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Dr Yuan is now c___________ his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In g             , he is a good guy.

For v____________ reasons, many students were late for school this morning..

He e_____   _      us for hours with his stories and jokes.

There must be some m______            (误解)--- I thought I ordered the smaller model.

The old man is c______________ with his present country life.

The local doctor couldn't tell what was wrong, so he went to see a s_________  _(专家) in Shanghai.

What made her succeed later on was the kindness and c___________ she showed to all her patients.

Dr Yuan is now c___________ his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests.

The teacher told us to u_______ _       (划线) the difficult words and look them up.

Venice is one of the greatest tourist a____________   of the world.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年云南省芒市中学高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】They were in the time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases.
【小题2】The earth dissolves harm gases and acids into the oceans and seas.
【小题3】Its population are increasing rapidly.
【小题4】According a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions
【小题5】People say Vancouver is Canada’s most beautiful city, surround by the mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
【小题6】She helped improve prison condition and gave prisoners work and education.
【小题7】By chance I came cross an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.
【小题8】I looked carefully at the text and realize that it was intended for women in the countryside.
【小题9】Dr Yuan is quite satisfying with his life.
【小题10】As a young man, he saw the great need for increase the rice output.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届甘肃省高一5月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

(a) Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp_____1_____. She spent years _____2______ and recording their daily activities. Since her ______3_______ she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment.

(b) For forty years Jane Good all has been ______4_____ about making the rest of the world understand and ____5______ the life of these animals. She has ____6_____ that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for ______7_______ or advertisements.

(c) Indeed, his ____8____ face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for___9____he has____10____for the past five ____11______ .

(d) Dr Yuan is quite _____12_____ with his life. However, he doesn’t ____13____ about being famous. He feels it gives him less ____14______ to do his research. He would much ___15_____ keep time for his hobbies



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年海南中学高一下学期期末测试英语 题型:填空题

以下是两篇课文选段,请任意选择一篇,并根据课文,在文中划线处填上适当单词,每空一词, (共10小题,计10分) 

1) Born in 1930, Dr Yuan __1___ from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then,   2  ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output. At that time,   3  was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside. Dr Yuan _4__ for a way to increase rice harvests without __5__ the area of the fields. In 1950, Chinese farmers could produce only fifty million tons of rice. In a recent harvest, however, nearly two hundred million tons of rice was produced. These ___6___ harvests mean that 22% of the world’s people are __7__ from just 7% of the farmland in China. Dr Yuan is now __8___ his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests. __9___ to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to __10__ the world of hunger. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.

2) The most universal   1   expression is, of course, the smile---its   2  is to show happiness and put people at   3  . It does not always mean that we are   4  happy, however. Smiles around the world can be _ , hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. There are   5  smiles, such as when someone “lose face” and smiles to   6  it. However, the general   7  of smiling is to show good feelings.

From the time we are babies, we show   8  or anger by frowning. In most places around the world, frowning and turning one’s back to someone shows anger.   __9 _ a fist and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and   10_  another person.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011年浙江绍兴一中高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:单词拼写


1.In g             , he is a good guy.

2.For v____________ reasons, many students were late for school this morning..

3.He e_____   _      us for hours with his stories and jokes.

4.There must be some m______            (误解)--- I thought I ordered the smaller model.

5.The old man is c______________ with his present country life.

6.The local doctor couldn't tell what was wrong, so he went to see a s_________  _(专家) in Shanghai.

7.What made her succeed later on was the kindness and c___________ she showed to all her patients.

8.Dr Yuan is now c___________ his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests.

9.The teacher told us to u_______ _       (划线) the difficult words and look them up.

10.Venice is one of the greatest tourist a____________   of the world.



