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15.Because of the heavy rain,the children ought get up earlier than usual.ought后加to.

分析 因为下大雨,孩子们应该比平时起得更早.

解答 答案:ought后加to
分析句意可知,此处考查的是情态动词ought to"应该,应当"的用法;由于此处用在肯定句中,所以不能省略to,故在ought后加to.

点评 做本题时,需要掌握情态动词ought to的意义及用法;另外还应注意:在美国英语中,当ought to用于否定句和疑问句时可将to省略,但在肯定句中不能省略to.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Hisoccupation (职业) is teaching Chinese in a primary school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My fifteen-year-old son has just returned from abroad with rolls of exposed film and a hundred dollars in uncashed traveler's checks,and is asleep at the moment.His blue duffel(粗呢) bag lies on the floor where he dropped it.Obviously,he postponed as much sleep as he could:when he walked in and we hugged,his electrical system suddenly switched off,and he headed directly for the bed,where I imagine he beat his old record of sixteen hours.
It was his first trip overseas,so weeks before it,I pressed travel books on him,and a tape cassette of useful French phrases; drew up a list of people to visit; advised him on clothing and other things.At the luggage store where we went to buy him a suitcase,he headed for the du ffels,saying that suitcases were more for old people.
During the trip,he called home three times:from London,Paris,and a village named Ullapool.Near Ullapool,he climbed a mountain in a rainstorm that almost blew him of f.In the village,a man spoke to him in Gaelic,and,too polite to interrupt,my son listened to him for ten or fifteen minutes,trying to nod in the right places.The French he learned from the cassette didn't hold water in Paris.The French he talked to shrugged and walked on.
When my son called,I sat down at the kitchen table and leaned forward and hung on every word.His voice came through clearly,though two of the calls were like ship-to-shore communication.When I interrupted him with a"Great!"or a"Really?",I knocked a little hole in his communication.So I just sat and listened.I have never listened to a telephone so attentively and with so much pleasure.It was wonderful to hear news from him that was so new to me.In my book,he was the first man to land on the moon,and I knew that I had no advice to give him and that what I had already given was probably not much help.
The unused checks are certainly evidence of that.Youth travels light.No suitcase,not much luggage and a slim expense account,and yet he went to the scene,and came back safely.I sit here amazed.The night when your child returns with dust on his shoes from a country you've never seen is a night you would gladly turn into a week.
21.During the trip,the author's sonA.
A.didn't have enough sleep                    
B.ran out of money
C.forgot to call his mother                
D.failed to take good pictures
22.According to the passage,which of the following could best describe the author's son?B
A.Polite and careless.
B.Considerate and independent.
C.Creative and stubborn.
D.Self-centered and adventurous.
23.What does the underlined word"that"in the last paragraph refer to?D
A.It is important to listen to your child's story.
B.It's easy to interrupt the chat with your child.
C.The author is proud of her son landing on the moon.
D.The son no longer needs much help from his mother.
24.What can we infer from the passage?D
A.Good parents should protect their children from potential dangers.
B.The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
C.Communication between parents and children is extremely important.
D.It's a win-win choice to give a child space to experience and explore.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.A car drew up outside the Swan Hotel and a young man got out.Pausing only for a moment to see that he had come to the right place,he went into the hotel and rang the bell on the counter of the bar.
Mrs.Crump,the landlady,who was busy in the kitchen at the time,hurried out,wiping her hands.The young man raised his hat.
"Excuse me,"he said."I'm looking for my uncle,Mr.White.I believe he is staying here."
"He was staying here."Mrs.Crump corrected him."But I'm afraid that he went back to London yesterday."
"Oh,dear,"said the young man,looking disappointed."I understood that he was going to stay here until the end of the month.At least that is what his secretary told me when I rang up his office."
"Quite right,"said Mrs,Cramp."He planned to stay here the whole July,as he always does. But yesterday he got a phone call to say that his relative was ill.So he caught the train back to London immediately."
"I wish he had let me know,"The young man said."I wrote him an e-mail saying that I was coming.I've had all this trouble for nothing.Well,since he isn't here,there's no point in waiting."
He thanked Mrs.Grump and went out.Mrs.Grump went to the window and watched him drive off.When his car was out of sight,she called out:"You can come out now,Mr.White.He's gone."
Mr.White came out of the kitchen,where he had been waiting.
"Many thanks,Mrs.Grump,"he said,laughing,"you did that very well.These nephews of mine never gave me any peace.That young man is the worst of them all.As you see,when he needs money,he even follows me into the country.Well,perhaps next time he won't warn me by writing an e-mail!"
21.This story is about a manB.
A.who was very much loved by his nephews
B.who was not willing to meet his nephew
C.whose nephew went to visit him at the hotel
D.whose nephew is always asking him for help
22.When his nephew came to the hotel,Mr.WhiteC.
A.took the train back to London     
B.left to visit a sick relative
C.hid himself in the kitchen         
D.went to answer a telephone
23.Mr.White didn't like his nephews becauseD.
A.they always follow him around   
B.they usually visit him in hotels
C.they won't write to him often    
D.they frequently disturb their reatives.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

They saw a few housesin the distance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Nelson Mandela's death has been a greatloss ( 损失) not only to those in South Africa,but also the rest of the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

7.针对目前高中学生学习压力较大的现状,有人以"Effective Ways to Release the Stress"为题于上周调查采访了五个学校的500名高中学生.请你根据以下调查结果的图表写一份报告,并再谈谈自己或身边同学释放压力的有效方法.(字数150字左右)
参考词:心理咨询室the psychological consulting office

Effective Ways to Release the Stress
Nowadays more and more seniorschoolstudents are getting stressed in their studies.…


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The film is______ that one.Neither of them is worth seeing.(  )
A.not interesting thanB.not more interesting than
C.no more interesting thanD.no interesting than


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Danny,
I am very glad to hear from you.Now,I'd like to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation.         .
Wish you a happy holiday.
Li Hua.

