精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At home. B. On a bus. C. In a car.

2Where do the speakers plan to go?

A. To the downtown area. B. To the village. C. To the third street..

3Why is the woman worried?

A. She doesn’t know how to get to bank.

B. She thinks she will be late for the party.

C. She does not know whom to ask for directions.

4What will the speakers probably do next?

A. Stop and ask the policeman.

B. Go to the bank for help.

C. Turn left at the next block.






【解析】W: Where on earth is it, John? I hope we are going the right way.

M: Emm… Judging by the traffic, I think we are near the heart of the downtown area.

W: Oh, no. we should be heading for the village. Did I make a wrong turn?

M: I’m not sure, but I guess that you turned right when you should have turned left.

W: Well, now the problem is how to get back onto the main highway. It’s too bad that we will be late for the party.

M: Don’t worry. Thre is still enough time. Why don’t we stop and ask someone?

W: OK. Let’s stop along the next block. I think I see a policeman up there in front of the bank.

M: OK.






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping. I would have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insects bites, ill-cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. They had nothing in common with me.
The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer.We sleep in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctor's bill for my son`s food poisoning.
I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another fun-filled holiday in the wilderness.Instead, we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life.
We have done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twenty-eight-foot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a built-in TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains.
It must be true that sooner or later, everyone finds his or her way back to nature. I recommend that you find your way in style.
A. This time there was no tent.
B. Things are going to be improved.
C. The trip they took me on was a rough one.
D. I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.
E. I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping.
F. After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.
G. There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Kathy Fletcher and David Simpson have a son named Santi. He had a friend who sometimes went to school hungry. So Santi invited him to occasionally eat and sleep at his house.
That friend had a friend and that friend had a friend, and now when you go to dinner at Kathy and David's house on Thursday night there might be 15 to 20 teenagers gathering around the table, and later there will be groups of them crashing in the basement or in the few small bedrooms upstairs. The kids who show up at Kathy and David's have suffered the pains of modern poverty: homelessness, hunger, abuse.
And yet by some miracle, hostile soil has produced beautiful flowers. Kids come from around the city. Spicy chicken and black rice are served. Cellphones are banned. The kids who call Kathy and David “Momma” and “Dad,” are polite and clear the dishes. Birthdays and graduations are celebrated. Songs are performed. Each meal we go around the table and everybody has to say something nobody else knows about them. Each meal the kids show their promise to care for one another.
The adults in this community give the kids the chance to present their gifts. “At my first dinner, Edd read a poem that I first thought was from Langston Hughes, but it turned out to be his own. Kesari has a voice that somehow appeared from New Orleans jazz from the 1920s. Madeline and Thalya practice friendship as if it were the highest art form.”
“They give us a gift — complete intolerance of social distance. When I first met Edd, I held out my hand to shake his. He looked at it and said, “We hug here,” and we've been hugging since.”
Bill Milliken, a veteran youth activist, is often asked which programs turn around kids' lives. “I still haven't seen one program change one kid's life,” he says. “What changes people is relationships. Somebody is willing to walk through the shadow of the valley of adolescence with them.” Souls are not saved in bundles. Love is the necessary force.
(1)Why do kids come to Kathy and David's house on Thursdays?
A.To help the homeless at first hand.
B.To experience the feeling of home.
C.To learn about the modern poverty.
D.To plant beautiful flowers in poor soil.
(2)Why isn't the use of cell phones allowed at Thursday dinners?
A.Kids need to tell stories about themselves.
B.Kids are expected to care more for each other.
C.Kids have to do house chores around the home.
D.Kids prepare songs for birthdays and graduations.
(3)What gift did the writer get at a Thursday dinner?
A.The practice of the art form.
B.The pleasure of enjoying jazz.
C.The chance to listen to poems.
D.The zero distance between souls.
(4)What does Bill mean in his words?
A.Love is the power to change a kid's life.
B.Money is needed to start programs for kids.
C.A program can change a group of kid's lives.
D.Kids change their relationships in a program.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What does the man mean?

A. Mary will leave for Beijing soon.

B. Peter will leave Beijing soon.

C. Mary will leave for America soon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Reporter and interviewee. B. Former classmates. C. Husband and wife.

2What does the woman like to do on the weekends?

A. Design things. B. Work on computers. C. Paint.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】澳大利亚风景优美,空气清新, 野生动物多样。假如你是李华,计划在寒假期间与父母前往澳大利亚旅游。请给你的笔友Tom写封e-mail, 询问以下旅游事宜:
2) 特色食品;
4) 推荐一些旅馆和餐馆。
注意:1) 要涵盖所给要点,词数100左右
2) 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
3) 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
Dear Tom,
How is everything going recently?……
Best regards
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was a boy there were no smart phones, and our television only got one channel clearly. Still, I never felt bored. The fields, hills and woodlands around my home were the perfect playground whose adventures were only limited by my imagination. I can remember once hiking to nearby lake and walking slowly around it. At the back of it I was amazed to find an old dirt road that I had never seen before. It was full of muddy tyre tracks and deep woods bordered it on both sides, but exploring it still seemed like a fine adventure.
I walked on and on for what seemed like hours. I was sure my guardian angel was whispering in my ears “turn around and head back home”, but I was stubborn and walked on. There was still neither a car nor a house in sight. I noticed that the sun was starting to go and down I grew scared. I didn't want to end up trapped on this road, and I was worried that it would be dark before I could make my way back to the lake again.
I continued to walk on with something growing inside of me. My heart was pounding and my legs were aching. I was almost in tears when I saw something in the distance. It was a house that I recognized. I jumped up and down and laughed out loud. It was still over a mile away, but my legs felt like feathers and I hurried back to my house in no time. I walked in with a big smile on my face just in time for dinner. Then I ended my adventure with a good night's sleep.
I often thought of that experience recently. Actually, in our life, all roads, no matter how they twist and turn, can lead us home again. They can lead us to hey can lead us to our homes in our hearts. May you always walk your path with love! May you always help your fellow travelers along the way! And may your roads always lead you home again!
(1)Why did the author hardly feel bored when he was young?
A.He could watch TV all day.
B.He could have fun in nature.
C.He had many friends to play with.
D.He used to explore the old dirt road
(2)What does the underlined word “something” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?
(3)How did the author feel when he was exploring the dirt road?
A.He was contradictory in mind.
B.He was unconscious of danger ahead.
C.He was worried to be trapped in the woods.
D.He was afraid of being scolded by his parents.
(4)What may be the best title for the passage?
A.Every Effort Is Worthwhile.
B.All Roads Lead Home.
C.Be Determined in Your Life.
D.Be Brave to Adventure.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

For the majority of fans, the NBA means a series of exciting games(broadcast) on TV, but for some students in China, the world's top basketball league means something closer to real life.
On June 6, NBA China and the Chinese Ministry of Education said that their partnership(take) further to improve fitness and basketball development in elementary, middle and high school across China.
According to China Daily, (begin) in September, the pilot program(试点计划) in 500 schools in 10 provinces will give students basketball traininga basketball curriculum created by the Ministry of Education and the NBA.
NBA China will also host five coaching classes in August(train) PE teachers from 500 schools using the newly-designed basketball curriculum. The teachers will then share their knowledge with students through(week) basketball classes in the new semester.
InNBA China and the Ministry of Education will start a guiding committee madeof basketball experts from China and the US to advise schools on basketball programs.
The two parties will work(close) to run school basketball leagues and(compete) between classes. They will also share training videos and other programs online to develop basketball skills in elementary, middle and high schools.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Which of the following sentences is right?
A.It was not until she took off her dark glasses did I recognize she was a famous film star.
B.Was it in this palace where the last emperor died?
C.Poor as he was he was honest.
D.Had she enough money, she would buy the beautiful dress.

