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【题目】 Learning should never stop. The same way applies for self-improvement, 1. Here are four reasons why self-improvement is important regardless of your age.

Increase self-awareness

Self-awareness is an ongoing journey. 2, which make you more aware of your personality, thoughts and feelings. So, in order to be on the path of self-improvement, it is important to never lose touch with yourself.

Enhance strengths

Self-improvement lets you identify your personal strengths, from relationships to careers—knowing your strengths is important for every aspect of your life. It gives you a better understanding of what you are seeking and where you are likely to be more excellent. 3. After all, you can only achieve what you want when you know what you want.

Overcome weaknesses

4, you should come to terms with your weaknesses. Don’t be ashamed of them, look at them as areas of improvement. We all have strengths and weaknesses that shape our personality. It is these imperfections that make us humans.


Choosing to work on improving yourself requires you to take your trip out of comfortable areas. It lets you face your fears, try new things, take risks and challenge yourself. There will be times when you will discover a new side of your personality but there will also be times when you will fail.

A.Improve mental health

B.Step out of comfort zone

C.It also helps you set life goals and make them happen

D.When you refuse to improve yourself in your daily life

E.Though identifying strengths is an important aspect of self-improvement

F.As life progresses, you are met with different experiences and challenges

G.That’s to say, self improvement is of great importance no matter how old you are









1下文Here are four reasons why self-improvement is important regardless of your age.(这里有四个为什么不管你年龄多大自我提高都很重要的原因)G. That's to say, self improvement is of great importance no matter how old you are(那就说,无论你多大自我提高都很重要)承接自然,上下文话题一致,importantimportance以及regardless of your ageno matter how old you are是关键词,故选G项。

2下文which make you more aware of your personality, thoughts and feelings.(它会让你了解你的个性、想法和感情)F. As life progresses, you are met with different experiences and challenges(随着生命的进展,你会遇到不同的经历和挑战)承接自然,后文的which就指代前文的different experiences and challenges,故选F项。

3上文It gives you a better understanding of what you are seeking and where you are likely to be more excellent.(它让你更好地理解你在寻找什么,以及你可能更优秀的地方)C. It also helps you set life goals and make them happen(它也会帮助你设定生命目标,并让它们实现)承接自然,上下文是明显的并列关系,且上下文的it都指的是Self-improvement,故选C项。

4根据标题可知,本段讲述克服弱点,E. Though identifying strengths is an important aspect of self-improvement(尽管知道自己的长处是自我提高的重要方面)you should come to terms with your weaknesses.(你应该知道你的弱点)承接自然,上下文结合在一起,符合本段语境,故选E项。

5空格处是段落标题。根据下文Choosing to work on improving yourself requires you to take your trip out of comfortable areas. It lets you face your fears, try new things, take risks and challenge yourself.(选择提高自己要求你要走出舒适区。它让你面对你的恐惧,尝试新的东西,冒险和挑战自己)可知,本段主要讲述走出舒适区。B. Step out of comfort zone(走出舒适区)可以作为本段小标题,故选B项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Internet firms should help deal with the threat of terrorism or face terror tax , the security minister has said. Ben Wallace said such profiteers as Facebook and Google were failing to play their part, forcing the government to spend hundreds of millions to police internet extremism. The minister added, “If they continue to be less than co-operative, we should look at things like tax as a way compensating for their inaction. Because content is not taken down as quickly as they could do, we have to spend millions. WhatsApp, owned by Facebook, was turning the internet into a violent space.”

Mr Wallace did not give more details about a possible terror tax, but it would probably take the form of a windfall tax. The minister also accused internet companies of putting profit before public safety.

Simon Milner, Facebook’s UK policy director, said: “Mr Wallace is wrong to say that we put profit before safety, especially in the fight against terrorism. We’ve invested millions of pounds in people and technology to identify and remove terrorist content.” YouTube, which is owned by Alphabet, Google’s parent company, said: “Violent extremism is a complex problem and addressing it is a critical challenge for us all. We are committed to being part of the solution and we are doing more every day to deal with these issues. “Over the course of 2017 we have made significant progress through investing in machine learning technology, recruiting more reviewers, building partnerships with experts and collaboration with other companies”.

Anthony Glees, an intelligence expert at Buckingham University, told The Times: “What the government is proposing makes excellent theoretical sense when it comes to making us more secure from the appalling things that are broadcast by the service providers.” He added: “But in practice it may not be enough, because we are dealing with Goliaths here and the United Kingdom is increasingly becoming a lone David.”

1What do we know from Ben Wallace’s words?

A.The internet firms have been put on a terror tax.

B.The internet companies only concentrate on profit.

C.The profit of the Internet firms should be cut down.

D.The internet companies are not cooperative enough.

2What did “they” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.internet firmsB.internet extremism

C.violent spacesD.terror taxes

3Anthony Glees thought the government’s behavior was ______.



4What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Profit or Safety?

B.Policing Internet Extremism.

C.Internet Giants Threatened with Tax.

D.Demonstrating the Government’ Determination.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Teenagers are often a difficult group.With all those hormones(荷尔蒙)flooding in their bodiesthey can be moodyunpredictableand tend to make uncertain choices.But however confusing their teenage years arekids can still be generally happydepending on their lifestyle choices.According to a new research by British scientiststeens who don't smokedrink only moderately(适度地) or not at alland who don't eat much junk food are likely to be happier than other teens.

The study looked at 40,000 British families and came up with some interesting findings.For examplekids who never drank alcohol were up to six times more likely to report higher levels of happiness than kids who drank.And teens who smoked were five times less likely to rate high on happiness charts compared to kids who didn't smoke.The same goes for diet and physical activities.The more fruits and vegetables kids eatand the more hours they spend playing sportsthe happier they are.

Nowof course this doesn't mean that not smoking or drinkingand playing sports can guarantee happiness.It could be that kids who have happy character tend to be more active and less addicted to drinking or smoking.And it could equally be the case that kids who are unhappy are more related to drinkingsmoking and eating junk food.

Other studies have shown that exercise is a proven way to treat anxiety and depression. Future studies may support the idea that other healthy behaviorsincluding refraining(克制)from smokingdrinkingand eating too much junk foodcan avoid sadness and increase happinesstoo.

1The author develops the second paragraph mainly by________.

A.making comparisonsB.providing statistics

C.offering examplesD.analyzing causes

2What can we learn from the text

A.Not smoking or drinking guarantees happiness.

B.Teens with flooding hormones cannot be happy.

C.Playing sports can decrease teens' unhappiness.

D.Unhappiness can certainly lead to smoking and drinking.

3Which can be the best title for the text

A.Ways to treat anxiety and depression

B.Exercise and teenagers' health

C.Teenagers shouldn't drink or smoke

D.Teenagers' lifestyle and their happiness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你最近读了一篇主题为"The True Meaning of Happiness"的文章。请给你的英国朋友Jack发一封邮件,与他分享你对快乐的理解,内容包括:







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 词数80左右;


3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







One evening after work, I found a beautiful little fox with a injured leg. She was like a Disney fox. Then I fed her some fish. A couple of week later the fox was back, completely better and had visited ever since. She was comfortably enough to come really near to me. She allowed me to photographing her, the best of which I posted it on social media. Soon after, one day she took her cubs together to visit me, that was really unexpected. It’s amazed to have this connection with something so wild this busy city. But happily the loving fox still keeps turning up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Friendships can be sources of joy and sources of sorrow. There isn’t exactly a rule book on what to do when things get tense or bad.1.

Broken promises

Jan Yager, a specialist in this field often hears from people who’ve been hurt by a friend’s broken promise. Dr. Yager likes to point out we don’t have formal contracts with friends where we’ve agreed to never disappoint each other. Therefore if you bring a fantasy about what the ideal friend will do in any situation to a relationship, 2.

When things feel unbalanced

Maybe you feel like you’re always sharing about your life, but your friend doesn’t open up about hers. It’s common for relationships to experience periods where things are unbalanced. Maybe one friend is going through a breakup and needs extra support. It’s also possible another friend simply has more to discuss at any given time. 3.


It doesn’t feel great when you check Facebook Monday morning to find out that your friends went on a weekend getaway without you. Scott Christnelly, another specialist, says, “I encourage clients to express their feelings about it but also not to jump to conclusions.” Then find someone else to talk to — maybe, a family member, or a close friend (not the one who went on the trip) — to explain how you feel. If you do make conversations, 5.

A.Feeling left out

B.Feeling stressed out

C.you are expecting too much of your friend

D.you are setting yourself up for disappointment

E.you can brainstorm what might have happened and how you will respond

F.In times like these, it’s important that you practice becoming a better listener

G.Here are tips on how to manage the common relationship difficulties from specialists


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 There have been thousands of marine species that have become extinct. Currently there are thousands of fish that are endangered and in great need of protection. The following are some.

The Arcadian Redfish are found in warm waters, such as the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. These fish mature at a late age (5 to 6 years) and have low reproductive rates. However, they can live to be 50 years old, which is relatively remarkable. Young redfish are marked with patches of black and green color. They don’t develop their red color until after they move to the ocean bottom. Now the Arcadian Redfish is endangered due to overfishing. These fish started to decrease in population in the early 1900s because of their increased popularity in the food industry.

The Bluefin tuna is one animal that is high on the endangered species list. This fish has been named one of the wonders of the ocean, because they can grow to be 12 feet long and weigh over 1, 500 pounds! Why are these fish disappearing at alarming rates? Because they are being captured for food, with over 75% consumed in Japanese restaurants often by making a popular sushi.

The European Eel is found in the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea. They have a unique metamorphosis process and they change their forms over a longtime period. According to IUCNRedList.org, the European Eel is one of the threatened species that are not only endangered, but critically endangered.

The whale shark is one of many endangered sharks out there. According to one source, sharks are revered as our last “living” dinosaurs. They are known as the largest fish with the potential to grow over 60 feet long and weigh over 70,000 pounds. The whale shark also has the potential to live to be over 100 years old.

1Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.The Last “Living” DinosaursB.The Endangered Ocean Fish

C.The Most Popular Sea FishD.The Extinct Marine Species

2What can we learn about The Arcadian Redfish?

A.They are found in the Arctic Ocean.

B.They are born to be red.

C.Their survival rate is relatively low.

D.They are slow-growing, long-lived fish.

3What makes the Bluefin tuna one of the wonders of the deep-sea?

A.Huge size.B.Strange color.

C.Sharp sight.D.High intelligence.

4What does the underlined word “metamorphosis” mean?

A.Reduction in population.B.Limitation in sight.

C.Change in form.D.Increase in weight.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What will things be like in the year 2080?

I don’t know, but it was the question________last Tuesday by Brian Solis, a noted futurist from Sweden.


