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____1.____The Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio did the study. It was published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. The study found a sixty-three percent increase in the number of people treated for rock climbing injuries in American hospitals.

The study said forty thousand people were treated in emergency rooms. _____2.___ The ankle was the most common body part to be injured.

_____3.______The average age was twenty-six. Fifty-six percent of the injuries were to people twenty to thirty-nine years old. Women made up twenty-nine percent of the injured population. That is more than that in past rock climbing studies.

_____4._____ But many people think it is worth it. John Bachar said rock climbing felt like being on another planet. Dean Fidelman says it is a continual challenge and a beautiful form of movement. And, for Sarah Bowman, she has just started her way up the rocks.

Dean Fidelman said that he believes a climber's ego(自我价值感) can be his worst enemy on a rock. ____5.____

A. Like many other sports, rock climbing can be dangerous.

B. Climbers in the study were from ages two to seventy-four.

C. The most common injuries were broken bones and sprains in legs and feet.

D. They try to move as silently up the wall as they can.

E. A recent study shows a sharp increase in rock climbing injuries between 1990 and 2007.

F. There’s no other sport where you’re really going up and down.

G. He said rock climbing is a high risk sport in which many people overestimate their abilities and underestimate the rock.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江牡丹江一中高一上期中考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Americans eat ________ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twiceB. as twice as many

C. twice as many asD. more than twice as many


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年安徽铜陵一中高二上期中考英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


It is 1. (say) that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave 2. (present) to them.

Today, Father Christmas is 3. imaginary figure, but 4. (near) all young children believe in him. They think he is an 5. (attract) old man with a long white beard 6. a long red robe.

7. the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace 8. (put) presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So children go to bed that night, 9. (hang) up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it's really 10. (they) parents who fill the stockings.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年广东实验中学高二上期中考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 出版地及周期:北京,每周一期;

2. 特色:内容丰富,图文并茂,版面设计新颖;

3. 办报宗旨:帮助同学们获得英语知识和技能,提高英语水平,拓宽视野;

4. 深受同学们的喜欢。

参考词汇:《21世纪英语报》21st Century Teens版面设计 page layout

注意:1. 写作内容不要超出规定区域,否则将视为无效;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年广东实验中学高二上期中考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

– What’s the matter with Della?

– Well, her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party, but she still _________.

A. hopes to B. hopes so

C. hopes not D. hopes for


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西乐安县一中高一下期中英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

According to a recent survey, violence did 1.(existence) in schools. Students showed their fear and parents and teachers also expressed their great concern about it. 2.(obvious), it’s time for the whole society to pay more attention to the mental health of adolescents (青少年).

Nowadays, school violence is 3. hot issue. I think this is a phenomenon (现象) 4.calls for our great concern. We should try every effort to prevent violence from 5.(happen) at school, for more and more students would drop out of school 6. their personal safety could not be ensured. In fact, violence can 7.(learn). Children learn violent behavior from adults or from 8. they see on television or on the Internet.

If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence 9. violence, for it will result in more fighting. I will tell my teachers or parents about it. I think they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me from the bad guys.

All in all, every student 10. behave himself and keep away from violence.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年江西南昌八一中学等五校高二5月联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达









Dear William.

Recently, I have heard that you feel stressed as a to-be student of Senior Three.

Best wishes!


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌二中高一下第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We shouldn’t complain about being poor, because many families are much ______ after the big earthquake.

A. better off B. worse off

C. well off D. badly off


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏南通中学高一上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.

Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.

The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.

The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate(价钱). From then on, they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly(相应地).

With so many loopholes(漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”. But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.

In a society of such high moral practice, what need is there for people to be on guard against others?

1.While taking a taxi in Finland, ________.

A. a passenger can go anywhere without having to pay the driver

B. a passenger can never be turned down by the taxi driver wherever he wants to go

C. a passenger pays two US dollars for a taxi ride

D. a passenger needs to provide good faith demonstration (证明) before leaving without paying

2.We know from the passage that big hotels in Finland ________.

A. provide meals for any diners

B. are mostly poorly managed

C. provide free wine and charge for food

D. provide meal for only those who live in the hotels

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The workers in Finland are paid by the hour.

B. The workers are always honest with their working hours.

C. The bosses in Finland are too busy to check the working hours of their employees.

D. The workers and their bosses will make an agreement in advance about the pay.

4.The word “those” in the last but one paragraph probably refers to ________.

A. people who are worthy of trust

B. people who often have meals in big hotels

C. people who often take taxis

D. people who are dishonest

