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16.Suppose you don't need your car today.And suppose,as it happens,that a stranger in your area does need a car.Would you be willing to rent yours out?
Severalcar-sharing start-ups,including Getaround,RelayRides and JustShareIt,are eager to conneccar owners with renters this way.The companies have different rules,but participating owners receive,generally speaking,about two-thirds of the rental earnings.RelayRides says an owner of a midsize,late-model sedan who rents out a car for 10hours a week could expect to clear about$3,000a year.
Peer-to-peer car sharing remains in the trial stage; it can be found in San Francisco and a few other places.It has a long way to go before it becomes the auto equivalent of Airbnb,the surprise success story for peer-to-peer sharing of space in apartments and houses.
Shelby Clark,founder of RelayRides,says potential investors in his company have been concerned that owners will be afraid to hand their car over to strangers.To address that,he points to Airbnb,saying,"Letting people sleep in your living room is much more of a disturbance into your personal space than letting someone use your car."
All of these companies offer their own insurance coverage for their renters,which are supposed to put owners'minds at ease.But only two states-California and Oregon-have passed laws to clarify that an owner will not suffer any consequences should a car-sharing renter have an accident.
"In all the other states,legal ambiguity remains,"Shelby Clark says."If a renter should be involved in a serious accident in those states,the victim can be expected to go after every party possible,including the car's owner."
Also to remove the worries of car owners,the driving records of renters are checked for recent serious violations.

56.What does the underlined word"sedan"in Paragraph 2probably refer to?D
A.A kind of car.      B.An owner of a car.
C.A renting company.  D.A car-sharing renter.
57.Which of the following is true of Airbnb?A
A.It cares little about personal privacy.
B.It deals with house-sharing successfully.
C.It is a very popular car-sharing company.
D.Its ideas are being tried out in some states.
58.If a car-sharing renter should have an accident in California,the car's ownerB.
A.has to take legal responsibility
B.will not suffer the consequence
C.is not covered by health insurance
D.must pay the insurance for the renter
59.According to the text,more car-owners will participate in the service,ifA
A.legal ambiguity is clarified in all the states
B.renters are warned not to violate traffic rules
C.more money is given to participating owners
D.people are aware of the importance of sharing
60.It can be learned from the text that car-sharingD
A.makes no profit
B.remains in popularity
C.is against the state law 
D.is a new business model.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们介绍了现在美国兴起的一个共同使用小汽车的新兴行业的内容和经营模式.

解答 56.D.词义猜测题.根据第一段"RelayRides says an owner of a midsize,late-model sedan who rents out a car for 10hours a week could expect to clear about$3,000a year"新型轿车租了一辆10几个小时一周可以清楚关于$3000a年;可知意为租赁公司;故选D.
57.A.推理判断题.根据文章第三段中的"before it becomes the auto equivalent of Airbnb,the surprise success story for peertopeer sharing of space in apartments and houses"可知,Airbnb是一家成功进行房屋共享的公司,故答案为A项.
58.B.细节理解题.根据文章第五段中的"But only two states-California and Oregon-have passed laws to clarify that an owner will not suffer any consequences should a carsharing renter have an accident."可知,在California和Oregon两个州,如果租用者出了事故,车主是不会受到任何影响的,故答案为B项.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.They didn't go to the music festival because they didn't buy tickets.
If theyhad bought tickets,they would have gone to the music festival.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.We have been trading(做生意)with their company in silk these years.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Left Handedness
What do Leonardo da Vinci,Marie Curie,and Albert Einstein have in common?They were all left-handed,along with other famous people including Barack Obama.In fact,an estimated 13percent of the world's population (25)may/canbe left-handed.
Most people are right-handed.This fact also seems to have held true (26)throughouthistory.In 1977,scientists studied works of art made at various times starting with cave drawings from 15,000B.C.and ending with paintings from the 1950s.Most of the people(27)shown/showed(show) in these works of art are right-handed.
Many researchers claim (28)to have found(find)relationships between left-handedness and various physical and mental characteristics.However(29)someof these connections are very weak,and others have not been proven.What makes a person become right-handed rather than left-handed?As yet,no one really knows for sure.(30)No matter whatreasons may be behind it,people's attitudes toward left-handedness have changed a lot over the years.There are even a number of shops(31)specializing(specialize) in selling products for left-handed people,such as left-handed scissors,can openers,guitars,and even a left-handed camera.In 1976,Left-Handers International,a group of left-handed people in Topeka,Kansas,in the United States,decided to start (32)anannual event in order to clear up misunderstandings about left-handedness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A new study suggests that early exposure to germs(细菌) strengthens the immune(免疫的)system.That means letting children get a little dirty might be good for their health later in life.
The study involved laboratory mice.It found that adult mice raised in a germ-free environment were more likely to develop allergies.asthma and other autoimmune disorders. There are more than eighty disorders where cells that normally defend the body instead attack tissues and organs.
Richard Blumberg,who led the study,is a professor at'Harvard Medical School in Boston,Massachusetts.He says,in 1989,medical researchers who sought to explain these diseases,first discovered that the increasing use of antibacterial soaps and other products,especially early in life,could weaken immune systems.
Now,Dr.Blumberg and his team have what is the first biological evidence to link early exposure to germs to stronger adult immune systems.They say this exposure could prevent the development of some autoimmune diseases.
In the adult germ-free mice,they found that inflammation(发炎)in the lungs and colon was caused by so-called killer T cells.These normally fight infection.But they became overactive and targeted healthy tissue-an autoimmune condition seen in asthma and a disease called ulcerative colitis.
Dr,Blumberg says the mice raised in a normal environment did not have the same reaction.He says their immune systems had been"educated"by early exposure to germs.
Rates of autoimmune disorders are rising worldwide,but mostly in wealthier,industrialized countries.According to Dr.Blumberg,it might be high time that people were warned to be more careful with the early use of antibiotics(抗生素) and the prescription from their doctors.
Rob Dunn is a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.He says the new study does not mean people should stop washing."Wash your hands,but don't do it with antibacterial soap.Let your kids play in a reasonable amount of dirt and get outside and get exposed to a diversity of things",says Rob Dunn.
71.Who first found immune systems might get harmed by overly using antibacterial products?C
A.A professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.
B.A professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
C.Medical researchers who tried to explain autoimmune disorders.
D.Medical researchers who tried to treat autoimmune disorders.
72.To keep healthy in the future,children had betterA.
A.play in a dirty environment once in a while
B.live in a germ-free endronrnent
C.use plenty of antibacterial soaps
D.stay in under developed countries
73.Why are germ-free mice easy to develop lung inflanunation?B
A.Because their T celh fight bacteria effectively.
B.Because their T cells attack the healthy tissues.
C.Because their lungs become abnormally active.
D.Because their lungs have weaker tissues.
74.It can be inferred from the text thatD.
A.washing hands is no longer a good habit for children
B.antibiotics will be forbidden in children's hospitals
C.exposure to dirt helps build children's character
D.the abuse of antibiotics may be condemned
75.Where does this text most probably come from?C
A.A teacher's handbook.     B.A story book.
C.A science magazine.       D.A travel journal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.Which came first,the chicken or the egg?This is one of life's (1)C questions and people have been debating about it for thousands of years.Now scientists believe they have solved this (2)A.Researchers from Sheffield and Warwick Universities in England discovered the answer (3)B.They used a super computer to observe the shell-making process while a new shell was (4)D.Then they found one protein called OC17that is (5)A for forming eggshell.This is only found inside a chicken's body,which is proof that the (6)C came first.The team was (7)B looking at how animals and birds make eggshells but suddenly made their surprising (8)D.The big question now is where chickens came from.The (9)A is from dinosaurs.
The research team said eggshells are one of nature's most (10)D creations.Professor John Harding from the team told reporters:"Understanding how chickens make eggshells is fascinating in itself,but it can also be (11)B in designing new materials."Eggshells are very lightweight but incredibly strong.Even the most up-to-date materials (12)C by the world's top engineers cannot produce anything as (13)A as an eggshell.Professor Harding added that (14)C eggshells could help to cure bone diseases and design materials for the construction industry."Nature has found wonderful ways that (15)B for all kinds of problems in materials science and technology-we can learn a lot from them."he said.

3.A.on purposeB.by chanceC.without hesitationD.at work


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.About 69million people have been addicted to,          you'd call it,er…Farm Ville-a farming game on line.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

5.文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词.删除:把多余的词用 (\) 划掉. 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.
2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分.
One Sunday last month I go shopping with my friends.Luckily in a crowded store,I had my wallet losing.I was such upset that I almost shouted.I was afraid to tell to my parents the truth.So I went back to school without some money.I didn't know what to do next.I didn't eat anything Monday.My roommate Mary found something wrong with me but she asked me about the pro blem.I told him the truth.Then Mary lent me some money,with that I lived through the terrible week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Today I visited the Smiths--my first time visit to a American family.They live in a small town.It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.They offered me coffee and another drinks.We have a good time talking and laughing together.They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question.In fact,they are planning to visit China in next year.

