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 I wonder _______ there are so many natural disasters across the world in 2010.

    A.why is it            B.it is why that       C.why is it that       D.why it is that



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

---I wonder why Mr Green hasn’t showed up at the meeting yet.

 ---I’m not sure, but he _______ in a traffic jam driving here.

 A. could be stuck        B. might stuck

 C. might have been stuck D. must have stuck


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2009天津一中月考)一“It looks as if he were drunk.” “So it does. _____.”

    A. He’d better give up drinking

    B. He shouldn’t have drunk so much

    C. Health is more important than drink

    D. I wonder why he is always doing so


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Many years ago my student asked me the question, "Mrs. Kindred, why do you teach?" Without taking time to reflect, I answered, "Because someday I might say something that might make a difference in someone's life." Even though I was sincere, that wasn't a very good answer and my student didn't let it slide.

"Let me get this straight," he said, "You went to college for four years so you could come here every day because you have the hope that someday you might say something that will influence someone?" He shook his head as if I were crazy and walked away looking confused. I'm one of those people who look back and wish they had said something smart or witty, or swift.

Even though that particular student might no longer wonder why I teach, there are days when I wonder. On those days, I remind myself of the real reasons I teach:

It's in my blood. My mother was my most influential teacher, and she was a 6th grade reading teacher until her death in 1990. She instilled(逐渐灌输) in me a love of reading and the knowledge that education opens doors.

Teaching is a way to make a difference. If you throw a stone in a pond the ripples go on and on until they reach the shore. You can't have ripples without a "stone." Good teachers throw stones that make a positive difference, and that's what I strive to do.

I genuinely love teenagers. I want to share with others what I know and what I have learned through the years. Life is full of ups and downs, and if I can help students avoid some potholes on the road of life, I want to do so. If they'll allow me to celebrate their victories with them, I want to do too.

Teaching isn't for everyone, but I know I made the right career choice.

Why did the student continue to ask the question about the writer’s being a teacher?

  A. Because he thought her answer was unbelievable.  

  B. Because the writer was insincere.

  C. Because the student was naughty.                

D. Because the answer was difficult to understand.

What do you think of the writer?

  A. Stupid.                       B. Honest.                    C. Conservative.                   D. Polite.

According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?

  A. The writer’s mother has the greatest influence on her.

  B. The writer’s answer made the student confused.

  C. In the writer’s opinion, some people in the world are unfit to teach.

  D. The writer annoyed the student who asked the question.

We can infer from the text that _________.

  A. the writer was also a good teacher in school

  B. the writer often plays with her students beside a pond

  C. the writer devotes herself to teaching and her students

  D. the writer often accompanies the students on their way home

What’s the main idea of the text?

  A. A student’s silly question.                                 B. A good teacher who likes students.

  C. A confused student.                                          D. The reason why I teach.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年河北省保定三中高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】Finally he even encouraged me to _______(反驳 驳斥) the authors I’d read!
【小题2】As he was not allowed to ____________(陪伴) her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.
【小题3】In 1942 he joined the __________(全体员工)of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a junior chemisht and worked there for three years.
【小题4】I _________(嗅,闻) the food;it smelled delicious.
【小题5】It marked a ______________(界限 分界线) and I thought I was very brave when I swam over the edge of the reef and looking down into the depths of the ocean.
【小题6】I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language, even though I could not ____________(参加 参与) in the conversation.
【小题7】The yellow and green parrotfish was hanging upside down and __________(吮吸) tiny plants off t the coral with its hard bird-like mouth.
【小题8】In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger _________________(心理地,精神上地) and become more independent.
【小题9】When I miss my family, it’s a great comfort to have a ______________(代替者 代用品) family to be with.
【小题10】Sometimes I wonder how ____________(有关的 切题的) chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届四川乐山一中高二下期第二阶段考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my __36__, it was the same score.

Later that evening, I _37_ told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agree that we knew our _38_ much better than an IQ test. We _39_ that Michael’s score must have been a __40___ and we should treat him ___41___ as usual.

We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year. He got _42 _ grades in the school, especially _43_ biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort.

Michael _44_ Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student, soon afterwards, his teachers permitted him to take more courses than _45_. In 1968, he was accepted by the School of Medicine, Yale University.

On graduation day in 1972, Frank and I _46_ the ceremony  at Yale. After the ceremony, we told Michael about the _47_ IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at us and say _48_, “My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldn’t be a doctor, not until after I graduated from medical school!” It is his special way of thanking us for the _49_ we had in him.

Interestingly, Michael then _50_ another IQ test. We went to the same clinic where he had _51_ the test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points. A result like that was supposed to be _52_.

Children often do as _53_ as what adults, particularly parents and teachers, _54_ of them. That is, tell a child he is “ _55_”, and he may play the role of a foolish child.

1.                A.joy            B.surprise        C.dislike    D.disappointment


2.                A.tearfully        B.fearfully        C.cheerfully D.hopefully


3.                A.student         B.son            C.friend    D.doctor


4.                A.argued         B.realized         C.decided  D.understood


5.A. joke           B. mistake      C. warning          D wonder.

6.                A.specially        B.strictly          C.naturally  D.carefully


7.                A.poor           B.good           C.average  D.standard


8.                A.in             B.about          C.of   D.for


9.                A.visited         B.chose          C.passed   D.entered


10.               A.allowed        B.described       C.required  D.offered


11.               A.missed         B.held           C.delayed   D.attended


12.               A.high           B.same          C.low   D.different


13.               A.curiously       B.eagerly         C.calmly D.jokingly


14.               A.faith           B.interest        C.pride D.delight


15.               A.looked for      B.asked for       C.waited for D.prepared for


16.               A.received       B.accepted       C.organized  D.discussed


17.               A.imperfect       B.impossible      C.uncertain  D.unsatisfactory


18.               A.honestly        B.much          C.well D.bravely


19.               A.hear           B.learn          C.expect    D.speak


20.               A.wise           B.rude           C.shy   D.stupid



