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One cold evening, I was waiting outside for a taxi in New York city. Later, I was _______ by a man in his thirties. Obviously, he was angry, complaining how _______ New Yorkers were. I knew my _______ would only be about 10 minutes and a part of me wanted to keep _______ and just move on, but I also wanted to try and connect.

I asked him _______. He told me he had just come from JFK airport without a customer, which means $70 in lost fare(车费), a fairly big deal. I tried to share his _______. _______, he calmed down. He mentioned he had read an article saying that the happiest people are those who give. _______,he hoped to have more chances to _______ in his life, I was starting to _______ being with him!

Arriving at my destination , I paid him, giving a generous tip. I also pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, I share the same _______ of giving with you. Here's an extra little bit. _______ it ,since you’ve already _______ $70 from JFK. But, if you want to _______ the power of the gift, give it to the next _______.”

For a moment I thought I was so _______! But the driver _______ me by saying, “Sir, I have a _______ idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person and I will gift the next rider for free.”

It was a/an _______ meeting the driver and learning the lesson of how everyone is able to give and surprise another with their _______.

1.A.taken up B.picked up C.sent up D.put up

2.A.serious B.cruel C.horrible D.strict

3.A.ride B.flight C.way D.distance

4.A.free B.calm C.busy D.silent

5.A.how B.why C.what D.where

6.A.delight B.worry C.unhappiness D.surprise

7.A.Gradually B.Fortunately C.Normally D.Obviously

8.A.Otherwise B.However C.Besides D.Therefore

9.A.forgive B.share C.take D.give

10.A.mind B.regret C.enjoy D.hate

11.A.idea B.action C.practice D.story

12.A.Forget B.Keep C.Put D.Pay

13.A.earned B.saved C.lost D.wasted

14.A.experience B.exchange C.transformed D.get

15.A.tourist B.conductor C.stranger D.passenger

16.A.bad B.cool C.silly D.simple

17.A.disappointed B.satisfied C.surprised D.encouraged

18.A.newer B.further C.worse D.better

19.A.honor B.reward C.amusement D.comfort

20.A.money B.generosity C.power D.gift


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(全国卷1参考版) 题型:阅读理解



The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups. Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say. A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, or worry. Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap(间隙)with conversation. Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a person's needs. 学科&网

Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people, just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do. Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, what maybe implied(暗示) is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing. In these cultures, silence is a call for reflection.

Other cultures may use silence in other ways, particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power. For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic udner discussion. However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her. In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.

Nurses and other care-geivers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be expericencing. Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patient’s silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily. A nurse who understands the healing(治愈) value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.

1.What does the author say about silence in conversations?

A. It implies anger.

B. It promotes friendship.

C. It is culture-specific.

D. It is content-based.

2.Which of the following people might regard silence as a call for careful thought?

A. The Chinese.

B. The French.

C. The Mexicans.

D. The Russians.

3.What does the author advise nurses to do about silence?

A. Let it continue as the patient pleases.

B. Break it while treating patients.

C. Evaluate its harm to patients.

D. Make use of its healing effects.

4. What may be the best title for the text?

A. Sound and Silence

B. What It Means to Be Silent

C. Silence to Native Americans

D. Speech Is Silver; Silence Is Gold


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆市高三5月模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Every high school student wants to get into famous universities and they spend most of their time review lessons. Nowadays, many graduates find hard to be admitted to famous universities. To be honest, only the small number of students can get so golden chances. Therefore, I have a strong desire to enter for Beijing University to study. To make my dream come true, I have to know my advantage and weaknesses. Besides, I must work hard or put all my time and energy into study. Most important, I must arrange my time properly. I was approaching my dream university with every effort.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏六盘山高级中学高三第四次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





注 意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.信的格式已给出。

参考词汇:冬奥运Olympic Winter Games

Dear Li Hua,




科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏六盘山高级中学高三第四次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Shanghai Disney Resort will officially open and welcome its first guests on June 16, The Walt Disney Company and Shanghai Shendi Group announced early morning today.

“The resort will host a multi-day grand opening celebration, culminating in a spectacular welcoming ceremony for the resort’s first official guests.” The management of the resort said.

At the opening, it will include the Shanghai Disneyland, a theme park with six themed lands, two themed hotels, Disneytown, a huge shopping, dining and entertainment district and Wishing Star Park. It will also celebrate China’s rich heritage and cultural elements.

“Both shareholders and the board of directors agree this is the optimal time to welcome our first official guests to the resort,” said Philippe Gas, general manager of the resort.

Major construction of the resort is now complete and will be followed by extensive preparations to ensure the resort is fully operational and ready to greet millions of guests. The resort will continue to hire and train a new cast to join the current team of nearly 2,000 cast members and imaginers, according to the resort.

The theme park’s ticketing plan as well as other operational details of the resort will be announced at a later date.

Shanghai Disneyland, the resort’s theme park, will have six themed lands: Adventure Isle, Gardens of Imagination, Mickey Avenue, Tomorrow land, Treasure Cove and Fantasyland, with the Enchanted Storybook Castle, the largest castle in a Disney park.

Shanghai Disney Resort broke ground in 2011. The iconic castle topped off in May 2015.

1.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Shanghai Disney Resort will have some unique Chinese features.

B. The optimal time for the opening of the resort has not been decided.

C. The resort will employ 2,000 cast members and imaginers at most.

D. Millions of guests will visit Shanghai Disney Resort on the opening day.

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The ticket prices of the theme park have been announced.

B. The whole construction of Shanghai Disney Resort has already been completed.

C. Extensive preparations will have to be made before the opening of the resort.

D. The iconic castle, Disneytown, topped off in May 2015.

3.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Shanghai Disney Resort is the largest one in the world.

B. Shanghai Disney Resort is to open on June 16.

C. Shanghai Disney Resort has completed its main construction.

D. Shanghai Disney Resort will have six themed lands.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西省高三全真模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项。

Whatsonstage.com is the UK’s biggest and best online guide to the performing arts including theatre, opera, classical music, dance and so on.

◆ The Lion King

Musical: The stage adaptation of the Disney film taken from an original African story. A young lion grows up and learns that taking over the pride requires wisdom and maturity(成熟).

Place: Lyceum Theatre, Wellington Street, London

Telephone: 0870 243 9000

Date: Friday, 18 Nov. 2015

Ticket price: £37.5

◆ Oliver

Musical: Dickens’ story of a boy in a London workhouse and his adventures on the way to discovering his family. The songs include Food glorious food, You’ve got to pick a pocket or two, Who will buy this wonderful morning, I am reviewing the situation and Consider yourself at home.

Place: Theatre Royal, Catherine Street, London

Telephone: 020 7494 5061

Date: Thursday, 17 Nov. 2015

Ticket price: £25,but now save 20%

◆ Jersey Boys

Musical: It tells the story of Frankie Valli and the Four seasons: the blue-collar kids from New Jersey formed a singing group and became famous. The musical features many of the group’s popular songs such as Big girls don’t cry, Oh, what a night and Can’t take my eyes off you.

Place: Prince Edward Theatre, Old Compton Street, London

Telephone: 0870 850 9191 ---

Date: Saturday, 19 Nov. 2015

Ticket price: £22.5

◆ Alls Well That Ends Well

Play: A romantic story. Helena, daughter of a poor physician, loves Bertram, son of a Countess(女伯爵).

Place: Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Park Street, London

Telephone: 020 7401 9919

Date: Sunday, 20 Nov, 2015

Ticket price: £40.5

1.If Mary is available on Friday, which of the following should she call to buy a ticket?

A. 0870 850 9191 B. 020 7494 5061

C. 0870 243 9000 D. 020 7401 9919

2.If you want to buy a ticket at a discount, you should go to _____.

A. Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre

B. Lyceum Theatre

C. Prince Edward Theatre

D. Theatre Royal

3.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To show the importance of Whatsonstage.com

B. To give some information about the performing arts.

C. To introduce some famous English theatres.

D. To teach readers how to use the online guide.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Parents often think that time spent with their kids will gradually decrease in adolescence. But a new study suggests that while teens try to avoid spending a lot of time together with their parents, private parent-child meetings may actually increase in their early adolescent years. And that may raise a teenager’s self-esteem (自尊) and social confidence, especially if it is the time that spent with Dad, the researchers added. The researchers created a long-term study in which they invited families in 16 school districts in central Pennsylvania to participate. In each family, a teenager, a younger sibling (兄弟姐妹), their mother and their father were interviewed at home and then asked about their activities and self-worth five times over a period of seven years.

The study authors were surprised to discover that when fathers spent more time alone with their teenagers, the kids reported they felt better about themselves. Something about the father’s role in the family seemed to improve self-esteem among the teenagers in the study, said study co-author Susan McHale, a professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University.

“Time with Dad often involves joking, teasing, and other playful interactions. Fathers, compared to mothers, were more involved in leisure activities and had more peer-like interactions with their children, which is crucial for youth social development,” the study showed. But Marta Flaum, a psychologist in Chappaqua, New York, said, “How these findings reflect the real world is a real question. The sample in the study is so small and so unrepresentative of most families in the country today that I’m not sure how much we can generalize from it. In my community in Westchester County, I don’t see parents and teenagers spend much time together at all. Parents are often working so hard and have less time to be together with their kids.”

However, Flaum encourages parents to make time for their kids no matter how much work they have to do. “Research like this reminds us of how important it is. The time we have with them is so short,” she said.

1.According to the study, when teenagers spend more time alone with their fathers, _________.

A. their social skills will be improved

B. their fathers will better understand them

C. they will be willing to help their siblings

D. their family members will spend more time together

2.What is Flaum’ attitude towards the findings of the study?

A. Unconcerned B. Favorable.

C. Doubtful. D. Puzzled.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. The research by Susan McHale.

B. The work to be done.

C. Parents’ encouragement.

D. The time parents spending together with their kids.

4.Where is the passage most likely to be taken from?

A. Science magazine. B. A news report.

C. A research plan. D. An advertisement.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年云南昆明三中高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Last week, I bought an alarm system(报警系统) for about $ 450. It consisted of a control unit with three other small units. I put the control unit in the sitting room and fastened the other units by the front door, back door and living-room windows. The instructions told us to choose three numbers, so we chose 491, the last three numbers of our telephone number.

Now I must explain how the alarm works:

1. There is a power siren(警报器) in the control unit. It makes a very loud noise.

2. Each of the small units sends out beams(光束) or rays in different directions. If anything moves, it breaks a beam. This sends a signal to the control unit. The siren makes a noise that you can hear 50 meters away.

3. When we go to bed, I press the three buttons numbered 4, 9 and 1. Then we have 30 seconds to get out of the room before the alarm starts to work.

That might I slept soundly because I was sure that no burglar(夜贼) could get into our house. However, at about 2:10a.m., I woke up and heard the siren(警报).

“There must be a burglar in the house,” Mary said. “What shall we do?”

“I’ll go and see who’s there,” I said. “Stay here. Don’t make a noise.”

I went downstairs quietly. When I reached the living room, I switched on my torch and looked round the room. Then I turned the light on. I switched the siren off and searched the rooms downstairs. There was nothing wrong except that the back door was unlocked. I locked it, re-set the alarm and went back to bed.

About an hour later, the alarm started again. I jumped out of bed, fell over a chair in the dark and bumped into the bedroom door. Mary woke up and started hitting me with a torch. “Hey! Wait a minute!” I whispered. “It’s only me. I’ m going downstairs to see what’s wrong.”

I went down into the living room and listened for a moment. The only sound I could hear was the siren. I turned on the light and then switched the siren off. As I did so, I glanced across at the curtains in front of the windows. I saw a house lizard (蜥蜴) disappear behind the curtains.

“Oh!” I said to myself. “That’s our burglar.”

When the lizard moved, it started the siren. I guessed that the alarm had been made in Europe, where there are no house lizards.

Well, I won’t finish this story but if you want an alarm system free of charge, let me know. I’ll send you ours. We bought a dog this morning. It knows the difference between a lizard and a burglar.

1.The writer bought an alarm system to .

A. make sure that he got up early every day

B. warn him when there were lizards in his house

C. frighten burglars and tell him that somebody had got into the house

D. make Mary feel safe to live in the large room

2.The purpose of the three units was to .

A. send a message to the control unit and start the siren

B. sound their own sirens when the control unit told them to

C. check that the control unit worked properly all the time

D. give them enough light

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. A burglar broke into the writer’s house.

B. The writer’s wife was attacked by the burglar.

C. The alarm that the writer bought must be made in Europe.

D. It was a lizard that broke into the writer’s house.

4.The purpose of the writer in writing the passage is to .

A. tell us that the alarm system doesn’t work

B. tell us an interesting experience

C. show us how the alarm system works

D. make it clear that he wants to give away his alarm system


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In time of anger, do yourself a favor by ________ it in a quiet place so that you won’t be hurt by its flames.

A. releasing B. recovering

C. refreshing D. recycling

