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【题目】On top of a gardener, Mrs. Johnsons has also taken up an _______ as a wine-maker.

A. inspiration B. Ambition

C. affair D. occupation



试题分析:句意为:除了做园艺工人,约翰逊还从事酿酒师这个职业。A项 inspiration “启示”;B项 ambition “雄心”;C项 affair“事务”;D项.occupations消遣,故选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Were you into skateboardingsurfing or snowboarding when you were a kidWe can remember our first (less than successful) go at skateboardingas well as the first time we managed to stand up on one of those surfboards.

It was so much fun that we were hooked for life. Howevernot everyone thinks that introducing children to extreme sports is a good idea.

In the article from The New York Timeswriter Jon Lackman considers whether sports like snowboardingclimbing and skateboarding could be dangerous to the growing bodies of young children and looks for advice from medical professionals.

“Kids aren’t mentally ready for these activities” says professor of orthopaedics(矫形外科)Dr. Vani Sabesan. “They tend to underestimate(低估) the risksand their parents can’t always be trusted to keep them in check. ”

Sabesan is particularly worried about the effects of extreme sports on TV and the Internet on children. “What we’re seeing is a lot of kids thinking maybe they can do what these professional athletes can do. ”

As someone who was encouraged to give bodyboarding a go by the age of five and then presented with a surfboard aged sevenI think these worries are a little overstated(夸大的)if not misplaced.

Extreme sports can be dangerousyesbut there’s as much chance of falling off your bike or your roller skates as off a skateboard or surfboard.

My own experience of extreme sports leads me to think that I’ll allow my own kids to try them in the same way my parents allowed me.

In sports such as surfing and snowboardingthere’s a sense of adventure and courage that is important to instill(慢慢灌输) in young children.

Did I fall off my surfboardAll the time. Did I get back onEvery time.

Are the more extreme sports too dangerous for younger kids and better saved for teenagersAre extreme sports a great experience for all children to have and a great way to make the most out of your childhood?

1What does the underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?



2What’s Jon Lackman’s attitude towards kids taking part in extreme sports?



3What did the author’s parents expect him to do when he was very young?

A.To have a spirit of adventure.

B.To set a good example to others.

C.To become a professional athlete.

D.To get away from extreme sports.

4What does the author think of extreme sports?

A.They are really very dangerous for kids.

B.They are as easy to learn as roller skating.

C.They are helpful for kids to find their courage.

D.They are more suitable for teenagers than kids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—If you are free,I’ll invite you to see a film tomorrow.

.It couldn’t be better.

A. I’m sorry B.Thank you

C.That’s right D.Don’t mention it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Forrest Gump is the first English film I have ever seen.

A.which B.that C.when D.what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The two companies have decided to join hands to __________ a new market.

2Nowadays skillful blue-collar workers are __________ all over the country.

3Many people in big cities in the world are __________ traffic jams.

4It is said that the environmental pollution here __________ this kind of material.

5As long as you work hard, your boss will __________ it and what you do will pay off sooner or later.

6She is preparing materials to __________ a position as an accountant in a company.

7__________ my question, he wrote a letter to me.

8These activities __________ fun __________ hard work and let you loosen up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】-Must I fetch the book for you now?

-No, you needn't. It's not __________. I can wait till tomorrow.

A. anxious B. instant

C. hurried D. urgent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







My trip to London during my last summer holiday, when could be one of the most unforgettable travel experience of my life, lasted three weeks. It was my first time to staying in a foreign country alone. In the fact, I went there to study in a summer school, but I really learned something about the lifestyle and culture of Britain. In addition, I made friends with students from differently countries. We introduced the customs of our own countries each other. 1 learned such much from them. They helped us know more about other countries. Since then, I had kept in touch with my friends over the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Mum, where are my new socks?

How _______ I know? You’d better not put your things everywhere.

A. shall B. will C. should D. might


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Only you step into society can you learn practical things.

A. while B. that C. when D. as

