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Oh,John.________ you gave us!
  A.How a pleasant surprise                        B.How pleasant surprise
  C.What a pleasant surprise                        D.What pleasant surprise


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Oh, John! _______ you gave us!?

A. How a pleasant surprise?

B. How pleasant surprise?

C. What a pleasant surprise?

D. What pleasant surprise?


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年甘肃省河西五市高三上学期1月第一次联合考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Do you remember John who disliked learning at school?? Have any news about him?

---Oh, John, you? couldn’t imagine he _______ teacher.

A.? turned????????? B. became?????????? C. was??????????? D. turned into



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省沁阳市高三一模考前训练英语试卷(二)(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—What’s that noise, John?

—Oh, don’t you know that the school library      ?

A.is rebuilt          B.is being rebuilt      C.was rebuilt        D.has been rebuilt



科目:高中英语 来源:2011陕西师大附中西工大附中高三第六次适应性训练英语试题 题型:信息匹配


John: Tom, would you please read this letter of application I’ve just written?   6  I really want to get a job.

Tom: It looks fine to me. But I have one suggestion.

John: Good! I’m interested in your advice.

Tom:  7  You should include more information about your work experience.

John: Good idea, Tom. What do you think about the second part?

Tom:  8

John: You are right. I’ll change it. How do you feel about the last part of the letter?

Tom: Very good.  9

John: I agree.  10  Do you think the end is all right?

Tom: Oh, yes, Jack. But personally I believe a business letter should end with “very truly yours”, not “sincerely”.

A.  If you don’t think it’s good, please say so.

B.  I’d better tear up the letter and start over again.

C.  But, unless I miss my guess, you should say something about your family too.

D.  Just make the few changes, I think, it will be perfect.

E.  I appreciate your helping me.

F.  Now that you ask me, I think it’s too short.

G.  If I were you, I’d write about my education first.


