精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

  The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter (1) the world. The carriage(车厢)is filled with cold (2)passengers.

  Suddenly a little boy pushes his way through the grown-ups' legs to sit down by the window. His father chooses to stay by the door behind us. What a( an) (3) child, I think,smiling.

  The train begins to crawl into a tunnel. Then something (4) happens suddenly. The little boy slides down from his seat and leans(倾斜)his hand on my knee. He wants to (5) me and return to his father? So I help him to stand up. But instead, he holds his (6) up towards mine. He wants to say something to me? Then I (7) my head to receive the message. Wrong again!What I do receive is a(8) kiss on the cheek. The boy returns to his seat calmly, leans back and continues looking outside. I am (9) What just happened? A child is kissing an unknown grown-up on the train!How can (10) want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough,all of my neighbors are certainly kissed. Nervous and a little surprised, we (11) at the father. When he sees our questioning looks as they get ready for their stop,he offers a clue(线索).

  "He's so happy to be alive," the father says. "He has been very sick."

  The father and son (12) into the crowd, moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still (13) the child's kiss. How many grown-ups (14) kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many of us ever give any thoughts to the chance of living?

  The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson:Live your life to the fullest and don't let yourself (15) before your heart stops!

(   ) 1. A. visits    B. blocks    C. protects    D. rules

(   ) 2. A. excited    B. tired   C. scared    D. surprised

(   ) 3. A. friendly    B. awful    C. active    D. weak

(   ) 4. A. great    B. unexpected   C. unlucky    D. funny

(   ) 5. A. kick    B. cross       C.catch     D. pass

(   ) 6. A. eyes    B. ears      C. head    D. nose

(   ) 7. A. raise    B. lower     C. keep    D. shake

(   ) 8. A. loud    B. foolish     C. dirty    D. proud

(   ) 9. A. pleased    B. shocked     C. satisfied    D. feared

(   ) 10. A. somebody    B. nobody    C. anybody    D. everybody

(   ) 11. A. stare    B. smile    C. shout    D. point

(   ) 12. A. fall    B. get       C.  disappear D. follow

(   ) 13. A. touch    B. taste      C. smell    D. feel

(   ) 14. A. go around    B. show around C. turn around    D. look around

(   ) 15. A. live    B. stop       C. die    D. sleep

1. D rule此处意为"主宰";block意为"阻止,限制;大楼,大厦"。

2. B 又冷又累的乘客。

3. C 小孩穿行在人群中,显得不是很安静,是比较好动、活跃的孩子。

4. B 根据下文可知。

5. D pass意为"路过,通过"。

6. C 下句说他好像想对我说什么,故应是他将他的"头"抬起来。

7. B lower此处是动词,意为"降低"。

8. A   大声的吻。

9. B 我很震惊。

10. C 一般疑问句用anybody。

11. B 小孩做了有趣的事,人们习惯向孩子的家长微笑。stare at sb.指"长时间盯着某人看",一般带有生气的意味。

12. C 消失在人群中。

13. D 小孩虽然下车了,但我还可以感受到他给我的吻。

14. A go around doing sth.意为"经常做某事,习惯做某事"。

15. C 只要有心跳,就应该生活得充实,不做一个行尸走肉的人。

题目来源:丢分题中考英语 > 完形填空


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. ―I wonder if he      us in the discussion tonight.

     ―I believe if he      his homework,he will join us.

A,will join, will finish      B. will join,finishes

C. joins, finishes          D. joins,will finish


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 12. ―Can I get you a drink?

       ―_________ . But I have already got one.

A. That's very nice of you     B. No,you don't have to

C. Yes,please         D. With pleasure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 29. ―I won't go with you to the mountains next week. ― __________?

A. Why not    B. How C. Why    D. For what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  "I can't believe what Fm hearing!" I thought to myself. Jeff was the last candidate(候选人) for president of Student Council. My best friend Tony came to me and said, "I'm sorry,Mike. I really thought you should be    (1)  .”

  Later that day,I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a (2) "Congratulations" and walked to my usual table. To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine. "Fm,er. . . I'm just wondering if you would    (3) coming to work on my team," he said (4) "You are really smart,and you would be a great manager.” "I don't think so," I replied, feeling unsure.

  "Well,if you change your (5) ,we are meeting tomorrow”,he said before moving to another table.

All that night,I thought about the (6) from Jeff. Maybe being a part of the election process(选举过程)would give (7) a chance to make important changes at our school. I decided to join them.

  My first goal was to (8) a catchy advertisement. Within a few days,we designed a poster with Jeff s pictures showing him in a number of activities. No one could walk through any hallway (9) passing Jeff's smiling face.

  My next step was to (10) which new activities students would like to have at our school. Many of them wanted a chess club and a volleyball team.

  With the information I had collected, Jeff met with the headmaster. The headmaster (11) to add these activities to our school program.

  With the help,Jeff and our ideas were well(12) at school.

  An eighth grader said, "It'll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president."

  Hearing these words made my heart filled with (13) . I had wanted to become president of Student Council to make a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeffs team. He became the most popular candidate and I was a large part of his (14) . The fact that it has made a difference in (15) people's lives is the real prize. What a great feeling!

(   ) 1. A. heard    B. chosen C. invited    D. followed

(   ) 2. A. polite    B. loud     C. warm    D. cheerful

(   ) 3. A. suggest    B. consider C. practice    D. continue

(   ) 4. A. proudly    B. quickly C. nervously    D. regretfully

(   ) 5. A. heart    B. idea      C. mind    D. suggestion

(   ) 6. A. advice    B. chance     C. message    D. offer

(   ) 7. A. them    B. him       C. me    D. us

(   ) 8. A. print    B. invent      C. create    D. send

(   ) 9. A. for        B. from      C. with    D. without

(   ) 10. A. carry out    B. try out     C. work out    D. find out

(   ) 11. A. agreed    B. wanted        C. expected    D. asked

(   ) 12. A. allowed    B. received      C. introduced    D. required

(   ) 13. A. pride    B. surprise       C. patience    D. hope

(   ) 14. A. luck    B. spirit          C. life    D. success

(   ) 15. A. the other    B. another      C. other    D. the others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  I hate to say,but I have a problem. Actually, I'm not sure what my problem is. But whatever it is,I need    (1) .

  It seems like I'm always doing favors(帮忙)for people, and I (2) have time for myself. I mean,I like people, and I want them to like me,but it's getting to be too much.

  You see,like this week,I'm taking care of Rex. It's a dog that (3) a woman in my office. How did I (4) up taking care of this dog? I don't even like dogs. I was in the office, and Sheila (5) that she was having trouble finding a dog-sitter. And she said (6) she couldn't find a dog-sitter,she couldn't go on vacation. And suddenly I said, "Oh, I can take care of the dog for you. No problem. " (7) did I say that? I always seem to get into(陷入)this kind of (8).

  Just last week,a guy across the hall had a problem with his toilet. So he called me!And I don't even (9) this guy. He said that another neighbor said that I was really (10) fixing things, and that he was sure I would be willing to help him. So how could I say (11) ?So I fixed it,and I really didn't mind;it only took me about an hour.

  It's not only my (12) and people in my office. Like yesterday, my brother needed help to fix a broken window. I drove two hours to his house to help. It only took ten minutes to repair it, (13) my whole day was killed. And Rex chewed up my sofa while I was gone. These kinds of things happen to me all the time.

Oh,there's a (14)。 That's probably Emily's. She's moving out this weekend, and I told her I,d help her    (15) I just couldn't say no.

  Oh,what am I going to do?
(   ) 1. A. help    B. money    C. challenge    D. confidence

(   ) 2. A. even    B. only    C. just    D. never

(   ) 3. A. depends    B. holds on to   C. belongs to    D. gets along with

(   ) 4. A. end    B. look      C. stay    D. make

(   ) 5. A. supposed    B. suggested   C. imagined    D. mentioned

(   ) 6. A. whether    B. unless    C. if    D. that

(   ) 7. A. Why    B. What      C. When    D. Where

(   ) 8. A. danger    B. situation C. friendship    D. happiness

(   ) 9. A. see    B. know      C. like    D. care

(   ) 10. A. good at    B. proud of    C. used to    D. interested in

(   ) 11. A. sorry    B. yes      C. no    D. thanks

(   ) 12. A. classmates    B. neighbors   C. friends    D. parents

(   ) 13. A. and    B. or      C.so     D. but

(   ) 14. A. letter    B. phone    C. bus    D. train

(   ) 15. A. travel    B. stay     C. leave    D. pack


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Music and Behavior

  Where did you go yesterday?Did you hear any (1) ?Today, most stores and restaurants play music. You might    (2) hear music in an office or on a farm.

  Scientists believe that music changes the (3) people behave(举止).According to some scientists, the sound of western classical(古典的)music makes people (4) richer. When a restaurant plays classical music,people spend (5) money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays (6) music, people spend less money. With (7) music,people spend even less.

  Scientists also (8) that loud,fast music makes people eat faster. In fact,people (9) their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their (10) hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants (11) make more money in this way.

  Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say (12) music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are (13) . And listening to music can help you relax.

The (14) time you hear music somewhere, be (15) . It might change the way you do things.

(   ) 1. A. music    B. stories     C. songs    D. sound

(   ) 2. A. already    B. even    C. hardly    D. never

(   ) 3. A. way    B. time        C. idea    D. place

(   ) 4. A. become    B. get       C. feel    D. look

(   ) 5. A. much    B. more       C. little    D. less

(   ) 6. A. pop    B. modern     C. light    D. country

(   ) 7. A. no    B. much        C. any    D. some

(   ) 8. A. think    B. hope     C. realize    D. believe

(   ) 9. A. cook    B. order      C. eat    D. make

(   ) 10. A. free    B. busy     C. happy    D. sad

(   ) 11. A. can    B. should     C. can't    D. needn't

(   ) 12. A. how    B,why      C. what    D. that

(   ) 13. A. excited    B. interested    C. confident    D. relaxed

(   ) 14. A. first    B. second    C. next    D. last

(   ) 15. A. quiet    B. quick     C . happy    D. careful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Ma Yan is not really a writer. But this 15-year-old girl has written a book that has moved many people around the world. Ma Yans Diary tells us about Ma's life. She lives in a poor village called Zhangjiashu in Tongxin,Ningxia,and she has no money to go to school. But she is brave and has a strong desire(欲望)to go to school.

  Her mother gave her diary to a French reporter,Pierre Haski,when he went to Zhangjiashu in 2001. Now it has been published in France,Italy,Germany,Japan and China.

  Ma is now a Junior Three student at Yuwang Middle School in Tongxin. But she had to leave school twice before. The first time she had to quit school because her mum told her there was no money for her to go to school. She worked for 21 days and saved 13 yuan. With this money she continued her study. The second time,her family told her she had to leave school so her two brothers could have enough money to go to school.

  "I want to study," Ma wrote in her diary. "Why can boys study but girls can't? It would be wonderful if I could finish my study at school."

  Ma loves school so much because she wants to have a better life.

 My parents work hard in the fields but they are still poor. They have no knowledge. Most girls in my village leave school early and get married young. I don't want that kind of life," Ma said.

After her story became known,many French students sent money to her. Ma's dream is the same as ever. She hopes to go to Tsinghua University and become a reporter. "Then I can find poor kids like me and help them," she said.

(   ) 1. Which of the following can describe Ma Yan's character(性格)best?

A. Brave. B. Pretty. C. Lucky. D. Poor.
(   ) 2. Now you can find Ma Vans Diary in all the following countries EXCEPT         .

A. Germany    B. Britain C. Japan    D. France

(   ) 3. Which of the following is the main reason for Ma Yans Diary to be published?

A.     Her mother gave her enough money to publish the book.

B.     She wrote about the poor life in her village.

C.     She is very good at writing.

D.     Her diary was read by a French reporter.

(   ) 4. Which is the reason for her leaving school for the second time?

A.     She had to help her mother do some housework.

B.     Her brothers studied better than she did.

C.     Girls were not equally treated(平等对待)in their village.

D.     She didn't study hard.

(   ) 5. Ma Yan wants to study because she wants to         .

A.     teach her parents knowledge

B.     get more money for her study in Tsinghua University

C.     become more famous

D.     get more knowledge to change her own life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                     Enjoy Your Favorites in Star Cinema


Fri. -Sun.

Voldemort:14:00; 16: 00

Lord of the Rings H—The Two Towers; 14:00;16:00;20:00;22: 00 Mon. -Thurs.

The Lion King;Shrek H: 12:00;14:00;16:00;20:00


Fri. -Sun.

Goblet of Fire: 14:00;16:00

Lord of the Rings W—The Return of the King: 14:00;16:00;20:00;22:00 Mon. -Thurs.

Lord of the Rings H—The Two Towers;12:00;14:00;16:00;20: 00 Voldemort:12:00;14:00;16: 00

  Tickets must be booked any time up to SO minutes before the film starts. Ticket holders are given seat numbers.

  Drinks are provided. Food may be bought from the shop and eaten in the area provided outside the cinema.

  Ticket price:Adults: $16;Children under 6 : $6;Students under 16: $10 Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the cinema. Mobile phones must be powered off. 

(   ) 1. What film can you see on a Saturday night in October?

A.     Lord of the Rings III ―The Return of the King.

B.     Lord of the Rings II ―The Two Towers.

C.     The Lion King;Shrek U .

D.     Voldemort.

(   ) 2. When can you see the film Voldemort?

A. Tuesday,October, 4 p.m. B. Tuesday, October, 10 p.m.

C. Thursday, September, 8 p.m. D. Friday, September, 4 a.m.

(   ) 3. How much will it cost for a family with two children (one is 5 and the other is 8) to

see a film?

A.   $22. B.   $30. C.   $44. D. $48.

(   ) 4. When can people book tickets?

A.     The day before the film.

B.     Anytime before the film.

C.     An hour before the film.

D. No later than half an hour before the film. 

(   ) 5. What can you do in the cinema?

A. Eat some food. B. Have some drinks.

C. Make a phone call. D. Smoke in the area provided.

