what they should and shouldn’t do. The young are   10  to doing what they are told, rather than thinking by themselves. But then their ideas would be locked in their brain and not be  11  .
A girl wrote to Teens about her family story. She  12  to be very sad because her father seldom talked and played with her. After years of consideration, she   13  decided to write her father a letter, telling him about her sadness. To her   14   , the father  15  , saying that he didn’t realize his mistake. From then on, he really   16  .
Sometimes, we need to let our   17  be heard, so others can understand our thoughts and feelings.
Don’ t be afraid of being   18  for what you have done. You know it is your   19  to speak your mind. Even if your suggestions are denied, at least you have tried your best. You will not be left with any   20  .

【小题5】A. opinions            B. speeches             C. songs                     C. articles
A.pleasureB.loveC.hatred D.worry
A.seldomB.neverC.always D.sometimes
A.rememberedB.reused C.touchedD.heard
A.sadlyB.suddenlyC.angrily D.finally
A.apologizedB.smiled C.laughedD.sighed


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年福建省养正中学、安溪一中高一下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Seven loyal(忠实的)readers came to the Teens Office two weeks ago. They had a wonderful day learning how to make a newspaper. But what  36  made them excited was that they had their say. 
“What most _37_ me was when I was saying something, I found all eyes were on me,” said Tang Shining, one of the students. Her friend, Li Chunbei _38_, and felt very glad that when she was talking, the editors(编辑) nodded and _39_ took notes.
Students are happy to see the editors listen to their _40_. You may often _41_about being neglected(忽视) by teachers and parents. _42__ before complaining, please make sure that you have already spoken about your _43_.
Traditionally in China, teachers at school and parents were_44_ the ones to tell teenagers what they should and shouldn’t do. The young are _45_ to doing what they are told, rather than thinking by themselves. But then their ideas would be locked in their brain and not be _46_.
A girl wrote to Teens about her family story. She _47__ to be very sad because her father seldom talked and played with her. After years of consideration, she _48_ decided to write her father a letter, telling him about her sadness. To her _49__, the father _50_, saying that he didn’t realize his mistake. From then on, he really _51_.
Sometimes, we need to let our _52__ be heard, so others can understand our thoughts and feelings.
Don’t be afraid of being _53_ for what you have done. You know it is your _54_ to speak your mind. Even if your suggestions are denied, at least you have tried your best. You will not be left with any _55_.

A.disappointedB.frightenedC.impressedD.horrified (恐惧)
A.talkB.complain C.writeD.speak
A.regret B.sadnessC.troubleD. difficulty


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖南省高三月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One of my China Dialogue colleagues in Beijing recently bought a Philips energy-saving light bulb to replace a standard one.He was happy with his choice.It may have cost 30 yuan (just under US$4.50) - ten times the price of a filament (灯丝) bulb - but he wanted to save energy as part of his low-carbon lifestyle.And according to the shopkeeper, he would save, in the long run, much more than the 30 yuan he was spending.

Yet only one month later, his expensive light bulb blew up, before he had saved even a small part of the purchase price.Will he stick to his high-cost, low-carbon lifestyle?

China's environmental organizations have started to advocate low-carbon lifestyles and the decrease of carbon footprints to help fight against climate change.But they have overlooked one fact: in China, low-carbon living comes at a high cost.It means buying energy-saving bulbs and appliances, and environmentally friendly building materials and daily goods.Cost can no longer be the only standard for purchases.An energy-saving and environmentally friendly product is more expensive than a standard alternative - whether it's a simple light bulb or the house it shines.For average consumers, even buying an ordinary bulb is a huge burden.How can we persuade ordinary people to choose an energy-saving residence? This is not a trend they can afford to follow; perhaps this fashion is only for the rich.

Most consumers today do not cause huge carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.Their responsibility lies not in choosing a low-carbon lifestyle today, but in avoiding a high-carbon life in the future.The principle of "common but differentiated responsibility" - a basis of sustainable development - can be applied here as well.

In China, low-carbon living still is resisted by a lack of social infrastructure(基础设施). Even if your salary allows you to make that choice, nobody is there to help you accomplish it.

Consider energy-saving homes. You need to find out whether or not the developer has used natural materials wherever possible; how effective the insulation(绝缘物、隔热物) is; and what the green credentials of installed equipment are.You can read up a little, but you'll still be lucky to avoid being puzzled by the developers' marketing.Many so-called energy-saving buildings are nothing of the sort, and some are even more energy-hungry than the average home - as Li Taige warned in his article "Energy-efficient buildings? Not always", on China Dialogue last August.

1. What may probably be the best title of this passage?

A. To purchase a cheap bulb - your wise alternative.

B. To choose an energy-saving residence - a must of your life

C. To learn a low-carbon lifestyle - each citizen's responsibility

D. To learn a low-carbon lifestyle - a promising but difficult purpose

2.Why does the writer say this fashion is only for the rich in the fourth paragraph?

A. Because the cost is a very important standard for purchases.        

B. Because buying an ordinary bulb is very expensive.

C. Because energy-saving products are more expensive than the common alternatives.

D. Because rich people like to follow this trend.

3. What does the writer think of energy-saving homes?

A. Most of them are environmentally friendly.

B. They are musts of low-carbon lifestyle of Chinese.

C. They are huge burdens for Chinese people.

D. Many of them are more in name than in reality.

4.We can infer from the passage that ____.

A. Using energy-saving bulbs and appliances is a fashion.

B. It's easy for most Chinese to try to learn a low-carbon lifestyle.

C. All citizens in China don’t have the same responsibility in living a low-carbon lifestyle.

D. Most Chinese families cannot afford to purchase an energy-saving residence.

5.What is the writer's attitude towards the low-carbon lifestyle?

A. informative and entertaining           B. supportive but cautious

C. negative but wise                      D. positive and active



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖南省长沙市高三10月第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One of my China Dialogue colleagues in Beijing recently bought a Philips energy-saving light bulb to replace a standard one.He was happy with his choice.It may have cost 30 yuan (just under US$4.50) - ten times the price of a filament (灯丝) bulb - but he wanted to save energy as part of his low-carbon lifestyle.And according to the shopkeeper, he would save, in the long run, much more than the 30 yuan he was spending.

Yet only one month later, his expensive light bulb blew up, before he had saved even a small part of the purchase price.Will he stick to his high-cost, low-carbon lifestyle?

China's environmental organizations have started to advocate low-carbon lifestyles and the decrease of carbon footprints to help fight against climate change.But they have overlooked one fact: in China, low-carbon living comes at a high cost.It means buying energy-saving bulbs and appliances, and environmentally friendly building materials and daily goods.Cost can no longer be the only standard for purchases.An energy-saving and environmentally friendly product is more expensive than a standard alternative - whether it's a simple light bulb or the house it shines.For average consumers, even buying an ordinary bulb is a huge burden.How can we persuade ordinary people to choose an energy-saving residence? This is not a trend they can afford to follow; perhaps this fashion is only for the rich.

Most consumers today do not cause huge carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.Their responsibility lies not in choosing a low-carbon lifestyle today, but in avoiding a high-carbon life in the future.The principle of "common but differentiated responsibility" - a basis of sustainable development - can be applied here as well.

In China, low-carbon living still is resisted by a lack of social infrastructure(基础设施). Even if your salary allows you to make that choice, nobody is there to help you accomplish it.

Consider energy-saving homes. You need to find out whether or not the developer has used natural materials wherever possible; how effective the insulation(绝缘物、隔热物) is; and what the green credentials of installed equipment are.You can read up a little, but you'll still be lucky to avoid being puzzled by the developers' marketing.Many so-called energy-saving buildings are nothing of the sort, and some are even more energy-hungry than the average home - as Li Taige warned in his article "Energy-efficient buildings? Not always", on China Dialogue last August.

1.What may probably be the best title of this passage?

A. To purchase a cheap bulb - your wise alternative.

B. To choose an energy-saving residence - a must of your life

C. To learn a low-carbon lifestyle - each citizen's responsibility

D. To learn a low-carbon lifestyle - a promising but difficult purpose

2.Why does the writer say this fashion is only for the rich in the fourth paragraph?

A. Because the cost is a very important standard for purchases.        

B. Because buying an ordinary bulb is very expensive.

C. Because energy-saving products are more expensive than the common alternatives.

D. Because rich people like to follow this trend.

3.What does the writer think of energy-saving homes?

A. Most of them are environmentally friendly.

B. They are musts of low-carbon lifestyle of Chinese.

C. They are huge burdens for Chinese people.

D. Many of them are more in name than in reality.

4.We can infer from the passage that ____.

A. Using energy-saving bulbs and appliances is a fashion.

B. It's easy for most Chinese to try to learn a low-carbon lifestyle.

C. All citizens in China don’t have the same responsibility in living a low-carbon lifestyle.

D. Most Chinese families cannot afford to purchase an energy-saving residence.

5.What is the writer's attitude towards the low-carbon lifestyle?

A. informative and entertaining           B. supportive but cautious

C. negative but wise                      D. positive and active



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届福建省、安溪一中高一下学期期末联考英语试题 题型:完型填空

 Seven loyal(忠实的)readers came to the Teens Office two weeks ago. They had a wonderful day learning how to make a newspaper. But what  36  made them excited was that they had their say. 

“What most _37_ me was when I was saying something, I found all eyes were on me,” said Tang Shining, one of the students. Her friend, Li Chunbei _38_, and felt very glad that when she was talking, the editors(编辑) nodded and _39_ took notes.

Students are happy to see the editors listen to their _40_. You may often _41_about being neglected(忽视) by teachers and parents. _42__ before complaining, please make sure that you have already spoken about your _43_.

Traditionally in China, teachers at school and parents were_44_ the ones to tell teenagers what they should and shouldn’t do. The young are _45_ to doing what they are told, rather than thinking by themselves. But then their ideas would be locked in their brain and not be _46_.

A girl wrote to Teens about her family story. She _47__ to be very sad because her father seldom talked and played with her. After years of consideration, she _48_ decided to write her father a letter, telling him about her sadness. To her _49__, the father _50_, saying that he didn’t realize his mistake. From then on, he really _51_.

Sometimes, we need to let our _52__ be heard, so others can understand our thoughts and feelings.

Don’t be afraid of being _53_ for what you have done. You know it is your _54_ to speak your mind. Even if your suggestions are denied, at least you have tried your best. You will not be left with any _55_.

1.A. directly              B. really               C. completely       D. immediately

2. A. disappointed          B. frightened           C. impressed        D. horrified (恐惧)

3. A. refused               B. disagreed            C. disliked     D. agreed 

4. A. even              B. yet              C. already      D. still

5. A. speeches          B. opinions         C. songs            D. articles

6. A. talk              B. complain         C. write            D. speak

7. A. And               B. So               C. But          D. Instead

8. A. pleasure              B. love             C. hatred   (憎恨) D. worry

9. A. seldom                B. never               C. always           D. sometimes

10. A. used             B. reduced          C. devoted      D. told

11. A. remembered           B. used             C. touched      D. heard

12. A. used             B. pretended            C. seemed       D. had

13. A. sadly                B. suddenly         C. angrily          D. finally

14. A. sorrow(悲伤)       B. disappointment       C. surprise     D. satisfaction

15.A. apologized           B. smiled               C. laughed      D. sighed

16.A. exchanged        B. changed          C. left         D. played

17. A. voices               B. decisions            C. suggestions      D. secrets

18.A. praised               B. blamed           C. beaten           D. fined

19. A. duty             B. task             C. right            D. pleasure

20. A. regret              B. sadness          C. trouble          D. difficulty


