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  Memphis is the largest city in the southern state of Tennessee, USA. The Mississippi River flows along the west side of the city. Memphis is the chief center of business, industry and transportation in Tennessee. Six hundred fifty thousand people live in the city. More than one million people live in the area. Like marry other American cities, Memphis has bad racial(种族的) problems. About 48% of the city's population is African American . In 1968 , city workers who collected waste went on strike. Most of the workers were black. The famous civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Junior went to Memphis to support the workers. On April 4th, King was murdered in Memphis by James Earl Ray. After Mr. King's death, the city worked to improve living conditions for black people. In 1991, voters elected W . E . Herenton the city's first black mayor. The same year. Memphis opened the National Civil Rights Museum. It was built next to the place where Martin Luther King was killed. Many people visit the museum w learn about the history of the American civil rifts movement. Today, people from across the United States and around the world visit Memphis. Tourism has become a major industry.

1.There are around ________ African Americana living in Memphis.

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2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

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A.Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis in 1968 by James Earl Ray.

B.W.E. Herenton was elected the first black mayor of the United States in 1991.

C.Memphis opened the Civil Rights Museum in 1991.

D.Martin Lather King was murdered in Memphis.

3.Why do people visit the National Civil Rights Museum?

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A.To see Martin Luther King.

B.To learn about the history of the American civil rights movement.

C.To elect their mayor.

D.To learn about the history of the city.

4.The title for the passage can be “________” .

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A.National Civil Rights Museum

B.A Black Mayor


D.The Fight Against Slavery


  1.A 导解:文中提到孟菲斯人口65万,48%是非裔美国人.

  2.B 导解:文中提到Herenton 1991年当选为Memphis的第一任黑人市长,而不是美国第一个.

  3.B 导解:文中提到人们来博物馆的目的.

  4.C 导解:全文围绕Memphis的人口、历史等进行叙述.


科目:高中英语 来源:2006年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试、英语(全国2) 题型:050


  “Who made your T-shirt?” A Geo etown University student raised that questionPietra Rivoli, a professor of business, wanted to fin the answerA few weeks later, she bought a T-shirt and began to follow its path from Texas cotton form to Chinese factory to charity bin(慈善捐赠箱)The result is an interesting new book, The Tra ’s of a T-shirt in the Global Economy(经济)

  Following a T-shirt around the world in a way to make her point more interesting, but it also frees Rivoli from the usual arguments over gobal tradeShe goes wherever the T-shirt goes, and there are surprises around every cornerIn China, Rivoli shows why a clothing factory, even with its poor conditions, means a step toward a better e for the people who work thereIn the colorful used-clothing markets of Tanzania, she realizes, th “it is only in this final stage of life that the T-shirt will meet a real market,” where the price of a shirt changes by the hour and is different by its size and even colorRivoli’s book is full of mem able people and scenes, like the noise, the bad air and the “muddy-sweet smell(泥土香味)of the cotton”She says, “Here in the factory, Shanghai smells like Shallowater Texas

  Rivoli is at her best when making those sorts of unexpected connectionsShe even finds one between the free traders and those who are against globalizationThe chances opened up by trade are vast, she argues, but free markets need the correcting force of politics to keep them in checkTrue economic progress needs them both


What do we learn about Professor Rivoli?

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She used to work on a cotton farm


She wrote a book about world trade


She wants to give up her teaching job


She wears a T-shirt wherever she goes


By saying T-shirt “meet a real market”, Rivoli means in Tanzania ________

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cheaper T-shirt are needed


used T-shirt are hard to sell


prices of T-shirt rise and fall frequently


prices of T-shirt are usually reasonable


What does the word “them” underlined in the last paragraph refer to?

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Price changes


Unexpected connection


chances opened up by trade


What would be the best title for the text?

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What T-shirt Can Do to Help Cotton Farms


How T-shirt Are Made in Shanghai


How T-shirt Are Sold in Tanzania


What T-shirt Can Teach Us

