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完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。

                             ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

              Some people believe that women are better drivers than men.1 ,others think that women make worse drivers. The idea that women make 2 driyers is a stereotype(刻板印象) . It comes from a time when women drove less than men,and 3 was seen as a man's responsibility,mere are certainly 4 views on this controversial questioji , 5 there a number of reasons why a woman, s prsonality makes her a more ccwipe纪咐(能胜任 的) driver.

              Firstly,women are more patient and polite towards other road 6 ,such as pedestrians and cyclists. In stressful situations they are more likely to stay 7 , and less likely to be involved in road rage (愤怒) ” incidents. Secondly,female drivers are more 8 so they take fewer risks,for example when overtaking. Thirdly,they are more responsible and 9  they tend not to drive when tired or after drinking alcohol.

              l0,many people argue that women cause accidents because they may react slowly because they 11  confidence. In addition,they are 12 disturbed,for example,by children in the car. Research also 13 that women find map reading more 14 than men,and can have problems with the difference between left and right. Despite the fact that women have more accidents,15 is often cheaper for them because the accidentslend to be minor. In particular,women have accidents when parking. This is because women often have 16 spatial(空间的;) ayareness. In contrast,men to 17  more serious accidents.

               To sum up,it can be seen that women make 18 drivers than men because of their 19 . This is generally 20 by the fact that women have fewer accidents and pay lower insurance than men. On balance,it is clear that women are less competitive and aggressive than men behind the wheel and therefore better drivers.

1.A. Besides   B. However   C. Otherwise   D. Therefore

2.A. brighter   B. better   C. worse   D. nicer

3.A. driving   B. working   C. teaching   D. inventing

4.A. popular   B. strong   C. positive   D. different

5.A. since   B. unless   C. although   D. when

6.A. users   B. planners   C. engineers. D. cleaners

7.A. quiet   B. silent   C. calm   D. healthy

8.A. cautious   B. honest   C. dangerous   D. nervous

9.A. still   B. yet   C. even   D. thus

10.A. At the same time    B. In fact

   C. On the other hand   D. In general

11.A. have   B. lack   C. share   D. lose

12. A. easily   B. slightly   C. normally   D. unexpectedly

13.A. studies   B. produces   C. explores   D. shows

14.A. interesting   B. important   C. difficult   D. relaxing

15.A. route   B. insurance   C. license   D. equipment

16.A. poor   B. deep   C. direct   D. full

17. A. survive   B. cause   C. prevent   D. record

18.A. cleverer   B. happier   C. greater   D. safer

19.A. confidence   B. habit   C. faith   D. personality

20.A. decided   B. supported   C. affected   D. expressed

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. B



1. B. 前后句之间表示转折关系,士用“然而(However) ”。

2. C. 由上文中的 others think that women make Worse drivers可知,此处指认为女 司机是“更糟糕的(worse) ”司机的想法是一种刻板印象。

3. A. 由上文中的woman drove less than men可知,“开车(driving) ”被认为是男性的职责。

4. D. 由下文中的 this controversial question可知,人们对这个有争议的问题有“不同的(different) ”看法。

5. C. 上下文表示让歩关系,故用“尽管 (although) ”。

6. A. 由下文中的 such as pedestrians and cyclists可知,此处指其他的道路“使用者(users) ”。

7. C. 由上文中的stressfulsituations以及下文中的less likely to be involved in“road rage” incidents可知,女司机在压力大的情况下更可能保持“冷静(calm) ”。

8. A. 由下文中的so they take fewer risks可知,女司机比男司机更“谨慎(cautious) ”。

9. D. they are more responsible与 they tend not to drive when tired or after drinking alcohol之间表示因果关系,故用“因此 (thus) ”。

10. C. 上文中讲述了女司机的优点,由该空后的 many people argue that women cause accidents可知,本段要讲述女司机 的另一面,故用“另一方面(On the other hand) ”。 

11. B. 由上文中的 they may react slowly可知,女司机“缺乏(lack)”自信。

12. A. 由下文中的by children in the car可知,女司机在开车时很“容易(easily)”受到干扰。

13. D. 

14. C.由上文中的Research以及下文中的 have problems with the difference between left and right可知,研究“表明(shows) ”,相比起男性,女性发现看地图更“难(difficult) ”。

15. B. 由下文中的 pay lower insurance 可知,尽管女司机会有更多的事故,但是这些事故都是小事故,她们交的“保险 (insurance)”也常常便宜。

16. A. 由上文中的 women have accidents when parking以及下文中的spatial awareness可知,女司机的空间感比较“差(poor) ”。

17. B. 由上文对女司机造成事故的介绍以及该空前的In contrast可知,相比之下,男司机更容易“造成(cause) ”严重的事故。

18. D. 由下文中的 it is clear that…and therefore better drivers可知,女司机比男司机“更安全(safer) ”。

19. D. 由上文中的 why a woman's personality makes her a more competent driver以及文中的描述可知,女性的“个性(personality) ”决定了她们是更安士的驾驶员。

20. B. 由下文中的 by the fact that ... pay lower insurance than men可知,女性总体来说事故少这一事实“支撑 (supported) ”了上面这一结论。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第37期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


             We,at the Natural Health Medical Centre (NHMC) , use * only natural methods and natural medicines to help you cope with the pains of iife. As the life expectancy(预期寿命) of the average human being rises,we also recognize the need to pay special attention to our older patients.

             The NHMC is the first all-purpose natural health centre in the country:

             Twenty doctors provide daily swrgeries(门诊) for people to come in and talk about any condition,anything from worries over high salt intake to worrying about the latest flu virus and needing to talk to someone to just know that sojneone is thinking of you.

             The Natural Health Maternity Ward allows the expectant mother to choose any one of a number of natural methods of birth under the supervision of our experienced team of doctors and nurses. We may believe that infant mortality (婴儿死亡率) is a problem of the past but we are still concerned about the number of complications with childbirth and in the first few days after birth. For this reason we also supply a specialized team of supporting staff who will visit mothers daily for a month after birth,watching both the mother and the child.

             The Natural Health Paediatric Wing also pays special attention to children in their first years,that particularly difficult time as the childs immune system strengthens and mothers no longer need to worry about their child's daily colds and rush to the hospital for injections.

             Our new addition is the Natural Heart Wing. Is your blood pressure high or do you have chest pains that frighten you? Do not worry. Our Natural Health Healthy Heart Team are ready to help you through this worrying time. Although we cannot provide heart surgery,make sure you never have to go through that frightening experience.

             Finally,the Natural Health Centre provides a wide variety of other service from massage,shiatsu(指压疗法) and reflexology to a tanning salon that help you hide the effects of premature (提前的) ageing.

             Who said natural health was too limited? Come and visit us and see how wrong they were!

1. The underlined phrase “cope with” in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced by.

   A. accept     B. explore 

   C. overcome   D. recognize

2. What do we know about the NHMC?

   A.It's closed at the weekend.

   B.It doesnt provide heart surgery.

   C. It's in need of more doctors.

   D. It's only open to women and children.

3. We can infer from the text that .

   A. natural health care has been questioned

   B. it's impossible to slow the effects of ageing 

   C. the problem of infant mortality is still hard to solve

   D. the birthrate in the country should be brought under control

4. What is the main purpose of this text?

   A. To stress the importance of good health.

   B. To call on people to care for their health.

   C. To explain what causes people pain in life.

   D. To attract people to the new medical,centre.

5. Who has probably written this text?

   A. An old patient in the NHMC.

   B. A staff member of the NHMC.

   C. A tourist who has gone to the NHMC.

   D. A mother who will give birth in the NHMC.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第—节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                        ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

              It was my birthday. My husband and I spent the day going on some adventures,and 41 to have dinner in th£ Philadelphia,Pennsylvania area. At dinner we were 42 at a table with another gentleman and his eight-year-old son. We shared some 43 conversation through the meal and,afterwards,we parted friendly.

               44 my husband and I were walking through the parking garage I heard someone calling us from the level above. I 45 to see the man and his son standing there waving us down. I went over to where I could look up and see him and he 46“do you have jumper cables (跨接引线) ?”

               As it was 47 to hear him,my husband and I walked up to the second level to speak with him. 48 his car had decided that it didn t want to turn on and after 49  it'we had come to the 50  that the battery (电池) was indeed dead. didn't happen to have cables on us so we asked a few more passers-by,all of whom ignored our small group and simply 51 walking.

               So,we 52 to drive him in our car to the 53 store where we could get cables. He said he didn't want to 54 us,apologizing repeatedly because he knew it was my birthday. I told him that there was no better 55  than helping out another.

               We got into our car and drove to a 56 nearby. After we got the cables,we drove back to the parking garage to 57 the gentleman's car.I helped watch the boy as my husband and his father set to work,quickly bringing his car back to life. We 58 the man's offering of money and waved away his apologies as we were just 59 that he and his son would be able to get home safely and weren’t 60 in a parking garage all night.

41. A. asked   B. promised   A. decided   D. managed 

42. A. booked   B. seated   C. invited   D. ordered

43. A. formal   B. serious   C. private   D. polite

44. A. As   B. Until   C. Though   D. Since

45. A. looked out       B. looked up 

    C. looked forward   D. looked around

46. A. greeted   B. doubted   C. shouted   D. demanded

47. A. difficult   B. possible   C. interesting   D. special

48. A. Simply   B. Obviously   C. Fortunately   D. Especially

49. A. driving   B. opening   C. checking   D. repairing

50. A. conclusion   B. result   C. solution   D. point

51. A. stopped   B. avoided   C. enjoyed   D. kept

52. A. pretended   B. offered   C. hoped   D. struggled

53. A. largest   B. cheapest   C. best   D. closest

54. A. disappoint   B. miss  C. trouble   D. change

55. A. chance   B. way   C. game   D. gift

56. A. restaurant   B. hotel   C. station   D. supermarket

57. A. start   B. park   C. wash   D. build

58. A. earned   B. refused   C. accepted   D. forgot

59. A. sorry   B. afraid   C. surprised   D. happy

60. A. lost   B. involved   C. stuck   D. locked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


             Founded nearly a century ago,the House of Prada is recognized around the world for its simple and eye-catching creations.

             Mario Prada started the Prada label in 1913. He designed and sold luggage,handbags,and shoes in two small stores in Milan,Italy,and had customers across Europe and the US. When the big-name Prada suitcase,made from heavy walrus (海象) skin,proved unsuitable for aif travel,Prada concentrated on designing excellent leather goods and waterproof handbags.

             In 1978,Mario's granddaughter,Miuccia Prada who was clearly fashion-conscious,took over the company. The label was well known as a leather goods manufacturer,but had been struggling financially for several years. It looked like it was going to continue to do so. There was competition from other fashion houses like Gucci,but Miuccia turned the business around and brought the House of Prada into the? world of haute couture (高级时装) .

              Miuccia had been making jet-black waterproof backpacks since 1970,out of a nylon fabric called “Pocone”. She produced the classic Prada handbag which was simple,black nylon,and in 1985 it became a worldwide hit. The bag was functional,practical -and fashionable. The high price tag that accompanied the handbags was bound to encourage other companies to make similar cheaper bags in order to take advantage of the market. This only helped to make the genuine Prada articles more in demand.

              In 1989,Prada hit the fashion shows with its ready-to-wear collection of elegant,simple clothing. The fashion world took notice,and Prada's popularity soared(飞涨) .By the beginning of the 1990s,it was clear that Prada was going to be the leading force in fashion. Luxurious fabrics and simple styles,mostly in basic colours such as black,brown,grey and cream became the typical Prada look.

              In 1992,Miuccia created the more affordable Miu Miu line,aimed at younger buyers,followed by,the Prada Sport label,a line of mens wear and a lingerie(女士内衣) collection.

              Although the Prada look has developed over the years,and Miuccia has introduced many innovations(创新) in fabric and design,the quality of the finished product has never changed.

1. At first,the suitcases Mario Prada made  .

   A. were very heavy

   B. were used for air travel

   C. were of very poor quality

   D. were just popular with Italians

2. When Miuccia Prada took over Prada,the company  .

   A. had been the leading force in fashion

   B. had been faced with fierce competition

   C. had entered the world of haute couture

   D. had been famous for its functional products

3. What influence did the similar cheaper bags have on Prada?

   A. The real Prada products were taken off the market.

   B. More people wanted to get the real Prada products.

   C. The company had to lower the price of its products.

   D. More younger buyers could afford the real Prada products.

4. What is the best title for the text?

   A. Milan: The fashion capital of the world

   B. Miuccia: From Prada to Miu Miu

   C. Pocone: The classic nylon fabric

   D. Prada: From Milan to the world

5. How does the author develop this text?

   A. By using numbers.

   B. By making comparisons.

   C. By telling interesting stories.

   D. By following the order of time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Several of our customers complain of (treat) very rudely.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The novel paints a(n) (生动的) picture of life in the jungle.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[自我归纳]adjust作“  ”讲时,常作及物动词(句1、句2) ;作“(使)适合,适应”讲时,既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,常用于以下结构:adjust oneself to sth.(句3) 或 adjust to sth. / to doing sth.(句4、句5)。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. What will happen to the project when the money                ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. It took him a while to adapt himself his new surroundings.

