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2.After his wife died,the old man suffered     loneliness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  After twenty years of working full-time,I found myself with an opportu?nity to quit my job and be a stay-at-home mum. As I faced this 1 ,I felt the stirrings of longing to be more of a mother than a(n)woman. My seven-year-old daughter and four-year-old son had 3 in the day care sys?tem since they were both six weeks old. At the time,I never felt any  4  in handing my children over to them each morning. I had a 5 job that I loved and had 6  my way up to being the assistant to the vice-president of sales at an Internet company.

  I decided to  7   and begin my new job as a full-time mum,but it felt strange to lose this part of my___8__. The first time I needed to fill out a(n) for online banking, I came to the line that asked my__10___.I stared at it, not wanting to write "N/A”.11,I threw the application away,rather than  12  myself as a "non-worker".

   13 ,after months of waiting at the bus stop or making dinners,I began to 14 the whole idea. My daughter was in school,but my son Gobi was with me all day. We rollkked(嬉戏) ,took walks,and played 15 He enjoyed the  16 with me and I began to see what I had 17

  One day as we 18the ball in the park,Cobi looked up at me and said, "Mommy, do you know what I want to be when I grow up?"

  "A professional soccer player?" I asked.

  "No," he 19 at me. "I want to be a stay-at-home mum.” My 20 melted. I've never regretted since.

1.A. alternative   B. decision

 C. reality   D. opportunity

2.A. career   B.house

 C. business   D. occupation

3.A. brought up   B. waken up   C. cheered up   D. grown up

4.A. happiness   B. honour   C. regret   D. pleasure

5.A. terrible   B. busy   C. small   D. great

6.A. worked   B. found   C. picked   D. chanced

7.A. escape   B. resign   C. continue   D. delay

8.A. identity   B. interest   C. courage   D. patience

9.A. blank   B. form

 C. application   D. account

10.A. gender   B. occupation   C. salary   D. hobbies

11.A. Unwillingly   B. Certainly   C. Fortunately D. Eventually

12.A. name   B. call   C. label   D. judge

13.A. However   B. Otherwise   C. Therefore   D. Instead

14.A. get through   B. take over   C. appeal to   D. get into

15.A. basketball   B. music   C. soccer   D. chess

16.A. interest   B. time

 C. day   D. activity

17.A. accumulated   B. felt

 C. missed   D. wondered

18.A. kicked   B. made   C. played   D. handed

19.A. ran   B. pointed   C. shouted   D. smiled

20.A. voice   B. heart   C. mind   D. idea


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 If you look for a book as a present for a child,you will be spoiled for choice even in a year when there is no new Harry Potter. J. K. Rowling's wiz?ard is not alone:the past decade has been a harvest for good children's books,which has set off a large quantity of films and an increased sales of classics such as The Lord of the Rings.

  Yet despite that,reading is increasingly unpopular among children.

  According to statistics in 1997, 23 % said they didn't like reading at all. In 2003, 35 %did. And around 6 % of children leave primary school each year unable to read properly.

  Maybe the decline is caused by the increasing availability of computer games. Maybe the books boom has affected only the top of the educational pile. Either way,Chancellor Cordon Brown plans to change things for the bot?tom of the class. In his pre-budget report, he announced the national project of Reading Recovery to help the children struggling most.

  Reading Recovery is aimed at six-year-olds,who receive four months of individual daily half-hour classes with a specially trained teacher. An evalua?tion earlier this year reported that children on the scheme made 20 months' progress in just one year,whereas similarly weak readers without special help made just five months' progress,and so ended the year even further below the level expected for their age.

  International research tends to find that when British children leave pri?mary school they read well,but read less―often for fun than those elsewhere. Reading for fun matters because children who are keen on reading can expect lifelong pleasure and loving books is an excellent indicator of future educational success. According to the OEC   D.being a regular and enthusiastic reader is of great advantage.

1.Which of the following is TRUE of Paragraph 1?

   A.Many children's books have been adapted from films.

   B.Many high-quality children's books have been published.

   C.The sales of classics have led to the popularity of films.

   D.The sales of presents for children have increased.

2.Statistics suggested that________ .

   A.the number of top students increased with the use of computers

   B.a decreasing number of children showed interest in reading

   C.a minority of primary school children read properly

   D.a huge percentage of children read regularly

3.What do we know about Reading Recovery?

   A.An evaluation of it will be made sometime this year.

   B.Weak readers on the project were the most hard-working.

   C.It aims to train special teachers to help children with reading.

   D.Children on the project showed noticeable progress in reading.

4.Reading for fun is important because book-loving children ________.

   A.take greater advantage of the project

   B.show the potential to enjoy a long life

   C.are likely to succeed in their education

   D.would make excellent future researchers

5.The aim of this text would probably be________ .

   A.to overcome primary school pupils' reading difficulty

   B.to encourage the publication of more children's books

   C.to remind children of the importance of reading for fun

   D.to introduce a way to improve early children reading


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.My younger sister finds her new job very     (stress) ,but she will never give it up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.I do every single bit of housework     my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.People who can offer professional care to the old are    (受欢迎的) now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.I find all the     (staff) in our office very friendly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6.p________ sudden feeling of great fear


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.To my         (astonish) ,she recognized me at once.

